how to Zoom In/Out using Robotium? - android-layout

i try to open web browser apk, open one web page.
is it possible to ZOOM IN/OUT of this web page using robotium ?
and i try to open one docx file using open Office apk automation using robotium.
is it possible to ZOOM IN/OUT for this document page using robotium ?
Any one have solution then please help me.

As far i know there is no functionality like that in Robotium.

For a web page you can use the zoomIn() method of a webview that you have gotten a reference to using any number of the ways you can with robotium.
To be able to use this method you will have to cast the view you got from robotium to a WebView and to perform the zoom you will have to run on the uithread. The code would look something like:
final WebView webView = (WebView) Solo.getView(;
instrumentation.runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
public void run() {


Navigating to a specific view from appdelegate using xamarin.ios and mvvmcross

I am working on a cross platform app using xamarin and MVVMcross.
I want to navigate to Login page when the app is in background for a specific amount of time.
I was successfull in implementing the same in android but wasn't able to find a proper solution in ios for this where MVVMCross is used.
Below is my Android code which is working
Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(LoginView));
var viewModelRequest = new MvxViewModelRequest(typeof(Core.ViewModels.LoginViewModel));
var serializer = new MvvmCross.Core.Parse.StringDictionary.MvxViewModelRequestCustomTextSerializer();
intent.PutExtra("MvxLaunchData", serializer.SerializeObject(viewModelRequest));
I need to implement the same in ios. I know I need to write a similar code like in android in WillEnterForeground method of Appdelegate but wasn't able to find a proper solution for it anywhere.
Is WillEnterForeground the right place to do this ?
Can someone please help
I was able to go one step ahead
var view = (IMvxIosView)UIStoryboard.FromName("Tasks", null).InstantiateViewController("LoginView");
var viewController = view.CreateViewControllerFor(viewModelRequest) as UIViewController;
Window.RootViewController = new UINavigationController(viewController);
Now I am able to get to the login screen when the app comes in foreground again.
But when I click the Login button nothing happens.
Just for more information i am using Storyboards and have overridden CreateIosViewsContainer method of MvxIosSetup in my Setup class.
Any help please as I am relatively very new to ios development?

How to create a Google/Safari extension with ability to override audio playing in a tab?

I am trying my hand at developing my own Safari extensions that could perform basic Pandora commands from the an extension menu (with an open tab streaming from the Pandora site). I'm just wondering if there is a way I can programmatically mute my Pandora music if I were to play a YouTube video from another tab? I've seen it done on a Google Chrome extension called "SoundControl" but have no idea whether it is at all possible to implement on Safari. Any suggestions or reference to the safari manual would be appreciated. Thanks!
Add an event listener to your code like this:
safari.application.addEventListener("activate", activateHandler, true);
function activateHandler(event) {
if("youtube") != -1)
//Pause your player in here
Look at music player tutorial in here
Window or tab activated event tutorial is in here

WebView, opening link in different window/tab

Is it possible to open a link like this to be opened in Safari by only changing the contents of the HTML file only?
My WebView loads a local HTML page with this source:
Link to Fanpage
How do I make it so that it opens in Safari? By default it should also open in Facebook app if it was downloaded?
It's annoying that it opens the Facebook page on the same webview and the user won't be able to go back to the previous webpage.
Would I have to face a new approach? Thank you.
I looked at other solutions but I don't know what it means by adding a delegate to the webview?
I think you are trying to get get back-history working with anchors on iOS? I have been dealing with the same issue.
Thanks to inspiration from, created the following angular directive that fixes this back-history issue. Basically it overrides the default html anchor behavior.
.directive('anchorOpenInNewWin',function() {
return {
restrict : 'A',
link : function($scope,$element,$attrs) {
$element.bind('click touchstart',function(e) {
location.href = $attrs.href;
<a anchor-open-in-new-win href="" target="_blank">google</a>
This solution could be easily translated into jquery or whatever you are using. Hope this helps

Windows phone app link

So - I want to make a windows phone app that links to my webpage when I open it - how do i do that? I have the SDK, and tried with the browser, but I can't seem to find anyway to set a homepage?
You could use the WebBrowser control, placing it on an otherwise empty page. This may allow you to fine tune the experience if wish.
But what would be even easier is to just use the WebBrowserTask. This would launch you right back out of your app and into OS's true browser experience. In the App.xaml.cs file, just add the following code:
private void PhoneApplicationService_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)
WebBrowserTask webBrowserTask = new WebBrowserTask();
webBrowserTask.Uri = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute);
You app will immediately launch the browser an you don't have to do anything else.

sencha touch :: is it possible (and how) to open a website inside a panel or in external browser window?

i wonder if and how it is possible to open a website inside a panel or in an external browser window of the mobile safari! I tried to open a website inside a panel but due to crossdomain problems only the htm without the css was loaded.
any ideas?
edit: let's say, we use phoneGap
As far as I know, cross-domain issues do block you from IFRAME solutions for displaying external links inside your app.
Best solution currently is to have links include target="_blank" to force a new browser window to open.
#Stevanicus #Dalar It does open a new window in Mobile Safari if you use Phonegap and allowed domains using phonegap.plist whitelist property, but if you do somthing like
var rateMsg = Ext.Msg.confirm('Title', 'Some message', function(e) {
if(e == 'yes')//If user confirms yes
{"", "_blank");//We open a link with _blank to use mobile safari and not your webview
It does not work.
