Compare two CString which contain Version no - visual-c++

In a code I have 2 CString which contain a part of version number,
First exe contain version 1.1234.3.1 and the second exe has version
Code should be such that
CString MinVreg,MinFref;
if(MinVreg<MinFref) //when MinVreg="1234" and MinFref="2"
//it enters in if loop.
//Update registry
//Show message box..
I think the operator check only first digit.So please tell me how to compare it as a number

You have to parse the strings to represent a version as an integer array, then perform a lexicographic compare.
bool ParseVersionString(unsigned digits[4], const CString& i_version)
return sscanf(i_version, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &digits[0], &digits[1],
&digits[2], &digits[3]) == 4;
int CompareVersions(unsigned ver1[4], unsigned ver2[4])
for (int i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
if (ver1[i] < ver2[i])
return -1;
if (ver1[i] > ver2[i])
return 1;
return 0;
CString MinVreg("1.1234.3.1"), MinFref("");
unsigned ver1[4], ver2[4];
if (ParseVersionString(ver1, MinVreg) &&
ParseVersionString(ver2, MinFref) &&
CompareVersions(ver1, ver2) < 0)
//Update registry

Try this:
if ( atoi((char*)(LPCTSTR)MinVreg) < atoi((char*)(LPCTSTR)MinFref)
//Do the Stuff

You should use strstr function to check if the character is present or not.
if( NULL != strstr(MinVreg, MinFref) )
//enter the loop
If you want to compare them as int, you need to convert them to int.
if( atoi(MinVreg) < atoi(MinFref) )
//MinVreg < MinFref, Do something
elseif( atoi(MinVreg) > atoi(MinFref) )
//MinVreg > MinFref, Do something
//MinVreg = MinFref, Do something
UPDATE:: After question data edited to MinVreg = 1.1234.3.1 and MinFref =
int a ;
a = strcmp( MinVreg, MinFref ) ;
if( a < 0 )
//MinVreg < MinFref, Do something
elseif( a > 0 )
//MinVreg > MinFref, Do something
//MinVreg = MinFref, Do something

Why use strings in the first place? Here's how I keep track of versions.
BOOL GetProductVersion(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO &fixedFileInfo, LPCTSTR szFileName)
DWORD dwHandle = 0;
DWORD dwLen = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szFileName, &dwHandle);
if (dwLen == 0)
return FALSE;
LPSTR lpVI = new CHAR[dwLen];
if (!lpVI)
return FALSE;
ZeroMemory(lpVI, dwLen);
GetFileVersionInfo(szFileName, dwHandle, dwLen, lpVI);
DWORD dwBufSize;
if (VerQueryValue(lpVI, "\\", (LPVOID*)&lpFFI, (PUINT)&dwBufSize))
fixedFileInfo = *lpFFI;
delete [] lpVI;
return TRUE;
delete [] lpVI;
return FALSE;
CString GetProductVersionAsString(LPCTSTR szFileName)
CString version;
if (GetProductVersion(ffi, szFileName))
stringstream ss;
ss << HIWORD(ffi.dwProductVersionMS) << '.';
ss << LOWORD(ffi.dwProductVersionMS) << '.';
ss << HIWORD(ffi.dwProductVersionLS);
UINT beta = LOWORD(ffi.dwProductVersionLS);
if (beta)
ss << " beta" << beta;
version = ss.str().c_str();
return version;
DWORD GetProductVersionAsInteger(LPCTSTR szFileName)
DWORD version = 0;
if (GetProductVersion(ffi, szFileName))
// Apply your number logic here!
// This code is suitable for x.y.z
version += 100 * HIWORD(ffi.dwProductVersionMS);
version += 10 * LOWORD(ffi.dwProductVersionMS);
version += HIWORD(ffi.dwProductVersionLS);
return version;
Hence, "1.0.2" becomes 102. Obviously, larger version numbers need other multipliers.


Using RegisterHotKey with number pad values not working?

I have some constants:
constexpr int MonitorDisplay1 = 100;
constexpr int MonitorDisplay2 = 200;
constexpr int MonitorDisplay3 = 400;
constexpr int MonitorDisplay4 = 500;
constexpr int MonitorDisplay1KeyPad = 101;
constexpr int MonitorDisplay2KeyPad = 201;
constexpr int MonitorDisplay3KeyPad = 401;
constexpr int MonitorDisplay4KeyPad = 501;
I have an OnCreate where I setup the hot keys:
int CCenterCursorOnScreenDlg::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (__super::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
auto RegisterAppHotkey = [hAppWnd = GetSafeHwnd()](const int nHotKeyID, UINT vk)->bool
if (!::RegisterHotKey(hAppWnd, nHotKeyID, MOD_CONTROL | MOD_SHIFT, vk))
auto const ec = ::GetLastError();
auto const err_msg = std::format(L"RegisterHotKey failed (error: {})\n",
return false;
return true;
if (m_monitors.rcMonitors.size() > 0)
if (!RegisterAppHotkey(MonitorDisplay1, '1'))
return -1;
if (!RegisterAppHotkey(MonitorDisplay1KeyPad, VK_NUMPAD1))
return -1;
if (m_monitors.rcMonitors.size() > 1)
if (!RegisterAppHotkey(MonitorDisplay2, '2'))
return -1;
if (!RegisterAppHotkey(MonitorDisplay2KeyPad, VK_NUMPAD2))
return -1;
if (m_monitors.rcMonitors.size() > 2)
if (!RegisterAppHotkey(MonitorDisplay3, '3'))
return -1;
if (!RegisterAppHotkey(MonitorDisplay3KeyPad, VK_NUMPAD3))
return -1;
if (m_monitors.rcMonitors.size() > 3)
if (!RegisterAppHotkey(MonitorDisplay4, '4'))
return -1;
if (!RegisterAppHotkey(MonitorDisplay4KeyPad, VK_NUMPAD4))
return -1;
return 0;
Previously I just had the 4 hotkeys for 1 / 2 / 3 and 4. They still work. I tried to add new hotkeys for for the number pad on the keyboard, but they are not working.
My OnHotKey handler:
void CCenterCursorOnScreenDlg::OnHotKey(UINT nHotKeyId, UINT nKey1, UINT nKey2)
if (nHotKeyId == MonitorDisplay1 || nHotKeyId == MonitorDisplay1KeyPad)
else if (nHotKeyId == MonitorDisplay2 || nHotKeyId == MonitorDisplay2KeyPad)
else if (nHotKeyId == MonitorDisplay3 || nHotKeyId == MonitorDisplay3KeyPad)
else if (nHotKeyId == MonitorDisplay4 || nHotKeyId == MonitorDisplay4KeyPad)
__super::OnHotKey(nHotKeyId, nKey1, nKey2);
But the number pad versions are not working. Why?
I am unregistering all 8 hotkeys, and num-lock is on. I get no warnings when registering.
This article explains List of Keys (Keyboard, Mouse and Joystick):
Because I was using CTRL + SHIFT, then the meaning of the 4 numeric keys was changing:
Page Down
It made sense to change my hotkeys to CTRL + ALT instead to avoid this issue.

Encode string "aaa" to "3[a]"

give a string s, encode it by the format: "aaa" to "3[a]". The length of encoded string should the shortest.
example: "abbabb" to "2[a2[b]]"
update: suppose the string only contains lowercase letters
update: here is my code in c++, but it's slow. I know one of the improvement is using KMP to compute if the current string is combined by a repeat string.
// this function is used to check if a string is combined by repeating a substring.
// Also Here can be replaced by doing KMP algorithm for whole string to improvement
bool checkRepeating(string& s, int l, int r, int start, int end){
if((end-start+1)%(r-l+1) != 0)
return false;
int len = r-l+1;
bool res = true;
for(int i=start; i<=end; i++){
if(s[(i-start)%len+l] != s[i]){
res = false;
return res;
// this function is used to get the length of the current number
int getLength(int l1, int l2){
return (int)(log10(l2/l1+1)+1);
string shortestEncodeString(string s){
int len = s.length();
vector< vector<int> > res(len, vector<int>(len, 0));
//Initial the matrix
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
for(int j=0; j<=i; j++){
res[j][i] = i-j+1;
unordered_map<string, string> record;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
for(int j=i; j>=0; j--){
string temp = s.substr(j, i-j+1);
/* if the current substring has showed before, then no need to compute again
* Here is a example for this part: if the string is "abcabc".
* if we see the second "abc", then no need to compute again, just use the
* result from first "abc".
if(record.find(temp) != record.end()){
res[j][i] = record[temp].size();
string ans = temp;
for(int k=j; k<i; k++){
string str1 = s.substr(j, k-j+1);
string str2 = s.substr(k+1, i-k);
if(res[j][i] > res[j][k] + res[k+1][i]){
res[j][i] = res[j][k]+res[k+1][i];
ans = record[str1] + record[str2];
if(checkRepeating(s, j, k, k+1, i) == true && res[j][i] > 2+getLength(k-j+1, i-k)+res[j][k]){
res[j][i] = 2+getLength(k-j+1, i-k)+res[j][k];
ans = to_string((i-j+1)/(k-j+1)) + '[' + record[str1] +']';
record[temp] = ans;
return record[s];
With very little to start with in terms of a question statement, I took a quick stab at this using JavaScript because it's easy to demonstrate. The comments are in the code, but basically there are alternating stages of joining adjacent elements, run-length checking, joining adjacent elements, and on and on until there is only one element left - the final encoded value.
I hope this helps.
function encode(str) {
var tmp = str.split('');
var arr = [];
do {
if (tmp.length === arr.length) {
// Join adjacent elements
arr.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i += 2) {
if (i < tmp.length - 1) {
arr.push(tmp[i] + tmp[i + 1]);
} else {
tmp.length = 0;
} else {
// Swap arrays and clear tmp
arr = tmp.slice();
tmp.length = 0;
// Build up the run-length strings
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length;) {
var runlength = runLength(arr, i);
if (runlength > 1) {
tmp.push(runlength + '[' + arr[i] + ']');
} else {
i += runlength;
} while (tmp.length > 1);
return tmp.join();
// Get the longest run length from a given index
function runLength(arr, ind) {
var count = 1;
for (var i = ind; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
if (arr[i + 1] === arr[ind]) {
} else {
return count;
<input id='inp' value='abbabb'>
<button type="submit" onClick='javascript:document.getElementById("result").value=encode(document.getElementById("inp").value)'>Encode</button>
<input id='result' value='2[a2[b]]'>

WinCE: How can I determine the module that contains a code address?

I wrote a solution that involved OpenProcess, EnumProcessModules, GetModuleInformation and GetModuleBaseName, but apparently EnumProcessModules and GetModuleBaseName do not exist in Windows CE! What alternative is there?
I found a way to do this with CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Module32First, Module32Next, Process32First and Process32Next. First you have to get a list of modules, then search through the list of modules to find the desired address.
#include <Tlhelp32.h>
struct MyModuleInfo
BYTE* Base;
enum { MaxNameLen = 36 };
TCHAR Name[MaxNameLen];
bool GetModuleList(vector<MyModuleInfo>& moduleList)
HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS | TH32CS_SNAPMODULE | TH32CS_GETALLMODS, 0);
if (hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return false;
MODULEENTRY32 moduleInfo;
moduleInfo.dwSize = sizeof(moduleInfo);
if (Module32First(hSnapshot, &moduleInfo)) do {
MyModuleInfo myInfo;
myInfo.Handle = moduleInfo.hModule;
myInfo.Base = moduleInfo.modBaseAddr;
myInfo.Size = moduleInfo.modBaseSize;
memcpy(myInfo.Name, moduleInfo.szModule, min(sizeof(myInfo.Name), sizeof(moduleInfo.szModule)));
myInfo.Name[myInfo.MaxNameLen-1] = '\0';
} while (Module32Next(hSnapshot, &moduleInfo));
// The module list obtained above only contains DLLs! To get the EXE files
// also, we must call Process32First and Process32Next in a loop.
PROCESSENTRY32 processInfo;
processInfo.dwSize = sizeof(processInfo);
if (Process32First(hSnapshot, &processInfo)) do {
MyModuleInfo myInfo;
myInfo.Handle = NULL; // No handle given
myInfo.Base = (BYTE*)processInfo.th32MemoryBase;
myInfo.Size = 0x800000; // No size provided! Allow max 8 MB
memcpy(myInfo.Name, processInfo.szExeFile, min(sizeof(myInfo.Name), sizeof(processInfo.szExeFile)));
myInfo.Name[myInfo.MaxNameLen-1] = '\0';
} while(Process32Next(hSnapshot, &processInfo));
// Debug output
for (int i = 0; i < (int)moduleList.size(); i++) {
MyModuleInfo& m = moduleList[i];
TRACE(_T("%-30s: 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n"), m.Name, (DWORD)m.Base, (DWORD)m.Base + m.Size);
return true;
const MyModuleInfo* GetModuleForAddress(vector<MyModuleInfo>& moduleList, void* address)
for (int m = 0; m < (int)moduleList.size(); m++) {
const MyModuleInfo& mInfo = moduleList[m];
if (address >= mInfo.Base && address < mInfo.Base + mInfo.Size)
return &mInfo;
return NULL;

Substring algorithm

Can someone explain to me how to solve the substring problem iteratively?
The problem: given two strings S=S1S2S3…Sn and T=T1T2T3…Tm, with m is less than or equal to n, determine if T is a substring of S.
Here's a list of string searching algorithms
Depending on your needs, a different algorithm may be a better fit, but Boyer-Moore is a popular choice.
A naive algorithm would be to test at each position 0 < i ≤ n-m of S if Si+1Si+2…Si+m=T1T2…Tm. For n=7 and m=5:
i=0: S1S2S3S4S5S6S7
| | | | |
i=1: S1S2S3S4S5S6S7
| | | | |
i=2: S1S2S3S4S5S6S7
| | | | |
The algorithm in pseudo-code:
// we just need to test if n ≤ m
IF n > m:
// for each offset on that T can start to be substring of S
FOR i FROM 0 TO n-m:
// compare every character of T with the corresponding character in S plus the offset
FOR j FROM 1 TO m:
// if characters are equal
IF S[i+j] == T[j]:
// if we’re at the end of T, T is a substring of S
IF j == m:
RETURN true;
RETURN false;
Not sure what language you're working in, but here's an example in C#. It's a roughly n2 algorithm, but it will get the job done.
bool IsSubstring (string s, string t)
for (int i = 0; i <= (s.Length - t.Length); i++)
bool found = true;
for (int j = 0; found && j < t.Length; j++)
if (s[i + j] != t[j])
found = false;
if (found)
return true;
return false;
if (T == string.Empty) return true;
for (int i = 0; i <= S.Length - T.Length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < T.Length; j++) {
if (S[i + j] == T[j]) {
if (j == (T.Length - 1)) return true;
else break;
return false;
It would go something like this:
m==0? return true
cs>n-m? break
char at cs+ct in S==char at ct in T?
ct==m? return true
end loop
return false
This may be redundant with the above list of substring algorithms, but I was always amused by KMP (–Morris–Pratt_algorithm)
// runs in best case O(n) where no match, worst case O(n2) where strings match
var s = "hippopotumus"
var t = "tum"
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
for(var ii=i,iii=0; iii<t.length && i<s.length; ii++, iii++){
if(s[ii]!=t[iii]) break
else if (iii==t.length-1) console.log("yay found it at index: "+i)
Here is my PHP variation that includes a check to make sure the Needle does not exceed the Haystacks length during the search.
function substring($haystack,$needle) {
if("" == $needle) { return true; }
echo "Haystack:\n$haystack\n";
echo "Needle:\n$needle\n";
if($needle[0] == $haystack[$i]) {
$found = true;
for($j=0,$slen=strlen($needle);$j<$slen;$j++) {
if($j >= $len) { return false; }
if($needle[$j] != $haystack[$i+$j]) {
$found = false;
if($found) {
echo " . . . . . . SUCCESS!!!! startPos: $i\n";
return true;
echo " . . . . . . FAILURE!\n" ;
return false;
Left in some echo's. Remove if they offend you!
Is a O(n*m) algorithm, where n and m are the size of each string.
In C# it would be something similar to:
public static bool IsSubtring(char[] strBigger, char[] strSmall)
int startBigger = 0;
while (startBigger <= strBigger.Length - strSmall.Length)
int i = startBigger, j = 0;
while (j < strSmall.Length && strSmall[j] == strBigger[i])
if (j == strSmall.Length)
return true;
return false;
I know I'm late to the game but here is my version of it (in C#):
bool isSubString(string subString, string supraString)
for (int x = 0; x <= supraString.Length; x++)
int counter = 0;
if (subString[0] == supraString[x]) //find initial match
for (int y = 0; y <= subString.Length; y++)
if (subString[y] == supraString[y+x])
if (counter == subString.Length)
return true;
return false;
Though its pretty old post, I am trying to answer it. Kindly correct me if anything is wrong,
package com.amaze.substring;
public class CheckSubstring {
* #param args
* #throws IOException
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.println("Please enter the main string");
String mainStr = br.readLine();
System.out.println("Enter the substring that has to be searched");
String subStr = br.readLine();
char[] mainArr = new char[mainStr.length()];
mainArr = mainStr.toCharArray();
char[] subArr = new char[subStr.length()];
subArr = subStr.toCharArray();
boolean tracing = false;
//System.out.println("Length of substring is "+subArr.length);
int j = 0;
for(int i=0; i<mainStr.length();i++){
if(mainArr[i] == subArr[j]){
tracing = true;
} else {
if (mainArr[i] == subArr[j]){
System.out.println("Value of j is "+j);
if((j == subArr.length)){
System.out.println("SubString found");
} else {
tracing = false;
System.out.println("Substring not found");

How to parse a string to an integer without library functions?

I was recently asked this question in an interview:
"How could you parse a string of the form '12345' into its integer representation 12345 without using any library functions, and regardless of language?"
I thought of two answers, but the interviewer said there was a third. Here are my two solutions:
Solution 1: Keep a dictionary which maps '1' => 1, '2' => 2, etc. Then parse the string one character at a time, look up the character in your dictionary, and multiply by place value. Sum the results.
Solution 2: Parse the string one character at a time and subtract '0' from each character. This will give you '1' - '0' = 0x1, '2' - '0' = 0x2, etc. Again, multiply by place value and sum the results.
Can anyone think of what a third solution might be?
I expect this is what the interviewer was after:
number = "12345"
value = 0
for digit in number: //Read most significant digit first
value = value * 10 + valueOf(digit)
This method uses far less operations than the method you outlined.
Parse the string in oposite order, use one of the two methods for parsing the single digits, multiply the accumulator by 10 then add the digit to the accumulator.
This way you don't have to calculate the place value. By multiplying the accumulator by ten every time you get the same result.
Artelius's answer is extremely concise and language independent, but for those looking for a more detailed answer with explanation as well as a C and Java implementation can check out this page:
Scroll down (or search) to "Practice Question: Convert an ASCII encoded string into an integer."
// java version
public static int convert(String s){
if(s == null || s.length() == 0){
throw new InvalidParameterException();
int ret = 0;
boolean isNegtive = false;
for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){
char c = s.charAt(i);
if( i == 0 && (c == '-')){
isNegtive = true;
if(c - '0' < 0 || c - '0' > 10){
throw new InvalidParameterException();
int tmp = c - '0';
ret *= 10;
ret += tmp;
return isNegtive ? (ret - ret * 2) : ret;
//unit test
public void testConvert() {
int v = StringToInt.convert("123");
assertEquals(v, 123);
v = StringToInt.convert("-123");
assertEquals(v, -123);
v = StringToInt.convert("0");
assertEquals(v, 0);
public void testInvalidParameterException() {
public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();
public void testInvalidParameterException2() {
Keep a dictionary which maps all strings to their integer counterparts, up to some limit? Doesn't maybe make much sense, except that this probably is faster if the upper limit is small, e.g. two or three digits.
You could always try a binary search through a massive look up table of string representations!
No-one said anything about efficiency... :-)
int nod(long);
char * myitoa(long int n, char *s);
void main()
long int n;
char *s;
printf("Enter n");
int nod(long int n)
int m=0;
return m;
char * myitoa(long int n, char *s)
int d,i=0;
char cd;
return s;
This is Complete program with all conditions positive, negative without using library
import java.util.Scanner;
public class StringToInt {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String inputString;
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
inputString = s.nextLine();
if (!inputString.matches("([+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+)")) {
} else {
Double result2 = getNumber(inputString);
System.out.println("result = " + result2);
public static Double getNumber(String number) {
Double result = 0.0;
Double beforeDecimal = 0.0;
Double afterDecimal = 0.0;
Double afterDecimalCount = 0.0;
int signBit = 1;
boolean flag = false;
int count = number.length();
if (number.charAt(0) == '-') {
signBit = -1;
flag = true;
} else if (number.charAt(0) == '+') {
flag = true;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (flag && i == 0) {
if (afterDecimalCount == 0.0) {
if (number.charAt(i) - '.' == 0) {
} else {
beforeDecimal = beforeDecimal * 10 + (number.charAt(i) - '0');
} else {
afterDecimal = afterDecimal * 10 + number.charAt(i) - ('0');
afterDecimalCount = afterDecimalCount * 10;
if (afterDecimalCount != 0.0) {
afterDecimal = afterDecimal / afterDecimalCount;
result = beforeDecimal + afterDecimal;
} else {
result = beforeDecimal;
return result * signBit;
