QThread crashes the program? - multithreading

I implement QThread like this, but get program crashed when it runs.
I've searched and seen posts saying it is not the correct way to use QThread.
But I cannot find any reason for the crashes of my program, what I do is only
triggering 'on_Create_triggered()' and I guarantee the mutex is locked and unlocked properly.
I have tested the program for two days(testing only by 'std::cerr << ...;' prints results), but still cannot find reason. What I guess is that the thread may wait for the lock too long and cause program to crash. (not sounds reasonable...) :)
My codes:
class Background : public QThread
Background(int& val,DEVMAP& map, QQueue<LogInfoItem*>& queue, QList<DEV*>& devlist, QList<IconLabel*>& icllist,QMutex& m)
:val_i(val),DevMap(map), LogInfoQueue(queue), DevInfoList(devlist), IconLabelList(icllist),mutex(m)
void run(void);
QList<DEV*>& DevInfoList;
QList<IconLabel*>& IconLabelList;
int& val_i;
QMutex& mutex;
void rcv();
#include "background.h"
void Background::run(void)
void Background::rcv()
...//access DevMap, LogInfoQueue, DevInfoList, IconLabelList and val_i;
MainWindow:(MainWindow has Background* back as property)
void MainWindow::initThread()
back = new Background(val_i, dev_map, logDisplayQueue, devInfoList, iconLabelList, mutex);
void MainWindow::on_Create_triggered()
...//access DevMap, LogInfoQueue, DevInfoList, IconLabelList and val_i;

I have found the reason, which is more subtle.
(I use some codes written by others but believe it is not broken, what I got totally wrong! :) )
The broken codes:
#define DATABUFLEN 96
typedef struct Para//totally 100bytes
UINT8 type;
UINT8 len;
UINT8 inType;
UINT8 inLen;
UINT8 value[DATABUFLEN];//96 bytes here
class BitState
And the function using it:
bool BitState::rcvData() //the function crosses bound of array
UINT8 data[12] =
0x72, 0x0A, 0x97, 0x08,
0x06, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x0F,
0x1E, 0x2A, 0x50, 0x5F,
}; //only 12 bytes
UINT32 dataLen = 110;
memcpy(this->dataBuf, data, dataLen); //copy 110 bytes to dataBuf //but no error or warning from compiler, and no runtime error indicates the cross
bool BitState::parseData(BitLog* bitLog)//pass pointer of dataBuf to para_tmp, but only use 0x08 + 4 = 12 bytes of dataBuf
Para* para_tmp;
if(*(this->dataBuf) == 0x77)
para_tmp = (ERRORTLV*)this->dataBuf;
if(para_tmp->type != 0x72 || para_tmp->inType != 0x97 || (para_tmp->len - para_tmp->inLen) != 2) // inLen == 0x08
return false;
//parse dataBuf according to Para's structure
for(int i = 0; i < para_tmp->inLen; i++) // inLen == 0x08 only !!!
this->bitState[para_tmp->value[i]-6] = 1;
QString currentTime = (QDateTime::currentDateTime()).toString("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.zzz");
string sysTime = string((const char *)currentTime.toLocal8Bit());
this->addLog(sysTime, bitLog);
return true;
bool BitState::addLog(std::string sysTime, BitLog* bitLog)// this function is right
bitLog->basicInfo = this->basicInfo;//not in data Buf, already allocated and initialized, (right)
bitLog->bitState = this->bitState; //state is set by setState(..)
bitLog->rcvTime = sysTime; //time
return true;
Generally speaking, the program allocates 96 bytes to a byte array, but use 'memcpy(...)' to copy 110 bytes to the array, later uses only 12 bytes of the array.
All kinds of crashes appear, which are confusing and frustrating...:( :( :(


'PTX JIT compilation failed' from cuModuleLoadData

Below is the code:
#define FILENAME "kernel.code"
#define kernel_name "hello_world"
#define THREADS 4
std::vector<char> load_file()
std::ifstream file(FILENAME, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
std::streamsize fsize = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::vector<char> buffer(fsize);
if (!file.read(buffer.data(), fsize)) {
failed("could not open code object '%s'\n", FILENAME);
return buffer;
struct joinable_thread : std::thread
template <class... Xs>
joinable_thread(Xs&&... xs) : std::thread(std::forward<Xs>(xs)...) // NOLINT
joinable_thread& operator=(joinable_thread&& other) = default;
joinable_thread(joinable_thread&& other) = default;
void run(const std::vector<char>& buffer) {
CUdevice device;
CUDACHECK(cuDeviceGet(&device, 0));
CUcontext context;
CUDACHECK(cuCtxCreate(&context, 0, device));
CUmodule Module;
CUDACHECK(cuModuleLoadData(&Module, &buffer[0]));
void run_multi_threads(uint32_t n) {
auto buffer = load_file();
std::vector<joinable_thread> threads;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
threads.emplace_back(std::thread{[&, i, buffer] {
int main() {
And the code kernel.cu used for ptx is as follows:
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
extern "C" __global__ void hello_world(float* a, float* b) {
int tx = threadIdx.x;
b[tx] = a[tx];
I m generating the ptx in this way
nvcc --ptx kernel.cu -o kernel.code
Im using a machine with GeForce GTX TITAN X.
And Im facing this "PTX JIT compilation failed" from cuModuleLoadData error, only when I m trying to use this with multiple threads. If i remove the multi-threading part and run normally, this error doesn't occur.
Can anyone please tell me what is going wrong and how to overcome this.
As mentioned in the comments, I was able to get it to work by moving the load_file() call to the main, so that the buffer read from the file is valid, and then pass only the buffer to all the threads.
Actually in the original code, the buffer will be deconstructed once it leaves the '{...}' scope. So when thread starts, you may read the invalid buffer.
If you put your buffer in the main, it will not be deconstructed or freed until the program exits.
So yes, it's because you pass the invalid buffer (which may have already been freed) to the cu code.

custom memory allocator - segfault

me and my friend are trying to develop custom memory allocator in linux ubuntu 16.04.
We got stuck because of an error, btw its our first time
that we are trying to code something like that so we are not the best debuggers the error is : Segmentation fault (core dumped)
and here is the code.
can anybody help us understand whats wrong ?
Thank you!
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct header_t {
size_t size;
unsigned is_free;
struct header_t *next; };
struct header_t *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
pthread_mutex_t global_malloc_lock;
struct header_t *get_free_block(size_t size)
struct header_t *curr = head;
while(curr) {
/* see if there's a free block that can accomodate requested size */
if (curr->is_free && curr->size >= size)
return curr;
curr = curr->next;
return NULL;
void free(void *block)
struct header_t *header, *tmp;
/* program break is the end of the
process's data segment */
void *programbreak;
if (!block)
header = (struct header_t*)block - 1;
/* sbrk(0) gives the current program break address */
programbreak = sbrk(0);
Check if the block to be freed is the last one in the
linked list. If it is, then we could shrink the size of the
heap and release memory to OS. Else, we will keep the block
but mark it as free. */
if ((char*)block + header->size == programbreak) {
if (head == tail) {
head = tail = NULL;
} else {
tmp = head;
while (tmp) {
if(tmp->next == tail) {
tmp->next = NULL;
tail = tmp;
tmp = tmp->next;
/* sbrk() with a negative argument decrements the program break.
So memory is released by the program to OS. */
sbrk(0 - header->size - sizeof(struct header_t));
/* Note: This lock does not really assure thread
safety, because sbrk() itself is not really
thread safe. Suppose there occurs a foregin sbrk(N)
after we find the program break and before we decrement
it, then we end up realeasing the memory obtained by
the foreign sbrk(). */
header->is_free = 1;
void *malloc(size_t size)
size_t total_size;
void *block;
struct header_t *header;
if (!size)
return NULL;
header = get_free_block(size);
if (header) {
/* Woah, found a free block to accomodate requested memory. */
header->is_free = 0;
return (void*)(header + 1);
/* We need to get memory to fit in the requested block and header
from OS. */
total_size = sizeof(struct header_t) + size;
block = sbrk(total_size);
if (block == (void*) -1) {
return NULL;
header = block;
header->size = size;
header->is_free = 0;
header->next = NULL;
if (!head)
head = header;
if (tail)
tail->next = header;
tail = header;
return (void*)(header + 1);
void *calloc(size_t num, size_t nsize)
size_t size;
void *block;
if (!num || !nsize)
return NULL;
size = num * nsize;
/* check mul overflow */
if (nsize != size / num)
return NULL;
block = malloc(size);
if (!block)
return NULL;
memset(block, 0, size);
return block;
void *realloc(void *block, size_t size)
struct header_t *header;
void *ret;
if (!block || !size)
return malloc(size);
header = (struct header_t*)block - 1;
if (header->size >= size)
return block;
ret = malloc(size);
if (ret) {
/* Relocate contents to the new bigger block */
memcpy(ret, block, header->size);
/* Free the old memory block */
return ret;
The problem occurred because the functions were not prototyped [decalred].
Once I added functions prototype. The code worked.
For more information about prototyping: http://www.trytoprogram.com/c-programming/function-prototype-in-c/
mutex variable should be initialized before using it for applying lock. your global_malloc_lock is not initialized.
you can't initialize mutex variable as of normal variable.
pthread_mutex_t global_malloc_lock = 0 ;// invalid .. you may thinking since it's it declared as global it's initialized with 0 which is wrong
Initialize the mutex variable by calling pthread_mutex_init() or using PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER ;
for your code add this
pthread_mutex_t global_malloc_lock = pthread_mutex_t global_malloc_lock;

How to prematurely kill std::async threads before they are finished *without* using a std::atomic_bool?

I have a function that takes a callback, and used it to do work on 10 separate threads. However, it is often the case that not all of the work is needed. For example, if the desired result is obtained on the third thread, it should stop all work being done on of the remaining alive threads.
This answer here suggests that it is not possible unless you have the callback functions take an additional std::atomic_bool argument, that signals whether the function should terminate prematurely.
This solution does not work for me. The workers are spun up inside a base class, and the whole point of this base class is to abstract away details of multithreading. How can I do this? I am anticipating that I will have to ditch std::async for something more involved.
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
#include <vector>
class ABC{
std::vector<std::future<int> > m_results;
ABC() {};
virtual int callback(int a) = 0;
void doStuffWithCallBack();
void ABC::doStuffWithCallBack(){
// start working
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
m_results.push_back(std::async(&ABC::callback, this, i));
// analyze results and cancel all threads when you get the 1
for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j){
double foo = m_results[j].get();
if ( foo == 1){
break; // but threads continue running
std::cout << m_results[9].get() << " <- this shouldn't have ever been computed\n";
class Derived : public ABC {
Derived() : ABC() {};
~Derived() {};
int callback(int a){
std::cout << a << "!\n";
if (a == 3)
return 1;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Derived myObj;
return 0;
I'll just say that this should probably not be a part of a 'normal' program, since it could leak resources and/or leave your program in an unstable state, but in the interest of science...
If you have control of the thread loop, and you don't mind using platform features, you could inject an exception into the thread. With posix you can use signals for this, on Windows you would have to use SetThreadContext(). Though the exception will generally unwind the stack and call destructors, your thread may be in a system call or other 'non-exception safe place' when the exception occurs.
Disclaimer: I only have Linux at the moment, so I did not test the Windows code.
#if defined(_WIN32)
# define ITS_WINDOWS
# define ITS_POSIX
#if defined(ITS_POSIX)
#include <signal.h>
void throw_exception() throw(std::string())
throw std::string();
void init_exceptions()
volatile int i = 0;
if (i)
bool abort_thread(std::thread &t)
#if defined(ITS_WINDOWS)
bool bSuccess = false;
HANDLE h = t.native_handle();
return false;
if (INFINITE == SuspendThread(h))
return false;
ctx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_CONTROL;
if (GetThreadContext(h, &ctx))
#if defined( _WIN64 )
ctx.Rip = (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)throw_exception;
ctx.Eip = (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)throw_exception;
bSuccess = SetThreadContext(h, &ctx) ? true : false;
return bSuccess;
#elif defined(ITS_POSIX)
pthread_kill(t.native_handle(), SIGUSR2);
return false;
#if defined(ITS_POSIX)
void worker_thread_sig(int sig)
if(SIGUSR2 == sig)
throw std::string();
void init_threads()
#if defined(ITS_POSIX)
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sa.sa_handler = worker_thread_sig;
sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, 0);
class tracker
tracker() { printf("tracker()\n"); }
~tracker() { printf("~tracker()\n"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("main: starting thread...\n");
std::thread t([]()
tracker a;
printf("thread: started...\n");
printf("thread: stopping...\n");
catch(std::string s)
printf("thread: exception caught...\n");
printf("main: sleeping...\n");
printf("main: aborting...\n");
printf("main: joining...\n");
printf("main: exiting...\n");
return 0;
main: starting thread...
main: sleeping...
thread: started...
main: aborting...
main: joining...
thread: exception caught...
main: exiting...

FreeBSD kqueue filter only sometimes unblocks the waiting client

I am writing kqueue hooks for a character device that allows a client to block waiting for an EVFILT_READ. If I set my read filters code to always return one the kevent will return instantly. However, if the filter returns one at some later point in time nothing unblocks. For the following code the printf "After" never happens and in the filter code I can trivially get "filter_Read return 1" (immediately followed by a return 0)
Device (relevant excerpt)
static int
lowmem_filter_read(struct knote *kn, long hint)
mtx_assert(&lowmem_mtx, MA_OWNED);
printf("filter_Read return 1\n");
return 1;
printf("filter_Read return 0\n");
return 0;
static void
lowmem_filter_detach(struct knote *kn)
mtx_assert(&lowmem_mtx, MA_OWNED);
knlist_remove(&kl, kn, 0);
static struct filterops lowmem_filtops_read = {
.f_isfd = 1,
.f_detach = lowmem_filter_detach,
.f_event = lowmem_filter_read,
static int
lowmem_kqfilter(struct cdev *dev, struct knote *kn)
int err = EINVAL;
/* Figure out who needs service */
switch (kn->kn_filter) {
kn->kn_fop = &lowmem_filtops_read;
knlist_add(&kl, kn, 1);
err = 0;
return (err);
struct kevent ev;
struct timespec nullts = {0,0};
int fd=0;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
fd = open("/dev/lowmem", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
int kq=kqueue();
int n=kevent(kq,NULL,0,&ev,1,NULL);
printf("Something happened ev.fflags=%i\n",(int)ev.fflags);
return 0;

Why this boost thread creation does't compile?

I wrote some multithreading code using Boost thread library. I initialized two threads in the constructor using the placeholder _1 as the argument required by member function fillSample(int num). But this doesn't compile in my Visual Studio 2010. Following is the code:
#define SAMPLING_FREQ 250
#define BUFFER_SIZE 8
class ECG
int sample[BUFFER_SIZE];
int sampleIdx;
int readIdx, writeIdx;
boost::thread m_ThreadWrite;
boost::thread m_ThreadRead;
boost::mutex m_Mutex;
boost::condition bufferNotFull, bufferNotEmpty;
void fillSample(int num); //get sample from the data stream
void processSample(); //process ECG sample, return the last processed
ECG::ECG() : readyFlag(false), sampleIdx(0), readIdx(0), writeIdx(0)
m_ThreadWrite=boost::thread((boost::bind(&ECG::fillSample, this, _1)));
m_ThreadRead=boost::thread((boost::bind(&ECG::processSample, this)));
void ECG::fillSample(int num)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex);
while( (writeIdx-readIdx)%BUFFER_SIZE == BUFFER_SIZE-1 )
sample[writeIdx] = num;
writeIdx = (writeIdx+1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
void ECG::processSample()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex);
while( readIdx == writeIdx )
sample[readIdx] *= 2;
readIdx = (readIdx+1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
I already included the placeholders.hpp header file but it still doesn't compile. If I replace the _1 with 0, then it will work. But this will initialize the thread function with 0, which is not what I want. Any ideas on how to make this work?
Move the creation to the initialization list:
m_ThreadWrite(boost::bind(&ECG::fillSample, this, _1)), ...
thread object is not copyable, and your compiler doesn't support its move constructor.
