Enable touches in scrollview - ios4

First I am setting color to the background and then I am adding my image to the scrollview. Now I can able to zoom the image and then scroll. But my problem is, i want to erase the image by moving the cursor. so that my background color can be visible. Here, I am writing the code to erase the image in touch move. But the touches on scrollview is not working.
Is there any alternate method to erase my image by moving the cursor. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Have a nice day.....


Splash Screen Shared Element Transition On Bigger Screens

I want to make a splash screen that appears when i open the app and disappears after 3 seconds, with the image being shared with the next activity.
On smaller screens(for example Pixel 2) the animation works without problems, but when i try it on my OnePlus 6 or Pixel 3 XL, the image always clips to like 50dp below it's position right before the transition.
What could be the problem?
For anyone having the same problem.
The issue was that i was setting a color on the splash screen's frame background. If i didn't set any color, it would work fine.
I found a way around it by adding a view that expanded the whole screen and setting the color to the view instead.
I hope this will help someone eventually.

Changing only some path/group fills in a background image using svg-sprites

I'm using svg as a background image (logo) in a WP menu plugin and i want it to change a color (fill) when hovered. As it's a free version of the plugin i can't use image, object etc - i have to use my svg as a background image. I've to support IE (9+) so masks/filters are out of question and i'm pretty much left with svg-sprites. That's okey, i know how to do it (using use/xlink:href).
But now comes a tricky part. I want my svg to change only fills of some groups/paths while hovered leaving others untouched. I can only change colors of all paths/groups together in a background image with svg-sprites afaik. Is there a way to do it? Thank you in advance!

How to fade a part of an object or image in corona sdk when move it?

I have a question in corona sdk. I need to fade top part of an object (like 60px of 250px) when moving the object to top before it goes out of the screen.
In another word, I need to set a display area for an image or object which its height is more than screen height. Like a top padding space which image will be faded when moving out of the display area (not the screen area)
Any tutorial or suggestion?
Sounds like image masks are exactly what you need.
In your case you would need to set the mask when moving the object to top, unset it when it comes back.
You can check the documentation for masks here:

Round Rect Button behavior when using a flipview controller

I am using some round rect buttons with own images for their states. Each time am displaying a different view for some stuff, the buttons become white and my images are fading in briefly later.
The problem occurs only with the UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve animation.
The other 3, UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical, UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal and UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl, don't show this effect.
The effect would be ok, ok if the starting color would be black. I didn't find any way to change that color in IB. Where does it come from? Any idea?
Tried to set the background over the inherited properties of UIImage, but he simply ignored it. Switching the Round rect button to a custom one solved it. Leaves the question what to do if I want a round rect. A black background image didn't help. He seems to use the background color to fade.

How to implement a layout like the new layout of google images?

When the width of the brower is changed, the image's width or height is also changed dynamically, anyone knows how to do it?
And I found the image's max height of each rows is not the same.
Thank you very much.
I am sure Google's image application is a little more complicated than can be written in a single post, but you could mimic some of the effect with some clever use of jQuery. Here's a quick tutorial on a resizeable image grid using a slider -
Image resize tutorial
You would need to change the trigger from a slider to the resize event, but this has the basics you need.
