How to write a conditional collect in groovy? - groovy

Imagine I have this structure:
class Foo {
String bar
Now imagine I have several instance of Foo whose bar value is baz_1, baz_2, and zab_3.
I want to write a collect statement that only collects the bar values which contain the text baz. I cannot get it to work, but it would look something like this:
def barsOfAllFoos = Foo.getAll().bar
assert barsOfAllFoos == [ 'baz_1', 'baz_2', 'zab_3' ]
def barsWithBaz = barsOfAllFoos.collect{ if( it.contains( "baz" ) { it } ) } // What is the correct syntax for this?
assert barsWithBaz == [ 'baz_1', 'baz_2' ]

You need findAll:
barsOfAllFoos.findAll { it.contains 'baz' }

If you want to both filter and transform there's lots of ways to do this. After 1.8.1 I'd go with #findResults and a closure that returns null for the elements I want to skip.
def frob(final it) { "frobbed $it" }
final barsWithBaz = barsOfAllFoos.findResults {
it.contains('baz')? frob(it) : null
In earlier versions you can use #findAll and #collect
final barsWithBaz = barsOfAllFoos
. findAll { it.contains('baz') }
. collect { frob(it) }
Or #sum
final barsWithBaz = barsOfAllFoos.sum([]) {
it.contains('baz')? [frob(it)] : []
Or #inject
final barsWithBaz = barsOfAllFoos.inject([]) {
l, it -> it.contains('baz')? l << frob(it) : l

Using findResults did not work for me... If you want to collect a transformed version of the values matching the condition (for instance a regex search of many lines) you can use collect followed by find or findAll as follows.
def html = """
<p>this is some example data</p>
<script type='text/javascript'>
form.action = ''
// ...
println("Getting url from html...")
// Extract the url needed to upload the form
def url = html.split("\n").collect{line->
def m = line =~/.*form\.action = '(.+)'.*/
if (m.matches()) {
println "Match found!"
return m[0][1]
println "url = '${url}'"
This returns the part of the line matching the given pattern.
Getting url from html...
Match found!
url = ''


Groovy paradigm for conditional with find

This code works, but the duplicate find seems less than optimal. Is it possible to implement the same functionality without the duplication?
def pattern = ~'some_regex'
def inFile = new File('in')
inFile.eachLine { String line ->
if (line.find(pattern)) {
line.find(pattern) { match ->
... // do something
else {
... // do something (else)
I'd suggest to use eachMatch()
inFile.eachLine { String line ->
String matched
line.eachMatch( pattern ){
matched = it[ 0 ]
doSomethingWithMatch matched
if( !matched ) doNoMatch()

Failed to add element to new ArrayList in Groovy

I am trying to simulate a multimap, each value of langVarMap is a list. When I add a new String to the list, I get the following error:
No signature of method: java.lang.Boolean.add() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [mm]
Here is the code snippet:
def langs = engine.languages as Set
def langVarMap = [:]
engine.models.each { model ->
def lang = (model.#language.text()) // String
def variant = (model.#variant.text()) // String
if (langVarMap.get(lang)) {
def a = langVarMap.get(lang) //ArrayList
langVarMap.put(lang, a.add(variant))
else {
langVarMap.put(lang, [variant])
Thanks in advance.
Problem is with this line:
langVarMap.put(lang, a.add(variant))
ArrayList.add(E e) returns boolean not the list. Adding result of add action adds a boolean value of TRUE to the map after which cannot call add method on it. Need to rewrite as following:
if (langVarMap.get(lang)) {
def a = langVarMap.get(lang) //ArrayList
// a is already in langVarMap so don't need to put into ma again
} else {
langVarMap.put(lang, [variant])
And can further refine with this to remove the redundant lookup.
def a = langVarMap.get(lang) //ArrayList
if (a) {
} else {
langVarMap.put(lang, [variant])

Inline Conditional Map Literal in Groovy

Working on some translation / mapping functionality using Maps/JsonBuilder in Groovy.
Is is possible (without creating extra code outside of the map literal creation) .. to conditionally include/exclude certain key/value pairs ? Some thing along the lines of the following ..
def someConditional = true
def mapResult =
if(someConditional){ return ["onlyIfConditionalTrue":true]}
Expected results:
If someConditional if false, only 2 key/value pairs will exist in mapResult.
If someConditional if true, all 3 key/value pairs will exist.
Note that I'm sure it could be done if I create methods / and split things up.. for to keep things concise I would want to keep things inside of the map creation.
You can help yourself with with:
[a:1, b:2].with{
if (false) {
c = 1
With a small helper:
Map newMap(m=[:], Closure c) {
m.with c
def m = newMap {
a = 1
b = 1
if (true) {
c = 1
if (false) {
d = 1
assert m.a == 1
assert m.b == 1
assert m.c == 1
assert !m.containsKey('d')
Or pass an initial map:
newMap(a:1, b:2) {
if (true) {
c = 1
if (false) {
d = 1
Since Groovy 2.5, there is an alternative for with called tap. It
works like with but does not return the return value from the closure,
but the delegate. So this can be written as:
[a:1, b:2].tap{
if (false) {
c = 1
You could potentially map all false conditions to a common key (e.g. "/dev/null", "", etc) and then remove that key afterwards as part of a contract. Consider the following:
def condA = true
def condB = false
def condC = false
def mapResult =
(condA ? "condA" : "") : "hello",
(condB ? "condB" : "") : "abc",
(condB ? "condC" : "") : "ijk",
// mandatory, arguably reasonable
assert 3 == mapResult.keySet().size()
assert 123 == mapResult["id"]
assert [] == mapResult["somethingElse"]
assert "hello" == mapResult["condA"]
There is no such syntax, the best you can do is
def someConditional = true
def mapResult = [
if (someConditional) {
mapResult.onlyIfConditionalTrue = true
I agree with Donal, without code outside of map creation it is difficult.
At least you would have to implement your own ConditionalMap, it is a little work but perfectly doable.
Each element could have it's own condition like
map["a"] = "A"
map["b"] = "B"
map.put("c","C", true)
map.put("d","D", { myCondition })
Here an incomplete example (I did only put, get, keySet, values and size to illustrate, and not typed - but you probably don't need types here?), you will probably have to implement few others (isEmpty, containsKey etc...).
class ConditionalMap extends HashMap {
/** Default condition can be a closure */
def defaultCondition = true
/** Put an elemtn with default condition */
def put(key, value) {
super.put(key, new Tuple(defaultCondition, value))
/** Put an elemetn with specific condition */
def put(key, value, condition) {
super.put(key, new Tuple(condition, value))
/** Get visible element only */
def get(key) {
def tuple = super.get(key)
tuple[0] == true ? tuple[1] : null
/** Not part of Map , just to know the real size*/
def int realSize() {
/** Includes only the "visible" elements keys */
def Set keySet() {
super.keySet().inject(new HashSet(),
{ result, key
def tuple = super.get(key)
if (tuple[0])
/** Includes only the "visible" elements keys */
def Collection values() {
this.keySet().asCollection().collect({ k -> this[k] })
/** Includes only the "visible" elements keys */
def int size() {
/** default condition that do not accept elements */
def map = new ConditionalMap(defaultCondition: false)
/** condition can be a closure too */
// def map = new ConditionalMap(defaultCondition : {-> true == false })
map["a"] = "A"
map["b"] = "B"
map.put("c","C", true)
map.put("d","D", false)
assert map.size() == 1
assert map.realSize() == 4
println map["a"]
println map["b"]
println map["c"]
println map["d"]
println "size: ${map.size()}"
println "realSize: ${map.realSize()}"
println "keySet: ${map.keySet()}"
println "values: ${map.values()}"
/** end of script */
You can use the spread operator to do this for for both maps and lists:
def t = true
def map = [
*:(t ? [b:6] : [:])
[a:5, b:6]
This works in v3, haven't tried in prior versions.

Groovy object properties in map

Instead of having to declare all the properties in a map from an object like:
prop1: object.prop1
Can't you just drop the object in there like below somehow? Or what would be a proper way to achieve this?
results: [
values: [
test: 'subject'
] will give you a class as well
You should be able to do:
Given your POGO object:
class User {
String name
String email
def object = new User(name:'tim', email:'')
Write a method to inspect the class and pull the non-synthetic properties from it:
def extractProperties(obj) {
.findAll { !it.synthetic }
.collectEntries { field ->
[, obj."$"]
Then, map spread that into your result map:
def result = [
value: true,
To give you:
['value':true, 'name':'tim', 'email':'']
If you don't mind using a few libraries here's an option where you convert the object to json and then parse it back out as a map. I added mine to a baseObject which in your case object would extend.
class BaseObject {
Map asMap() {
def jsonSlurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic()
Map map = jsonSlurper.parseText(this.asJson())
return map
String asJson(){
def jsonOutput = new groovy.json.JsonOutput()
String json = jsonOutput.toJson(this)
return json
Also wrote it without the json library originally. This is like the other answers but handles cases where the object property is a List.
class BaseObject {
Map asMap() {
Map map = objectToMap(this)
return map
def objectToMap(object){
Map map = [:]
for(item in object.class.declaredFields){
if (object."$".hasProperty('length')){
map."$" = objectListToMap(object."$")
}else if (object."$".respondsTo('asMap')){
map << [ ("$"?.asMap() ]
} else{
map << [ ("$" ]
return map
def objectListToMap(objectList){
List list = []
for(item in objectList){
if (item.hasProperty('length')){
list << objectListToMap(item)
}else {
list << objectToMap(item)
return list
This seems to work well

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method

I am getting the following error -
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: Script64$_run_closure5_closure7_closure8_closure9_closure10_closure11.doCall() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: Possible solutions: doCall(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), isCase(java.lang.Object), isCase(java.lang.Object) error at line:
Code - EDIT
import groovy.xml.*
List tempList = []
List listgenerated = []
def count = 0
for (a in 0..totalCount-1)
//nameList and valueList lists will have all the contents added as below commented pseudo code
/*for (b in 0..50)
nameList.add(b,number) // number is some calculated value
e.g. nameList=[name1, name2, name3,name4, name5]
valueList =[val1, val2, val3, , val5]
listgenerated should be = [[name1:val1, name2:val2], [name3:val3, name4: , name5:val5]]
} */
tempList = []
for (j in count..nameList.size())
count = j
def nameKey = nameList[j]
def value
if (nameKey != null)
value = valueList[j]
tempList << [(nameKey) : value]
count = count
number = number +1
def process = { binding, element, name ->
if( element[ name ] instanceof Collection ) {
element[ name ].each { n ->
binding."$name"( n )
else if( element[ name ] ) {
binding."$name"( element[ name ] )
class Form {
List fields
def list = [[ name:'a', val:'1' ], [ name:'b', val :'2', name2:4, xyz:'abc', pqr:'']] //Edited list
f = new Form( fields: list ) //Works fine
f = new Form( fields: listgenerated ) //Gives the above error
String xml = XmlUtil.serialize( new StreamingMarkupBuilder().with { builder ->
builder.bind { binding ->
data {
f.fields.each { fields ->
item {
fields.each { name, value ->
process( binding, fields, name )
} )
If while creating the "listgenerated" single quotes are added around values it takes it as character and while printing both lists seem different.
I am unable to figure it out what exactly is going wrong. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Ref - Groovy: dynamically create XML for collection of objects with collections of properties
I believe, where you do:
//some loop to add multiple values to the list
listgenerated << name+":"+value
You need to do:
//some loop to add multiple values to the list
listgenerated << [ (name): value ]
And add a map to the list rather than a String. It's hard to say though as your code example doesn't run without alteration, and I don't know if it's the alterations that are solving the problem
