Iframe Width not working - width

I really could use some help, I have width set to fluid and it is not displaying our website correctly. I am thinking maybe I need to put some coding into the website itself to make the width populate correctly.
Any advise would be appreciated. Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dolly-Couture/121902929539?sk=app_261546067227561

I think "Fluid Canvas" is only for canvas applications, not Page Tab applications.


Need to Remove Horizontal Scrollbar

For some reason I randomly have a horizontal scroll on a website I'm working on. It appears to only be on the home page. I have tried playing with padding and margins on this page and can't seem to fix it. I know I can just use the overflow:hidden css, but I really don't want to have to do this. The site I'm working on is located here:
I would really appreciate any help anyone can give me cuz I think I've just been messing with it for too long and need another set of eyes.
You have a div with .so-image-grid-wrapper with margin, you need to remove that

confusion about chrome extensions iframe dimensions and scrolling

So I really hate the way chrome extension development works so I decided to make a regular webapp and use an iframe in my extension. Everything works fine, except for the dimensions of the website and the scrolling on the extension/site.
When developing the site, I knew I was going to use an iframe so I used percentages when formatting the site, for the most part I used 100% on most divs and textboxes. Anyway, the problem I am facing is that the scroll is extremely wonky on the extension for instance this is a picture of my extension with 400px height:
400x400. Everything looks fine.
and here is my extension with 800px height:
400x800. Scroll appears.
Why is the scroll appearing if I am merely making the extension longer? It doesn't make sense to me.
Any idea why this is happening?
There is a limit on the size of the popup window. I don't know the exact dimensions though.
You cannot increase the size of the document past it, scroll will appear.

Full screen responsive horizontal website

I am trying to find the best method in order to create a horizontal website, full screen and if possible responsive, minimum width to be for tablets. The thing is that I need also the horizontal scrolling with the mousewheel, and I saw that fullPage.js doesn't support that or at least i couldn't manage to make it work on this plugin.
Anyway, I need an idea on building the template, with full screen sections displayed inline - I will be very grateful for any tip. Thanks.
Making horizontally responsive is bit tricky and requires a lot of effort.. There can be many many design approaches for making it responsive. It can't just be described with JSFiddle snippets..
However, I have something for you that will definitely get you started with "Horizontal Responsive Layout designing"..
This is must guide / tutorial for people who want to get started with Horizontal Responsive approach
you could use one of the tools listed in the following links
or you could also mix raw js/jquery with anchor links and add animations when clicked. in taht case you can scroll down using mouse wheel and also have fancy animations when a link is clicked
regarding responsiveness use css media queries

Vertical Menu Not Going All The Way Down

I'm a few months old web designer and I'm having problems trying to make my vertical menu all the way down. Whenever I make my browser window smaller the vertical menu won't stretch until the bottom of the browser window.
P.s: I'm not able to post any images
Please tell me what I need to do to solve this.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
- Stanley

Div with 100% width, how to make it fill area?

I have a 940px wide layout that I turn into a responsive layout once it gets below 940px.
The content I have doesn't respond well. It seems that if there is enough text in some of my divs, the divs span the width of my layout. If there's only a little bit of text, the div will go to the left of the page as per this example:
My question is... without giving divs an actual width, how can I assure thet they'll span the width of the browser no matter how much content they have? As soon as I set an actual width, I get scrollbars on my responsive site and it breaks everything :(
What exactly is the text doing that all of a sudden makes it fill the layout area?
Thank you for any help, and sorry I cannot provide a real world example, surely this is a common issue though.
For that first make
html, body{padding:0; margin:0}
then you can specify
div{left:0; width:100%}
try this, it think this will help :) and reply if not done
