Azure VM :: Billing report - azure

I am planning to use the virtual machine (preview) feature of windows azure, initially with about 10 virtual machines.
I wonder if the reports of use (for billing purpose) of the windows azure are detailed in relation to the resources used BY EACH of the virtual machines, or if the resources consumed are presented consolidated by type.
My goal is to get the cost of EACH virtual machine (procs allocated bandwidth usage + + storage usage).
That would be possible?

I use the "Download usage details (CSV)" option under account. It will give you an excel sheet that you can format further.


Azure Advisor - Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Out of the box, Azure Advisor includes Cost recommendations for the resource type of Virtual Machines, based on resource utilization.
If I look at them under our subscription they have the following information:
Is there any way to get similar advisory for the Virtual Machine Scale Set resource type? Is there any included out of the box?
Or if I want to get average resource consumption, of let's say CPU percentage of all or individual Virtual Machine instances inside of a Virtual Machine Scale set, to be able to aid in the decision if the SKU of the Virtual Machine Scale Set is appropriate, I need to make a query for this inside of Monitor Logs or similar?
Could one create their own custom made advisories (inside of Azure Advisor, if not - anywhere else?), to get this functionaltiy in place (if it isn't already provided)?
Is there any way to get similar advisory for the Virtual Machine Scale Set resource type? Is there any included out of the box?
As per the Azure Advisor documentation, Advisor provides recommendations for the following resource types:
Application Gateway, App Services, availability sets, Azure Cache, Azure Data Factory, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for MariaDB, Azure ExpressRoute, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure public IP addresses, Azure Synapse Analytics, SQL servers, storage accounts, Traffic Manager profiles, and Virtual machines.
Although Azure Advisor also includes your recommendations from Azure Security Center which may include recommendations for additional resource types, this list does not cover cost recommendations for VMSS as of today, AFAIK.
I need to make a query for this inside of Monitor Logs or similar?
To monitor your Virtual machine Scale sets, you can leverage Azure Monitor. The performance views in the VM Insights feature are powered using log analytics queries, offering “Top N”, aggregate, and list views to quickly find outliers or issues in your scale set based on guest level metrics for CPU, available memory, bytes sent and received, and logical disk space used.
You can also deploy the Azure Monitor Application Insights Agent on Azure virtual machine scale sets to enable monitoring for your .NET or Java based web applications and get all the benefits of using Application Insights without modifying your code.
Could one create their own custom made advisories (inside of Azure Advisor, if not - anywhere else?), to get this functionaltiy in place (if it isn't already provided)?
Nope, that is not doable as of today. Azure Advisor is a managed offering that analyzes your resource configuration and usage telemetry and then recommends solutions that can help you optimize your Azure resources. Feel free to share your feedback and ideas here for the Advisor team to evaluate and prioritize.

Azure - VM Generalize

I write this question because I found only partial informations about my scenario.
In Azure to clone a VM, I need to deallocate and generalize, after I can create a lot of copy as many I would. The details that I didn't find are:
the VM generalized "cost" me in term of CORE ? After azure vm generalize , If I run azure vm list-usage the number of cores used decreased or not ?
if I generalize a VM with all users / groups / services configured (Apache, DB, etc.) in the same disk of VM, after generalize -> clone, I will find again this configurations in new cloned VMs ?
what are the parameters that I can change after generalization, ex. Availability Set, Network Security Group, Nic associated, etc. ?
the VM generalized "cost" me in term of CORE ? If I run azure vm list-usage the number of cores used decreased or not ?
Yes, it costs you in the term of CORE. However, you don't need pay for the VM. You only need pay for the OS and date VHDs storage account. When you use vm list-usage, you will find the core CurrentValue does not change. When you delete the VM, the cores will be released.
I will find again this configurations in new cloned VMs
Yes, you could. Sysprep removes all your personal account information, among other things, and prepares the machine to be used as an image. More information please refer to this link. For a Linux VM, please refer to this link.
what are the parameters that I can change after generalization, ex.
Availability Set, Network Security Group, Nic associated, etc. ?
You could use the generalized VHD image to create any VMs. All of them you could associate to the new VM. More information about how to create a VM from a generalized VHD image please refer to this link.
VM's are billed according to their capacity, not on the basis of whether they are generalized or not, a vm and a vm created from generalized vm would cost the same (granted they are the same "size").
this question has nothing to do with azure, it's just a syprep. Azure adds nothing to this process.
Anything you would expect when creating a new VM.
you need to understand the basic concepts behind virtualization to understand what is going on there.

attaching more than two virtual disks to a virtual machine in Azure

I'm installing OSISoft on a single windows 2008 VM in Azure and part of the instructions recommends having 4 drives for each application. However Azure will only allow 2 disks be attached to a VM. What alternatives do I have?
You need to use data disks and choose the different VM size - the VM size determines the amount of data disks that can be connected.

how to create windows virtual machine with 16gb ram

I am totally new to cloud services, and using Windows Azure, I need a web server and a database server, each with 16gb of RAM. However, the extra large windows virtual machines only have 14gb of RAM. How would I go about adding 2gb of RAM to each of these servers, or do I need to do something else, such as incorporate a SQL database? I don't need to know the specifics of installation, all I need to know right now is what needs to be paid for, as I am just trying to figure out the price for everything. Thank you.
The Extra Large (XL) VM size provides 14GB available RAM. This applies to both Virtual Machines (IaaS) and web/worker roles (PaaS). There are no other VM sizes that provide more RAM than that. There's nothing you can do to add 2 extra GB.
UPDATE April 16, 2013: There are now two new sizes: 28GB/4-core and 56GB-8-core, available to Virtual Machines (not for Cloud Services e.g. web & worker roles). Announcement here. There's also a new SharePoint template in the Virtual Machine image gallery (since you mentioned using SharePoint) as well as a SQL Server template.
UPDATE APRIL 30, 2013: The new 28GB/56GB sizes are now available with Cloud Services, coincident with the release of Azure SDK 2.0 for .NET. Details here.
Just to add a bit, regarding web servers: Unlike on-premises servers where it's typically economical to buy the largest machine possible, it's better in Windows Azure to go with smaller VMs and have more of them. So, for a web server, go with the smallest VM size that would still run your software. Then, to handle additional traffic, scale to more web instances. As traffic ebbs, reduce the instance count. Load will be distributed amongst all of of the web servers (which are stateless - no user affinity to a specific instance).

Migration from server hosting in a DC to Azure

I run my own uk based hosting and web design company.
We have about 10 physical servers in a DC in the UK and host about 300 or so web sites, email servers and web applications. They are all on a windows server platform with a few linux VM's.
I now have a Windows Azure account, I have set up a medium windows 2008 server within my azure account and want to start using it to maybe host and migrate some of my web sites and services onto my azure account and new server. With the view that maybe I could move ALL my services over and get rid of the need for any of my physical servers in the DC.
My question that I am still really struggling with how much this will really cost me on an ongoing basis.
The billing area, doesnt really tell me much as it simply shows my bill as £0.00. It shows my usage but I am really struggling to compare the resources I am currently using compared to how its billed in azure? It doesnt even show me what it would have cost me if I werent ona trial.
I dont want to move web hosted sites over if its going to cost me more than hosting in my current DC.
I was thinking of moving many sites onto the new server i have set up as its a better spec than a few of my current servers, so would see a big benefit, I even considered setting up a much larger Server in my Azure account but again unsure as to the real cost of that box its hard to compare.
Do I simply need to look at the calculator and select the number of servers i wil deploy, select how much storage I need and bandwidth? Or do I need to look at the items in the billing area as well - such as:
Compute units,Storage Transactions,Data Transfer Out,Data Transfer In
When I set up the server it didnt ask me for how much storage I wanted it just set it up with about 150GB avaialble in the actual server.
Any advice as I really see this as something i want to use over the next 12 months, but not if once i have finally migrated stuff its going to cost me more than my normal hosting and i have to move stuff all back at the end of the 12 months.
Because you're using Windows Azure Virtual Machines, you should first use the virtual machine pricing calculator. This calculator only displays the costs that are relevant for your scenario except for the storage transaction cost. Here is a breakdown of the costs you'll have to consider:
Virtual Machines
The Virtual Machine cost appears on the bill as compute units. Throughout the Windows Azure Virtual Machine preview, the cost per core per hour is $0.08. Once VMs reach general availability, the cost will be $0.115 per core per hour for Windows VMs and $0.085 for Linux VMs. Using the calculator, you can see that a medium instance uses two cores and will therefore be billed at $0.16 per hour during the preview period. You will have to use your best judgement to determine how many virtual machines you'll need and how large they should be.
You will have to pay for the data actually used within your VHDs. Let's assume you have one virtual machine with one VHD attached. If the size of the VHD 200GB, but only 100GB is used, you will have to pay for 100GB per month.
Microsoft now only charges for egress data transfers (data going out of the data center). With this pricing change, the Data Transfer In section of the billing area will always be 0.00. Hopefully, you already have a good idea about your current outbound data usage. If so, you can calculate your bandwidth cost by simply moving the bandwidth slider to the correct spot.
Storage Transactions
If you scroll down to the Transactions section of this blog post, you'll see how storage transactions are counted. Basically, you count one transaction per write operation and possibly one transaction per read operation depending if the data is cached or not. The cost of storage transactions are negligible because you only have to pay one cent per 100,000 transactions. That's why storage transactions are left out of the calculator.
To answer such question in an input box has limitation to express in details. The cost calculator is there to give you an estimate of upper limit about what the cost will be if your usage are under selected limit. Based on my personal experiences if you choose higher limits of usage and keep the usages within your forecast limits, there will be no hidden charges. But the reality could be far different because you may not estimate the usages correctly at first and this could change the cost later.
For moving a traditional web hosting solution to Windows Azure, latest release of Windows Azure Virtual Machine is best fit as this requires minimum migration complexity. So the VM size you will choose will have fixed resources (compute, local storage, network bandwidth, disk I/O etc) and the cost will be fixed as long as you are under limit so there will not be unseen charges.
Windows Azure Storage is pay as you go (ranges ~$0.012/GB depend on usage limit) and there is no limit. When moving from traditions web hosting to Cloud environment, due to application architecture design, I have seen less Cloud storage usage and more VM storage so it may not cost a lot.
The place you will see cost variation is data egress/ingress and it is difficult to forecast as it is all depend on application usage, so this is something you will have to account as variable cost.
You can also contact Windows Azure Virtual Machine Forum where dedicated Windows Azure Virtual Machine resources are available to answer your such questions.
Finally One thing I would also add that Windows Azure Virtual Machines are still in preview mode so it would be best to bring some of your business to Windows Azure VM as trial and testing purpose because now matter what you think you may encounter problems (because it is preview release) and this could case service disruption.
