CFM redirect 301 - .htaccess

On Google I have a site that has a bunch of old links to its pages, they are links like this.
I want to 301 redirect them with htaccess, but nothing I am trying works.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/architectural
RewriteRule .* /mainpage.cfm?linkId=84&LinkType=mainlink
Any Ideas, I have tried many varients of this, it seems the problem is the .cfm file.

Your question is a bit fuzzy. You say you want to rewrite from /mainpage.cfm?linkId=84&LinkType=mainlink, but then you also have that as the target of your RewriteRule. So I think some wires are crossed somewhere. Can you please update your question to include "I want to rewrite [this current URL example] to [the URL you wish the first one to end up at]". Also any other considerations that might require a RewriteCond, and any variations in the patterns.
Then we can get your rules/conditions sorted out.
To answer your exact question as asked, your RewriteCond will reject /mainpage.cfm?linkId=84&LinkType=mainlink because that does not match ^/architectural.
However I suspect this is not the question you mean to ask...

in mod_rewrite RewriteRule can only see the directory and file part of the URI and not the query string. So to match the query string you need to use RewriteCond.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} linkId=(\d+)&LinkType=mainlink [NC]
RewiteRule ^mainpage\.cfm newpage.php?linkid=%1 [NC,L]
I have matched the linkId in the RewriteCond which I then refer to by %1 in the RewriteRule as this is the syntax for matching groups in a RewriteCond.
As #AdamCameron points out you don't state where you want to redirect to, but this should give you the tools to resove it.

You could perform the redirect within the ColdFusion page instead. Just add the following line to the top of the mainpage.cfm file (assuming you want every request of that page redirected). You could add some condition logic if you only want to redirect specific linkId and/or LinkType based on the URL parameter.
Again, if you want every request to the mainpage.cfm to redirect just add this to the top of that file (NOTE you need to change the url for the redirected page):
<cflocation url="http://host/architetural" statusCode="301" addtoken="no">
The statusCode attribute was added in ColdFusion 8 - so you must be running that or newer


htaccess redirect url if matching exact string length?

I have a lot of old urls inbound pointing to incorrect locations, trying to forward to new location. These are going to the root directory so I can't just forward everything.
One way to get a good chunk of them on to the new place is finding ones with a session ID in the query string. It always has 32 characters, preceded by s=
Need to move that to (and drop the session ID)
I can't get the .htaccess redirect to match that string.
I've tried multiple ways, most recent being:
RewriteRule ^(.*)s=([^.]{32})$$1 [L,R=301]
Any suggestions?
This is an often answere, fully documented issue: you cannot access a request's query string by means of a RewriteRule. You need to use a RewriteCond for that:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^s=[^&]{32}(&|$)
RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301,QSD]
I also fixed some other details.

too many redirects. setting up htaccess to redirect

I moved an old website to a new cms and some content have links that cannot be found on the new system.
For instance in the old system there was a link called
in the new one i do not require those ids at the end. Therefore I would like to redirect the user to directly.
I wrote the following in my htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^(.*newsletter)(.*) $1 [L,R=301]
This gives me unfortnately a "too man redirects" error.
Can anyone point out the error that I made?
I planned to use the regex to capture all links that contain the name "newsletter" and remove the rest of the url to redirect the user. Any help is appreciated thanks.
Using (.*newsletter)(.*) causes the rewrite to match /newsletter alone because .* matches zero or more characters. This sends mod_rewrite into a loop.
Instead, you can use .+ which matches one or more characters, and to that I would prepend /? to optionally match a trailing slash. There is no need to capture it in () because you do not reuse it as $2.
RewriteRule ^(.*newsletter)/?.+ $1 [L,R=301]
Your example began with .*. If you actually need that, leave it in. But if you are really just trying to match /newsletter/123/1234 and not /someother/newsletter/123/1234, simplify it with:
RewriteRule ^newsletter/?.+ /newsletter [L,R=301]
When you test this, use a private/incognito browsing window or a fresh browser. Browsers aggressively cache 301 redirects and it can make it very hard to debug rewrite rules if you are fighting against the cache.

How to 301 redirect pages "up" a page

I'm a newbie and I'm trying to figure out the proper 301 redirect for the following pages. I hope I'm being clear here :) In my .htaccess file, I want to redirect pages "up" one pages without having to do every page individually.
My original pages looked like the following:
....etc. ....up to like /?page=33
and more categories and states, like:
...etc. .....again up to like /?page=24
I've since changed the page structure to eliminate the long this:
etc.....and similarly....
How can I "bulk" redirect the original pages with the long URLs to the newer, shortened version in my .htaccess file? Thank you very much for your time and consideration!
Using mod_alias, you can simply add this in the .htaccess file in your document root:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/([a-z\-]+)/([a-z\-]+)/[a-z\-]+/$ /$1/$2/
But if you need further restrictions on how the redirect works, you can use Apache's mod_rewrite module. Taking a look at the RewriteCond directive, you can impose conditions on a rule and put everything in .htaccess. The main rule will look very similar to mod_alias' RedirectMatch. Example:
RewriteRule ^([a-z\-]+)/([a-z\-]+)/[a-z\-]+/$ /$1/$2/ [R=301,L]
In both cases, the query string (the page=3 part) is simply appended to the new target. Looking over the different things you can do with RewriteCond, say if you wanted to exclude this rule when requests are made for something like /images/ or /themes/:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/images/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/themes/
RewriteRule ^([a-z\-]+)/([a-z\-]+)/[a-z\-]+/$ /$1/$2/ [R=301,L]
So, if the request doesn't start with /images/ and the request doesn't start with /themes/, then apply the rule. This example would make it so a request for don't get redirected to

301 htaccess redirect dynamic url help needed

I'm trying to redirect this
12345 being the dynamic topic ID
I also need any information to be stripped away if it is found after the topic ID, for example
I want &view=getlastpost or any similar that may appear after the ID number to be get rid of.
I've tried
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(([^&]&))showtopic=([^&]+)&?(.*)?$
RewriteRule ^index.php$ [L,R=301]
but it didn't work. I get trash in the URL.
h (when that link is clicked - the result is h
h (when that link is clicked - the result is h
How can I clear it out?
$2 implies there are two bracketed areas, but I only see one in your rule, so changed that to $1.
Also your URL starts /forum/ so need to include that in the rule.
And the . in index.php needs to be escaped if you don't want it treated as a regex special character.
And if you want to ditch anything after the showtopic=1234 then just remove the $ that indicates the end of the string
RewriteRule ^forum/index\.php?showtopic=([0-9]*)$1/ [L,R=301]

ISAPI Rewrite Help With Redirect To Sub Domain

I need a bit of ISAPI syntax help, I am about to put live a new site and want to archive the old forum onto an archive sub domain.
The forum is in ASP and currently has this URL
I want every request for the forum to be 301 redirected to:
Basically anything with in the forum folder with .asp extension with or without a query string - Any help greatly appreciated.
For redirecting a url to a subdomain, it has been a few months since your question, but maybe this will still help.
Assuming you're using isapi_rewrite v3, try this:
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^www\.
RewriteRule ^/forum/(.*\.asp)$$1 [NC,R=301]
The first line looks for host beginning with www. (with the trailing dot). This makes sure you don't get an infinite loop, redirecting archive to itself. The trailing dot is being picky at doing only www, and not others like www2.
The second line looks for /forum/, then captures (...) any characters .* and literal dot and asp \.asp, ending the url $
It then goes to your subdomain in the /forum/ folder (since /forum/ wasn't captured, we need to repeat it), and the entire rest of the url that was captured $1.
The NC means not case-sensitive, so all this can be mixed upper and lower case.
The R=301 means redirect, and make it a permanent 301 redirect since this isn't temporary.
In the v3 rules, querystring parameters are handled entirely separately from the rules, so you don't have to do anything at all here. If there are no parameters, then this works. If there are parameters, they are passed on as in your question above.
This ignores http vs https. It will redirect to http, so if the original was https, there will probably be a browser warning. There are ways to handle it, but I didn't want to clutter the basic answer.
Having the domain itself in the rewrite rule is always a little weird looking to me, since you might want to move it around. You can capture the rest of the host in the first line, and use it in the second.
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^www\.(.*)$
RewriteRule ^/forum/(.*\.asp)$ http://archive.%1/forum/$1 [NC,R=301]
This is similar to above, with the addition that the host after the www-dot is captured, to the end of the line (.*)$ I'm not sure the $ is required here, but it makes it explicit we want it all.
RewriteCond captures are numbered with a percent sign, so %1 in the rewrite rule substitutes the host after the subdomain, and $1 still means substituting the captured ...asp url.
