log4net - configure using multiple configurations - log4net

I use the Log4Net as my log tool, everything works really well when the test system just has a single database.
But my real system has more than one database. Different user may have the different database. I want to put the log information into different database according to the current logined user.
But so far as I know. It seems that the Log4Net does't support this topic. It seems the log4Net is configured just "once" in the lifetime.
Is it possible for me to make the log4net select database configuration basing on my information on the fly.

I found the answer:
log4net - configure using multiple configuration files
and this: http://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/manual/repositories.html
The reason I thought that Log4Net only supports one configuration is I did NOT dig. As the content of the above links said: We need to create our own repository for each configuration.
Now everything is working well, and log information goes to different databases now based on the given configuration on the fly as I expected.


Should Azure ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg be checked into source control?

I've started working on an Azure project. In terms of config, I currently have three files: ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg, ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg and ServiceDefinition.csdef.
ServiceDefinition.csdef is the template file for the csfg files. ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg contains all the actual Azure configuration, including DB passwords, SAS keys etc.
Should ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg be checked into source control? I wouldn't have thought so but a quick search on github for the file shows that it is.
If it should be checked in, how should the sensitive password data be managed?
I typically check in the configurations. The reason is that the behavior of your application will change dramatically depending on these configurations. For example -> number of roles for a distributed application directly affects how you process incoming messages and the vmsize directly affects how much memory you have. You may encounter issues debugging problems if each developer is using a different configuration. This standardizes your deployment.
Anything with plain-text password information shouldn't be checked into a public repo unless you want people to have access to that information.
You can add this file to the .gitignore file and prevent it from being checked in.
Provide a different ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg named something like ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg.template with all the config info of your cloud service minus the password values. If someone forks your project they need to use that and fill in the appropriate values and rename the file.
Do this and change all your passwords to something else. Even if you delete this file from the repo, it still exists in the history and anyone can view it.

configure and watch log4net using blob store

we are using log4net with custom appenders to log our stuff from azure machines to table store, and that works fine. What we need now is to use blob-store to configure logging for all our instances in one place and be able to modify it on run-time, just modify the config file in blob store and few moments later all my machines should know about this change.
Simply said what I need is:
XmlConfigurator.Configure(Uri blobStoreUri, bool watch=true)
or even better:
XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(string blobStoreUrl, TimeSpan refreshInterval)
I googled arround but was not able to find anything like that. What would be the best way to implement this or do you know any similar implementations of this?
I couldn't find a way to configure log4net to look for a file stored in the blob, but the windows azure diagnostics provides a way to specify the configuration information in a log file that's stored in blob.
this is solution we implemented than

How is the web.config handled by the ConfigurationManager from .NET?

On a project I am working on, we usually keep our application settings defined in a separate file. This is how it has been done for many years, and going forward we would like to keep all system configurations in one file. I was considering to use the web.config section so I can just load the configurations that I need from my C# code running on the server using the ConfigurationManager class.
If I use our own way for the application settings, I would load it in a session and have it available for the application by loading values from the session. After some reading online it looks like some of the performance issues behind using the session is that we have to deserialize the values from the session object.
Does IIS deserialize the web.config values each time we read values using the ConfigurationManager?
Thank you,
Vijay Selvaraj
Web.config is read once upon loading of the AppDomain. It is refreshed if any changes are made to it or any referenced files (you can put sections into external files by using the configsection= attribute on a section)
No, configuration sections are deserialized into the custom classes that reflect them only when the configuration file is re-read (such as when the app pool is recycled, a change to web.config is detected, and a couple of other conditions).
See also this question.

Log4J and Java Web Start, how to alternate between different configurations?

i'm starting with Log4J and i want to have a default log4j.properties in our Java Web Start distributed application, which only logs errors and important events.
But if something was wrong in one client i want to have a more detailed log, the way to do this is to define an alternate log4j configuration file in this client. This can be done by specifiying the alternate config file with the log4j.configuration system property.
but... How can i define an system property for this particular client in a java web start launched application? (i know that i can define theese propeties in the .jnlp file, but this affects all clients).
Our users work in windows environment but they often have a restricted permissions computer and they can't acces My Pc->Properties-->Advanced Options-->Enviroment Variables (i'm in a spanish configured computer i don't know the exact names in english).
Can you access to a defined directory on the client disk ?
If you can, you can define a convention : if no configuration file is found in the directory, the default config is used. Else, the specific configuration file is loaded.
You can do that with the PropertyConfigurator class of Log4J :
File log4jConfigFile == new File(conventionLocation);
if(log4jConfigFile.isFile() && log4jConfigFile.exists()) {
} else {
First off if you are using applets you should use an appender that can write to a remote location so you can actually see the errors without being physically on the local machine that the applet is running. Appender Types. Next, you need to create an appender with a threshold of whatever level you are logging the normal "access" type messages. Set the layout to whatever you desire. Then create another appender with a level of at least the level you log "errors" at as well as its own format that suits your needs as being "more detailed". That way when your code calls an error message it will use that different layout. Log4j is fairly complex but not impossible to understand. Look at the documentation at The log4j site and get your feet wet on some simple logging. After that you should be able to modify the code to get what you desire.

Is it possible to easily modify the log4net section in the config file of several running applications remotely?

Our product consists of client, server and agents. Each deployed on different machines. The QA is having a hard time to manipulate the log4net sections in the respective config files. Right now, they have to have remote desktops to all the relevant machines and open notepad in each of them and then edit the files one at a time switching between different machines as they proceed. A real pain in the ass.
Can anyone suggest a better solution to this problem?
You could store the log4net configuration in a database (you could then even consider to create a web interface that allows your QA team to modify the configuration). You have to figure out how your applications pick up the new configuration (e.g. you have some remote Admin interface that allows you to tell your applications to use the new configuration).
On start-up you load the configuration from there. Maybe it is advisable to have some backup configuration in a file that is loaded first in case loading from the database fails. The default configuration would be for instance so that the QA team gets an email if loading the configuration from the database fails.
Another option would be to store all log4net configuration files on a network share... create an application setting that tells your application where to find the log4net configuration and call the Configure() method accordingly. Again the question is how your applications pick up the new configuration.
Not sure if ConfigureAndWatch() would behave as expected if the configuration files is on a network share. If so that would be quite an easy option to implement.
