Perl parallel HTTP requests - out of memory - multithreading

First of all, I'm new to Perl.
I want to make multiple (e.g. 160) HTTP GET requests on a REST API in Perl. Executing them one after another takes much time, so I was thinking of running the requests in parallel. Therefore I used threads to execute more requests at the same time and limited the number of parallel requests to 10.
This worked just fine for the first time I ran the program, the second time I ran 'out of memory' after the 40th request.
Here's the code: (#urls contains the 160 URLs for the requests)
while(#urls) {
my #threads;
for (my $j = 0; $j < 10 and #urls; $j++) {
my $url = shift(#urls);
push #threads, async { $ua->get($url) };
for my $thread (#threads) {
my $response = $thread->join;
print "$response\n";
So my question is, why am I NOT running out of memory the first time but the second time (am I missing something crucial in my code)? And what can I do to prevent it?
Or is there a better way of executing parallel GET requests?

I'm not sure why you would get a OOM error on a second run when you don't get one on the first run; when you run a Perl script and the perl binary exits, it'll release all of it's memory back to the OS. Nothing is kept between executions. Is the exact same data being returned by the REST service each time? Maybe there's more data the second time you run and it's pushing you over the edge.
One problem I notice is that you're launching 10 threads and running them to completion, then spawning 10 more threads. A better solution may be a worker-thread model. Spawn 10 threads (or however many you want) at the start of the program, put the URLs into a queue, and allow the threads to process the queue themselves. Here's a quick example that may help:
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
my #thr = map {
threads->create(sub {
my #responses = ();
while (defined (my $url = $q->dequeue())) {
push #responses, $ua->get($url);
return #responses;
} 1..10;
$q->enqueue($_) for #urls;
$q->enqueue(undef) for 1..10;
foreach (#thr) {
my #responses_of_this_thread = $_->join();
print for #responses_of_this_thread;
Note, I haven't tested this to make sure it works. In this example, you create a new thread queue and spawn up 10 worker threads. Each thread will block on the dequeue method until there is something to be read. Next, you queue up all the URLs that you have, and an undef for each thread. The undef will allow the threads to exit when there is no more work to perform. At this point, the threads will go through and process the work, and you will gather the responses via the join at the end.

Whenever I need an asynchronous solution Perl, I first look at the POE framework. In this particular case I used POE HTTP Request module that will allow us to send multiple requests simultaneously and provide a callback mechanism where you can process your http responses.
Perl threads are scary and can crash your application, especially when you join or detach them. If responses do not take a long time to process, a single threaded POE solution would work beautifully.
Sometimes though, we have to a rely on threading because application gets blocked due to long running tasks. In those cases, I create a certain number of threads BEFORE initiating anything in the application. Then with Thread::Queue I pass the data from the main thread to these workers AND never join/detach them; always keep them around for stability purposes.
(Not an ideal solution for every case.)
POE supports threads now and each thread can run a POE::Kernel. The kernels can communicate with each other through TCP sockets (which POE provides nice unblocking interfaces).


How to set a timeout on a sync function in nodejs

I want to protect against users who create Liquid templates in our system that could cause a lot of processing (eg, infinite loop or very large loops). I'm using LiquidJS.(
I currently have perl code that uses Template::Liquid and Sys::SigAction::timeout_call to accomplish calling the Liquid render function with a 100 ms timeout as follows:
use Template::Liquid;
use Sys::SigAction qw( timeout_call );
my $retval = "";
$data = {
name => 'foo',
title => 'bar'
my $template = 'Hi, {{name | upcase}} {{title}}!';
if ( timeout_call( 0.1 ,sub { $retval = Template::Liquid->parse($template)->render(%$data); } ) )
print "Liquid template timed out\n" ;
print "retval=$retval";
Is there a NodeJS module that would help me accomplish the same thing in a similar code control flow?
The short answer is you can't easily put a timeout on a synchronous function call in node.js. Because your Javascript is executed in a single-threaded event-driven system, while a synchronous call is running, no other events can get processed, including timers.
If you really wanted to protected yourself from this synchronous call, you would have to move it out of the main thread, either by putting it into a child process or into a WorkerThread. You could then have a timer in the main thread that, if it doesn't get a response before your timeout, you can kill the child or worker.
Now, if you control the code inside the synchronous call, you can code in your own protections within the synchronous call. It could not the time at start of execution and multiple places during processing, it could check how much time has elapsed and then abort if too much time has passed. But, this would have to be done from inside the code for the synchronous call, not from the outside and would typically involve checking the execution time during a loop or in some code that is regularly called as part of the operation.

multithreading or forking in perl

in my perl script I'm collecting a large data and later I need it to post to server, up to this I'm good but my criteria is that post to server takes subsequently large time so I need to a threading / forking concept so that one will post and parallely I can dig my second data set at same time while posting to server is taking place.
code snippet
if(system("curl -sS $post_url --data-binary \#$filename -H 'Content-type:text/xml;charset=utf-8' 1>/dev/null") != 0)
exit_script(" xml: Error ","Unable to update $filename xml on $post_url");
can any one tell me is this achievable with threading or forking.
It's difficult to give an answer to your question, because it depends.
Yes, Perl supports both forking and threading.
In general, I would suggest looking at threading for data-oriented tasks, and forking for almost anything else.
And so what you want to so is eminently achievable.
First you need to:
Encapsulate your tasks into subroutines. Get that working first. (This is very important - parallel stuff causes worlds of pain and is difficult to troubleshoot if you're not careful - get it working single threaded first).
Run your subroutines as threads, and capture their results.
Something like this:
use threads;
sub curl_update {
my $result = system ( "you_curl_command" );
return $result;
#start the async curl
my $thr = threads -> create ( \&curl_update );
#do your other stuff....
sleep ( 60 );
my $result = $thr -> join();
if ( $result ) {
#do whatever you would if the curl update failed
In this, the join is a blocking call - your main code will stop and wait for your thread to complete. If you want to do something more complicated, you can use is_running or is_joinable which are non blocking.
I'd suggest neither.
You're just talking lots of HTTP. You can talk concurrent HTTP a lot nicer, because it's just network IO, by using any of the asynchronous IO systems. Perl has many of them.
Principally I'd suggest IO::Async, but then I wrote it. You can use Net::Async::HTTP to make an HTTP hit. This will fully support doing many of them at once - many hundreds or thousands if need be.
Otherwise, you can also try either POE or AnyEvent, which will both support the same thing in their own way.

Perl threading model

I have 100+ tasks to do, I can do it in a loop, but that will be slow
I want to do these jobs by threading, let's say, 10 threads
There is no dependency between the jobs, each can run independently, and stop if failed
I want these threads to pick up my jobs and do it, there should be no more than 10 threads in total, otherwise it may harm the server
These threads keep doing the jobs until all finished
Stop the job in the thread when timeout
I was searching information about this on the Internet, Threads::Pool, Threads::Queue...
But I can't be sure on which one is better for my case. Could anyone give me some advise?
You could use Thread::Queue and threads.
The IPC (communication between threads) is much easier tan between processes.
To fork or not to fork?
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
my $q = Thread::Queue->new(); # A new empty queue
# Worker thread
my #thrs = threads->create(sub {
while (my $item = $q->dequeue()) {
# Do work on $item
})->detach() for 1..10;#for 10 threads
my $dbh = ...
while (1){
#get items from db
my #items = get_items_from_db($dbh);
# Send work to the thread
print "Pending items: "$q->pending()."\n";
sleep 15;#check DB in every 15 secs
I'd never use perl threads. The reason is that they aren't conceptually speaking threads: you have to specify what data is to be shared between the threads. Each thread runs a perl interpreter. That's why they are called interpreterthreads or ithreads. Needless to say, this consumes alot of memory all for running things in parallel. fork() shares al the memory up until the fork point. So if they are independent tasks, always use fork. It's also the most Unix way of doing things.

why isn't my thread joinable in perl?

I wrote a very short script with Perl and I used multi-thread in it.
My problem is, the thread I created is not joinable. So I am wondering, what is the condition to make thread joinable?
What is the limit of a thread in Perl?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use strict;
use threads;
use Safe;
sub test
my $parm = shift;
my $newchassis = ["1", "2", "3"];
my #snmp_threads ;
for my $item (#$newchassis)
my $thread = threads->create(\&test, $item);
push #snmp_threads, $thread;
for my $t (#snmp_threads)
This can be very tricky as it works find on RHEL 6.3 and but fails on SLES 11sp2.
Though there is no code, i will go ahead and assume that you are using join foreach #threads; for joining the threads. Now the joining of the threads depends on the post processing. Without seeing your code it's difficult to know, what you are doing. But how it works is that :
If the post-processing step needs all threads to finish before
beginning work, then the wait for individual threads is unavoidable.
If the post-processing step is specific to the results of each
thread, it should be possible to make the post-processing part of
the thread itself.
In both cases, $_->join foreach #threads; is the way to go.
If there is no need to wait for the threads to finish, use the
detach command instead of join. However, any results that the
threads may return will be discarded.
Are you sure, you have provided a valid post processing scenario for your activity ?

What happens when a single request takes a long time with these non-blocking I/O servers?

With Node.js, or eventlet or any other non-blocking server, what happens when a given request takes long, does it then block all other requests?
Example, a request comes in, and takes 200ms to compute, this will block other requests since e.g. nodejs uses a single thread.
Meaning your 15K per second will go down substantially because of the actual time it takes to compute the response for a given request.
But this just seems wrong to me, so I'm asking what really happens as I can't imagine that is how things work.
Whether or not it "blocks" is dependent on your definition of "block". Typically block means that your CPU is essentially idle, but the current thread isn't able to do anything with it because it is waiting for I/O or the like. That sort of thing doesn't tend to happen in node.js unless you use the non-recommended synchronous I/O functions. Instead, functions return quickly, and when the I/O task they started complete, your callback gets called and you take it from there. In the interim, other requests can be processed.
If you are doing something computation-heavy in node, nothing else is going to be able to use the CPU until it is done, but for a very different reason: the CPU is actually busy. Typically this is not what people mean when they say "blocking", instead, it's just a long computation.
200ms is a long time for something to take if it doesn't involve I/O and is purely doing computation. That's probably not the sort of thing you should be doing in node, to be honest. A solution more in the spirit of node would be to have that sort of number crunching happen in another (non-javascript) program that is called by node, and that calls your callback when complete. Assuming you have a multi-core machine (or the other program is running on a different machine), node can continue to respond to requests while the other program crunches away.
There are cases where a cluster (as others have mentioned) might help, but I doubt yours is really one of those. Clusters really are made for when you have lots and lots of little requests that together are more than a single core of the CPU can handle, not for the case where you have single requests that take hundreds of milliseconds each.
Everything in node.js runs in parallel internally. However, your own code runs strictly serially. If you sleep for a second in node.js, the server sleeps for a second. It's not suitable for requests that require a lot of computation. I/O is parallel, and your code does I/O through callbacks (so your code is not running while waiting for the I/O).
On most modern platforms, node.js does us threads for I/O. It uses libev, which uses threads where that works best on the platform.
You are exactly correct. Nodejs developers must be aware of that or their applications will be completely non-performant, if long running code is not asynchronous.
Everything that is going to take a 'long time' needs to be done asynchronously.
This is basically true, at least if you don't use the new cluster feature that balances incoming connections between multiple, automatically spawned workers. However, if you do use it, most other requests will still complete quickly.
Edit: Workers are processes.
You can think of the event loop as 10 people waiting in line to pay their bills. If somebody is taking too much time to pay his bill (thus blocking the event loop), the other people will just have to hang around waiting for their turn to come.. and waiting...
In other words:
Since the event loop is running on a single thread, it is very
important that we do not block it’s execution by doing heavy
computations in callback functions or synchronous I/O. Going over a
large collection of values/objects or performing time-consuming
computations in a callback function prevents the event loop from
further processing other events in the queue.
Here is some code to actually see the blocking / non-blocking in action:
With this example (long CPU-computing task, non I/O):
var net = require('net');
handler = function(req, res) {
for (i = 0; i < 10000000000; i++) { a = i + 5; }
if you do 2 requests in the browser, only a single hello will be displayed in the server console, meaning that the second request cannot be processed because the first one blocks the Node.js thread.
If we do an I/O task instead (write 2 GB of data on disk, it took a few seconds during my test, even on a SSD):
http = require('http');
fs = require('fs');
buffer = Buffer.alloc(2*1000*1000*1000);
first = true;
done = false;
write = function() {
fs.writeFile('big.bin', buffer, function() { done = true; });
handler = function(req, res) {
if (first) {
first = false;
res.end('Starting write..')
if (done) {
res.end("write done.");
} else {
res.end('writing ongoing.');
here we can see that the a-few-second-long-IO-writing-task write is non-blocking: if you do other requests in the meantime, you will see writing ongoing.! This confirms the well-known non-blocking-for-IO features of Node.js.
