RewriteRule to access folder outside public folder - .htaccess

My .htaccess file is redirecting requests to the public_html folder.
For example, would show root_folder/public_html/file.html.
However, I would like it to show root_folder/anotherfolder/file.html instead.
Is it possible to do so?

I think you want
Alias /file.html root_folder/anotherfolder/file.html


.htaccess redirect subfolder but don't show subfolder in address bar

I have a folder in my public_html directory named landingPages which obviously holds all our Landing Pages.
The problem is all the URLs on Google AdWords etc. are set to the public_html folder, for example:
Putting all the files in the new landingPages directory was done to clear up the public_html directory and seperate everything a bit but changing all the URLs is something we want to avoid.
I want that if you go to to in the browser that it actually loads whats inside the landingPages folder so it calls in the background.
I have tried a few things but can't seem to find a catch all version to determine if whatever is requested in the browser is present in the landingPages folder and if so to re-direct or if this sort of catch all request is at all possible.
If not, I guess I would have to manually create rules for each file I want re-directed including any future created Landing Pages which is what I am trying to avoid here.
put this code in your .htaccess under the website root directory, this will check if the file exists in landingPages folder, if so, it will load the content of that file.
Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/landingPages/$1 -f [NC]
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)$ /landingPages/$1 [L,QSA]

Redirect localhost subaddress to another folder

My "htdocs" folder is set to this: C:\webserver\xampp\htdocs
All my folders exist in subfolders of this folder.
I have such another folder here: c:\MyProjects\project1
I need to htaccess rewrite so, when I write:
On my browser, I will see the result of "myfile.php" inside "project1" folder.
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
No, you can't rewrite a URI outside of your document root, C:\webserver\xampp\htdocs. And htaccess file sitting in that htdocs directory won't be able to point a request outside of the htdocs directory. Mod_rewrite isn't what you want anyways. You want to use mod_alias from within the vhost config or server config. Something along the lines of:
Alias /project1 C:/MyProjects/project1
See also: Make XAMPP/Apache serve file outside of htdocs

simple .htaccess rewrite URL to different directory on same server

Ok, I'm clueless here...
I need to rewrite a directory structure and all sub-directories within it to a directory within the same server, but a root that is before the directory.
For example:
and all directories called upon after folder. Such as folder/sub_folder or folder/afolder/anotherfolder, it needs to include ALL sub-directories within the folder directory.
should be redirected to this:
How do I do this via a .htaccess file within the folder path
Please someone help.
Thanks guys :)
The files within the directory structure still need to be accessible for that structure when called via PHP, but I don't want people being able to browse to and be shown all subdirectories within that folderpath and/or all files. Same thing for all sub-directories that follow that folder path.
I'd like to be able to place the .htaccess file within the directory on the server, but don't know exactly what code to use for this.
ALSO, even more challenging... The domain name can change, so I'd rather not use the domain name within the .htaccess file, instead perhaps use .. or . to go up a directory or a different method of grabbing the domain name within the .htaccess file.
Create a .htaccess file in /Themes/default/css/folder and place these lines there (it requires mod_rewrite):
Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/ [R=301,L]
It will redirect (301 Permanent Redirect) all requests to a folder to a homepage. If file is requested, it will allow it.
If you want to have it working for folders as well as files then remove the RewriteCond line -- it will redirect ALL requests (even for non-existing URLs) to a homepage.
If you will see "500 Internal Server Error" after creating such file, then it is your server configuration: mod_rewrite may not be enabled or it's directives (RewriteRule, RewriteCond, RewriteEngine) are not allowed to be placed in .htaccess. In any case -- check Apache's error log for exact error message (it will give you the exact reason).
IndexIgnore *

Disable access to a subfolder using .htaccess

I have a site in /public_html folder and I have another one in /public_html/
I want to disable acesss to but users should still be able to access (contained inside public_html/ folder). I have an .htaccess in public_html folder. How do I do this?
Thanks in advance.
RewriteRule ^ /this.file.does.not.exist

using htaccess to set default folder instead of file?

Is it possible to set a default folder to access instead of a file like "index.html".
What I'd like to to is make it so that when a person visits my site they get redirected to a folder within the root of the domain. I am using a blogging engine and I need it to show up as the homepage but I don't want to install it in the root because I have other folders and files that need to be in the root directory. And I don't want to put them inside the blogging software's folder. I also don't want to use a 301 or 3XX redirect for SEO purposes.
If there's a way to do what I'm asking let me know. If not, let me know the best option otherwise.
Try this mod_rewrite rule:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ foo/bar [L]
This will rewrite requests to the directory where this rule is applied to to foo/bar. So if you put this rule in the .htaccess file in your document root and request, it will get rewritten to
