Migrate data from one server to another - linux

I bought a new server and I want to move all the data (directories, sub directories, users, passwords, ..etc) from my old server to it.
Is there a way to do that?

Do you have physical access to both servers? If so you can use the dd command to make a clone of the disk from the old server to the disk that is going into the new server.
In order to do this though, both hard drives have to be installed in one of the servers.
You can also use netcat and dd to clone a disk over a network.

for the directories and files, use a FTP client from your server, if it allows you to, if not, just download all the content to your computer and upload it to the new server.
For the users and passwords, i guess they are in a Database, connect to the database using SSH, telnet, or MysqlAdmin or any RMDB client system and export a dump file, then log in to the new server's SQL system and import that dump file.
Anyway you should give more details of both servers anyway so we can help you, for example, are they Shared hosting or dedicated machine? and what kind of access do you have to them, also, their operative system would help people to reply you accurately

In principle, yes.
If the hardware is similar (= just more RAM, disk space but same CPU architecture and no special graphics card drivers), you might be able to copy every file and then install the boot loader once more (the boot loader config usually changes when the hard disk size changes).
Or you can create a list of all services that you use, determine which config files each one uses and then just copy those. Ideally, you shouldn't copy them but compare the old and the new versions and merge them.
The most work intensive way is to use a tool like puppet. In a nutshell, puppet allows to create install scripts for services (along with all the configuration that you need). So if you need to install a service again (new hardware, second server), you just tell puppet to do it. On the plus side, your whole installation will be documented, too. If you ever wonder why something is the way it is, you can look into the puppet files.
Of course, this approach takes a lot of time and discipline, so it might not be worth it in your case. Apply common sense.


Syncing between a windows based server (host) and linux server(client) using SFTP

My task is to sync folders between two computers. One which acts as a windows server which is the host and the other one is a linux based server. The file transfer has to be secure and encrypted. Are there are any free softwares which will help me do this task.
Additionally the syncing should automatically happen after every pre decided interval.
I have a recollection that WinSCP can be invoked through command line. There, you have the option to synchronize folders (and the whole hierarchy there in). It may be worth trying.
Total Commander also has FTP/SFTP capabilities, but I'm not sure you can invoke it through command line.
One point to consider: If the process is to run automatically, you need to hard-code the username and password for the connection. There your security becomes compromised.

backing up entire linux server on external hard drive or another cluster

We have a linux server for the database. Most of our data are on /var/. I would like to backup entire directory on external hard drive or on another linux system so that if something goes wrong I can entirely replace the directory. Since the directory has many files, I do not want to copy and paste every time instead I like to sync them.
Is there easy way to do that? rsyn can do that, how do I avoid of login every time the server? BTW I have limited knowledge of linux system.
Appreciated any comments and suggestions.
Rsyncing database files is not a recommended way of backing them up. I believe you have mysql running on the server. In that case, you can take a full database dump in the server, using steps mentioned in following link:
And, then syncing these files to your backup server. You can use rsych command for this purpose:
Make sure that you have installed mysql in the backup server too. You can also copy the mysql configuration file /etc/my.cnf file to the database backup server. In case you require your database to be updated always, you can setup mysql replication. You can follow the below mentioned guide to do the same.

Moving files from multiple Linux servers to a central windows storage server

I have multiple Linux servers with limited storage space that create very big daily logs. I need to keep these logs but can't afford to keep them on my server for very long before it fills up. The plan is to move them to a central windows server that is mirrored.
I'm looking for suggestions on the best way to this. What I've considered so far are rsync and writing a script in python or something similar.
The ideal method of backup that I want is for the files to be copied from the Linux servers to the Windows server, then verified for size/integrity, and subsequently deleted from the Linux servers. Can rsync do that? If not, can anyone suggest a superior method?
You may want to look into using rsyslog on the linux servers to send logs elsewhere. I don't believe you can configure it to delete logged lines with a verification step - I'm not sure you'd want to either. Instead, you might be best off with an aggressive logrotate schedule + rsyslog.

using torrents to back up vhd's

Hi it's a question and it may be redundant but I have a hunch there is a tool for this - or there should be and if there isn't I might just make it - or maybe I am barking up the wrong tree in which case correct my thinking:
But my problem is this: I am looking for some way to migrate large virtual disk drives off a server once a week via an internet connection of only moderate speed, in a solution that must be able to be throttled for bandwidth because the internet connection is always in use.
I thought about it and the problem is familar: large files that can moved that also be throttled that can easily survive disconnection/reconnection/large etc etc - the only solution I am familiar with that just does it perfectly is torrents.
Is there a way to automatically strategically make torrents and automatically "send" them to a client download list remotely? I am working in Windows Hyper-V Host but I use only Linux for the guests and I could easily cook up a guest to do the copying so consider it a windows or linux problem.
PS: the vhds are "offline" copies of guest servers by the time I am moving them - consider them merely 20-30gig dum files.
PPS: I'd rather avoid spending money
Bittorrent is an excellent choice, as it handles both incremental updates and automatic resume after connection loss very well.
To create a .torrent file automatically, use the btmakemetainfo script found in the original bittorrent package, or one from the numerous rewrites (bittornado, ...) -- all that matters is that it's scriptable. You should take care to set the "disable DHT" flag in the .torrent file.
You will need to find a tracker that allows you to track files with arbitrary hashes (because you do not know these in advance); you can either use an existing open tracker, or set up your own, but you should take care to limit the client IP ranges appropriately.
This reduces the problem to transferring the .torrent files -- I usually use rsync via ssh from a cronjob for that.
For point to point transfers, torrent is an expensive use of bandwidth. For 1:n transfers it is great as the distribution of load allows the client's upload bandwidth to be shared by other clients, so the bandwidth cost is amortised and everyone gains...
It sounds like you have only one client in which case I would look at a different solution...
wget allows for throttling and can resume transfers where it left off if the FTP/http server supports resuming transfers... That is what I would use
You can use rsync for that (http://linux.die.net/man/1/rsync). Search for the --partial option in man and that should do the trick. When a transfer is interrupted the unfinished result (file or directory) is kept. I am not 100% sure if it works with telnet/ssh transport when you send from local to a remote location (never checked that) but it should work with rsync daemon on the remote side.
You can also use that for sync in two local storage locations.
rsync --partial [-r for directories] source destination
edit: Just confirmed the crossed out statement with ssh

What's the best way to keep multiple Linux servers synced?

I have several different locations in a fairly wide area, each with a Linux server storing company data. This data changes every day in different ways at each different location. I need a way to keep this data up-to-date and synced between all these locations.
For example:
In one location someone places a set of images on their local server. In another location, someone else places a group of documents on their local server. A third location adds a handful of both images and documents to their server. In two other locations, no changes are made to their local servers at all. By the next morning, I need the servers at all five locations to have all those images and documents.
My first instinct is to use rsync and a cron job to do the syncing over night (1 a.m. to 6 a.m. or so), when none of the bandwidth at our locations is being used. It seems to me that it would work best to have one server be the "central" server, pulling in all the files from the other servers first. Then it would push those changes back out to each remote server? Or is there another, better way to perform this function?
The way I do it (on Debian/Ubuntu boxes):
Use dpkg --get-selections to get your installed packages
Use dpkg --set-selections to install those packages from the list created
Use a source control solution to manage the configuration files. I use git in a centralized fashion, but subversion could be used just as easily.
An alternative if rsync isn't the best solution for you is Unison. Unison works under Windows and it has some features for handling when there are changes on both sides (not necessarily needing to pick one server as the primary, as you've suggested).
Depending on how complex the task is, either may work.
One thing you could (theoretically) do is create a script using Python or something and the inotify kernel feature (through the pyinotify package, for example).
You can run the script, which registers to receive events on certain trees. Your script could then watch directories, and then update all the other servers as things change on each one.
For example, if someone uploads spreadsheet.doc to the server, the script sees it instantly; if the document doesn't get modified or deleted within, say, 5 minutes, the script could copy it to the other servers (e.g. through rsync)
A system like this could theoretically implement a sort of limited 'filesystem replication' from one machine to another. Kind of a neat idea, but you'd probably have to code it yourself.
AFAIK, rsync is your best choice, it supports partial file updates among a variety of other features. Once setup it is very reliable. You can even setup the cron with timestamped log files to track what is updated in each run.
I don't know how practical this is, but a source control system might work here. At some point (perhaps each hour?) during the day, a cron job runs a commit, and overnight, each machine runs a checkout. You could run into issues with a long commit not being done when a checkout needs to run, and essentially the same thing could be done rsync.
I guess what I'm thinking is that a central server would make your sync operation easier - conflicts can be handled once on central, then pushed out to the other machines.
rsync would be your best choice. But you need to carefully consider how you are going to resolve conflicts between updates to the same data on different sites. If site-1 has updated
'customers.doc' and site-2 has a different update to the same file, how are you going to resolve it?
I have to agree with Matt McMinn, especially since it's company data, I'd use source control, and depending on the rate of change, run it more often.
I think the central clearinghouse is a good idea.
Depends upon following
* How many servers/computers that need to be synced ?
** If there are too many servers using rsync becomes a problem
** Either you use threads and sync to multiple servers at same time or one after the other.
So you are looking at high load on source machine or in-consistent data on servers( in a cluster ) at given point of time in the latter case
Size of the folders that needs to be synced and how often it changes
If the data is huge then rsync will take time.
Number of files
If number of files are large and specially if they are small files rsync will again take a lot of time
So all depends on the scenario whether to use rsync , NFS , Version control
If there are less servers and just small amount of data , then it makes sense to run rysnc every hour.
You can also package content into RPM if data changes occasionally
With the information provided , IMO Version Control will suit you the best .
Rsync/scp might give problems if two people upload different files with same name .
NFS over multiple locations needs to be architect-ed with perfection
Why not have a single/multiple repositories and every one just commits to those repository .
All you need to do is keep the repository in sync.
If the data is huge and updates are frequent then your repository server will need good amount of RAM and good I/O subsystem
