How to modify text value in Bat file using Nsis script - nsis

I have builded Nsis script successfully.I have bat file in my project.Inside bat file i have two variables with default values as follows
JVM_DLL=c:\program Files\java\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
If the user wants to modify the value for JVM_DLL and Home_path that should be written in batch file.How to do this? I donot know how to write in batch file using Nsis script?
I have tried following codes.but its not working
StrCpy $JVM_DLL "jre\bin\client\jvm.dll"
${ConfigWrite} "$INSTDIR\resource\batch.bat" "JVM_DLL" "=$JVM_DLL" $R0
${ConfigWrite} "$INSTDIR\resource\batch.bat" "HOME_PATH" "=$INSTDIR" $R0

If you have defined the 2 values in the .bat file that is also launching makensis.exe, use the /D command line switch to define those values for the nsis script.
In your example, given your 2 .bat variables:
makensis.exe /DJVM_DLL=%JVM_DLL% /DHome_path=%Home_path% yourscript.nsi


NSIS - How to install multiple files with similar folder structures using a single command?

I have multiple files in very similarly structured folders that I want to install in one common folder.
I can do this by manually specifying each file I want to add, like so:
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Final\Destination"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder1\Same\Path\For\All\Thing1.ext"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder2\Same\Path\For\All\Thing2.ext"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder3\Same\Path\For\All\Thing3.ext"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder4\Same\Path\For\All\Thing4.ext"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\Folder5\Same\Path\For\All\Thing5.ext"
However, there are 50+ of these files, and they are likely to change, so I'd prefer to do this in a way that won't require editing the NSIS in the future.
What I have Tried
I tried putting in wildcards, like so:
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Final\Destination"
File /r ".\ParentFolder\*\Same\Path\For\All\*.ext"
However, I get the message
File: ".\ParentFolder\*\Same\Path\For\All\*.ext" -> no files found.
Is there something wrong with using multiple wildcards * in my File query?
What would be the correct way to query multiple files in different folders?
You can't put wildcards anywhere, only in the filename unfortunately.
What you can do however is to use !system to execute a batch file (or any other command or application) that writes NSIS instructions to a file you can !include:
SetOutPath $InstDir
!tempfile folders ; temporary .nsh
!system 'for /D %A in (.\ParentFolder\*) do #>>"${folders}" echo File /r "%~A\Same\Path\For\All\*.ext"'
!include "${folders}"
!delfile "${folders}"

Where can I add command line in the NSIS script

I would add some command line to customize my NSIS intaller. I already read some topics, I know I must use ${GetParameters} and ${GetOptions}. But the NSIS script is very long do I put him somewhere in the OnInit function or in a section at the beginning of the script ?
I want, for example, to add an --quiet command line which display all the pages except the license( something which seems to /S), I want to try something like that:
Var DisplayAllPages
Var DisplayLicense
${GetParameters} "quiet"
${GetOptions} "quiet" "--quiet"=DisplayLicense
But I don't Know where can I write
You can use ${GetParameters} and ${GetOptions} in any function and/or section.
Only .onInit and sections are executed when the installer is started with /S so if you wish to turn silent mode off you need to put the code in .onInit.
If you are storing the result in a global variable then .onInit is also a good place to call them so that the information is available to the rest of the installer.

NSIS: Reading from a file at compile time

I want to read some values from a file (config.json) into some variables when I compile my nsis script.
How can I possibly do that?
Thanks in advance.
The !include command can include any file (at compile time) at the point where it is placed in the nsis script. But the included file must be compliant with the nsis syntax (e.g. it should !define some values).
The !execute command could help you: if you need absolutely to process a json file you could code a third-party batch command file to pre-process the json file and translate it into a suitable nsis file.
You can use !define to pass some value which can be used in compile time. For example lets imagine that you have got this code in you nsis source file:
!define PATHTOFILE "C:\thisfilewillbedeleted.ext"
If you want to change this walue on compile time you can call nsis in this way:
makensis /DPATHTOFILE="C:\otherfiletodelete.ext"
If you got *.json file which is generated using external tool and you must use this kind of file I will suggest you to use some building system, for example ant. You can create build.xml which read, parse data from json file and then write those data to *.nsh file. I think it will be better and cleaner than do it all in nsis script.
If you just need to parse your json file on runtime, you can use !define with the /file option:
!define /file OPTIONS json.txt
It will define OPTIONS with the content of json.txt.
If you want to utilize your json file in compile time to alter the generated exe, then you need some kind of precompiler, which is what you're actually doing.
You may use the !searchparse command with the /file switch.
Example :
# search filename.cpp for a line '#define APP_VERSION "2.5"' and set ${VER_MAJOR} to 2, ${VER_MINOR} to 5.
!searchparse /file filename.cpp `#define APP_VERSION "` VER_MAJOR `.` VER_MINOR `"`

Exec not working in NSIS installer

I am new to NSIS i am trying to execute an executable while installation similar to pre request. I tried the below code which copies the exe to the installation path but it is not executing it.
Section "example" example
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File "setup.exe"
Exec "$INSTDIR\setup.exe"
The answer from Seki is mostly correct, I'd just like to add that the correct syntax for Exec/ExecWait is always Exec '"c:\path\app.exe" param1 "par am2" param3'
Parameters are of course optional but the path to the app should always be quoted, not just because in your case where $INSTDIR could contain spaces but at least on Win9x it will fail no matter what if you don't quote (According to the NSIS manual)
If the spaces/lack of quotes is not the issue then there are a couple of other things you might want to look into:
$OUTDIR is the working directory for the new process (SetOutPath sets this)
Missing dll's etc (Check with Process Monitor)
Do the $INSTDIR variable maps to a directory whose name contains spaces? If so, you should add simple quotes to include the double quotes into the Execargument :
Exec '"$INSTDIR\setup.exe"'

Accessing command line arguments in NSIS

I am trying to make my setups scripts modular. I am calling setup exe's from within main setup script based to the requirements. I want to pass command line arguments to the exe being called. Can someone please tell me how to access the command line arguments in the script being called.
Thanks in advance.
you can use GetOptions function (FileFunc.nsh must be included above). Following example shows p parameter reading; its value is saved into the variable. $CMDLINE is your command line (absolute or relative, as you called) containing also your parameters.
!include FileFunc.nsh
Var variable
${GetOptions} $CMDLINE "/p" $variable
Try to get options from Command line by their name:
