IIS site not using identity specified in app pool IIS 7 + - iis

I have a web app from visual studio that is using local IIS server to run. It is an MVC 3 application. I setup the application pool in my IIS (win 7 pro) to use a service account for the application identity. When I browse the site I am getting permission errors for a function on the site which I would not get if it was using the service account. This has been tested by using same service account on a development server as the application pool identity. Application executes with no errors. Could there be something in my local security policy preventing the service account from being used?
Service account is also a member of IIS_IUSRS group.
This is a network service.


Migration of On-Prem to Azure

I have a web application that is running on my localhost and i want to use azure app service or azure vm to launch it online. which is the best choice?
Solution to host webapplication
There are ways to deploy your application to Azure Cloud.
Method 1 : Azure App Service is fully managed platform for deploying application and scaling apps. it has built-in web hosting feature and supports multiple languages and frameworks.
Please follow the steps to deploy application to App Service.
1.Create sample web application using Visual Studio application.
Create a new project
Right click on created application and choose Publish
Note: Before publish application to Azure, login to visual studio with Azure Account.
Select target-Azure Cloud.
5.Select target platform windows or Linux.
Click on App Service (Windows) > Create new (window)" in App Service (Windows) >Create new.
Select your subscription, resource group & hosting plan.
Check the Application deployment status in visual studio account.
9.Test the application with Azure App service URL once deploy the application to Azure app service.
Go to Azure Portal > Azure App Service > overview > Url.
Application working with App service Url
Method 2: Azure VM
To deploy an application in an Azure VM with IIS, you can follow below steps:
Create an Azure VM with required configuration such as the operating system and size.
Azure Portal > Create > Select Server OS.
2.Use RDP to connect to the Azure VM.
You can use FTP to upload your code to the Azure VM.
Now, open the IIS Manager and create a new website in that IIS.
After that, you can configure the website to point to the location of your application code on the VM.
Finally, test your application.

Can I use AAD Managed Identities for IIS Application pool identities on Azure?

I am hosting IIS on Azure Windows VM and need to configure Service account for IIS Application pool identity. What approach can I use for this? Is it possible to use AAD Managed identity or service principal for IIS Application pool identity?
According to microsoft docs :
The Windows operating system provides a feature called "virtual accounts" that allows IIS to create a unique identity for each of its application pools. For more information about virtual accounts, see Service Accounts Step-by-Step Guide.
If you are running IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2, or a later version of IIS, you don't have to do anything to use the new identity. set ApplicationPoolIdentity by default. The IIS Admin Process (WAS) will create a virtual account with the name of the new application pool and run the application pool's worker processes under this account by default.
To use this virtual account when running IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008, you have to change the Identity property of an application pool that you create to ApplicationPoolIdentity.
Please check this reference: Application Pool Identities | Microsoft Docs
You must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer to perform the following procedures.And for AAD make sure to do active directory sync to connect to local AD.
Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Double-click , double-click Application Pools, right-click , and click Advanced Settings.
In the Identity box, click ApplicationPoolIdentity.
Under Application Pool Tasks, click Stop, and then click Start.
Reference : Service Accounts Step-by-Step Guide-o configure an IIS app
lication pool to use a virtual account | Microsoft Docs

AppPool Identity when running ASP.Net Core under IIS?

We use service accounts to run IIS App Pools under. Then we use integrated authority in our DB connection strings.
How is this affected by running an ASP.Net core site using IIS as the proxy? Is the App Pool account passed through? Do I have to do something differently in my connection string?

Configuring Integrated Security using IIS Application Pool Identity accounts for SQL Server 2008

I have the following configuration for a web site:
Two Web front-ends (e.g. machine names: WFE1 & WFE2) 1 SQ
One SQL Server Database cluster (e.g. machine name: DBCluster)
All machines are in the same domain (e.g. MyDomain) running Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise and SQL Server 2008 R2.
I am in the process of deploying a web application that uses the Application Pool Identity. I have named the pool MyWebApp, which translates to the name, [IIS APPPOOL\MyWebApp]. When I try adding this user to SQL Server I get an error:
Windows NT user or group 'IIS APPPOOL\MyWebApp' not found. Check the name again.
The script that I have used to create the account in SQL Server is:
I imagine the problem is occuring because the IIS account is a local account which is not visible to the SQL Server box.
Can someone please shed some light on how this problem can be resolved? Is using a domain account my only option or can I still get the application pool accounts to work?
I imagine the problem is occuring because the IIS account is a local account which is not visible to the SQL Server box.
That's exactly the problem. The IIS AppPool account only exists on the web server. If you were able to add this account to SQL Server, you would be authorizing an IIS AppPool that is running on the same machine as SQL Server. (I suspect it might still fail.)
The most secure solution would probably be to do as you say - create an account on the domain, give that account appropriate permissions on the database, and run the AppPool using that account's credentials.
However, if you'd still like to do it, you need to authorize the computer that the AppPool is running on - ie, DOMAINNAME\ComputerName$ (note the $ at the end).
Take a look at this article for more information (specifically, the section titled Accessing the Network).
I think that's a bad idea, however, because it authorizes any program running as NetworkService to access the database - not just your web applications.

MSDeploy remote permissions needed for Windows 2003 Server / IIS 6

What are the permissions needed for running delegated deployments, using MSDeploy, targeting a Windows 2003 Server / IIS 6.0 ?
EDIT: this is a duplicate of ... How to allow non-admin user to deploy web applications on IIS 6 using web deploy
IIS6 can't be published to directly via Web Deploy, so you will need to use Web Deployment Agent. Once you have setup the agent, the endpoint address should look something like this:
Note this is not an HTTPS address and does not explicitly specify a port. Also, the account publishing to this endpoint must have admin rights on the server (nasty, but necessary). Finally, make sure the "Web Deployment Agent Service" is actually running because it's not set to start automatically by default.
