Copy file over conditionally - nsis

I am trying to do the following in my NSIS script. I do not know NSIS, and I was just handed down a task to tweak something. The idea: if this is window8 take some .exe files from a different location to deploy onto the target machine:
So I start with getting the version:
"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion
in the list of files to install I do this:
;List of files to install
File file1.exe
File file2.exe
${If} StrCmp $WINVER '6.2'
File .\otherlocationSource\file1.exe
File .\otherlocationSource\file2.exe
I'm getting an NSIS script compile error on the ${if}... line.
I'd appreciate any pointers as to what I'm doing wrong.

The ${If} macro uses StrCmp internally, the syntax is ${If} $WINVER == "6.2" but you really should use WinVer.nsh to do the version check. (You can grab the version values from SVN if your local copy does not support Win8)
And for a version check like this, unless it is Win8 specific you should have logic similar to "if $major > 6 or ($major == 6 and $minor >= 2)" so it also works on Win9 etc


How can I create a single NSIS script which will generate different installers based on an input parameter?

I have an application which has development, testing and live versions. I have a command procedure which currently creates 3 different versions of the installer, which can be installed on 3 separate computers.
What I would like to do would be to have one NSIS script which I pass in a parameter to, which will create one of the versions of the installer changing the name of the product and the installation folder. This will allow me to install all 3 versions on the same computer.
What I have tried so far is;
Function .onInit
${GetOptions} $CMDLINE "/t" $INSTALL_TYPE
${if} $INSTALL_TYPE == ""
OutFile "MyApp-$INSTALL_TYPEinstaller.exe"
One of the main errors I get has to do with MUI_PRODUCT and look similar to;
warning 6000: unknown variable/constant "INSTALL_TYPE.lnk" detected, ignoring (FullDeploymentUser.nsi:121)
warning 6000: unknown variable/constant "INSTALL_TYPE" detected, ignoring (FullDeploymentUser.nsi:124)
Two types of comments would be useful;
This is what you are doing wrong...
This is what you should be doing...
As always any help is appreciated.
MUI_PRODUCT is technically not an official NSIS define, some guy just invented it and used it in a guide.
All instructions starting with ! are preprocessor instructions, those and OutFile and File cannot be controlled by ${GetOptions} because they happen at compile time on your developer machine.
I don't really recommend this 3 in 1 installer solution, it is a bit complicated. It is much better to just create 3 different installers:
!ifndef APPTYPE
!error "APPTYPE not defined"
Name "MyApp ${APPTYPE}"
OutFile "MyApp ${APPTYPE} setup.exe"
InstallDir "$ProgramFiles\MyApp ${APPTYPE}"
Page Directory
Page InstFiles
SetOutPath $InstDir
File /r "c:\myfiles\MyApp\${APPTYPE}\*"
and then just generate them with makensis -DAPPTYPE=Beta myapp.nsi etc.
If you really want this 3 in 1 style then you need to use the macros in Sections.nsh to manipulate the sections so that only one of them is visible and active. You also need to mark the install somehow (.ini file?) so that your uninstaller also knows which install type it is uninstalling.

NSIS: Install a folder based on 32/64 bits

I'm working on a installer script that needs to install one of two folders based on the OS bits. The selection occurs fine so far but for some reason I only see one folder within the resulting installer.
The relevant sections are below:
;Windows 32 or 64 bit version
!include "x64.nsh"
Section "JRE 64 Bit" Section5
SectionIn RO
;Use the right java version
DetailPrint "JRE extraction..."
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${APPDIR}\jre"
File /a /r "${SrcDir}\..\..\jre\jre_64\jre\*.*"
DetailPrint "JRE extraction complete!"
Section "JRE 32 Bit" Section6
SectionIn RO
;Use the right java version
DetailPrint "JRE extraction..."
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${APPDIR}\jre"
File /a /r "${SrcDir}\..\..\jre\jre_32\jre\*.*"
DetailPrint "JRE extraction complete!"
Function .onInit
#Determine the bitness of the OS and enable the correct section
IntOp $0 ${SF_SELECTED} | ${SF_RO}
${If} ${RunningX64}
SectionSetFlags ${Section5} $0
SectionSetFlags ${Section6} ${SECTION_OFF}
SectionSetFlags ${Section5} ${SECTION_OFF}
SectionSetFlags ${Section6} $0
Both folders exists as there is no warning. But instead of seeing two folders (jre_64 and jre_32) I just see one jre folder within the installer.
Is this expected behavior? I'm using NSIS 2.51. The resulting instaler can be found here.
You can see the full script here.
I guess it's because of the delta compression, as the two jre directories should have quite similar contents. The structure when viewing using 7-Zip doesn't necessarily represent the internal structure of the installer, which seems to be quite opaque.
I tried to find a tool to "properly" unpack the installer (like innounp for Inno Setup), but without success. This confirms the NSIS installer structure should be really opaque.
Did you do some manual testing to determine if the installer works as expected in both cases?
The path used in File instructions are not stored in the installer (except for the last path component if it is a folder), it is used to find the files on your development system. As you probably know, SetOutPath sets the destination directory and decompilers can only display parts of that path (they cannot resolve custom variables) and you used just "jre" for both the 32-bit and 64-bit folders.
7-zip is not a full decompiler, it only does what is needed to find the destination path names and it does not understand that there are really two different jre folders selected by your if statements.
NSIS will only store identical files once, add SetDatablockOptimize off to the top of your script and your installer will probably double in size.

How to detect chrome version in NSIS?

My webapp need to depend on chrome browser, so when the app installs, i have to detect the chrome browser version in Nsis script.
I try to use the following script, but it does not work. The $R0 is empty string.
!define CHROME "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Google Chrome"
ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "${CHROME}" "UninstallString"
How to detect chrome version information in NSIS script ?
You should look into the current user settings instead of the local machine (or in addition to the local machine if the resulting string is empty):
ReadRegStr $R0 HKCU "${CHROME}" "UninstallString"
Also you should not have a backslash at the beginning of the key path. Did you noticed a warning during the script compilation?
ReadRegStr: registry path name begins with '\', may cause problems

NSIS uninstaller - App Name missing (set dynamically)

I created an NSIS installer where the name of the app is taken from an .INI file (it has to be so since it will be used for multiple apps).
Function .onInit
ReadINIStr $R3 ${TECHPUB_INI_FILE} "General" "Installer_name"
StrCpy $APP_NAME $R3
Section install
WriteUninstaller $INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe
The app name is correctly shown on the installer and it's the one from the .INI file. When I uninstall the app, the name is missing.
Everything else works (uninstall removes all it has to remove). Any idea how to fix this?
Thank you!
The init function of the uninstaller is a separate un.onInit function. See Uninstall Callbacks.

System::Call to external .dll during NSIS uninstall

During the installation of my application I install a library used to export various functions to $INSTDIR. During uninstallation I want to call a function in this library to perform a task and return. Based on what I've tried so far it seems that the call to the function fails and I always get back 'error' as $0.
This is what I'm running in my uninstallation script:
SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
System::Call "myutils::uninstalling() i.r0"
DetailPrint 'RETURN CODE: "$0"'
SetPluginUnload manual
The few examples I've found copied the .dll to a temp directory and then ran System:Call but the library is already in $INSTDIR. Thoughts?
Wasn't an issue with the NSIS code, the function needed to be exported in the .def file so NSIS could resolve it sans decoration.
