How do you debug a Node.js server running with Chrome/WebKit as the remote debugger? - node.js

If you have your Node running
node --debug server.js
This gives me a port number xxxx, should I use this port number when starting Chrome?
Do you remote debug into it from Google\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=xxxx?
Or is the 9222 a magic port, as it is mentioned all over.
Am I on the right track, trying to start Chrome with --remote-debugger into the Node.js server.js

The node-inspector / --debug are now replaced by inspector
See update below
#now deprecated / see below for update
#install node-inspector
npm install -g node-inspector
#start node-inspector, listen on port 8080 (default)
node-inspector --web-port=8080
#in another terminal session/window:
#while node-inspector is running, start your project in debug mode
node --debug myproject.js
Now you can browse to http://your_server:8080 for a full debug session of myproject.js
If your remote server is not accessible on the remote port because of firewalls or other reasons, you could create an ssh-tunnel to it from port 8080 on your local machine to 'localhost:8080' on the remote server:
ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 username#remoteserver -N
and keep this running while you use http://localhost:8080 on your local machine to debug your remote nodejs session
Update august 2017
Start node in inspect mode:
node --inspect= myproject.js
or if you want the debugger to break at the first line of myproject.js:
node --inspect-brk= myproject.js
Then open the following URL in your chrome browser:
Click the 'Configure...' button and add the following target:
After you click the 'Done' button, you should see myproject.js under your remote targets. Click the inspect link to start debugging. Unfortunately, the inspect link does not work on Chrome 58 for Ubuntu. It works fine on Chrome 60 for Windows.

Use node-inspector to remotely debug your node application from Chrome that you've started with the --debug option as you've shown.

Recent versions of Node (> v6.3.0) and Chrome now allow you to use the Chrome Developer Tools to debug a Node.JS process without having to install anything else. Just pass --inspect to node:
$ node --inspect script.js
Debugger listening on port 9229.
Warning: This is an experimental feature and could change at any time.
To start debugging, open the following URL in Chrome:
Just open that URL in Chrome, and you're good to go.
If you need to pause your script immediately after Node starts, you can also pass --debug-brk in the same command.

$ vagrant ssh -- -L 5858:
to ssh connect to VM. also this comment would start a proxy server on port 5858;
you could test using telnet 5858 to see if local proxy server started or not.
In VM, you can start node with command
$ node --debug-brk app.js
set up debug configuration in web storm.
when you start debug in web storm, node.js server in VM will start in a few seconds.
PS: there is no need to touch the vagrant file.
Reference: Connecting WebStorm to a remote node.js debugging session.


Debugging Kibana backend Node.js code

How to debug Kibana backend source code?
I presume, node-inspector could be used. And some extra configuration needed for package.json file to run debugger at npm start. But, I can't figure out the correct configuration syntax.
NODE_OPTIONS=--debug bin/kibana --dev
If you want to break before starting:
NODE_OPTIONS="--debug --debug-brk" bin/kibana --dev
Alternatively, you can set the same variable when calling npm start:
NODE_OPTIONS=--debug npm start
You will see:
Debugger listening on port 5858
You can then use the node inspector by running node-inspector and opening
If you are debugging a remote server, you can either run node-inspector on the server and forward port 8080 through SSH, or you can run node-inspector locally and forward port 5858 through SSH.
EDIT: As it was now mentioned in the comments, it might be necessary to edit the source and add debugger; at the beginning, otherwise breakpoints might not work correctly even when using --debug-brk. Not sure why, though.
add $NODE_OPTIONS --no-warnings --inspect
and start kibana server and access the link shown in the logs like this link "chrome-devtools://devtools/remote/serve_file/#521e5b7e2b7cc66b4006a8a54cb9c4e57494a5ef/inspector.html?experiments=true&v8only=true&ws=localhost:5858/node" then you will find your backend code in the source tab and you can debug it like debuging frontend code.

Can you use node-debug on a non-webserver application?

I'd like to debug an application which is basically a straightforward text-processing pipeline. After messing around with node-debug for a while (Vagrant port forwarding issues), all I get in the browser is output like:
Type: connect
Protocol-Version: 1
Embedding-Host: node v0.10.25
Content-Length: 0
Content-Length: 96
{"seq":0,"request_seq":1,"type":"response","command":"disconnect","success":true,"running":true}Content-Length: 553
There's no debug GUI.
Is it actually possible to debug a nodeJS application this way if it doesn't run a web server?
I'm starting node-debug like this:
coffee --nodejs --debug-brk
Following #Brad's suggestion, I get further but it still doesn't quite work:
$ coffee --nodejs --debug-brk
debugger listening on port 5858
In another tab:
$ node-debug
info - started
Now, in a browser window, I go to http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858
![enter image description here][1]
There's only boilerplate functions though, none of my code (that I can see, anyway).
If I 'run' from the debugger, my hitherto-paused process completes.
debugger listening on port 5858
2013-10-31 15h41m21s GPS Module 1 2110_WIMMERA HWY _F_S1_0_125140 001.gps
->2013-10-31 15h41m21s GPS Module 1 2110_WIMMERA HWY _F_S1_0_125140 001.json
2013-12-16 12h12m49s GPS Module 1 2170_HYLAND HWY _F_S1_0_59840 001.gps
->2013-12-16 12h12m49s GPS Module 1 2170_HYLAND HWY _F_S1_0_59840 001.json
=> all-lines.json
The node-debug process is still running, and I have to kill it in order to be able to run coffee again. Awkward.
Yes, you can debug any Node.js application, even if it starts no server at all. Starting node-debug starts up its own web server to handle the application.
I don't see anywhere you are actually running node-debug. It looks like you're connecting your browser to the debugging protocol port, and not node-debug itself. Node-debug is a web application that then connects to the debugging port of your application.

Node-inspector does not attach itself to application

I have tried launching node-inspector using:
node-inspector &
I have tried launching my app using:
node --debug ./bin/www
node --debug-brk ./bin/www
I am running the app from a vagrant box from which I have used port forwarding for the port 3000 and running the node-inspector on my windows PC.I have tried disabling all my Chrome extensions,I have tried removing and reinstalling node-inspector as well.I have tried adding debugger messages to my files.
I always get this window when I open node-inspector,it does not load any of the applications files for me to set breakpoints.Here is a screenshot of node-inspector.
I have also tried disabling my antivirus(Avast) and that does not work,I have tried forwarding the port 5858.
I have tried starting the default debugger,it just says connecting...:
node debug localhost:5858
How can I understand what the problem is and how can I solve it?
You need to forward port 5858 as well from your vagrant box to pc. Alternatively, start node-inspector inside vagrant and forward its web port ( 8080 by default )

node-inspector --webhost is not local! its a web app

if I enter
node --debug /home/engine/public_html/myapp.js
then in another putty tab
node-inspector --webhost
I still get it telling me to open the browser and look locally...
Node Inspector v0.7.0-2
info - started
Visit to start debugging.
Where as my site is online not local. When I do go to this address that inspector is telling me chrome says
This webpage is not available
I have opened ports 5858 and 8080 I can't see how this is suppose to work.
Even i get the localhost url when I try to debug my remote site using node-inspector.
Try visiting the url after you start the inspector and app.
Here are the steps:
Start the Node Inspector server
$ node-inspector --web-port=5050
Enable debug mode in your Node process
$ node --debug=5050 app.js
Load the debugger UI
Open in the Chrome browser.

Remotely debugging my node app that is hosted on AWS

I would like to connect to my node server running in debug mode on AWS (node --debug app.js) from my development machine, and be able to debug my app remotely.
Two questions:
Can I do this with node-inspector? I wish I could, but node-inspector fails to install on my AWS instance.
Any alternatives that will allow me to do this?
And with the help of tepez's answer, the following worked for me (Node Inspector v0.12.2):
On my machine:
ssh -L 8080: <username>#<host> -N
On the remote server:
node-debug --cli <appname>
And enter the following address in the browser:
Forward remote debugger port with ssh from your dev machine
ssh -L 5858:
And now you can start node-inspector as if the debugger is running locally.
Allow me to present an alternative using node --inspect. I had the same need, although in a Windows environment, I believe this should work for you.
Remote machine (tested with Node 6.10.2, Windows Server 2012)
node --inspect= <appname>.js
Local Machine (tested with Win 10, Chrome 60.0.3112.90)
In Chrome DevTools - Click the vertical ellipsis menu in top right:
Go to: More Tools -> Remote Devices
Under Network targets Click Add address
Enter <remote-ip>:9229
Once you enter address and remote target is connected you'll see Node.JS Icon on Top Left of DevTools
Click NodeJS Logo to launch DevTools Node Debugger
Screenshots of Steps 1,3,4 below.
One more option to use to listen to request from outside:
node-debug --web-host= --cli app.js
and visit this address to debug:
it would be better if HTTP/2 is available since there are lots of small files.
You can use node --inspect too in your remote machine.
Start your node with node --inspect myapp.js
Then locally ssh -L 9229: myuser#myserver -N
Search for an string like this at the log head and copy it
Paste it in your chrome browser
Enjoy :)
If you are using pm2 just add this on your ecosystem.js
"apps": [{
"name": "myapp",
"script": "index.js",
"node_args": ["--inspect"],
Also you can specify --web-host argument.
node-inspector --web-host
This is what worked for me:
Start node-inspector on server.
Start debugee on remote server with --debug flag.
Note the port that the debugger listens on, i.e. Debugger listening on port DEBUG_PORT message.
Create an ssh tunnel for port 8080, not the DEBUG_PORT as Andrey Sidorov's answer suggests.
Open SERVER_API:8080/debug?ws= in browser an voilĂ .
Node Inspector v0.10.1
