enqueue_task_rt function in ./kernel/sched/rt.c is responsible for queuing the task to the run queue. enqueue_task_rt contains call to enqueue_rt_entity which calls dequeue_rt_stack. Most part of the code seems logical but I am a bit lost because of the function dequeue_rt_stack unable to understand what it does. Can somebody tell what is the logic that I am missing or suggest some good read.
Edit: The following is the code for dequeue_rt_stack function
struct sched_rt_entity *back = NULL;
/* macro for_each_sched_rt_entity defined as
for(; rt_se; rt_se = rt_se->parent)*/
for_each_sched_rt_entity(rt_se) {
rt_se->back = back;
back = rt_se;
for (rt_se = back; rt_se; rt_se = rt_se->back) {
if (on_rt_rq(rt_se))
More specifically, I do not understand why there is a need for this code:
for_each_sched_rt_entity(rt_se) {
rt_se->back = back;
back = rt_se;
What is its relevance.
When a task is to be added to some queue, it must first be removed from the queue that it currently is on, if any.
With the group scheduler, a task is always at the lowest level of the tree, and might have multiple ancestors:
| |
| top-level group |
| |
^ ^_____________
| \
+-----parent------+ +-----parent------+
| | | |
| mid-level group | | other group | ...
| | | |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+
^ ^_____________
| \
+-----parent------+ +-----------------+
| | | |
| task | | other task | ...
| | | |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+
To remove the task from the tree, it must be removed from all groups' queues, and this must be done first at the top-level group (otherwise, the scheduler might try to run an already partially-removed task). Therefore, dequeue_rt_stack uses the back pointers to constructs a list in the opposite direction:
NULL back
^ |
| V
| |
| top-level group |
| |
^ | ^_____________
| V \
+-parent----------+ +-----parent------+
| | | |
| mid-level group | | other group | ...
| | | |
+----------back---+ +-----------------+
^ | ^_____________
| V \
+-parent----------+ +-----------------+
| | | |
| task | | other task | ...
| | | |
+----------back---+ +-----------------+
That back list can then be used to walk down the tree to remove the entities in the correct order.
I am a fresh man in kernel hacking. This is my first time to answer linux kernel question.
Maybe this help to you.
I read the source code. I think it maybe relates to group scheduling.
When kernel have these codes:
It represents that we can collect some schedule entities in to one schduling group.
static void enqueue_rt_entity(struct sched_rt_entity *rt_se, bool head)
__enqueue_rt_entity(rt_se, head);
Function dequeue_rt_stack(rt_se) extracts all the scheduling entities belong to the group, then add them to run queue.
Hierarchical group I/O scheduling
CFS group scheduling
I'm running Cilium inside an Azure Kubernetes Cluster and want to parse the cilium log messages in the Azure Log Analytics. The log messages have a format like
key1=value1 key2=value2 key3="if the value contains spaces, it's wrapped in quotation marks"
For example:
level=info msg="Identity of endpoint changed" containerID=a4566a3e5f datapathPolicyRevision=0
I couldn't find a matching parse_xxx method in the docs (e.g. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/parsecsvfunction ). Is there a possibility to write a custom function to parse this kind of log messages?
Not a fun format to parse... But this should work:
let LogLine = "level=info msg=\"Identity of endpoint changed\" containerID=a4566a3e5f datapathPolicyRevision=0";
print LogLine
| extend KeyValuePairs = array_concat(
extract_all("([a-zA-Z_]+)=([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)", LogLine),
extract_all("([a-zA-Z_]+)=\"([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+)\"", LogLine))
| mv-apply KeyValuePairs on
extend p = pack(tostring(KeyValuePairs[0]), tostring(KeyValuePairs[1]))
| summarize dict=make_bag(p)
The output will be:
| print_0 | dict |
| level=info msg=... | { |
| | "level": "info", |
| | "containerID": "a4566a3e5f", |
| | "datapathPolicyRevision": "0", |
| | "msg": "Identity of endpoint changed" |
| | } |
With the help of Slavik N, I came with a query that works for me:
let containerIds = KubePodInventory
| where Namespace startswith "cilium"
| distinct ContainerID
| summarize make_set(ContainerID);
| where ContainerID in (containerIds)
| extend KeyValuePairs = array_concat(
extract_all("([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)=([^ \"]+)", LogEntry),
extract_all("([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)=\"([^\"]+)\"", LogEntry))
| mv-apply KeyValuePairs on
extend p = pack(tostring(KeyValuePairs[0]), tostring(KeyValuePairs[1]))
| summarize JSONKeyValuePairs=parse_json(make_bag(p))
| project TimeGenerated, Level=JSONKeyValuePairs.level, Message=JSONKeyValuePairs.msg, PodName=JSONKeyValuePairs.k8sPodName, Reason=JSONKeyValuePairs.reason, Controller=JSONKeyValuePairs.controller, ContainerID=JSONKeyValuePairs.containerID, Labels=JSONKeyValuePairs.labels, Raw=LogEntry
How to convert an image from one shape to other using thin plate spline in opencv python3. in c++ we have shape transformer class. in opencv python3 how can we implement it.
Thin plate spline indeed exists for opencv in python3.
You can use help function to get more info on which functions exist and how to use them like this:
>>> help(cv2.createThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer()) ## () braces matter !!
Help on ThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer object:
class ThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer(ShapeTransformer)
| Method resolution order:
| ThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer
| ShapeTransformer
| Algorithm
| builtins.object
| Methods defined here:
| __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
| Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate
| __repr__(self, /)
| Return repr(self).
| getRegularizationParameter(...)
| getRegularizationParameter() -> retval
| setRegularizationParameter(...)
| setRegularizationParameter(beta) -> None
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from ShapeTransformer:
| applyTransformation(...)
| applyTransformation(input[, output]) -> retval, output
| estimateTransformation(...)
| estimateTransformation(transformingShape, targetShape, matches) ->
| warpImage(...)
| warpImage(transformingImage[, output[, flags[, borderMode[,
borderValue]]]]) -> output
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from Algorithm:
| clear(...)
| clear() -> None
| getDefaultName(...)
| getDefaultName() -> retval
| save(...)
| save(filename) -> None
I am using Thread::Suspend to start threads from remote modules. Some of the $subrotine calls take longer than 30 seconds.
my $thr = threads->create(sub {
capture(EXIT_ANY, $^X, $pathToModule, $subroutine, %arguments)
return $thr->tid();
My issue is that I am not able to suspend/resume a created thread. Here is the code execute to suspend a thread:
use IPC::System::Simple qw (capture $EXITVAL EXIT_ANY);
use threads;
use Thread::Suspend;
use Try::Tiny;
sub suspendThread {
my $msg;
my $threadNumber = shift;
foreach (threads->list()) {
if ($_->tid() == $threadNumber) {
if ($_->is_suspended() == 0) {
try {
# here the execution of the thread is not paused
} catch {
print "error: " . $! . "\n";
$msg = "Process $threadNumber paused";
} else {
$msg = "Process $threadNumber has to be resumed\n";
return $msg;
And this is the code from the module that I load dynamically:
sub run {
no strict 'refs';
my $funcRef = shift;
my %paramsRef = #_;
print &$funcRef(%paramsRef);
I guess that the problem is that the sub passed to the treads constructor calls capture (from IPC::System::Simple module). I also tried to create the thread with my $thr = threads->create(capture(EXIT_ANY, $^X, $pathToModule, $subroutine, %arguments)); Any ideas how to resolve it.
These are the threads you have:
Parent process Process launched by capture
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
| | | |
| Main thread | | Main thread |
| +---------------+ | | +---------------+ |
| | | | | | | |
| | $t->suspend() | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| +---------------+ | | +---------------+ |
| | | |
| Created thread | | |
| +---------------+ | | |
| | | | | |
| | capture() | | | |
| | | | | |
| +---------------+ | | |
| | | |
+---------------------+ +---------------------+
You claim the thread you created wasn't suspended, but you have practically no way of determining whether it was suspended or not. After all, capture does not print anything or change any external variables. In fact, you have no reason to believe it wasn't suspended.
Now, you might want the program you launched to freeze, but you have not done anything to suspend it or its main thread. As such, it will keep on running[1].
If you wanted to suspend an external process, you could send SIGSTOP to it (and SIGCONT to resume it). For that, you'll need the process's PID. I recommend replacing capture with an IPC::Run pump loop.
Well, it will eventually block when it tries to write to STDOUT because the pipe got full because you actually did suspend the thread running capture.
Hi I am trying to write express a set of requirements in gherkin syntax, but it requires a good deal of repetition. I saw here that I can use placeholders which would be perfect for my task, however some of the data in my Given and in my then are collections. How would I go about representing collections in the examples?
Given a collection of spaces <spaces>
And a <request> to allocate space
When I allocate the request
Then I should have <allocated_spaces>
| spaces | request | allocated_spaces |
| ? | ? | ? |
A bit hacky, but you can delimit a string:
Given a collection of spaces <spaces>
And a <request> to allocate space
When I allocate the request
Then I should have <allocated_spaces>
| spaces | request | allocated_spaces |
| a,b,c | ? | ? |
Given(/^a collection of spaces (.*?)$/) do |arg1|
collection = arg1.split(",") #=> ["a","b","c"]
You can use Data Tables. I never try to have param in data table before, but in theory it should work.
Given a collection of spaces:
| space1 |
| space2 |
| <space_param> |
And a <request> to allocate space
When I allocate the request
Then I should have <allocated_spaces>
| space_param | request | allocated_spaces |
| ? | ? | ? |
The given data table would be an instance of Cucumber::Ast::Table, checkout the rubydoc for its API.
Here's an example, again using split, but without the regex:
Scenario Outline: To ensure proper allocation
Given a collection of spaces <spaces>
And a <request> to allocate space
When I allocate the request
Then I should have <allocated_spaces>
| spaces | request | allocated_spaces |
| "s1, s2, s3" | 2 | 2 |
| "s1, s2, s3" | 3 | 3 |
| "s1, s2" | 3 | 2 |
I use cucumber-js so this is what the code may look like:
Given('a collection of spaces {stringInDoubleQuotes}', function (spaces, callback) {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
this.availableSpaces = spaces.split(", ");
Given('a {int} to allocate space', function (numToAllocate, callback) {
this.numToAllocate = numToAllocate;
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
When('I allocate the request', function (callback) {
console.log("availableSpaces:", this.availableSpaces);
console.log("numToAllocate:", this.numToAllocate);
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Then('I should have {int}', function (int, callback) {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
callback(null, 'pending');
I am having difficulty getting the layouts and partials to play nice in my project and I was wondering what the correct way to set this up is.
I am using grunt-cotrib-jade
My file structure is like this:
| |_layouts
| | |_ _default_layout.jade
| | |_ _layout.jade
| |
| |_partials
| | |_ _html-head.jade
| | |_ _head.jade
| | |_ _foot.jade
| |
| |_Page-1
| | |_index.jade
| | |_partials
| |
| |_Page-2
| | |_partials
| | |_index.jade
| |
| |_index.jade
So far I have got grunt compiling everything except the use of layouts and partials is not working. I have problems when I have scripts etc in _head.jade or _foot.jade and then on page-1/index.jade I call the layout using extends ../layouts/_default_layout. The _default_layout.jade looks like this:
!!! 5
//if lt IE 7
//if IE 7
//if IE 8
// [if gt IE 8] <!
// <![endif]
include ../partials/_html-head
include ../partials/_head
block content
include ../partials/_foot
And finally I have put my Gruntfile.js up here http://jsfiddle.net/daimz/G7vYP/1/
If anyone has any advice on how to structure and set this up properly I would be really grateful as I really want to be able to understand how this all works.
you called the include by header and footer but your files are named head.jade and foot.jade They have to match