I'm asking this as a new question because people didn't seem to understand my original question.
I can figure out how to find if a word starts with a capital and is followed by 9 letters with the code:
echo "word" | grep -Eo '^[A-Z][[:alpha:]]{8}'
So that's part 1 of what I'm supposed to do. My actual script is supposed to loop through each word in a text file that is given as the first and only argument, then check if any of those words start with a capital and are 9 letters long.
I've tried:
cat textfile | grep -Eo '^[A-Z][[:alpha:]]{8}'
while read p
do echo $p | grep -Eo '^[A-Z][[:alpha:]]{8}'
done < $1
to no avail.
cat randomtext.txt
The loud Brown Cow jumped over the White Moon. November October tesTer Abcdefgh Abcdefgha
so it's correctly outputting all the words in the file randomtext.txt
then why wouldn't
cat randomtext.txt | grep -Eo '^[A-Z][[:alpha:]]{8}'
The problem is in the anchor. Your pattern starts with ^ which matches the beginning of a line, but the word you want to get returned is in the middle of a line. You can replace it with \b to match at a word boundary.
The words are all one after the other, but your grep expression refers to a whole row.
You ought to split the file into words:
sed -e 's/\s*\b\s*/\n/g' < file.txt | grep ...
Or maybe better, since you're only interested in alphanumeric sequences,
sed -e 's/\W\W*/\n/g' < file.txt | grep -E '^[A-Z][[:alpha:]]{8}$'
The $ (end of line) being made necessary because otherwise 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' would match.
(I had modified {8} in {9} because you specified "and is followed by 9 letters", but then I saw you also state "and are 9 letters long")
By the way, if you use {8} and -o, you might be led into thinking a match is there where it isn't. "-o" means "only print the part matching my pattern".
So if you fed "Supercalifragilistic" to "^[A-Z][[:alpha:]]{8}", it would accept it as a match and print "Supercali". This is not what I think you asked.
If you cat the whole line is fed to grep at once. You should split the words before feeding to grep.
You could try:
cat randomtext | awk '{ for(i=1; i <= NF; i++) {print $i } }' | grep -Eo '^[A-Z][a-z]{8}'
You should do this :
$ cat file.txt
The loud Brown Cow jumped over the White Moon. November October tesTer Abcdefgh Abcdefgha
$ printf '%s\n' $(<file.txt) | grep -Eo '^[A-Z][[:alpha:]]{8}$'
If you want to work on the same source line, you need to remove the ^ character (means the beginning of the line) :
grep -Eo '\b[A-Z][[:alpha:]]{8}\b' file.txt
(added \b like choroba explains)
everyone. I have
file 1.log:
text1 value11 text
text text
text2 value12 text
file 2.log:
text1 value21 text
text text
text2 value22 text
I want:
For now I grep values in separated files and paste later in another file, but I think this is not a very elegant solution because I need to read all files more than one time, so I try to use grep for extract all data in a single cat | grep line, but is not the result I expected.
I use:
cat *.log | grep -oP "(?<=text1 ).*?(?= )|(?<=text2 ).*?(?= )" | tr '\n' '; '
cat *.log | grep -oP "(?<=text1 ).*?(?= )|(?<=text2 ).*?(?= )" | xargs
but I get in each case:
value11 value12 value21 value22
Thank you so much.
$ awk -v RS='[[:space:]]+' '$0=="text1" || $0=="text2"{getline; printf "%s%s",sep,$0; sep=";"} ENDFILE{if(sep)print""; sep=""}' *.log
For those who prefer their commands spread over multiple lines:
awk -v RS='[[:space:]]+' '
$0=="text1" || $0=="text2" {
printf "%s%s",sep,$0
}' *.log
How it works
-v RS='[[:space:]]+'
This tells awk to treat any sequence of whitespace (newlines, blanks, tabs, etc) as a record separator.
$0=="text1" || $0=="text2"{getline; printf "%s%s",sep,$0; sep=";"}
This tells awk to look file records that matches either text1 ortext2`. For those records and those records only the commands in curly braces are executed. Those commands are:
getline tells awk to read in the next record.
printf "%s%s",sep,$0 tells awk to print the variable sep followed by the word in the record.
After we print the first match, the command sep=";" is executed which tells awk to set the value of sep to a semicolon.
As we start each file, sep is empty. This means that the first match from any file is printed with no separator preceding it. All subsequent matches from the same file will have a ; to separate them.
ENDFILE{if(sep)print""; sep=""}
After the end of each file is reached, we print a newline if sep is not empty and then we set sep back to an empty string.
Alternative: Printing the second word if the first word ends with a number
In an alternative interpretation of the question (hat tip: David C. Rankin), we want to print the second word on any line for which the first word ends with a number. In that case, try:
$ awk '$1~/[0-9]$/{printf "%s%s",sep,$2; sep=";"} ENDFILE{if(sep)print""; sep=""}' *.log
In the above, $1~/[0-9]$/ selects the lines for which the first word ends with a number and printf "%s%s",sep,$2 prints the second field on that line.
The original command was:
$ cat *.log | grep -oP "(?<=text1 ).*?(?= )|(?<=text2 ).*?(?= )" | tr '\n' '; '
Note that, when using most unix commands, cat is rarely ever needed. In this case, for example, grep accepts a list of files. So, we could easily do without the extra cat process and get the same output:
$ grep -hoP "(?<=text1 ).*?(?= )|(?<=text2 ).*?(?= )" *.log | tr '\n' '; '
I agree with #John1024 and how you approach this problem will really depend on what the actual text is you are looking for. If for instance your lines of concern start with text{1,2,...} and then what you want in the second field can be anything, then his approach is optimal. However, if the values in the first field and vary and what you are really interested in is records where you have valueXX in the second field, then an approach keying off the second field may be what you are looking for.
Taking for example your second field, if the text you are interested in is in the form valueXX (where XX are two or more digits at the end of the field), you can process only those records where your second field matches and then use a simple conditional testing whether FNR == 1 to control the ';' delimiter output and ENDFILE to control the new line similar to:
awk '$2 ~ /^value[0-9][0-9][0-9]*$/ {
printf "%s%s", (FNR == 1) ? "" : ";", $2
print ""
}' file1.log file2.log
Example Use/Output
$ awk '$2 ~ /^value[0-9][0-9][0-9]*$/ {
printf "%s%s", (FNR == 1) ? "" : ";", $2
print ""
}' file1.log file2.log
Look things over and consider your actual input files and then either one of these two approaches should get you there.
If I understood you correctly, you want the values but search for the text[12] ie. to get the word after matching search word, not the matching search word:
$ awk -v s="^text[12]$" ' # set the search regex *
FNR==1 { # in the beginning of each file
b=b (b==""?"":"\n") # terminate current buffer with a newline
for(i=1;i<NF;i++) # iterate all but last word
if($i~s) # if current word matches search pattern
b=b (b~/^$|\n$/?"":";") $(i+1) # add following word to buffer
END { # after searching all files
print b # output buffer
}' *.log
* regex could be for example ^(text1|text2)$, too.
I have a file consisting of multiple rows like this
10|EQU000000001|12345678|3456||EOMCO042|EOMCO042|31DEC2018|16:51:17|31DEC2018|SHOP NO.5,6,7 RUNWAL GRCHEMBUR MHIN|0000000010000.00|6761857316|508998|6011|GL
I have to split and replace the column 11 into 4 different columns using the count of character.
This is the 11th column containing extra spaces also.
This is I have done
ls *.txt *.TXT| while read line
subName="$(cut -d'.' -f1 <<<"$line")"
awk -F"|" '{ "echo -n "$11" | cut -c1-23" | getline ton;
"echo -n "$11" | cut -c24-36" | getline city;
"echo -n "$11" | cut -c37-38" | getline state;
"echo -n "$11" | cut -c39-40" | getline country;
$11=ton"|"city"|"state"|"country; print $0
}' OFS="|" $line > $subName$output
But while doing echo of 11th column, its trimming the extra spaces which leads to mismatch in count of character. Is there any way to echo without trimming spaces ?
Actual output
10|EQU000000001|12345678|3456||EOMCO042|EOMCO042|31DEC2018|16:51:17|31DEC2018|SHOP NO.5,6,7 RUNWAL GR|CHEMBUR MHIN|||0000000010000.00|6761857316|508998|6011|GL
Expected Output
10|EQU000000001|12345678|3456||EOMCO042|EOMCO042|31DEC2018|16:51:17|31DEC2018|SHOP NO.5,6,7 RUNWAL GR|CHEMBUR|MH|IN|0000000010000.00|6761857316|508998|6011|GL
The least annoying way to code this that I've found so far is:
perl -F'\|' -lane '$F[10] = join "|", unpack "a23 A13 a2 a2", $F[10]; print join "|", #F'
It's fairly straightforward:
Iterate over lines of input; split each line on | and put the fields in #F.
For the 11th field ($F[10]), split it into fixed-width subfields using unpack (and trim trailing spaces from the second field (A instead of a)).
Reassemble subfields by joining with |.
Reassemble the whole line by joining with | and printing it.
I haven't benchmarked it in any way, but it's likely much faster than the original code that spawns multiple shell and cut processes per input line because it's all done in one process.
A complete solution would wrap it in a shell loop:
for file in *.txt *.TXT; do
perl -F'\|' -lane '...' "$file" > "$outfile"
Or if you don't need to trim the .txt part (and you don't have too many files to fit on the command line):
perl -i.out -F'\|' -lane '...' *.txt *.TXT
This simply places the output for each input file foo.txt in foo.txt.out.
A pure-bash implementation of all this logic
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nocaseglob extglob
for f in *.txt; do
while IFS='|' read -r -a fields; do
ton=${location:0:23}; ton=${ton%%+([[:space:]])}
city=${location:23:12}; city=${city%%+([[:space:]])}
printf -v out '%s|' "${fields[#]}"
printf '%s\n' "${out:0:$(( ${#out} - 1 ))}"
done <"$f" >"$subName.out"
It's slower (if I did this well, by about a factor of 10) than pure awk would be, but much faster than the awk/shell combination proposed in the question.
Going into the constructs used:
All the ${varname%...} and related constructs are parameter expansion. The specific ${varname%pattern} construct removes the shortest possible match for pattern from the value in varname, or the longest match if % is replaced with %%.
Using extglob enables extended globbing syntax, such as +([[:space:]]), which is equivalent to the regex syntax [[:space:]]+.
I've a file with the below header generated by certain process
Link: <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=2>; rel="next", <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=8>; rel="last"
I want to cut just the number 8 from page=8 in the above content. How to go about it? Appreciate any help.
Try this -
$ cat f
Link: <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=2>; rel="next", <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=8>; rel="last"
$ awk -F'[&=<>]' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i ~ /^page$/) {print $(i+1)}}' f
If it is getting appended then you will get the last value using below awk :
$ awk -F'[&=<>]' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i ~ /^page$/) {kk=$(i+1)}} END{print kk}' ff
Limitation : Currently you have page=2 and page=8 and above command
will print the last page value.
And if you always want to print the 2nd value "8" (Added extra lines to the existing url, considering that it will keep on increasing and you always need the 2nd value then use below) -
$ cat f
Link: <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=2>; rel="next", <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=8>; rel="last"
<https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=8>; rel="last"
$ awk -v k=1 -F'[&=<>]' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if(($i ~ /^page$/) && (k==2) ) {print $(i+1)} k++}' f
Following is an implementation using grep:
grep -Po "&page=[0-9]*" <file_name> | grep -Po "[0-9]*"
echo 'Link: <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=2>; rel="next", <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=8000>; rel="last"' | grep -Po "&page=[0-9]*" | grep -Po "[0-9]*"
This will produces the result as expected.
echo 'Link: <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=2>; rel="next", <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=12345>; rel="last"' | grep -Po "&page=[0-9]*" |grep -Po "[0-9]*"| awk '2 == NR % $ct'
In awk. reverse the text, remove first [0-9]+=egap, output and rev again:
$ rev foo | awk 'sub(/[0-9]+=egap/,"")||1' |rev
Link: <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&page=2>; rel="next", <https://rnd.corp.zoom/api/v3/repositories/99/issues?state=all&per_page=100&>; rel="last"
awk '{gsub(/.*page=/,"page=");sub(/>.*/,"");print}' Input_file
Simply substitute the all line with .*page= to page= which is nothing but will go till last page string(as * is a greedy regex match), so then substitute >.*(means starting from > to till end of line) with NULL, then print the line which will be page=8 or last value of the page. Off course I am considering that your Input_file is same as example shown.
awk -F'[= >]' '{print $12}' file
awk -F= '{split($8,a,">");print a[1]}' file
awk -F= '$8=="8>; rel"{print substr($8,1,1)}' file
The fact that a greedy regex is needed here (only the last occurrence of &page= should be matched) enables a simple sed solution:
sed -E 's/^.*&page=([0-9]+).*$/\1/' file
^.*&page= matches everything up to the last occurrence of &page on the line.
([0-9]+) matches one or more digits, and - thanks to enclosure in (...) stores the match in the 1st (and only) capture group, which the replacement string then reference as \1.
.*$ matches any remaining character on the line.
By virtue of the regex having matched the entire line, \1 therefore results in just the captured number as the output.
The above works with both GNU and BSD/macOS sed and takes advantage of modern extended regular expressions (-E), but in case you need a POSIX-compliant solution (which must use basic regular expressions and is therefore more cumbersome):
sed 's/^.*&page=\([0-9]\{1,\}\).*$/\1/' file
With GNU grep (on Linux, as requested), a single-pass grep -Po solution is also possible; like the sed solution, it relies on greedily matching up to the last &page=:
grep -Po "^.*&page=\K[0-9]+" file
-P activates support for PRCEs (Perl-compatible Regular Expressions).
-o only outputs the matching part of the line.
\K drops everything matched so far, so that what [0-9]+ matches - one or more digits - is the only output.
For example
echo "abc-1234a :" | grep <do-something>
to print only abc-1234a
I think these are closer to what you're getting at, but without knowing what you're really trying to achieve, it's hard to say.
echo "abc-1234a :" | egrep -o '^[^:]+'
... though this will also match lines that have no colon. If you only want lines with colons, and you must use only grep, this might work:
echo "abc-1234a :" | grep : | egrep -o '^[^:]+'
Of course, this only makes sense if your echo "abc-1234a :" is an example that would be replace with possibly multiple lines of input.
The smallest tool you could use is probably cut:
echo "abc-1234a :" | cut -d: -f1
And sed is always available...
echo "abc-1234a :" | sed 's/ *:.*//'
For this last one, if you only want to print lines that include a colon, change it to:
echo "abc-1234a :" | sed -ne 's/ *:.*//p'
Heck, you could even do this in pure bash:
while read line; do
# do stuff with $field
done <<<"abc-1234a :"
For information on the %% bit, you can man bash and search for "Parameter Expansion".
You said:
It's the characters in the first line of input before the colon. The
input could have multiple line though.
The solutions with grep probably aren't your best choice, then, since they'll also print data from subsequent lines that might include colons. Of course, there are many ways to solve this requirement as well. We'll start with sample input:
$ function sample { printf "abc-1234a:foo\nbar baz:\nNarf\n"; }
$ sample
bar baz:
You could use multiple pipes, for example:
$ sample | head -1 | grep -Eo '^[^:]*'
$ sample | head -1 | cut -d: -f1
Or you could use sed to process only the first line:
$ sample | sed -ne '1s/:.*//p'
Or tell sed to exit after printing the first line (which is faster than reading the whole file):
$ sample | sed 's/:.*//;q'
Or do the same thing but only show output if a colon was found (for safety):
$ sample | sed -ne 's/:.*//p;q'
Or have awk do the same thing (as the last 3 examples, respectively):
$ sample | awk '{sub(/:.*/,"")} NR==1'
$ sample | awk 'NR>1{nextfile} {sub(/:.*/,"")} 1'
$ sample | awk 'NR>1{nextfile} sub(/:.*/,"")'
Or in bash, with no pipes at all:
$ read line < <(sample)
$ printf '%s\n' "${line%%:*}"
It is possible to do what you want with only sed.
Here is an example:
# flag -n disables print everyline (default behavior)
sed -n "
1,/$pattern/ {
/$pattern/n # skip line containing pattern
p # print lines ranging from line 1 untill pattern
" $filename
exit 0
This works at least for GNU's sed. It should work for other sed too, except
regarding the comments (some implementations of sed don't support comments).
Source: https://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html
I am able to find the number of times a word occurs in a text file, like in Linux we can use:
cat filename|grep -c tom
My question is, how do I find the count of multiple words like "tom" and "joe" in a text file.
Since you have a couple names, regular expressions is the way to go on this one. At first I thought it was as simple as just a grep count on the regular expression of joe or tom, but fount that this did not account for the scenario where tom and joe are on the same line (or tom and tom for that matter).
tom is really really cool! joe for the win!
tom is actually lame.
$ grep -c '\<\(tom\|joe\)\>' test.txt
As you can see from the test.txt file, 2 is the wrong answer, so we needed to account for names being on the same line.
I then used grep -o to show only the part of a matching line that matches the pattern where it gave the correct pattern matches of tom or joe in the file. I then piped the results into number of lines into wc for the line count.
$ grep -o '\(joe\|tom\)' test.txt|wc -l
3...the correct answer! Hope this helps
Ok, so first split the file into words, then sort and uniq:
tr -cs '[:alnum:]' '\n' < testdata | sort | uniq -c
You use uniq:
sort filename | uniq -c
Use awk:
{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++)
for (i in count)
print count[i], i
This will produce a complete word frequency count for the input.
Pipe tho output to grep to get the desired fields
awk -f w.awk input | grep -E 'tom|joe'
BTW, you do not need cat in your example, most programs that acts as filters can take the filename as an parameter; hence it's better to use
grep -c tom filename
if not, there is a strong possibility that people will start throwing Useless Use of Cat Award at you ;-)
The sample you gave does not search for words "tom". It will count "atom" and "bottom" and many more.
Grep searches for regular expressions. Regular expression that matches word "tom" or "joe" is
You could do regexp,
cat filename |tr ' ' '\n' |grep -c -e "\(joe\|tom\)"
Here is one:
cat txt | tr -s '[:punct:][:space:][:blank:]'| tr '[:punct:][:space:][:blank:]' '\n\n\n' | tr -s '\n' | sort | uniq -c
A shell script solution:
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo "Usage: $0 <pattern to search> <file_name>"
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$file_name" ]
echo "file \"$file_name\" does not exist, or is not a regular file"
exit 2
# line_no_list contains loc k the line number loc k+1 the number
# of times the string occur at that line
while read line
while [[ "$line" == *$string* ]]
# remove the pattern "$string" with a null" and recheck
# if we have entered the while loop then increment the
# line index to access the next array pos in the next
# iteration
if (( flag == 1 ))
done < "$file_name"
echo -e "\nThe string \"$string\" occurs \"$total_occurance\" times"
echo -e "The string \"$string\" occurs in \"$((line_no_indx/2))\" lines"
echo "[Occurence # : Line Number : Nos of Occurance in this line]: "
for ((i=0; i<line_no_indx; i=i+2))
echo "$((i/2+1)) : ${line_no_list[i]} : ${line_no_list[i+1]} "
I completely forgot about grep -f:
cat filename | grep -fc names
AWK solution:
Assuming the names are in a file called names:
cat filename | awk 'NR==FNR {h[NR] = $1;ct[i] = 0; cnt=NR} NR !=FNR {for(i=1;i<=cnt;++i) if(match($0,h[i])!=0) ++ct[i] } END {for(i in h) print h[i], ct[i]}' names -
Note that your original grep doesn't search for words. e.g.
$ echo tomorrow | grep -c tom
You need grep -w
gawk -vRS='[^[:alpha:]]+' '{print}' | grep -c '^(tom|joe|bob|sue)$'
The gawk program sets the record separator to anything non-alphabetic, so every word will end up on a separate line. Then grep counts lines that match one of the words you want exactly.
We use gawk because the POSIX awk doesn't allow regex record separator.
For brevity, you can replace '{print}' with 1 - either way, it's an Awk program that simply prints out all input records ("is 1 true? it is? then do the default action, which is {print}.")
To find all hits in all lines
echo "tom is really really cool! joe for the win!
tom is actually lame." | akw '{i+=gsub(/tom|joe/,"")} END {print i}'
This will count "tomtom" as 2 hits.