Convert OpenISO8583.Net into different formats - c#-4.0

I'm trying to implement an ISO8589 message to a financial institution. They however, have a Web Service that I call and then I load the ISO8589 payload into an appropriate field of the WCF service.
I have created an ISO8589 message this way:
var isoMessage = new OpenIso8583.Net.Iso8583();
isoMessage.MessageType = Iso8583.MsgType._0100_AUTH_REQ;
isoMessage.TransactionAmount = (long) 123.00;
isoMessage[Iso8583.Bit._002_PAN] = "4111111111111111";
// More after this.
I can't seem to figure out how I can convert the isoMessage into an ASCII human readable format so I can pass it through to the web service.
Anyone have any idea how this can be done with this library? Or am I using this library the wrong way?
I have figured out how to do this doing:
var asciiFormatter = new AsciiFormatter();
var asciiValue = asciiFormatter.GetString(isoMessage.ToMsg());
However, Now I am trying to take the isoMessage and pass the entire thing as hex string easily using OpenIso8583.Net, as follows:
var isoMessage = new OpenIso8583Net.Iso8583();
isoMessage.MessageType = Iso8583.MsgType._0800_NWRK_MNG_REQ;
isoMessage[Iso8583.Bit._003_PROC_CODE] = "000000";
isoMessage[Iso8583.Bit._011_SYS_TRACE_AUDIT_NUM] = "000001";
isoMessage[Iso8583.Bit._041_CARD_ACCEPTOR_TERMINAL_ID] = "29110001";
I know this is tricky, because some fields are BCD, AlpahNumeric, Numeric, etc. however, this should be realively easy (or I would think) using OpenIso8583.Net? The result I'd like to get is:
Msg Bitmap (3, 11, 41) ProcCode Audit Terminal ID
----- ----------------------- -------- -------- -----------------------
08 00 20 20 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 32 39 31 31 30 30 30 31
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Essentially, you need to extend Iso8583 which you initialise with your own Template In the Template, you can set the formatters for each field so that BCD and binary packing is not used. Have a look at the source code for Iso8583 as to how it works.


TELEGRAF TAIL : Creating parser: Invalid data format: Grok

I am using Telegraf to get logs information from specific logs with Hexa data.
I am using tail but i still to get the same error : Invalid data format: Grok.
My log look like this :
18/08/2022 21:04:23 01 41 7B 00 04 14 00 00 00 FD AB
and a configuration for tail in telegraf :
files = ["/mnt/cle/*a.*.log"]
from_beginning = true
max_undelivered_lines = 300
character_encoding = "utf-8"
data_format = "Grok"
grok_patterns = ['%{DATE_EU:date} %{TIME:time} %{WORD:my1id} %{WORD:my2id} %{BASE16NUM:01hexa} %{BASE16NUM:02hexa} %{BASE16NUM:03hexa} %{BASE16NUM:04hexa} %{BASE16NUM:05hexa} %{BASE16NUM:06hexa} %{BASE16NUM:07hexa} %{BASE16NUM:08hexa} %{BASE16NUM:09hexa} %{BASE16NUM:10hexa} %{BASE16NUM:11hexa}']
I try also for grok_patterns :
grok_patterns = ['%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp:ts-"2006/01/02 15:04:05"} %{WORD:MRIid} %{WORD:OPUid} %{WORD:01hexa} %{WORD:02hexa} %{WORD:03hexa} %{WORD:04hexa} %{WORD:05hexa} %{WORD:06hexa} %{WORD:07hexa} %{WORD:08hexa} %{WORD:09hexa} %{WORD:10hexa} %{WORD:11hexa}']
Also, i would like to convert my hexa data to decimal and apply a conversion formula.
And to complicate things, i vould like to join two pattern before converting data.
I have used this link for the grok_patterns : Grok input data format
I found a solution and below my correction :
grok_patterns = ['%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp:ts-"2006-01-02 15:04:05"} %{WORD:MATid} %{WORD:OPUid}']
grok_custom_patterns = '''
With this log :
2022-08-19 17:21:18 MAT01 OPU30
2022-08-19 17:21:19 MAT01 OPU30
However, I'm still looking to convert my hexa data to decimal and apply a conversion formula. And to complicate things, i vould like to join two pattern before converting data.

Handling data packets in Node Js

Let's say I'm reading a TCP or UDP stream in Node Js. This question basically applies to any language or platform, but how do I go about creating a header for my data layer?
I suppose I need
A magic set of characters to identify a header
A number that says the length of the packet
I would like to future proof it and follow any "typical" data packet header structures (maybe they usually include version? protocol?) but cannot for the life of me find any great information online.
Use the pcapng format. The spec should have everything you need if you want to look at header bytes at a deeper level. Pcap is the older format, but has limitations.
There's already a pcapng parser available, pcap-ng-parser available via npm.
If you want a general protocol analyzer, you should look at Wireshark
Generate a pcapng file
In order to work with a pcapng, we need a pcapng file. Fortunately, tshark (part of Wireshark), makes this easy. We can use tshark to generate 10 packets (-c 10) and save to the pcapng format (-F).
tshark -w myfile.pcapng -F pcapng -c 10
JS pcapng libraries
We can use the sample js file on the about page:
# temp.js
const PCAPNGParser = require('pcap-ng-parser')
const pcapNgParser = new PCAPNGParser()
const myFileStream = require('fs').createReadStream('./myfile.pcapng')
.on('data', parsedPacket => {
.on('interface', interfaceInfo => {
Getting info from pcapng file
Running sample JS
Running it on my system, we see link and interface information.
$ node temp.js
linkType: 1,
snapLen: 524288,
name: 'en0\u0003\u0005Wi-Fi\t\u0001\u0006',
code_12: 'Mac OS X 10.14.6, build 18G103 (Darwin 18.7.0)\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000h\u0000\u0000\u0000'
interfaceId: 0,
timestampHigh: 367043,
timestampLow: 1954977647,
data: <Buffer a8 bd 27 c8 f2 fe 6c 96 cf d8 7f e7 08 00 45 00 00 28 87 c3 00 00 40 06 e4 ba ac 1f 63 c6 8c 52 72 1a fc 3c 01 bb 6c 24 4d 01 54 03 1b 06 50 10 08 00 ... 4 more bytes>
... <output truncated>
Vs tshark
Depending on your use case, tshark may make more sense anyway
tshark -r myfile.pcapng -c 1 -T json
"_index": "packets-2019-12-15",
"_type": "pcap_file",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"layers": {
"frame": {
"frame.interface_id": "0",
"frame.interface_id_tree": {
"frame.interface_name": "en0",
"frame.interface_description": "Wi-Fi"
"frame.encap_type": "1",
"frame.time": "Dec 15, 2019 12:04:14.932076000 PST",
"frame.offset_shift": "0.000000000",
"frame.time_epoch": "1576440254.932076000",
"frame.time_delta": "0.000000000",
"frame.time_delta_displayed": "0.000000000",
"frame.time_relative": "0.000000000",
"frame.number": "1",
"frame.len": "175",
"frame.cap_len": "175",
"frame.marked": "0",
"frame.ignored": "0",
"frame.protocols": "eth:ethertype:ip:udp:db-lsp-disc:json",
"": "UDP",
"frame.coloring_rule.string": "udp"
"eth": {
"eth.dst": "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff",
"eth.dst_tree": {

How to add tags like Author,Title and Thumbnail to an .m4a audio file using node.js?

Using Node.js to download files containing music, in .m4a format.
Issue: I cannot find a way to add tags and the Cover Art (thumbnail) to .m4a files.
I had done this before using another program: achieved by MediaHuman youtube -> mp3 downloader (even though it downloads as m4a, my desired format)
(P.S.I'm open to use another language, as long as the language can be linked it to node, but it is definitely very much preferred if it could be done purely in node.js)
Any clues on this subject are very appreciated.
One way to do it is to use node-taglib2, a Node.js C++ addon based on taglib and available in the npm repository.
This module makes trivial editing mpeg metadata:
const fs = require('fs');
const taglib = require('taglib2');
let props = {
artist: 'Howlin\' Wolf',
title: 'Evil is goin\' on',
pictures: [
"mimetype": 'image/jpeg',
"picture": fs.readFileSync('./thumbnail.jpg')
taglib.writeTagsSync('./file.m4a', props);
Now we can check that metadata have been updated:
let tags = taglib.readTagsSync('./file.m4a')
console.log(tags.artist, '-', tags.title) // Howlin' Wolf - Evil is goin' on
console.log( // [ { mimetype: 'image/jpeg', picture: <Buffer ff d8 ff e0 00 10 4a 46 49 46 00 01 01 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 ff db 00 43 00 03 02 02 03 02 02 03 03 03 03 04 03 03 04 05 08 05 05 04 04 05 0a 07 07 06 ... > } ]
But of course there are others options to do the same thing and I'm sure you could also use ffmpeg, as mentioned by Brad in his comment. I would be interested in your feedback if you try it.
I have finally solved my issue by the use of ffmpeg using node!
The issue was that \node_modules\ffmpeg\lib\video.js decided to skip duplicate commands, therefore my requests consisting of multiple of same commands were never read properly by ffmpeg. However, with a quick mod to the video.js file, I was able to make it work! I have successfully written both, the tags, and a thumbnail onto my .m4a

Bittorrent extended message

I cannot find documentation anywhere that will tell me what this message means.
it looks like this in Wireshark.
00 00 00 03 14 03 01
I realize it is a 3 byte message, it is an extended message, ie type 20, but I don't know what 03 01 represent.
The scenario is that I send an 'Interested' message to the peer to unchoke my client, the peer then responds with the above message, followed by the 'Unchoke' message.
It is a extension message with ID = 3 and 01 is message data.
What ID = 3 means in this case, is defined by the previously extended message handshake (ID = 0) your client has sent.
A educated guess is that the message you see means: upload_only = 1. ('Extension for Partial Seeds' - BEP21)
uTorrent and most other clients implementation of upload_only differs from the 'out of date' specification explained here; alus = Greg Hazel
It's defined as a extension message in the extension handshake were the 1 byte message data means: 0x00 = false or < anything else> = true.
This can be verified by using Wireshark.

Mac Yosemite: Remove all space characters on lines that are starting with 0 (zero), in a standard text file

I have a text files, which is text copied from a subtitle file, that looks like this:
00 : 00 : 02 , 240 --> 00 : 00 : 04 , 240
(tadashi) <watashi no namae wa kanzaki jika.
00 : 00 : 04 , 240 --> 00 : 00 : 06 , 240
makikomare te shimatta watashi wa
it goes on for some ~300 more chunks like this.
How would I make it look like this, without doing it manually :) :
00:00:02,240 --> 00:00:04,240
(tadashi) <watashi no namae wa kanzaki jika.
00:00:04,240 --> 00:00:06,240
makikomare te shimatta watashi wa
Basically, I would like to remove all spaces on lines that are starting with the number zero, except those spaces that are before and after the "arrow"
I am on OSX Yosemite but, if the only solution would be on some other os, I'd be glad to hear it regardless
Since no one has answered you yet, here is a solution in python. You need to replace source and target filenames with what is appropriate for you.
import re # this is the regex library
f = open('source.txt', 'rt') # this is the name of your source file
fnew = open('target.txt', 'wt') # this is the name of your target file
for line in f:
new = re.sub(r'(\d\d) ([:|,]) (\d\d)', "\\1\\2\\3", line)
