NodeJS actually using OAuth (Twitter) - node.js

I am using node (8.14.0) and want to access the Twitter REST API v1.1.
I tried node-oauth so far and simple https, but none of them worked further then "login with twitter".
I don't just want to authenticate user's (aka sign in with twitter), I want to perform actions on the API with their access.
My problem is, I have not found a single example for node describing the actual process of retrieving the needed access/request tokens from the user and performing the API call with them.
All node-oauth examples "assume that you already have access token and access whatever". Well I do not have them, and I do not know how to get them, since I find no concrete example or documentation. Only a reference to a reference.

As I know the oauth libraries are to authenticate or authorize.
While the authentication you get back the accestoken and refreshtoken from the platform.
This tokens you have to save in your session or database.
After that you can use it in combination with other libraries.
I suggest to have a look at passport or everyauth for user authentication. They both support oauth.
in addition:
Google has a pretty good documentation about OAuth in general. I think this schema can be applied to other platforms too.


RESTful API with Users and Authentication via Google OAuth2?

I'm kinda new to backend development and wanted to start by creating a small API with authentication and authorization that could function as an API for a blog for different frontend implementations.
I set up an API with ExpressJS and MongoDB and created a working API so I can post blog-posts, retreive all or single blog posts, etc.
Now I wanted to add Authentication and instead of using JWT or something, I thought, it could be cool to have my users sign in via their Google-Account to post/delete blog posts, etc. Does that even make sense? I hope it does because in my head it should not differ too much from using JWT for example.
I added passport.js and it's google-oauth2 strategy.
I'm already able to create users by signing in via google, but my problem lies in the way to authenticate correctly for login and subsequent API requests.
Would I use the access- and refresh-token that I receive back from google for that? At least thats what I first thought of.
But how would that work? And next up: What if I wanted to add another way to authenticate? For example JWT or maybe Facebook-OAuth? Wouldn't that cause some issues when trying to protect my API routes because I would have different ways of authenticating (and what kind of middleware would I use then for my routes?)
I hope I made my problem clear :)

ReST API: Should I associate the access token with a user in my database

I am building a secure ReST API on a nodeJS server so that my Android application can access the data on my site. Based on reading some other posts, I've come to understand that I should use an access token. So my idea is to do the following:
1) When the user logs in on the Android app, the app sends a request to /api/login on my site, providing the username and password (this of course needs to happen over SSL to guard against eavesdropping).
2) My server validates that the username + password match, and, if so, responds with an access token.
3) The app uses this access token to make all subsequent requests to my API.
My question is should I store the access token in the database on my server? Specifically, should I store the fact that the access token is associated with that particular user? Most tutorials I looked at did not do this, but if I don't, then what is to stop a user with this access token modifying or viewing the data of another user? Don't I need to pair an access token with a user in my database?
try using this library, i did the same type of project and this life saver was my solution.
If you need to build a secure API the things are little more complicated. You need to sign the access token with a private keystore.
Would it be a option to use a authentication service like Auth0? They are generating a JWT token for you and you only need to validate this token. The API is completely stateless. You can find a lib for almost any programming language on their website.
What you want to do is exactly HTTP Sessions do.
So, I think you can just use HTTP Session functionality It's already implemented in WAS frameworks like Django, Spring etc. If NodeJS provide session functionality, Just use session functionality in the framework. If not, look up the HTTP Session library. Maybe you can find many library that treat session implementation.

Consume google contacts api using hapi.js and bell login with offline access

I'm working on a project to connect Google Apps (Contacts, Gmail, etc.) to our own private software.
I'd like to use Hapi.js in order to achieve this, but since I have no expertise in the matter (OAuth, Google, etc) I found it to be quite challenging.
I wonder if it's posible to use Hapijs and Bell to handle the "ask permission" flow, and once authorized save the credentials to long-term uses.
Also, is it possible to use Bell to handle token refresh and consume api? (like requesting
In the documentation for Bell, there's an example for twitter, basically you need to change the provider to Google:
When you request access, you can add the parameter access_type with a value of offline. The server will response also with a refresh token that you can use in further requests to the API's without asking for the user credentials again.
You won't be able to store the actual user's credentials since it wouldn't be secure.
You can use the Google OAuth playground to learn more about the authentication process, here is the link
Here you can find more information and examples of using node.js and the Google API's

Authentication strategy for REST API and mobile app

I'm creating a REST API server with Node.js and Express + MongoDB.
This API will have different mobile clients (iOS, Android) and possibly a web app later on.
I need users to login in order to perform some API requests. There are no 3rd party apps I want to connect with (no Facebook, Google etc). I also don't want to force the users to visit a webpage or anything like that in order for them to login.
From what I've seen on my many searches on SO, the best approach would be to let users login with full credentials once, send them a token in return, and use that token to verify future requests until it expires.
However, I'm not sure how to implement this.
I'm very confused with all of the different strategies. Is this done with basic authentication over HTTPS, with OAuth, OAuth 2.0, ... ? I just don't know what to use.
Also, I really don't want to reinvent the wheel here, not because I'm lazy, but mainly because of security concerns. Is there a library I could use to implement this? I've heard of Passport, but I couldn't understand if this is doable or not. This sounds like such a generic thing I'm sure there's a simple solution out there.
Now you can use Passport.js with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) with Passport-JWT. It's pretty easy to use.
Once a user is logged in, you send a token to the user. The token contains data about the user, like an id (encoded, of course). On the subsequent requests (at least where authentication is required) you make sure, that the client sends the token. On the server, you can see who sent the request (and e.g. check the user's authorization), just by looking at the token. For more info on how JWT work check this out.
There are different ways to send the token. Just have a look at the docs and it'll be clear. If not, this also helped me.
I feel you need to setup a Token Based Authentication process in your server, so you can make requests from different types of clients (Android, iOS, Web, etc.). Unfortunately, Passport documentation (and Passport-based tutorials) seems to be aimed for "web applications" only, so I do not think you should be using it for those purposes.
I did something similar following this great tutorial:
The client part in this tutorial is based on AngularJS, but can easily apply the same principles in a mobile client (it is just a matter of making HTTP requests including a token retrieved when you post in "/signin" or "/authenticate").
Good luck!
There is an example of RESTful service with oauth2 authentication: I hope it will help.

OAuth 2.0 authentication for own mobile client

I am developing an app using node.js which will also have an mobile client. I am looking to make the authentication using OAuth 2.0. Is there any good module which allows me to have OAuth 2.0 authentication server?
I looked at a subsidiary module of Passport "OAuth2orize". I found it quite good enough, but the real problem was understanding how it will work for my own app (the example and docs specify about third party authorisation).
Basically what I want is that the client logs in with client id, user's username, user's password and there by I hand him a token after verifying the above 3 things. But the problem with Oauth2orize is that there there are redirect URI and all which is confusing me a lot.
Please help me know as to how can i achieve this using Oauth2rize or any other really good module. Or If its easy enough I can also roll my own, but will that be a good idea regarding security ??
What you are looking for is the Resource Owner Password Credentials flow. As you've seen, the examples for oauth2 do not include functionality that supports this flow. In fact the examples only cover the Authorization Code flow.
It should end up being fairly easy to implement. All you need to do is accept a request that contains the information you are looking for (and authorize it) and create a token in your token database and return it. As long as you use the same token database that the rest of oauth2orize is using, it should work just fine. See: Passing Trusted Client Information with oAuth2orize for the "Resource Owner Password Flow" where that is exactly what is suggested.
The all-grants example of oauth2orize supports the Implicit flow as well as Authorization Code flow.
