How to iterate over an array in Puppet - puppet

I would like to iterate over an array that is stored as a Facter fact, and for each element of the array create a new system user and a directory, and finally make API calls to AWS.
Example of the fact: my_env => [shared1,shared2,shared3]
How can I iterate over an array in Puppet?

This might work, depending on what you are doing
# Assuming fact my_env => [ shared1, shared2, shared3 ]
define my_resource {
file { "/var/tmp/$name":
ensure => directory,
mode => '0600',
user { $name:
ensure => present,
my_resource { $my_env: }
It will work if your requirements are simple, if not, Puppet makes this very hard to do. The Puppet developers have irrational prejudices against iteration based on a misunderstanding about how declarative languages work.
If this kind of resource doesn't work for you, perhaps you could give a better idea of which resource properties you are trying to set from your array?
With Puppet 4, this lamentable flaw was finally fixed. Current state of affairs documented here. As the documentation says, you'll find examples of the above solution in a lot of old code.

As of puppet 3.2 this is possible using the "future" parser like so:
$my_env = [ 'shared1', 'shared2', 'shared3', ]
each($my_env) |$value| {
file { "/var/tmp/$value":
ensure => directory,
mode => 0600,
user { $value:
ensure -> present,
See also:

Puppet 3.7 released earlier this month have the new DSL, which one feature is the iteration, check the following URL
these new features can be enabled with the :
Setting parser = future in your puppet.conf file
or adding the command line switch --parser=future
hope that helps

As of latest Puppet (6.4.2), and since Puppet 4, iteration over arrays is supported in a few ways:
$my_arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
Each function:
$my_arr.each |$v| {
Each function alternative syntax:
each($my_arr) |$v| {
To get the index:
Pass a second argument to each:
$my_arr.each |$i, $v| {
notice("Index: $i, value: $v")
Comparison with Ruby:
Note that this grammar is inspired by Ruby but slightly different, and it's useful to show the two side by side to avoid confusion. Ruby would allow:
my_arr.each do |v|
my_arr.each { |v|
Other iteration functions:
Note that Puppet provides a number of other iteration functions:
each - Repeats a block of code a number of times, using a collection of values to provide different parameters each time.
slice - Repeats a block of code a number of times, using groups of values from a collection as parameters.
filter - Uses a block of code to transform a data structure by removing non-matching elements.
map - Uses a block of code to transform every value in a data structure.
reduce - Uses a block of code to create a new value, or data structure, by combining values from a provided data structure.
with - Evaluates a block of code once, isolating it in its own local scope. It doesn’t iterate, but has a family resemblance to the iteration functions.
Puppet 3 and earlier:
If you have inherited old code still using Puppet 3, the accepted answer is still correct:
define my_type {
my_type { $my_arr: }
Note however that this is usually considered bad style in modern Puppet.

itsbruce's answer is probably the best for now, but there is an iteration proposal going through puppetlabs' armatures process for possible implementation in future.

There is a "create_resources()" function in puppet. that will be very helpful while iterating over the list of itmes


How to refer to alternate resources in Terraform?

Terraform (as of today) has the somewhat disturbing limitation, that you cannot create a resource with an interpolated (calcuted) lifecycle attribute prevent_destroy.
Terraform: How to get a boolean from interpolation?
The work-around is pretty simple to code, just create 2 resources with "alternating" counts. When you have 1 "production" resource which does not allow destroying you have 0 "testing" resources which can be destroyed. Or the other way round. (See the answer to the stackoverflow question linked
above for details.)
However, this brings up a new question. When I want to refer to "the one of the alternate resources that exists for this execution", how do I do that?
In pseudo code something like
"${local.production ? "${aws_eip.commander_production.public_ip}" : "${aws_eip.commander_testing.public_ip}" }"
This pseudo code cannot work for a couple of reasons:
aws_eip.commander_production is no longer a single resource, it is a list, so you need the * syntax
one of the lists is always empty and Terraform easily complains that it cannot determine the type of an empty list. (I guess because the ternary operator requires that the alternates have the same type)
when you access into an empty list you will get an error (With C semantics the unused alternate would not be evaluated, but Terraform seems to work differently and I got errors when trying to code this)
To work around those I came up with the following hacky solution:
Extend the lists with a dummy element in the end and then refer to the
first element of the extended list. The code for this is pretty
horrible to type, but it seems to work
locals {
dummy = [ "foo" ]
output "0101: address" {
value = "${format("Public IP is %s", "${local.production ? "${element("${concat("${aws_eip.commander_production.*.public_ip}", "${local.dummy}")}", 0)}" : "${element("${concat("${aws_eip.commander_testing.*.public_ip}", "${local.dummy}")}", 0)}" }")}"
Question: What is a shorter / more elegant way to code this?
Note: I have found one answer myself, but feel welcome to contribute even better ones.
A bit shorter code is
output "0101: address" {
value = "${format("Public IP is %s", "${element("${concat("${aws_eip.commander_production.*.public_ip}", "${aws_eip.commander_testing.*.public_ip}")}", 0)}")}"
In plain text: Concatenate the lists and take the first element of the the result. One list has one element and the other one zero, so the result will be what we want, regardless whether the element is in the first or second list.

puppet class syntax clarification

Currently trying to understand the puppet manifests written by another person and met the following construction in the class:
postgres_helper::tablespace_grant { $tablespace_grants:
privilege => 'all',
require => [Postgresql::Server::Role[$rolename]]
what does $tablespace_grants: means in this case? First i suggested that is some kind of a title, however when i used notice to receive the value of it, it is hash:
Tablespace_grants value is [{name => TS_INDEX_01, role => developer},
{name => TS_DATA01_01, role => developer}]
what does $tablespace_grants: means in this case? First i suggested
that is some kind of a title,
It is a variable reference, used, yes, as the title of a postgres_helper::tablespace_grant resource declaration.
however when i used notice to receive
the value of it, it is hash:
Tablespace_grants value is [{name => TS_INDEX_01, role => developer},
{name => TS_DATA01_01, role => developer}]
Actually, it appears to be an array of hashes. An array may be used as the title of a resource declaration to compactly declare multiple resources, one for each array element. In Puppet 4, however, the elements are required to be strings. Earlier versions of Puppet would stringify hashes presented as resource titles; I am uncertain offhand whether Puppet 4 still falls back on this.
In any case, it is unlikely that the overall declaration means what its original author intended, in any version of Puppet. It looks like the intent is to declare multiple resources, each with properties specified by one of the hashes, but the given code doesn't accomplish that, and it's unclear exactly what the wanted code would be.

Puppet 2.7: Updating hash in the parent scope fails

I need to recursively insert entries in a hash based on some logic. The state of the hash gets updated inside the defined type loop, but not in the outer scope. The following should clarify:
class Test {
$config = {}
define my_loop()
$config['a'] = 'b'
notify { "1) config = $config": } # shows that $config has a=>b
my_loop { 'loop' : }
notify { "2) config = $config":
require => My_loop['loop'] # shows that $config is empty
So, the problem is that $config inside the loop() contains a=>b, but outside the loop() it doesn't. I must be bumping against some scoping rules here.
The values of Puppet variables are set once, and they do not change thereafter. In those few places that present the appearance of behaving differently, what actually happens is either that a modified local copy or an entirely independent variable is created.
Additionally, do not nest classes or defined types inside classes. Puppet allows it for historical reasons, but it doesn't have the semantics you probably expect, and it makes the nested class / type hard to find.
Consider writing a custom function to perform your computation and return the needed hash.
Also consider whether upgrading to a supported version of Puppet would be feasible. Version 2.7 is very old.

How to understand plusignment operator in puppet

In URL, here is its explanation:
The +> operator, which allows you to add values to resource attributes using the (‘plusignment’) syntax. Useful when you want to override resource attributes without having to respecify already declared values.
For example, I have code like this:
Package {
require => File['/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-cache'],
package { 'php5-cgi':
ensure => present,
Package[ 'php5-cli' ] {
require +> Package['php5-cgi'],
What did the operator +> mean here?
Other sample:
subscribe +> Sshkey['']
The attribute in question takes a value that is composed of the right hand side and whatever it would have taken otherwise.
In your example, the package { 'php5-cgi' } would normally use a require value of File['/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-cache'], since it is the default for all package resources. Through the plusignment, you end up with a value of
require => [ File['/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-cache'], Package['php5-cgi'] ]
The php5-cli package builds a relation to both the referenced file and the php5-cgi package.
The same logic will apply to the subscribe metaparameter from your second example. I cannot comment on the whole semantics without more context.
The plusignment works for all resource attributes, although the resulting array values will not make sense for many of them.

Puppet DSL: order does not matter?

According to the Puppet documentation:
Order does not matter in a declarative language.
If that is the case, why does this bit of code work:
class myserver {
$package_to_install = 'libcapture-tiny-perl'
package {
$package_to_install: ensure => present;
but this code does not work:
class myserver {
package {
$package_to_install: ensure => present;
$package_to_install = 'libcapture-tiny-perl'
If order matters, then I can see why one works and the other does not, but since order does not matter, why do they behave differently?
Disclaimer: I am one of the Puppet developers.
Because our language isn't, as our documentation claims, actually declarative. It is actually ordered. :(
Evaluation is more or less top to bottom inside the class or declaration. The product of that evaluation is a resource in the catalog, however, not evaluation of the catalog.
Think of the DSL as a not-entirely-declarative way to build the catalog, a graph of resources, that are entirely declarative in processing.
