Style (.css) missing when added Azure Cloud Project - azure

I'm in my way to convert an existing web site to Azure Cloud Service Project, but when I add this cloud project and debug my the project, the web page is missing all the styling, i.e. all the tabs in one page. I have seen that doesn't take the .css
Someone could tell me what's happening here?

Verify the *.css files, you need to make sure that the Build Action is set to Content:

You can try changing the properties of the cloud project -> Web -> use IIS Web Server..
worked for me

I had the same problem and I found it came from my use of IIS Express.
The problem was an error that can be seen in Windows Application Logs:
Src: IIS Express
"The directory specified for caching compressed content [...] is invalid. Static compression is being disabled."

fist I don't know if I have to write this as answer, if not sorry, I'll correct it.
About my question, I tough in publish it to Azure and when i did it, was working correctly. What I still don't know is why when I debug in VS with the cloud project is missing style and images.


Where can I see the files for a Azure static web app? Image file doesn't seem to have been deployed

I'm playing around with Azure Static Web Apps and have built a simple Blazor App which I've deployed. I added a Contacts page with an image that appears when built and running in Visual Studio but the image is missing when the app is is deployed via a GitHub Workflow Action. I've checked the file is present in the GitHub repo. I'm just using the free version of Azure static web apps for testing and believe the files are deployed to blob storage.
I can see two similar related questions to my problem but neither of them provide a solution to my issue
Is there a way to view files in Azure Static Web App?
Azure static web apps not loading page resources correctly. css or javascript files
As per the link to the first question above, is there a way to see the files deployed to check if the file is actually there? Everything I'm seeing tells me it's not! - the image is not showing and copying the link to a new window gives me the usual file not found. Link looks absolutely spot on - I deliberately moved the file out of a separate images directory into the root to eliminate any of the possible issues mentioned in the second question linked above.
And I guess the second question is if it's not there, how do I get it there seeing the automated GitHub Workflow Action ain't doing it. Of course there may be something else going on so any suggestions welcome!

Azure Cloud publish issue with Server Error

I just published my ASP.Net website on azure through Visual Studio, and it directs me to my site, and it gives me the error RESOURCE NOT FOUND HTTP 404....but when i enter it gives me my do I fix this?
You probably need to set up the default document in Application Settings. Assuming you are using App Services that is.
I successfuly changed the name of the desired home page, in my case index.html, to default.html...I solved my problem with a little help from my commentators. Tnx

How to get standard out from a Node.js application in Azure?

We have a Node.js application with a pretty big codebase that we're trying to deploy to an Azure Web Site. My problem is that when I deploy the app and try to access it, I just get a message saying "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred".
According to I should be able to configure some settings and have my standard out be logged to a file - well, it's not working. in /LogFiles I can see /git, /html, and /DetailedErrors, but none of these folders contain the stdout logs.
I have deployed the app using Visual Studio. I created a blank Azure project, and manually added all the folders and files I need. I also created an iisnode.yml file that contains the following config:
loggingEnabled: true
devErrorsEnabled: true
logDirectory: ./logs
debugHeaderEnabled: true
The last two lines I added later, the first ones are from the tutorial. I also have a web.config file, the contents of which I haven't really touched.
I've attempted to configure the settings that are available in the Web Sites UI, but I haven't really been able to make any headway. I think currently they are pretty much default.
I'm sorry that I can't provide you with more information. I'm really kind of banging my head against the wall here, since all the tutorials I've found basically state that if I do this and that, everything should work. The problem is, it doesn't. Sad face.
Edit: I should probably add that my server.js is in a folder called /NodeServer. It's not in the root as Azure seems to presume.
Edit2: I deployed a Hello World example and got it to work, but when I try to move the server.js file from the root I can't get it to work anymore.
I've added a tag to the web.config, so that the structure is basically
location path="NodeServer"
I've also edited my package.json so that it says
"start":"cd NodeServer && node server.js"
If the app is started successfully, you should be able to find the stdout at
in Azure Websites, without configuring anything.
But here it looks like an error related to incorrect/missing web.config. The node app may not get launched. You can try:
Publishing your app using git to Azure Websites.
Or if you are familiar with IIS and iisnode, make sure your app works locally with IIS and iisnode. See
Or try publishing an "hello world" node.js app to Azure Websites, take the generated web.config and modify it for your app.
Edit: When you change the location of server.js, you have to change web.config too. The change in web.config is not correct. And package.json is only used as hints to generate web.config during git deployment. To get your "hello world" to work, you can either
In your web.config, replace all "server.js" with "NodeServer/server.js".
Or deploy the modified app using git. Make sure it does not contain the wrong web.config.
Then you can try to get your larger app to work.

IIS not able to locate the web.config

I have a deployed a web application in IIS. Which used to work without any issues. Recently i have shifted that web application to another machine, Here is the problem. Once i setup the Webapplication when i opened the default document in IIS im getting the File not found error as following
Internal Server Error
I have no clue why the IIS is not able to find the web.config. The file is present in the path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\application\web.config but the IIS is looking in the path \?\C:....
Please let me know how to resolve this??
Firstly this is documented on so I would suggest that anyone who has this issue read this first as it covers a number of solutions which I won't
Now from personal experience I encountered this error after setting up a new development machine. What I had forgotten to do was install the Url Rewrite 2.0 IIS module. Sadly the IIS error gives absolutely no idea that this is the actually issue.
Therefore to solve this issue investigate the system.webServer setting in our web.config and ensure that you have installed all the iis modules that you use. I did this by systematically removing elements from my web.config until I came across the cause.
In my case, I was running ASP .NET Core website so I had to install .Net Core Runtime from
I know it's old post but I resolved the same issue as follows:
If you are using TFS and you are getting this problem then Reason is ".vs" file is not excluded from commit.
Because of that ".vs\config\applicationhost.config" gets the local version of another user/Developer.
To Solve the error, First open that file Update Physical path inside "" xml tag.
Also ask user to exclude this folder from TFS to prevent future issues.
If you are getting mysql localhost error. What I will do will work for you.
Control Panel(View by: Large Icons) >> Programs and Features >>
(Usually upper left corner) Turn Windows Features on or off >>
Internet Information Services >> Web Management Tools and World Wide Web Services
After Restart.

Creating and using services in drupal6

i am new to drupal.
I am currently working on web services. Eventhough i selected REST and XMLRPC servers in services I got the following warning: A library is missing for rest_server to work (Currently using Missing library Please download spyc and create a file called spyc.php in rest_server/lib)
i downloaded spyc and followed the above instruction but it dint worked.
can any one help me to troubleshoot this issue.
put the spyc.php inside the services module. (services/servers/rest_server/lib/)
try to clear site cache from "Administrator - > Site configuration -> performance"
