NodeJS: process.nextTick vs Instant Callbacking - node.js

I write lots of modules which look like this:
function get(index, callback) {
if (cache[index] === null) {
request(index, callback); // Queries database to get data.
} else {
Note: it's a bit simplified version of my actual code.
That callback is either called in the same execution or some time later. This means users of the module aren't sure which code is run first.
My observation is that such module reintroduces some problems of the multi-threading which was previously solved by JavaScript engine.
Question: should I use process.nextTick or ensure it's safe for the callback to be called outside the module?

It depends entirely on what you do in the callback function. If you need to be sure the callback hasn't fired yet when get returns, you will need the process.nextTick flow; in many cases you don't care when the callback fires, so you don't need to delay its execution. It is impossible to give a definitive answer that will apply in all situations; it should be safe to always defer the callback to the next tick, but it will probably be a bit less efficient that way, so it is a tradeoff.
The only situation I can think of where you will need to defer the callback for the next tick is if you actually need to set something up for it after the call to get but before the call to callback. This is perhaps a rare situation that also might indicate a need for improvement in the actual control flow; you should not be rely at all on when exactly your callback is called, so whatever environment it uses should already be set up at the point where get is called.
There are situations in event-based control flow (as opposed to callback-based), where you might need to defer the actual event firing. For example:
function doSomething() {
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
cached = findCachedResultSomehow();
if (cached) {
process.nextTick(function() {
emitter.emit('done', cached);
} else {
asyncGetResult(function(result) {
emitter.emit('done', result);
return emitter;
In this case, you will need to defer the emit in the case of a cached value, because otherwise the event will be emitted before the caller of doSomething has had the chance to attach a listener. You don't generally have this consideration when using callbacks.
if you're doing callbacks internally, do whichever is suitable
if you're creating a module used by other people, asynchronous callbacks should always be asynchronous.


JS: Why Promise then() method executes synchronously?

I need to make part of my method's code asynchronous, so it will execute in a non-blocking manner. For this purpose I've tried to create a "dummy" Promise and put the specified code in then block. I have something like this:
public static foo(arg1, arg2) {
const prom = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (notValid(arg1, arg2)) {
prom.then(() => { code using arg1 and arg2...
However, then block always executes synchronously and blocks whole app, even though each and every JS documentation tells that then always runs asynchronously. I've also tried to replace the Promise with this:
Promise.resolve().then(() => { code using arg1 and arg2...
but got same result.
The only way I've managed to make then block work asynchronously is by using setTimeout:
const pro = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1);
pro.then(() => { code using arg1 and arg2...
What can be the reason behind then block working synchronously? I don't want to proceed with using setTimeout, because it is kind of a "dirty" solution, and I think that there should be a way to make then run asynchronously.
Application is NodeJS with Express, written using Typescript.
I need to make part of my method's code asynchronous, so it will execute in a non-blocking manner. For this purpose I've tried to create a "dummy" Promise and put the specified code in then block.
Promises don't really make things asynchronous in and of themselves. What they do is wrap around something that's already asynchronous, and give a convenient way to tell when that thing is done. If you wrap a promise around something synchronous, your code is mostly still synchronous, just with a few details about when the .then callback executes.
even though each and every JS documentation tells that then always runs asynchronously.
By that, they mean that it waits for the current call stack to finish, and then runs the code in the .then callback. The technical term for what it's doing is a "microtask". This delay is done so that the order of operations of your code is the same whether the promise is already in a resolved state, or if some time needs to pass before it resolves.
But if your promise is already resolved (eg, because it's wrapped around synchronous code), the only thing your .then callback will be waiting for is the currently executing call stack. Once the current call stack synchronously finishes, your microtask runs synchronously to completion. The event loop will not be able to progress until you're done.
The only way I've managed to make then block work asynchronously is by using setTimeout
setTimeout will make things asynchronous*, yes. The code will be delayed until the timer goes off. If you want to wrap this in a promise you can, but the promise is not the part that makes it asynchronous, the setTimeout is.
I don't want to proceed with using setTimeout, because it is kind of a "dirty" solution
Ok, but it's the right tool for the job.
* when i say setTimeout makes it asynchronous, i just mean it delays the execution. This is good enough for many cases, but when your code eventually executes, it will tie up the thread until it's done. So if it takes a really long time you may need to write the code so it just does a portion of the work, and then sets another timeout to resume later

Using caolan's async library, when should I use process.nextTick and when should I just invoke the callback?

I've been reading up on the differences, and it's hard to think about it when utilizing a library that helps with async methods.
I'm using to write specific async calls. I'm having a hard time understanding the use of process.nextTick within some of these async methods, particularly async series methods, where async methods are basically performed synchronously.
So for example:
next => someAsyncMethod(next),
(res, next) => {
if (res === someCondition) {
return anotherAsyncMethod(next);
return process.nextTick(next); // vs just calling next()
], cb);
I've seen this done in code before. But I have no idea why? Just invoking next instead of process.nextTick gives me the same results?
Is there any reason for using process.nextTick in these scenarios, where there is an async method being controlled in a synchronous manner?
Also, what about in an async like the following?, (item, next) => {
if (item === someCondition) {
return anotherAsyncMethod(next);
return process.nextTick(next); // vs just calling next()
}, cb);
The code is happening in a SEQUENTIAL manner, not a synchronous manner. It's an important difference.
In your code, the async methods are called one after another, in sequence. HOWEVER, while that code is executing, node.js can still respond to other incoming requests because your code yields control.
Node is single-threaded. So if your code is doing something synchronously, node cannot accept new requests or perform actions until that code is finished. For instance, if you did a synchronous web request, node would stop doing ANYTHING ELSE until that request was finished.
What's really happening is this:
Start async action in background (yield control)
Node is available to handle other stuff
Async action 1 completes. Node starts async action 2 and yields control.
Node can accept other requests/handle other stuff.
Async action 2 completes...
And so on. Process.nextTick() says to node 'Stop dealing with this for a while, and come back once you've handled the other stuff that's waiting on you'. Node goes off and handles whatever that is, then gets back to handling your scheduled request.
In your case, there is nothing else waiting so node just continues where it left off. However, if there WERE other things going on like other incoming HTTP requests, this would not be the case.
Feel free to ask questions.

Is it safe to skip calling callback if no action needed in nodejs

scenario 1
function a(callback){
console.log("not calling callback");
console.log("callback_res", callback_res);
scenario 2
function a(callback){
console.log("calling callback");
console.log("callback_res", callback_res);
will function a be waiting for callback and will not terminate in scenario 1? However program gets terminated in both scenario.
The problem is not safety but intention. If a function accepts a callback, it's expected that it will be called at some point. If it ignores the argument it accepts, the signature is misleading.
This is a bad practice because function signature gives false impression about how a function works.
It also may cause parameter is unused warning in linters.
will function a be waiting for callback and will not terminate in scenario 1?
The function doesn't contain asynchronous code and won't wait for anything. The fact that callbacks are commonly used in asynchronous control flow doesn't mean that they are asynchronous per se.
will function a be waiting for callback and will not terminate in scenario 1?
No. There is nothing in the code you show that waits for a callback to be called.
Passing a callback to a function is just like passing an integer to a function. The function is free to use it or not and it doesn't mean anything more than that to the interpreter. the JS interpreter has no special logic to "wait for a passed callback to get called". That has no effect one way or the other on when the program terminates. It's just a function argument that the called function can decide whether to use or ignore.
As another example, it used to be common to pass two callbacks to a function, one was called upon success and one was called upon error:
function someFunc(successFn, errorFn) {
// do some operation and then call either successFn or errorFn
In this case, it was pretty clear that one of these was going to get called and the other was not. There's no need (from the JS interpreter's point of view) to call a passed callback. That's purely the prerogative of the logic of your code.
Now, it would not be a good practice to design a function that shows a callback in the calling signature and then never, ever call that callback. That's just plain wasteful and a misleading design. There are many cases of callbacks that are sometimes called and sometimes not depending upon circumstances. Array.prototype.forEach is one such example. If you call array.forEach(fn) on an empty array, the callback is never called. But, of course, if you call it on a non-empty array, it is called.
If your function carries out asynchronous operations and the point of the callback is to communicate when the asynchronous operation is done and whether it concluded with an error or a value, then it would generally be bad form to have code paths that would never call the callback because it would be natural for a caller to assume the callback is doing to get called eventually. I can imagine there might be some exceptions to this, but they better be documented really well with the doc/comments for the function.
For asynchronous operations, your question reminds me somewhat of this: Do never resolved promises cause memory leak? which might be useful to read.

Node JS Express Handling multiple requests

What I Have:
I have a nodejs express server get endpoint that in turn calls other APIs that are time consuming(say about 2 seconds). I have called this function with a callback such that the res.send is triggered as a part of the call back. The res.send object packs an object that will be created after the results from these time consuming API calls is performed. So my res.send can only be sent when I have the entire information from the API call.
Some representative code.
someFunctionCall(params, callback)
// do some asyncronous requests.
// do some operations
callback(response) // callback given with some data from the promise
app.get('/',function(req, res){
someFunctionCall(params, function(err, data){
What I want
I want my server to be able to handle other parallel incoming get requests without being blocked due to the REST api calls in the other function. But the problem is that the callback will only be issued when the promises are fulfilled,each of those operations are async, but my thread will wait till the execution of all of them. And Node does not accept the next get request without executing the res.send or the res.end of the previous request. This becomes an issues when I have multiple requests coming in, each one is executed one after another.
Note: I do not want to go with the cluster method, I just want to know if it is possible to this without it.
You are apparently misunderstanding how node.js, asynchronous operations and promises work. Assuming your long running asynchronous operations are all properly written with asynchronous I/O, then neither your requestAsync1(params) or requestAsync2(params) calls are blocking. That means that while you are waiting for Promise.all() to call its .then() handler to signify that both of those asynchronous operations are complete, node.js is perfectly free to run any other events or incoming requests. Promises themselves do not block, so the node.js event system is free to process other events. So, you either don't have a blocking problem at all or if you actually do, it is not caused by what you asked about here.
To see if your code is actually blocking or not, you can temporarily add a simple timer that outputs to the console like this:
let startTime;
setInterval(function() {
if (!startTime) {
startTime =;
console.log(( - startTime) / 1000);
}, 100)
This will output a simple relative timestamp every 100ms when the event loop is not blocked. You would obviously not leave this in your code for production code, but it can be useful to show you when/if your event loop is blocked.
I do see an odd syntax issue in the code you included in your question. This code:
someFunctionCall(params, callback)
// do some asyncronous requests.
// do some operations
callback(response) // callback given with some data from the promise
should be expressed like this:
someFunctionCall(params, callback)
// do some asyncronous requests.
// do some operations
callback(response) // callback given with some data from the promise
But, an even better design would be to just return the promise and not switch back to a plain callback. Besides allowing the caller to use the more flexible promises scheme, you are also "eating" errors that may occur in either or your async operations. It's suggest this:
someFunctionCall(params) {
// do some asyncronous requests.
return Promise.all([requestAsync1(params),requestAsync2(params)]).then(function(results) {
// further processing of results
// return final resolved value of the promise
return someValue;
Then, then caller would use this like:
someFunctionCall(params).then(function(result) {
// process final result here
}).catch(function(err) {
// handle error here

Too many callbacks issue

I know that writing async functions is recommended in nodejs. However, I feel it's not so nescessary to write some non IO events asynchronously. My code can get less convenient. For example:
function now(){
return new Date().getTime();
function now(callback){
callback(new Date().getTime());
Does sync method block CPU in this case? Is this remarkable enough that I should use async instead?
Async style is necessary if the method being called can block for a long time waiting for IO. As the node.js event loop is single-threaded you want to yield to the event loop during an IO. If you didn't do this there could be only one IO outstanding at each point in time. That would lead to total non-scalability.
Using callbacks for CPU work accomplishes nothing. It does not unblock the event loop. In fact, for CPU work it is not possible to unblock the event loop. The CPU must be occupied for a certain amount of time and that is unavoidable. (Disregarding things like web workers here).
Callbacks are nothing good. You use them when you have to. They are a necessary consequence of the node.js event loop IO model.
That said, if you later plan on introducing IO into now you might eagerly use a callback style even if not strictly necessary. Changing from synchronous calls to callback-based calls later can be time-consuming because the callback style is viral.
By adding a callback to a function's signature, the code communicates that something asynchronous might happen in this function and the function will call the callback with an error and/or result object.
In case a function does nothing asynchronous and does not involve conditions where a (non programming) error may occur don't use a callback function signature but simply return the computation result.
Functions with callbacks are not very convenient to handle by the caller so avoid callbacks until you really need them.
