linux, freepascal, fp-ide: No debugger support availble. How to enable debugger? - linux

How to enable debugger in fp-ide? I read somewhere that I should compile fp-ide from sources, but I don't know how to do this. Can someone help me?

Get the generic linux tar installer (fpc-2.6.0.x86_64-linux.tar) for FPC from It comes with a precompiled IDE with integrated debugger support and it works fine at least on 12.04 LTS.

I wasn't able to find a PPA for fp-ide, but I can describe how the CLI IDE is compiled on Arch Linux as documented in the repository. Do note that compiling will not enable the debugger in the CLI, as it seems to be an incompatibility between gdb and fp (fp-ide) according to e.g. this bug report in Debian. On Arch Linux, the fpc package also doesn't support the debugger in fp by design (it is explicitly disabled using the NOGDB flag).
Anyhow, here goes the compilation process:
Make sure you have FreePascal installed already, as you need it to compile the IDE
Download the source tarball
Extract the tarball to a location of your convenience and cd into that directory
Execute the following code from within your shell:
pushd fpcsrc/compiler
fpcmake -Tall
make build
make -j1 install
# in Arch, the switch "NOGDB=1" is present in both make lines
That should compile the IDE and install it (you can even try to integrate it in dpkg by using checkinstall instead of make install, but take a look at the Arch PKGBUILD to see an example of what might be needed).
But why do you use the command line IDE fp instead of lazarus? With lazarus you can also make console applications and it offers much more features (e.g. working debug support).


How to safely reconfigure gcc on my Linux system?

I am trying to install a program on CentOS 6.10 and at the end of the installation, it gave an error saying that Glibc-2.14 is necessary. I upgraded the current Glibc and this time the error below occurred:
* These critical programs are missing or too old: gcc
* Check the INSTALL file for required versions.
I upgraded the gcc and tried to configure again. However, the same error persists. Hence I read the INSTALL file as it suggests, and I see this section:
You may also need to reconfigure GCC to work with the new library. The
easiest way to do that is to figure out the compiler switches to make
it work again (`-Wl,--dynamic-linker=/lib/' should work
on GNU/Linux systems) and use them to recompile gcc.
So should I go to where gcc is built and do:
$ ./configure -Wl,--dynamic-linker=/lib/ ?? Do I understand the instructions correctly? If so, then how will I be able to configure only gcc and not the other executable files as they are all in the same folder? (e.g gcc-5, git, idle, python, python-build.. etc) The directory is something like: home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/gcc
I'm asking this because GNU compiler and GCC are fundamental in Linux system, and I'm not sure if those are the correct steps.
You are probably using a really old compiler (the one that comes with CentOS by default).
You need to install Red Hat Developer Toolset which provides up-to-date versions, see for more details:
Developer Toolset is designed for developers working on CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform. It provides current versions of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Debugger, and other development, debugging, and performance monitoring tools.

how to build a linux-based program for window?

I want to build a inux-based program fully standalone for windows.
And I try to use mingw64 on ubuntu with the command
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --disable-shared --enable-static LDFLAGS="-L /usr/local/lib/"
But it failed with
src/libcork/posix/subprocess.c:14:24: fatal error: sys/select.h: No such file or directory
#include <sys/select.h>
compilation terminated.
Here is the source code in github:
So how can I build the program fully standalone for windows?
May I try the cygwin or msys2?
I find another source code which has been ported.
But when I compiled it with
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CFLAGS="-static" LDFLAGS="-static"
I get an executable file which still needs the libssp-0.dll.
So how can I make the libssp be static linked?
Here is the new source code:
I don't think that the functionality in select.h is available on the MinGW version of gcc, because it is not available in the Windows platform. If you're building something that was intended to be built on Windows, then you might find that there are options you can pass to configure that enable a different, Windows-friendly way of achieving the same thing. If you're building something that was only really intended to be used on Linux, then you might be out of luck. In that case, your choices really amount to:
Modify the code so it doesn't require select.h. Some of that functionality might already exist in the Windows Sockets API, with a somewhat different implementation. However, it might equally well not, in which case you'll have to do some work.
Use a Windows compatibility layer that is more feature-rich than MinGW. Cygwin might well work, as might the Windows Subsystem for Linux in Windows 10. However, none of these approaches amounts to building a "standalone" application, because they require some supporting infrastructure.

Unable to Run mksdcard sdk tool on ARMv7 Processor Ubuntu 14.04

When trying to install Android Studio on my Linux Laptop, I get "Unable to Run mksdcard tool" From what I can tell from searching, this is usually caused by lacking the 32 bit compatibility libraries on 64 bit Linux, however I am running it on an ARMv7 processor, using the crouton project to use Linux on my Chromebook. I have tried install the recomended packages ending in i386, but the command line returned:
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependendency Tree
Reading State information... Done
E: unable to locate package [Name of package here]
E: Couldn't find any package by Regex '[Name of package]'
Does anyone know what is causing this and how I can fix it?
I've discovered a workaround.
After a little searching, I've found that we can create executable binary of the tool for the ARMv7 platform ourselves! Whupee!
Head over to GitHub and pick up the source code, mksdcard.c. Download this to wherever you'd like, but make sure you download it as mksdcard.c and not as mksdcard.c.txt, which your browser might try to do. You can always rename the file later in case you accidentally save the filename incorrectly.
Over in your chroot environment, head to the directory where you downloaded the file.
Make sure you have the gcc compilation tools installed. Try running gcc -v in an attempt to see what version of GCC you have installed. If this doesn't work, you'll need to install GCC via sudo apt-get install gcc.
Run gcc -o mkdscard mksdcard.c. This uses GCC to compile the source code into something that can be executed. After compilation has completed, you can use ./mkscard to have Linux execute the binary file, which verifies that it works.
Navigate to your Android SDK Tools directory. This is usually ~/Downloads/Android/Sdk/tools. By running ls, you'll list the files and find the version of mksdcard that your Linux distribution doesn't understand how to run. (Running ./mksdcard on this file will confirm this.)
Backup the broken binary somewhere, then delete the copy in the tools folder. (I created a backups/ directory within the Android SDK Tools folder to move it to.)
Within the directory, use rm -r mksdcard to delete the old mksdard binary.
Finally, copy your compatible binary over to take it's place, e.g. cp ~/Downloads/mksdcard . (Copies the mksdcard binary we've created to the current directory ., the Android SDK Tools folder.)
Head back over to your Android Studio installer. In the dialogue complaining about mksdcard failing, hit Retry and the installation should continue. After it's finished, be sure to apply any updates that are recommended by the environment. Enjoy!
For newer versions eg. 3.1 C4 of Android Studio running with Ubuntu on ARM32 you will also need to place mksdcard in ~/Downloads/Android/Sdk/emulator (referencing like path from Alext T.).

how to compile apache,mysql and php in linux

I have never used Linux OS. Want to know how we can start compiling Apache,Mysql and php in Linux and is it necessary to configure it.
I tried doing it by using cd/user/scr/httpd_2.0.09
Do we need to downloads the set up from google
Do yourself a favour and don't try to compile your own webserver etc. ;)
Aside from the fact that it's a lot of work to set up the tools for compiling, resolve dependencies, and debug possible errors, you will have to do the same procedure with every tiny update – instead of simply getting a new version via your package manager.
If you use a common distribution, install the packages required for the so-called LAMP stack, and configure them properly. That will be hard enough for starters.
If you're using Ubuntu, have a look here:
Actually installing binaries from repositories is less painful than compiling, but if you really want so, you may install Gentoo or other source-based distributive. I've simply described compilation of MySQL 5.5 in my blog.
To compile packages on Debian based systems you need to install build-essential and cmake package (and maybe some other *-dev packages, which appears to be missing during source configure).
For example to compile MySQL 5.5 it is enough to run:
cmake . #yep, with dot. Will prepare your source according to your system
make install #will install compiled binaries to system

Cross-platform build under Windows targeting Linux using CMake

I am developing a software in C++ on windows 32-bit (using MSVC++), but since I want to be able to use my software on every platform, I have decided to use CMake as my build generator.
Therefore, I am still just a beginner in CMake. From the CMake tutorials, I understand that in order to cross compile codes, first a toolchain simulating the target platform should be installed on the host platform. Then using the appropriate target-platform C and C++ compilers provided by this toolchain, CMake would be able to generate makefiles etc.
Now, I want to build my code for Linux platform(GNU/Linux) on a Win32 platform. I tried doing the above procedure using CMake combined with Cygwin and using gcc and g++ as compilers. It built fine, created makefiles, and when I issued "make" in Cygwin terminal, the generated makefiles were "made". Now I have got an executable which I was hoping would run on Linux platform. But on Linux I get the error: bash cannot execute binary file.
Using command file executablename, I realized the executable which is made by the above procedure is of type PE32 which is only for Windows.
Now my question is: Is my understanding of cross-platform build procedure using cmake correct?Or should I just use another Linux toolchain under windows to get a Linux ELF executable? What toolchains come to your mind which would give me what I want?
Many thanks
You will want to look here: cmake-toolchains(7) if you do cross compiling. However, I would suggest that you install a Linux VM like virtual box on your windows machine and build naively on Linux. It will compile much faster and you will not have to worry about cross compiling. You can mount the windows disk from the linux VM so you can share the same source tree. The linux VM will compile much faster than gcc running under windows.
Your understanding of CMake is correct... it will determine how to create the build system you request (or is default for the platform you are currently on) based on rules in your CMakeLists.txt file. However, this won't necessarily help you compile for linux on a windows machine if you don't have something installed that can target linux.
To compile targeting linux, you will need to use a linux compiler. The link posted by #stjin tells you how to install one on cygwin. Then, to set up your CMake build, do this in the terminal:
CC=gcc-linux CXX=g++-linux cmake . [options]
This will tell CMake to locate the special linux targeted compilers. Hopefuly, after compiling with these compilers you will be able to run on linux.
