Building an IPA archive for TestFlight distribution - ipa

I am having the following issue, with Xcode 4.2, trying to create an IPA archive to distribute with TestFlight.
Everything seems fine until I build the archive.
When I want to upload this archive I get the following message:
"Invalid IPA: The keychain-access-group in the embedded.mobileprovision and your binary don't match."
What does this exactly mean?
I have looked on the net various things about this issue, but nothing drove me to a solution at this point. I also tried what I could think of, but with no success.
Can anyone point me to a solution?
Thank you in advance, for any tip.

I had this same problem. It was caused by having the wrong release code signing identity in the target's build settings.

This is usually caused by not changing the build identifier and access group in the entitlements file. Make sure you change these in the entitlements file. More information on how to do this can be found here


Using Gmail Sender to send mail from my own server using simple-java-mail-7.8.2.jar

I am a relative newbie and have developed an app that - as part of its function - will use Gmail Sender to send an email to the user of the app when necessary.
I have downloaded and included activation.jar; additional.jar; and mail.jar into the project, and the app has worked as expected in debug mode. However, when I try to test a release build, there is a problem in sending emails.
I will not at this stage present details of all that I've done to try to resolve the issue. I will just say that I have come to the tentative conclusion that one or more of the jars is/are corrupted or out of date. I have therefore downloaded simple-java-mail-7.8.2.jar but can find no clear documentation regarding how to properly include it into my project. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
If using this latest jar doesn't resolve the problem, I will then update this post with details of all that I had previously done and the results. For now, I would like to avoid complicating the issue with information that might be irrelevant, and would first like to try this new jar to see if it works.
Thank in advance.

HTTP Error 500.31 - ANCM Failed to Find Native Dependencies error while publishing my MVC .net 3.1 core project to Azure

Not sure what details I should be providing to be completely honest, other than I googled and searched for this solution and I deleted everything and retried and didnt work out, I downloaded all the files needed, I added application settings and it added an error for me telling me that I need to install or update Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App, version 3.1.0, which I have installed and already existed anyway
I tried going to application event logs on Azure portal, there was 3 errors first this one which some people suggested going to web.config and changing it to Module not v2, and I dont see any web.config file in my mvc project
2nd error which I already talked about but its just not working, so I assume somehow its not seeing it??
3rd error Also this I am not quite sure what to do with it.
Lastly, as I said I am not sure what information I should provide, I dont have much time and I was asked to publish it on azure there was no problems and seemed easy but errors popped up and nothing on the internet fixed my issues, you can comment and I will add any required data to fix this.
Thanks in advance
I installed each and every package in the dotnet folder to make sure everything is right and everytime it recognized there is a file already and asked me if I want to repair I said yes but that didnt help
I checked my .json file if it had any errors like some people suggested
checked if Azure portal specified that I am using ASP.NET 3.1core which it did
~~I used search for "stdoutLogFile" to check if I can find it anywhere on my solution since I cant find my web.config but I there was no result~~
I found out that I can add the web.config and make changes to it, and I did so but there was no result for it, still same error (yes I change the publish profile and republish to make sure it took the changes)
[enter image description here][1]
[1]: I got these errors when I opened the profile.arm.json folder under the server dependency folder

Debugging Azure Worker Role locally throws build error: Access to the path 'diagnostics.wadcfgx' is denied

I have a fully functional cloud service Worker Role that I have been using and debugging for a couple weeks now. I recently moved the solution into source control. I can build the solution still, but when I try to run it locally on the emulator to debug I get the error
Access to the path 'diagnostics.wadcfgx' is denied.
I have everything checked out to edit so I know it isn't a read only issue on the file. I can't figure out why this is happening or how to fix it.
My old version still runs locally on the emulator just fine. I have modified the projects in the solution and updated naming conventions of the roles and projects. My guess is that something was missed or a connection between the role project and the service project was lost... however I cannot figure out what it is.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
My problem ended up being that one of the diagnostics.wadcfgx files was still marked as read only in the file system. The best solution was to remove the entire ECF folder from source control. When the project ran it recreated the directory and files needed.

Why might I be getting an access error from an Azure WebJob using WebJobsSdk.marker file? What is this file?

I'm specifically trying to understand what the WebJobsSdk.marker file is for and how it is used. It is a black-box to me so it is hard to understand why there is an access problem here.
The Error:
The process cannot access the file '...\WebJobsSdk.marker' because it
is being used by another process.
Any help or insight on this is greatly appreciated!
The WebJobs SDK is no longer a black box, it is open source now :)
The marker file is generated here and it is used by Kudu to determine if the webjob is using the SDK or not.
There might be a bug in that code, maybe it is not catching all the expected exceptions. Feel free to open a bug in GitHub

How to debug "Gallery system error, please try again later"?

Trying to upload this file: to the store, and I keep getting this error:
Gallery system error, please try again later.
Meanwhile, updating another extension worked well for me.
I already posted to the Chromium Apps Google Group. Anything more I can try in the meantime to debug this?
I had had the same problem, than I found the solution.
This is all about compressing method.
You should select compressing method as "Store".
I tried on your files, yes It worked, it was uploaded successfully.
Here what I means for Winrar,
