drupal multi-site symlinks? - .htaccess

So basically I am using a drupal multi-site.
Structure is as follows:
-- public_html/sites/default/
sub.mywebsite.com: -- public_html/sites/sub.mywebsite.com/
Works just fine(via settings.php), but the problem comes when theming. In order to reference valid image files, I must use drupal_get_path('theme','mythemefolder')
And due to having "pretty urls" activated, I must use the following code to reference the image files:
$real_prefix=$base_path; // global from drupal, equates to "/" as drupal resides in public_html folder.
for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) $real_prefix.="../";
In this way, I can do the following:
<script type="text/css">
#borderclass {
background-image: url('<?= $real_prefix.$path.'images/a_border_image.png'; ?>');
background-repeat: repeat-x;
vertical-align: top;
<div class="borderclass" width="10px" height="10px"><!-- my image border div --></div>
It would be much preferable to not have to do this. And just simply reference the local site folder...
So that instead, I could write via PHP referenced above:
<div style="background-image: url('<?= $path ?>images/a_border_image.png');"></div>
The resulting html should instead appear inside View Source, as:
<div style="background-image: url('themes/mythemefolder/images/a_border_image.png');"></div>
and Not:
<div style="background-image: url('sites/sub.mywebsite.com/themes/mythemefolder/images/a_border_image.png');"></div>
Is it possible to configure my server to do such a thing? Basically, I'd rather not have my clients even know that the "sites" directory exists on the server when using their own domain or subdomain. Let alone the above presented theming issue.

From what I understand what you are trying to understand, let me tell you that this is not how you usually deal with things.
A module does not need to look at the theme (except template files) folder to get anything.
Logo, headers and other theme-related stuff can be stored in a theme's subfolder named "images" or anything else.
A theme folder will contain all template files (page template, html template, node template, etc) but a variable is ready for you if you want to get the theme's path.
url() in css, if the style is in a file, will be relative to the css file - not the current page.
So that's where you can enter url('images/a_border_image.png') so it will be relative to the theme folder regardless of the theme's location. Browser is aware that the css file's location is sites/sub.mywebsite.com/themes/mythemefolder and your url() stuff in css will be relative to that folder.
However, in case you want to get the correct path (easily), do this:
$theme_path = drupal_get_path('theme','mythemefolder').'/';
$real_path = url($theme_path . 'images/images/a_border_image.png'); // 'sites/sub.mywebsite.com/themes/mythemefolder/images/a_border_image.png'
url() will handle base path and all the substr stuff for you.


Footer in Liferay

I need to make a footer in Liferay and use theme for it. What's the simpliest way to do it?
I have created new theme, filled _diffs folder with other folders, but it's empty and I couldn't find relevant docs about this. Should I copy all basic files there? What should I change to create footer?
In Liferay, theme's portal_normal.vm serves as the template to
construct HTML structure of the page. There you define your header,
body and footer includes.
When you will look at the portal_normal.vm of classic theme, you will observe following HTML snippet:
<footer id="footer" role="contentinfo">
<p class="powered-by">
#language ("powered-by")
This is the footer of the page. This is what you need to implement. However, it's not necessary to use footer tag at all, as you can simply use div or table based structure with bootstrap or customized CSS classes for your footer, it's upto your requirement.
Remember! Classic theme is just like a sample provided by Liferay, so, it's not good idea to directly customize it.
Everybody needs a whole customized view of the site, and for this the best idea is to create a custom theme (that's what you are doing!), that will give you full control over your look-n-feel.
To kick-start, you can initially copy required folders from classic theme to your customized theme's (_diffs folder) and start changing bit by bit.

How to reference layout images in express.js so that they can be found from nested directories?

I've got an express.js app currently using ejs (using jade for newer projects) and I'm trying to solve a problem in a clean and appropriate manner.
I've got a layout.ejs file with my header and footer in it. Most of my site so far has been one layer deep http://innovationbound.com/about or /services or /amy and so on....
I'm beginning to created online courses at http://innovationbound.com/courses/course-name and the issue I'm having is that these course pages can't reference the images the same way. <img src="images/linknedin.png" alt="LinkedIn Icon"> for instance.
From the course-name page it tries <img src="courses/images/LinkedIn.png" alt="LinkedIn Icon"> and obviously can't grab the image there.
Is there a setting in express, or something obvious I'm missing? I hope I don't have to use absolute urls, that just makes developing on the local machine insane.
Just use site root–relative paths. For example <img src="/images/linknedin.png" alt="LinkedIn Icon">. Note the / makes the difference.
There are three types of link paths:
Absolute paths (such as http://www.adobe.com/support/dreamweaver/contents.html).
Document-relative paths (such as dreamweaver/contents.html).
Site root–relative paths (such as /support/dreamweaver/contents.html).
From Adobe.
You might consider it, but you can use "../images/link(n?)edin.png". However, I'd recommend to use absolute path, because images should be stored in /public (in general jade setup) and your path depth could be varied by your route rule.
As a tip, if you lost in relative path of image, right click on broken image and see a URL in properties on web browser. It'll give you a hint of where the image is.

How can I efficiently overwrite CSS with a content script?

My problem is that I want to overwrite a style of a site. Thing is, there is a way to do this, using the !important sentence, as seen in this example.
However, there are thousands of CSS instructions in my file, is there a more quick/efficient way to do this, i.e. not putting !important on each and every single line?
The approach I've found easiest and most effective is to wrap whatever html template you're injecting in a div with a very specific id.
<div id="my-specific-id">
// Your injected HTML template or section of the website you want to change
Once you've done this, reset all of the CSS that might affect that section.
#my-specific-id {
// A comprehensive CSS reset
// The rest of your CSS will override the reset above
Here is one such reset: http://html5doctor.com/html-5-reset-stylesheet/
Note that you probably won't need everything from the CSS Reset, so remove what isn't relevant to take some load off the browser. I can't imagine that you really want to reset figcaption, for example.
As someone writing an extension, you should care a lot about whether or not your extension ruins the user experience on websites you inject scripts into.
The approach I've outlined will guarantee that only the sections of the website that you specifically care about are changed.
You can do this with your own templates (say you wanted to add a weather widget to every page without using an iframe) or with specific parts of the page. You could, for example, wrap all <p> elements in a highly specific id that you define.
Here's an example using Sass from a recent project I've been working on...
#specific-id-css-ultimate-reset {
html, button, input, div, p, img, form {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
font-size: 100%;
vertical-align: baseline;
background: transparent;
#import "modules/all";
#import "components/all";
#import "popups/all";
<div id="my-superspecific-html-template-wrapper">
Maybe it will be faster for you to include all styles from the original CSS that you don't wish to override in your injected stylesheet? If so, you can then remove the original stylesheet from page using content script/code injection or blocking the browser request for CSS file.
You can also write a small script that does some regex magic and adds !important to every line of given CSS file.

Is there a function in Orchard CMS that will retrieve the Theme directory?

I have images in my theme (in the Content/ directory) and I want to show them in different places.
My current approach is : <img src="#Url.Content("~/Themes/MyTheme/Content/Images/image.gif")" />
This works, but is not very maintainable (what if I want to switch themes, etc).
Is there an built in method, something like GetCurrentThemeDirectory() that would return the directory so I could do or something like that?
Edit: from mdm's comment, I realize that changing the theme isn't a valid concern. I really just want to avoid typing out the url for every reference
Where are you referencing the image from? Module? Another theme?
If it is from the theme that has the image, then you don't need to worry about switching themes. If it is from another theme, then the image should be a part of the theme. If it is from a module, then it would make sense to store the image as part of the module or override it in the theme (see below).
If you wanted to have the image as part of the theme, then you could have the module return a 'default' shape and then override that in the theme. There really shouldn't be any reason to reference the theme's images from a module or vice versa.
Edit after your edit
In the themes I've written, I've followed what the Orchard authors do. Rather than using <img> tags, images are placed in Styles/images. They can then be referenced using the CSS background-image attribute.
In Views/Branding.cshtml:
<div id="header"></div>
<h1 id="branding">#WorkContext.CurrentSite.SiteName</h1>
And then in site.css:
#header {
/* snip */
background-image: url(images/header.png);
/* snip */
Themes/TheAdmin/site.css contains plenty more examples of this method.

SharePoint 2007 - How To Change Attachment Paperclip Image

When a list item has an attachment, SharePoint automatically renders a paperclip image for that particular row, which indicates that the item has an attachment. Is there any way to change the image that is rendered?
The site is in a shared hosting environment, so I can't simply replace the image on the file system. Also, there are other lists that are part of the same site that should use the default image.
Is there any way to change the image that is rendered for items with an attachment on an individual list basis?
EDIT: Following is the HTML that is rendered:
<td class="ms-vb2">
<img align="absbottom" src="http://devsandbox/_layouts/images/attach.gif" alt="Attachment"/>
The only real way you'll be able to do this is to use jQuery (or some other javascript library). You'll need to locate the elements you want to update on the page and change the URL's
$('img[src*=attach.gif]').each(function() {
$(this).attr('src', '/path/to/new/image.png');
My jQuery may be a touch wrong but that should be near enough to give you an idea of what to do
Edit - The best way to have this down would be via a custom WebPart which renders the JavaScript. This way it can easily be dropped into any page you want
i don't know which element off the top, but I would look for it in one of the stylesheets and use SharePoint designer to do the replacement work for a specific list.
Use Firebug to inspect the element that you want to revert. This will tell you the css class and other properties used by that element. Then write your own class and add it to the core.css file or if you want, add it to the css for the Site/Site Collection through the MasterPages link in Site Settings.
I used firebug to look at an image in SharePoint and here is how it is rendering.
<img id="img_1-2_" class="rpo-gif rpo-gif-2" border="0" style="padding: 0px;" alt="Expand/Collapse" src="/_layouts/images/minus.gif"/>
As you can see it is using a class and setting a src to '/_layouts/images/minus.gif'. Well you can go find that file in the 12Hive directory and then replace it with an image of your choice that has the same name.
