Using lookup with an IO list? - haskell

I am getting the contents of a file and transforming it into a list of form:
[("abc", 123), ("def", 456)]
with readFile, lines, and words.
Right now, I can manage to transform the resulting list into type IO [(String, Int)].
My problem is, when I try to make a function like this:
check x = lookup x theMap
I get this error, which I'm not too sure how to resolve:
Couldn't match expected type `[(a0, b0)]'
with actual type `IO [(String, Int)]'
In the second argument of `lookup', namely `theMap'
theMap is essentially this:
getLines :: String -> IO [String]
getLines = liftM lines . readFile
tuplify [x,y] = (x, read y :: Int)
theMap = do
list <- getLines "./test.txt"
let l = map tuplify (map words list)
return l
And the file contents are:
abc 123
def 456
Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong and or show me a better solution? I just started toying around with monads a few hours ago and am running into a few bumps along the way.

You will have to "unwrap" theMap from IO. Notice how you're already doing this to getLines by:
list <- getlines
return (some computation on list)
So you could have:
check x = do
m <- theMap
return . lookup x $ m
This is, in fact, an antipattern (albeit an illustrative one,) and you would be better off using the functor instance, ie. check x = fmap (lookup x) theMap


Haskell Exercise Mooc FI Do notation

This is the exercise from training
-- Ex 5: define the IO operation readUntil f, which reads lines from
-- the user and returns them as a list. Reading is stopped when f
-- returns True for a line. (The value for which f returns True is not
-- returned.)
-- Example in GHCi:
-- *Set11> readUntil (=="STOP")
-- bananas
-- garlic
-- pakchoi
-- ["bananas","garlic","pakchoi"]
readUntil :: (String -> Bool) -> IO [String]
readUntil f = todo
Would you be able to provide me a hint / solution using do notation ?
I am a beginning with the do notation and the "conditional logic" as well as looping is too complex for me at the moment.
Thank you so much
With only do-notation and conditional statements I found the following solution:
readUntil :: (String -> Bool) -> IO [String]
readUntil f = do x <- getLine;
if f x then (return []) else (do xs <- readUntil f
return (x : xs))
The function first reads one line with getLine from prelude and then checks whether (f x) is true. It then returns just the empty list. We can't just write ... if f x then [] ... because [] has not the type IO [String] but just [String]. To make [] the type IO [String] we can use the function return or pure but with do-notation I use the return function, because it is included in the Monad typeclass.
If f x equals False we then use a second do-block to recursively call the function again and again until we get an Input for which f x == True and therefore returns the empty list. The do-notation is necessary because xs must have type [String], but readUntil has the type IO [String]. We can't use the : ("cons") operator with object of type IO String and therefore can't generate the list we want. We then add x to the list xs of all our other inputs and return it.
For a more general version of the function readUntil which is able to work with any monad and not just the IO Monad, see the comment of Will Ness

How to create a randomly sized list of randomly generated numbers in Haskell

I'm new to haskell and I've been trying to figure out this problem for a while now. I want to generate a list of a random size using randomRIO and have that list be populated with random numbers using randomIO. I have tried to approach this problem by creating a function which takes in the randomly generated from randomRIO like so:
x <- randomRIO(1,5)
let y = randList x []
the function itself is something like this:
randList :: Int -> IO [Int] -> IO [Int]
randList 0 xs = return [xs]
randList g xs = do
t <- randomIO
let a = t:randList (g-1) xs
return [a]
I'm not sure how to handle the monad IO in a recursive function but this is how I'm thinking of it. Any help is appreciated thanks!
You can use replicateM to repeatedly execute randomIO, generating a new number each time. You call randomRIO once up front to decide on the length of the list:
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import System.Random (randomIO, randomRIO)
randList :: IO [Int]
randList = do
len <- randomRIO (1,5)
replicateM len randomIO
Now, your definition wasn't actually very far off. A couple of things though:
Given that you expect to be able to call randList x [], the second argument of randList clearly is a plain list. Not an IO action of some sort. So your type should be
randList :: Int -> [Int] -> IO [Int]
In your first pattern match
randList 0 xs = return [xs]
Remember that xs is already a list. So when you do return [xs] you will get an IO [[Int]], a list of lists. What you want here is a plain return xs.
In your second definition
randList g xs = do
t <- randomIO
let a = t:randList (g-1) xs
return [a]
The expression t:randList ... makes no sense. The right-hand side of : must be a list. randList does not yield a list though, it yields an IO action. What you actually want to do is to treat the second argument of randList (the list) as an "accumulator", which is gradually built up. So you want to generate a number, add it to the accumulator, and then recurse with g decreased by one:
randList g xs = do
t <- randomIO
randList (g-1) (t:xs)

Iteratively printing every integer in a List

Say I have a List of integers l = [1,2]
Which I want to print to stdout.
Doing print l produces [1,2]
Say I want to print the list without the braces
map print l produces
No instance for (Show (IO ())) arising from a use of `print'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show (IO ()))
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
`:t print
print :: Show a => a -> IO ()
So while I thought this would work I went ahead and tried:
map putStr $ map show l
Since I suspected a type mismatch from Integer to String was to blame. This produced the same error message as above.
I realize that I could do something like concatenating the list into a string, but I would like to avoid that if possible.
What's going on? How can I do this without constructing a string from the elements of the List?
The problem is that
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
So we end up with [IO ()]. This is a pure value, a list of IO actions. It won't actually print anything. Instead we want
mapM_ :: (a -> IO ()) -> [a] -> IO ()
The naming convention *M means that it operates over monads and *_ means we throw away the value. This is like map except it sequences each action with >> to return an IO action.
As an example mapM_ print [1..10] will print each element on a new line.
Suppose you're given a list xs :: [a] and function f :: Monad m => a -> m b. You want to apply the function f to each element of xs, yielding a list of actions, then sequence these actions. Here is how I would go about constructing a function, call it mapM, that does this. In the base case, xs = [] is the empty list, and we simply return []. In the recursive case, xs has the form x : xs. First, we want to apply f to x, giving the action f x :: m b. Next, we want recursively call mapM on xs. The result of performing the first step is a value, say y; the result of performing the second step is a list of values, say ys. So we collect y and ys into a list, then return them in the monad:
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapM f [] = return []
mapM f (x : xs) = f x >>= \y -> mapM f ys >>= \ys -> return (y : ys)
Now we can map a function like print, which returns an action in the IO monad, over a list of values to print: mapM print [1..10] does precisely this for the list of integers from one through ten. There is a problem, however: we aren't particularly concerned about collecting the results of printing operations; we're primarily concerned about their side effects. Instead of returning y : ys, we simply return ().
mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) ->[a] -> m ()
mapM_ f [] = return ()
mapM_ f (x : xs) = f x >> mapM_ f xs
Note that mapM and mapM_ can be defined without explicit recursion using the sequence and sequence_ functions from the standard library, which do precisely what their names imply. If you look at the source code for mapM and mapM_ in Control.Monad, you will see them implemented that way.
Everything in Haskell is very strongly typed, including code to perform IO!
When you write print [1, 2], this is just a convenience wrapper for putStrLn (show [1, 2]), where show is a function that turns a (Show'able) object into a string. print itself doesn't do anything (in the side effect sense of do), but it outputs an IO() action, which is sort of like a mini unrun "program" (if you excuse the sloppy language), which isn't "run" at its creation time, but which can be passed around for later execution. You can verify the type in ghci
> :t print [1, 2]
print [1, 2]::IO()
This is just an object of type IO ().... You could throw this away right now and nothing would ever happen. More likely, if you use this object in main, the IO code will run, side effects and all.
When you map multiple putStrLn (or print) functions onto a list, you still get an object whose type you can view in ghci
> :t map print [1, 2]
map print [1, 2]::[IO()]
Like before, this is just an object that you can pass around, and by itself it will not do anything. But unlike before, the type is incorrect for usage in main, which expects an IO() object. In order to use it, you need to convert it to this type.
There are many ways to do this conversion.... One way that I like is the sequence function.
sequence $ map print [1, 2]
which takes a list of IO actions (ie- mini "programs" with side effects, if you will forgive the sloppy language), and sequences them together as on IO action. This code alone will now do what you want.
As jozefg pointed out, although sequence works, sequence_ is a better choice here....
Sequence not only concatinates the stuff in the IO action, but also puts the return values in a list.... Since print's return value is IO(), the new return value becomes a useless list of ()'s (in IO). :)
Using the lens library:
[1,2,3] ^! each . act print
You might write your own function, too:
Prelude> let l = [1,2]
Prelude> let f [] = return (); f (x:xs) = do print x; f xs
Prelude> f l

Cont Monad breaks laziness in Haskell

I was trying the Cont monad, and discovers the following problem.
First construct a infinite list and lift all the elements to a Cont monad
Use sequence operation to get a Cont monad on the infinite list.
When we try to run the monad, with head, for example, it falls into infinite loop
while trying to expand the continuation and the head is never called.
The code looks like this:
let inff = map (return :: a -> Cont r a) [0..]
let seqf = sequence inff
runCont seqf head
So is this a limitation of the Cont monad implementation in Haskell?
If so, how do we improve this?
The reason is that even though the value of the head element of sequence someList depends only on the first elemenent of someList, the effect of sequence someList can generally depend on all the effects of someList (and it does for most monads). Therefore, if we want to evaluate the head element, we still need to evaluate all the effects.
For example, if we have a list of Maybe values, the result of sequence someList is Just only if all the elements of someList are Just. So if we try to sequence an infinite list, we'd need to examine its infinite number of elements if they're all Just.
The same applies for Cont.
In the continuation monad, we can escape any time from the computation and return a result that is different from what has been computed so far.
Consider the following example:
test :: (Num a, Enum a) => a
test = flip runCont head $
callCC $ \esc -> do
sequence (map return [0..100] ++ [esc [-1]])
or directly using cont instead of callCC:
test' :: (Num a, Enum a) => a
test' = flip runCont head $
sequence (map return [0..100] ++ [cont (const (-1))])
The result of test is just -1. After processing the first 100 elements, the final element can decide to escape all of this and return -1 instead. So in order to see what is the head element of sequence someList in Cont, we again need to compute them all.
This is not a flaw with the Cont monad so much as sequence. You can get similar results for Either, for example:
import Control.Monad.Instances ()
xs :: [Either a Int]
xs = map Right [0..] -- Note: return = Right, for Either
ys :: Either a [Int]
ys = sequence xs
You can't retrieve any elements of ys until it computes the entire list, which will never happen.
Also, note that: sequence (map f xs) = mapM f xs, so we can simplify this example to:
>>> import Control.Monad.Instances
>>> mapM Right [0..]
<Hangs forever>
There are a few monads where mapM will work on an infinite list of values, specifically the lazy StateT monad and Identity, but they are the exception to the rule.
Generally, mapM/sequence/replicateM (without trailing underscores) are anti-patterns and the correct solution is to use pipes, which allows you to build effectful streams that don't try to compute all the results up front. The beginning of the pipes tutorial describes how to solve this in more detail, but the general rule of thumb is that any time you write something like:
example1 = mapM f xs
example2 = sequence xs
You can transform it into a lazy Producer by just transforming it to:
example1' = each xs >-> Pipes.Prelude.mapM f
example2' = each xs >-> Pipes.Prelude.sequence
Using the above example with Either, you would write:
>>> import Pipes
>>> let xs = each [0..] >-> mapM Right :: Producer Int (Either a) ()
Then you can lazily process the stream without generating all elements:
>>> Pipes.Prelude.any (> 10) xs
Right True

Grab a string from a list and save it into another list?

I'm trying to grab a random item from a string list and save that into another string list but I can't get my code to work.
import System.Random
import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
food = ["meatballs and potoes","veggisoup","lasagna","pasta bolognese","steak and fries","salad","roasted chicken"]
randomFood xs = do
if (length xs - 1 ) > 0 then
[list] <- (fmap (xs!!) $ randomRIO (0, length xs -1))
putStrLn (show([list])
I'm getting parse error on input '<-' but I'm sure there are more issues then that. There is also the issue that the list may contain the same dishes two days in a row which is not what I want and I guess I can remove duplicates but that also would remove the number of items in the list which I want to stay the same as the number in the list.
Anyone have a good idea how I could solve this? I have been searching for a day now and I can't find something useful for me but that's just because I'm looking in the wrong places. Any suggestion on how I can do this or where I can find the info will be greatly appreciated!
The reason it didn't work is that you needed another do after your if...then. (After a then you need an expression, not a pattern <- expression.)
randomFood :: String -> IO () -- type signature: take a String and do some IO.
randomFood xs = do
if length xs > 1 then do
[list] <- (fmap (xs!!) $ randomRIO (0, length xs -1))
putStrLn (show([list])
But that still doesn't compile, because you don't actually do anything with your list.
At the end of every do block, you need an expression to return.
I think you meant to still print some stuff if the length of xs is too short, and you probably meant to print the selected food if there was more than one to choose from.
Better would be:
randomFood :: String -> IO ()
randomFood xs | length xs <= 1 = putStrLn $ show xs
randomFood xs | otherwise = do
item <- (xs!!) <$> randomRIO (0, length xs -1)
putStrLn $ show(item)
This | boolean test = syntax is better for conditional answers based on input.
I changed [list] to item because you're selecting a single item randomly, not a list of items.
Haskell is quite happy to let you put [list], because any string that's got one character in it matches [list].
For example, "h" = [list] if list='h', because "h" is short for ['h']. Any longer string will give you Pattern match failure. In particular, all the food you've specified has more than one character, so with this definition randomFood would never work! item will match anything returned by your randomRIO expression, so that's fine.
You imported <$> then didn't use it, but it's a nice operator, so I've replaced fmap f iothing with f <$> iothing.
I finally realised I'm doing the wrong thing with short lists; if I do randomFood ["lump of cheese"] I'll get ["lump of cheese"], which is inconsistent with randomFood ["lump of cheese"] which will give me "lump of cheese".
I think we should separate the short list from the empty list, which enables us to do more pattern matching and less boolean stuff:
randomFood :: String -> IO ()
randomFood [] = putStrLn "--No food listed, sorry.--"
randomFood [oneitem] = putStrLn . show $ oneitem
randomFood xs = do
item <- (xs!!) <$> randomRIO (0, length xs -1)
putStrLn . show $ item
This gives three different definitions for randomFood depending on what the input looks like.
Here I've also replaced putStrLn (show (item)) with putStrLn . show $ item - compose the functions show and putStrLn and apply ($) that to the item.
Few points to note :
Don't intermix pure and impure code.
Try to use library for a task rather than repeating what is already written.
Here is the code using random-fu library
import Data.Random
import Control.Applicative
food :: [String]
food = ["meatballs and potoes","veggisoup","lasagna","pasta bolognese","steak and fries","salad","roasted chicken"]
randomFood :: [String] -> RVar (Maybe String)
randomFood [] = return Nothing
randomFood xs = Just <$> randomElement xs
main :: IO ()
main = (sample $ randomFood food) >>= print
This is like choosing one element from a list randomly.
> main
Just "steak and fries"
> main
Just "meatballs and potoes"
If you want to output just a random permutation of the above list, you can use shuffle like
main = (sample $ shuffle food) >>= print
> main
["meatballs and potoes","lasagna","steak and fries","roasted chicken","salad","pasta bolognese","veggisoup"]
> main
["roasted chicken","veggisoup","pasta bolognese","lasagna","steak and fries","meatballs and potoes","salad"]
