I get exception of ULS log of sharepoint when Impersonation in SharePoint - sharepoint

this is my code:
SPWeb oWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPUserToken token = oWeb.AllUsers[#"SHAREPOINTSYSTEM"].UserToken;
using (SPSite elevatedSite = new SPSite(oWeb.Site.ID, token))
using (SPWeb elevatedweb = site.OpenWeb())
i run this success. But i see in ULS log of sharepoint, have exceptions as: "Don't dispose object web". I think when i use "using" for proccess, SPSite and SPWeb auto release memory.
Please help me in this problem

According to SPDisposeCheck rule 120, SPSite.OpenWeb should be disposed, so I don't think your error is related to elevatedweb. You might want to check other areas of your code. Definitely make sure that oWeb isn't being disposed.

Use SPDisposeCheck tool to identify if you have memory leaks in this piece of code.
Can you please paste the ULS log entry and how you identified it's definitely related to your code?
Your code: is it
using (SPWeb elevatedweb = site.OpenWeb()) OR
using (SPWeb elevatedweb = elevatedSite.OpenWeb()) ?
Can you please paste the complete piece of code?


what is difference between spweb and spcontext in sharepoint?

what is the difference spweb and spcontext when we need to use webcontext
Plese anyone can answer me.
spweb web =spcontext.current.web;
using(spsite site= new spsite(""))
using(spweb web=site.openweb(""))
In it's simplistic terms
using(spsite site= new spsite(""))
using(spweb web=site.openweb(""))
The above is pretty much the same as
spweb web =spcontext.current.web;
However the top code snippet you need to justify a URL to get your site object and by using the
You are automatically disposing of the objects site and web object.
spweb web =spcontext.current.web;
Get the context of the current web that the code is running in. It is essential that you do NOT dispose of this object.
It all depends if your code is running in the context of the site that you need a web or site object of.

How to get Site name dynamically

I want to Change Title and No of Links in Recent Changes of Sharepoint 2010's Wiki page library.
I made one custom user control for that. It work fine but there is one problem that I am unable to pass the url of site in
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SiteCollection))
I have to pass SiteCollection Statically. I want to make it dynamic. Mine site is a sub site. Is it possible to get Site link to open the Web..
just use:
SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site
the same goes for using a subsite:
SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web
No need for using statements if you use the context, you dont need to dispose it :)
Try using this : SPContext.Current.Web.Site.Url.
You can getting all Webs using below code
SPSite rootSite = SPContext.Current.Site;
foreach (SPWeb oWeb in rootSite.AllWebs)
//This Using for SPSite is optional
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(oWeb.Url))
//This Using for SPWeb is optional
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
//You can get all web in this object & perform operation
Above both Using for SPSite & SPWeb are optional you can direct access SPWeb object from oWeb object.
Happy Coding...!!!

Get Current SPSite from Sandbox Solution SharePoint

I am migrating my WebParts from Farm Solution to Sandboxed solutions in SharePoint 2010.
Before I was doing this:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url) )
My sandbox solutions fails when accessing SPContext.Current.
How can I obtain the current SPSite or the current URL?
Thanks in advance!
Try use HttpContext.Current.Request.Url or HttpRequest.Url Property
I believe your problem is using the SPSite constructor in the Sandbox. The following should work:
SPSite siteCol = SPContext.Current.Site;
According to MSDN, try this:
using (SPSite oSiteCollection = new SPSite("http://" + System.Environment.MachineName + "/sites/Site_Name"))

Should I dispose of this SPWeb?

I'm hoping someone can help me out. I need to get the root web of the current site from the SPContext. It's easily done with the following
I'm comfortable with the idea that the SPSite object here at SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb shouldn't be disposed of, but what about the SPWeb object I'm getting from the SPSite. Will, when the SPSite get's disposed, the rootweb SPWeb get disposed to? Or do I need to dispose of it myself?
Calls to SPSite.RootWeb should not be disposed. Disposing the SPSite will also dispose the RootWeb.
There is a bug in SPDisposeCheck where it flags if you do dispose it, and if you don't (damned either way!) I detailed how I solved this in this blog post, as you can't use an SPDisposeCheckIgnore attribute in elevated privileges blocks.
No you should not. You should only dispose objects you are in control of. Because the context is something created by SharePoint you do not dispose of this as other objects may be dependent upon this.
If you were to create your own instance of an SPWeb from this objects properties than it would need to be disposed. I.e..
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.Url))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) {
// do something
Here is an article on the best practices of disposing SharePoint objects.
You should normally use SPSite and SPWeb in a using clause.
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://mysite.sharepoint.com"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
// TODO: code for using SPWeb object
This automatically will correctly release the SPWeb object after you are done with it.

How do you instantiate a SPWeb Object from a console app?

I am trying to write a console app that simply lists the number of lists at the sharepoint root.
I tried doing it by using the following code, but the object SPContext.Current is null. Any ideas of how to get the web object?
SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Site.OpenWeb("http://localhost") ;
Just adding a little thing to Nat's post:
Even if it's not a important as in a SharePoint WebApp, it's still recommenced to dispose all SPWeb and SPSite objets.
So do keep good habits:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(weburl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
// bla bla
Note: you can directly pass the weburl to SPSite constructor, so OpenWeb will open the given web.
SPSite spSite = new SPSite("http://myurl");
SPWeb spMySite = spSite.Allwebs["mysite"];
SPWeb spRootsite = spsite.RootWeb;
The console app will only run on the server as usual.
Also, the url used http://myurl can be a url to a page and an SPSite object will be created. E.g. http://myurl/mysite/pages/default.aspx will get a valid SPSite object.
There are a couple of other ways you can use SPSite.OpenWeb() as well...
If you keep track of the SPWeb object's GUID:
Using a web's server or site relative URL or title, see MSDN SPSite.OpenWeb(string) for more details:
Using the precise relative URL and avoiding any clever stuff that SPSite.OpenWeb(string) uses:
site.OpenWeb(relativeUrl, true);
