Deploying from Visual Studio to server with only RDP-access - visual-studio-2012

I am about to deploy some applications to a server which I only have Remote Desktop-access to.
Is there any straightforward way to do this using Visual Studio? My current idea is to deploy to a local folder and the copy that folder using Remote Desktop's clipboard-access. Is there any better way?


How to run/debug Azure Cloud Service locally on Visual Studio Code?

I have an Azure Cloud Service solution in Visual Studio 2017 which I debug with Emulator Express.
I'd like "migrate" from Visual Studio to Visual Studio Code. I mean that I'd like to be able to run/debug my cloud service(web role project) in VSCode without the use of Visual Studio at all.
My solution has two project:
Service project - contains .csdef, .ccproj and multiple .cscfg.
Role project - contains the .csproj file and the rest of the sample web role project.
I've tried:
I'm building both of the projects with msbuild, the same way it's been built in visual studio. The problem is running the site locally.
Run a local site with IIS Express VSCode extension and configure the web role project root as site root. It didn't work, I tried to browse the site but I got a notification that the folder of the site can't be viewed as a directory. When I think of it this option is missing all the configuration that is defined in the Service project so how is it suppose to work? Does IIS Express can run an Azure cloud service app locally? Maybe I configure a wrong path?
I've tried running csrun.exe command multiple times with different arguments. Something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Emulator\csrun.exe"
/run:./csx/Debug/roles/WebRoleProject/approot;./ServiceConfiguration.myconfig.cscfg /launchBrowser
It gave me the following error:
The compute emulator had a error: Can't locate service descriptions..
I also saw here that compute emulator(csrun.exe) needs visual studio opened as administrator, so maybe it's not possible to run it without it..
I’ve verified this question with the Azure Cloud Compute team and this is not supported in VSCode, they only built an extension for Visual Studio.

Understanding TFS Visual studio

Since yesterday I am using the TFS of Visual Studio.
I have a webserver where I installed the TFS server with SQL Server 2012 express.
Everything is working perfectly but I do have 1 question.
I have created a workspace on my laptop which is then linked to a team project on TFS.
What do I do if my laptop crashes? Are my files of my workspace copied to the TFS server when you do a sign in in Visual studio?
Or do I need to use SVN repository like Tortoise to copy my projectfiles aside the TFS?
A workspace is a local working copy of the code. TFS will act as a code repository in the same way as SVN does.
you should be able to view the code that is checked in to TFS by using the source control viewer.
the basic process is
Create files in your local workspace
When you are happy commit them to TFS by using the check-in command
you can the edit / delete / add items to source control either by using the source control window, or the command line implementations.
you can find more information here

Desktop application publishing to FTP in VS Express 2012

I'm trying to publish a desktop application to a FTP location for updating over the web. Conceptually this works fine, I've published to my local disk, manually copied the files up there, installed from that location, and updates are automatically installed.
Ideally though I'd like to not have to publish to local and copy, I'd like to publish straight to FTP or even WebDAV. When entering an FTP location though I get this error:
Failed to connect to '' with the following error: Unable to create the Web site ''.
The components for communicating with FrontPage Server Extensions are not installed.
Google tells me that on previous Visual Studio versio I could add the "Visual Studio Web Authoring Component" through Add/Remove programs and repair, but that doesn't exist in VS 2012. I'm using VS Express 2012 for Windows Desktop.
How do I install the required components?
Installing Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web gives you the right components:
The FrontPage Server Extension is available as Apache Mod, and IIS extension.

Visual Studio 2012: Remote and local debugging of a Windows Store app at the same time

I am developing a networked Windows Store app.
Is it possible to remotely and locally debug a Windows Store app using the same instance of Visual Studio?
I have successfully set up remote debugging using a VM on my local machine.
I have a few alternatives, but I just want to know if this is currently possible. One of them is running them on multiple instances of VS. Another is installing VS on the remote machine and debug it locally as normal. (which I don't want to do as much as possible because it's really a waste of disk space)
This is how you can do this:
Build your Windows Store App in Visual Studio.
Select Local Machine on debugger toolbar. Right click on your Windows Store App Project in Solution Explorer -> Click Deploy. This will deploy latest App on Local Machine.
Select Remote Machine on debugger toolbar. Right click on your Windows Store App Project in Solution Explorer -> Click Deploy. This will deploy latest App on Remote Machine.
In Visual Studio click on Debug menu -> Debug Installed App Package. Choose Local
Machine (by default) -> find your application and click Debug.
Launch Remote Debugger on Remote Machine.
The same step as 4 above, but for Remote machine. In Visual Studio click on Debug menu -> Debug Installed App Package. Choose Remote Machine -> find your application and click Debug.
One issue you can meet:
I tried this approach with different architectures of Remote (ARM) And Local (x64) machine. My guess that each time you do Deploy - Visual Studio can rebuild your application. So in case if you will use the same architecture for Remote and Local - only for one of them you can load symbols (just try it). If you will meet this situation - you can workaround it with two ways:
Use x64 for Local Machine and x86 for remote (or vice versa). So each build / deploy will be independent.
Make a Windows Store Package for Testing. Deploy it manually on both machine and start from 4.

How to create a Web App project without page.designer.cs files?

In Visual Studio 2012 there is no website deployment, ok I switched to Web Project, now it has generated tons of page.designer.cs files, how can I make a web app project without the designer.cs files ?
Visual Studio create these files for easiness of coder, you will always get these kind of files when you create a new web app project. These files creates the necessary code you need for designing the web page.
But once you publish the web app to the server using the VS2010 publisher, these files are gone and only the .aspx files are remained. Why does this happen? because your code i.e. .cs files needs to compiled before it can be published on the server.
