How to create an online repository on a Linux hosting using tortoise SVN? - tortoisesvn

I want to setup an online repository on my Linux hosting account I have. I want to a combination of Tortoise SVN and Ankh SVN for this, this will be an ASP.NET MVC 4 project for which I will be using Visual Studio 2010.
Firstly, is it even possible to do this ? i.e to setup an online repostiory on a Linux hosting account, I know this question may sound very naive, but I am new to this code hosting.
Also I stricty want to use only Tortoise SVN and Ankh SVN for this. And I dont want to use Git or Hg for this.
Please advise me on the same.

Short answer
No way. Period
Longer answer
You must to use SVN-server administration tools for creating repository (and building RA-access levels), not client-level tools
Long answer
You have to have:
SVN (installed) on server side
Configured and running at least one type of SVN-server on Linux host
Created (by svn admin tools) repository with configured ACL
None of the above tasks can be executed with TSVN
Final Note
SVN Book is your best friend, at least chapters Repository Administration and Server Configuration


Can I deploy an application using OpenLDAP on Linux server to Windows client?

Is it possible to deploy installers (for example Chrome browser .exe file) to install on Windows client computers across all office buildings using OpenLDAP? The OpenLDAP is installed on CentOS 8. If it is not possible can Active Directory Help Me?
Why would you use a directory service to store binary files? This might be possible but it's a terrible idea.
Active Directory is a broad suite of tools. AD Domain Services is basically the OpenLDAP equivalent and doesn't do what you want
AD GP (Group Policy) allows you to push software but if you're only using it to push a Chrome installer, it's overkill to set it all up. It does work though!
You can also use SCCM (oh I guess it's called MECM now, haven't touched it in a hot minute).

Using GitLab + Read the Docs for documentation on a Private VM: RTD build fails

I am a technical writer trying to use Read the Docs to generate documentation for one of our product. As we have a non-disclosure agreement for any publication, I have to host the documentation on a virtual machine for customers with intranet access to read.
My VM is a CentOS 8. I installed GitLab Community Edition through Docker. I created a repository for my Markdown source code under the root account, the address of the repo being http://${vm_address}/root/${repo_name}. The GitLab container runs on Port 20 of my VM.
Read the Docs
As RTD does not officially support On-premise deployment, I pulled an unofficial image from Docker. See vassilvk/readthedocs. This RTD container runs on Port 8000 of my VM. I use username "admin" to log into RTD.
Procedure I Took to Integrate GitLab and RTD
To import the source code in my GitLab, I did the following:
On the Project page, click Import a Project.
Click Import Manually on the left panel.
In the Project Details page, fill in the fields as follows:
Project name: ${my_project_name}
Repository URL: ${Clone_With_HTTP_Address} I copied the URL from the "Clone with HTTP" field under the Clone button dropdown in GitLab
Repository Type: Git
In the Advanced Project Options, I set Documentation Type to Sphinx HTML.
Click Finish.
The build fails with error code 1.
Where did I do wrong with the RTD project settings?
Is something wrong going on with my RTD or GitLab container settings?
Do I still need to install Sphinx on the VM?
As we have a non-disclosure agreement for any publication, I have to host the documentation
This does not follow at all. You must be looking at the wrong ReadTheDocs. There are two sites: - that one is the free, publicly visible hosting. - that's the one you want, it hosts private repositories for businesses exactly like yours.
Unless you're in a well managed, secure IT environment, running random Docker images on your own VM will almost certainly lead to inadvertent disclosure. Are you in hosting business? No. Don't play a hosting business when all you want is to write some private documentation. There are products for that.

Multiple environments using WAMP server

wondering if you can help me with the following.
I have a new server in my office, with Windows Server 2008 R2, i have 2 developers working here now, i have just installed WAMP on the server and running, i would like that each of the devs to have their own instance in the wamp, i mean if within www i have N quantity of Projects.
Programmer A gets access to some projects only, also the Databases.
At this point i know how to setup the wamp to be accessed in the LAN using Vhosts, but i have no clue how to setup specific privileges.
Could not find anything on the web on that issue.
Can I suggest another method.
As WAMPServer is intended as a developers tool anyway, you install WAMPServer on each developers PC. You make sure the config on all PC's is the same as the Server version.
For an existing project i.e maintenance/upgrade you give them the source and a database backup. They develop this locally and when its ready you take the source and a database backup to your WAMPServer on the Server.
For a new project, they develop it locally and then when its ready you move the project to the Server.
This would be much simpler and would leave the Server version for UAT or LIVE, whatever you are using it for.
Of course there are better solutions involving source management etc, but as a fairly simple and low maintenance solution, this would work.

Create/configure New repository in remote mercurial server on IIS

Are there any tools avaliable to create and configure (Add new users, Change authorization settings ) mercurial repository hosted in IIS server ?
Currently I want to remotely log in to the server and need to create new repository and configure it manually.
I would take a look at Kallithea. That is a like a hgweb on steriods :) It has user management with authentication against LDAP (so you can use Active Directory), repository management, browsing, etc.
You ask about IIS and I know that it can run Python WSGI applications. Kallithea is based on Pylons and while it's described a difficult, you can run Pylons on IIS if you want.
I would probably install Apache instead or simply use the small web server that comes with Kallithea (depending on the load you expect).

How to create a Mercurial repository on a remote IIS web server

I have a Windows Server 2003 running Mercurial's hgwebdir.cgi to serve repositories. Push/Pull etc is working as expected for existing repositories.
Currently I'm using remote desktop If I need a new repository on the server.
Is there a better way to do it? Command line, web interface, cgi?
Mercurial by itself only allows for the creation of repositories locally or over ssh. For http you need to either log in to the server via command line and hg init or via RDP and do essentially the same.
It is, however, very easy to create a small CGI script that will create new remote repositories over HTTP. Here's one I built that works on unix and is likely easily adapted to windows:
currently , running hg init where you want the repository is the way to do it, any other way would require hgwebdir to implement some kind of security better left to other/better/more os specific tools. It's not that much of a leap to imagine that the HG devs rather focus on the versioning of files than reinventing the wheel with security, at least right now.
