Is there any way in gvim to obtain a clickable code folding margin, similar to the one available in diff mode? Please refer the diff mode screenshots attached.
Note that I am comfortable using the keyboard commands for code folding, but sometimes clicking is more convenient.
I have searched on the internet and also here. I have only found material which explains the keyboard commands, but nothing about the clickable option.
Edit I use gvim version 7.0.
Assuming that folding has been set up for your filetype (i.e. you can use keyboard commands like za), you just need to enable the fold column with a specified width, e.g.:
:set foldcolumn=4
If you set this globally, it will always be there. If you only want to enable it for certain filetypes (that actually have folding), and/or adapt the width to the amount of nested folding, use :setlocal foldcolumn=... instead, and put the corresponding commands into ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/<filetype>.vim, where <filetype> is the actual filetype (e.g. java). (This requires that you have :filetype plugin on.)
Alternatively, you could define an :autocmd FileType <filetype> setlocal foldcolumn=... directly in your ~/.vimrc, but this tends to become unwieldy once you have many customizations.
After I installed the 'artesanal' theme for vim and turned syntax highlighting on, every vim window has syntax highlighting including brand new empty windows [No Name], without a name or file type. I'm wondering if any of you know how to keep syntax highlighting on for every file with an extension but have it disabled for any file without a name or file extension.
This should not happen. I don't know artesanal (and "theme" is an undefined term inside Vim; it has colorschemes, filetype plugins, and syntax scripts; I hope it's not a full Vim "distribution" like spf-13 and Janus, which lure you with a quick install and out-of-the-box settings, but you pay the price with increased complexity (you need to understand both Vim's runtime loading scheme and the arbitrary conventions of the distribution) and inflexibility (the distribution may make some things easier, but other things very difficult)).
It looks like a syntax is active even for plain files. Usually, the syntax is determined by the filetype, so check :verbose setlocal filetype? first. If this returns a value, you need to look into the detection of :help filetypes.
If this is empty, it could also be that something sets 'syntax' directly. You can check in the same way: :verbose setlocal syntax?.
Now, if that also is empty, and :syntax list doesn't show something, the highlighting could also come from :match or :call matchadd() commands; :call clearmatches() would remove this then. (And you still would need to find the source that defines those matches.)
You can check to see if a filetype has been set
if &filetype != ""
syntax enable
Is there a vim command or plugin that will span the source file I'm opening, and adjust my tab setting to whatever is used in the file.
I currently work on a diverse codebase at work, with some source files using hard tabs, other 4 space soft tabs, and other's 2 space soft tabs. My hard tab, if I forgot to changes, can lead to ugly whitespace in different editors if I forget to change it when I'm editting a soft tab file.
I'd like to not have to remember to check whatever's convention is used in a file every time I open a buffer, and adjust my preferences accordingly.
I use yaifa with great success. It's pretty much an "install-and-forget" plugin that does what it says it does without ever getting in the way. Working in the messy environment I work in was horrible until I found that gem.
If most people at work use Vim (and/or Emacs), you can encode the indent settings within the file itself, see :help modeline (at least Emacs has something similar). Of course, agreeing on a common setting and gradually migrating to it would be even better :-)
In case you can't do that or things are just too chaotic, you need a plugin to dynamically adapt the indent settings. My IndentConsistencyCop plugin checks whether the buffer's indentation is consistent and conforms to tab settings, and then offers to adapt the settings to the detected ones. (The plugin page has links to alternative plugins.)
I've used the following function (found it somewhere on the web) with good success. Just put it into your .vimrc:
function Kees_settabs()
if len(filter(getbufline(winbufnr(0), 1, "$"), 'v:val =~ "^\\t"')) > len(filter(getbufline(winbufnr(0), 1, "$"), 'v:val =~ "^ "'))
set noet
set et
autocmd BufReadPost * call Kees_settabs()
Take a look at sleuth by the prolific Tim Pope:
This plugin automatically adjusts 'shiftwidth' and 'expandtab' heuristically based on the current file, or, in the case the current file is new, blank, or otherwise insufficient, by looking at other files of the same type in the current and parent directories. In lieu of adjusting 'softtabstop', 'smarttab' is enabled.
I wrote this because I wanted something fully automatic. My goal is that by installing this plugin, you can remove all indenting related configuration from your vimrc.
If your file is consistently indented with hard tabs, 'shiftwidth' will be set to your 'tabstop'. Otherwise, a 'tabstop' of 8 is enforced.
I want to write a vim plugin that does certain text transformations to the text while in the editor, but I don't want these transformations visible inside the file.
As an example, consider the word Gnarly in a text file I want to edit. Upon load I would want my vim script change that to G, but when I save the buffer I want it to expanded back to Gnarly.
My scenario is a little bit more complex because it will involve an external script, but I want to see exactly how that would be invoked.
Also I'd want to be able to apply this change only to some files based on their extension.
See :h autocmd. The events you need are BufRead and BufWrite.
Maybe you will be interested by :h conceal.
First of all, define your own filetype, e.g. gnarly. Read :help new-filetype for the details, but basically it's this autocmd:
:autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.gnarly set filetype=gnarly
Then, the conceal feature introduced in Vim 7.3 is the way to go. Write a syntax script ~/.vim/syntax/gnarly.vim. For your example it would contain:
:syntax keyword gnarlyConceal Gnarly conceal cchar=G
But you can also use :syntax match for more complex patterns.
Finally, concealment is off by default. To turn it on, put the following command into ~/.vim/ftplugin/gnarly.vim (you could put it into the syntax file, too, but this separation is recommended and done by all full plugins that ship with Vim):
:setlocal conceallevel=1
You can customize the 'concealcursor' behavior, too. If you still need help, have a look at the help pages, or existing plugins that use concealment.
Let's say I load up a python file in vim. A quick check of :scriptnames shows that my ~/.vim/ftplugin/python/python.vim file loads as expected. One of the commands in this file highlights all characters that are past the 80th column. Now lets say I open a C++ file in another buffer (therefore running ~/.vim/ftplugin/cpp/cpp.vim). Although the new commands are executed, the settings in python.vim still apply; therefore characters are highlighted past the 80th column in my C++ file.
Is there anyway to make filetype commands not cumulative like this? I have filetype plugin indent on in my .vimrc.
The problem is that both 'colorcolumn' and :match (you didn't specify whether you use the new setting or the older highlight approach) are local to the window, but ftplugins should only set buffer-local settings.
Why are these settings window-local? That allows you to have the same buffer displayed in two windows, one with, and one without the highlighting.
What can you do to prevent this?
a) Don't set this in the ftplugin, and instead use mappings to toggle the colorcolumn on/off.
b) Put :setlocal nocolorcolumn into all ftplugin scripts (e.g. in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/*.vim) for all filetypes that you're using. This will only work unless you switch between different filetypes in the same window.
c) The correct (but most complex) way to solve this is through a couple of :autocmds on BufWinEnter, BufWinLeave, and WinLeave events.
Emacs, while editing a C file, forces me to follow a particular indentation. When I press tab on an incorrectly indented line, it corrects the indentation. I want this behaviour from my vim editor. Till now I have done the following :
set cindent
set smartindent
set autoindent
set expandtab
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set cinkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!,!^F
in my .vimrc file. However, I am not achieving the same emacs-like forced effect as I want.
Is it possible at all in vim ?
'smartindent' is obsolete. There's really no reason you need to have that in your vimrc.
'cindent' overrules 'smartindent', so setting both in your vimrc is pointless. Setting 'cindent' in your vimrc isn't very useful either, since it only really works well on C-like languages.
filetype indent on will enable the filetype-specific indentation plugins (c.f., the indent directory under $VIMRUNTIME). That paired with 'autoindent' at least gives you basic automatic indentation support regardless of what filetype you're editing.
If you want to add indent settings for a specific filetype, you can create your own indent script in ~/.vim/indent/<filetype>.vim, or ~/.vim/after/indent/<filetype>.vim if you're augmenting an existing system-wide indent script.
As the settings you posted show, pressing Ctrlf in insert mode will do what Emacs does when you press Tab. This is described at :help indentkeys-format. 'cinkeys' is used when 'cindent' is enabled and 'indentexpr' is empty. 'indentkeys' is for the reverse. It's just a slight change to modify the setting so Tab can be used in place of/in addition to Ctrlf.
On a final note, I'd recommend learning your way around Vim's help. It's very thorough and easy to use once you figure things out. :help usr_toc is a good place to start for user-level documentation. :help describes some of the basic about navigating the help, how to search for topics, etc.
The == command is what you want, if I understand you correctly. It reindents the current line according to syntax rules.
As for binding it to tab, that's certainly possible, but I have not done that and am not completely sure as to how you can catch the right moment when it should actually insert the tab and when it should reindent.
Personally, I find it less confusing to just press ==. = accepts a range even, so you can go into visual mode, make a selection and tap = and the region will be reindented.