Split cell string into individual cells - excel

I am unable to split a single cell's value into two different strings and put both of those strings in different cells.
For instance I want to take a measurement 10ft x 20ft value in a cell and take the 10ft and put it in another cell, and take the 20ft and put it in a completely different cell.
I'd like to use a delimiter x or something, but I just don't know how to take those separations and do something with them after the split.
Any tips would be much appreciated. I'm still pretty new to VBA macros.

The best solution is using SPLIT
Dim strX As String
Dim sx() As String
Dim i as Integer
strX = "10FT x 20FT"
sx = Split(strX, "x")
Or maybe you can use instr function
Dim sVar1 as string
Dim sVar2 as string
I = InStr(1, strX, "x")
Now you know where can split int two variables
sVar1 = mid(strX, 1, I)
sVar2 = mid(strx,i+1)
The problem with the function is that if you have several keys in the chain with which you want to separate your function will return an array larger.
For example:
Dim var as string
var = "x 20XP 10XP"
array (0) = "10"
array (1) = "p"
array (2) = "20"
array (3) = "p"

You don't actually need VBA. You can use Excel's Text to Columns
For example, in excel-2010
Data ..... Text to Columns
Pick delimited and press Next
Check Space and put 'x' in Other and press Next

Guess I just needed to look a little harder.
Sub Split_CutArea()
Dim str1() As String
Dim str2() As String
Dim avarsplit As Variant
avarsplit = Split(Cells(4, "B").Value, "x")
splitValues = Split(ActiveSheet.Cells(4, "B").Value)
ActiveSheet.Cells(22, "B").Value = splitValues(0) & splitValues(1)
ActiveSheet.Cells(23, "B").Value = splitValues(3) & splitValues(4)
End Sub


Concatenate values of more cells in a single variable in vba

I have an excel file with four columns: name, surname, address, area.
There are a lot of rows.
Is there a way to concatenate all the values of every single row in a variable, using vba?
I need a variable that should contain something like this:
(name1, surname1, address1, area1); (name2, surname2, address2, area2); (name3, surname3, address3, area3)...
If you have the following data in your worksheet
Then the following code will read the data into an array …
Option Explicit
Public Sub Example()
Dim RangeData() As Variant ' declare an array
RangeData = Range("A1:D5").Value2 ' read data into array
End Sub
… with the following structure:
Alternatively you can do something like
Public Sub Example()
Dim DataRange As Range
Set DataRange = Range("A2:D5")
Dim RetVal As String
Dim Row As Range
For Each Row In DataRange.Rows
RetVal = RetVal & "(" & Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Row.Value2)), ",") & "); "
Next Row
Debug.Print RetVal
End Sub
To get this output:
(name1, surname1, address1, area1); (name2, surname2, address2, area2); (name3, surname3, address3, area3); (name4, surname4, address4, area4);
.. is there a way to write the result like a sort of list that shows all the values of the cells of the range?
Yes, there is. In addition to PEH's valid answers and disposing of Excel version MS365 you might also use
Dim s as String
s = Evaluate("ArrayToText(A2:D5, 1)") ' arg. value 1 representing strict format
resulting in the following output string:
ARRAYTOTEXT(array, [format])
The ARRAYTOTEXT function returns an array of text values from any specified range. It passes text values unchanged, and converts non-text values to text.
The format argument has two values, 0 (concise default format) and 1 (strict format to be used here to distinguish different rows, too):
Strict format, i.e. value 1 includes escape characters and row delimiters. Generates a string that can be parsed when entered into the formula bar. Encapsulates returned strings in quotes except for Booleans, Numbers and Errors.
Thank you for your answers, suggestions, ideas and hints. I am sorry if my question was not so clear, all the solutions you added were perfect and extremely elegant.
In the end I found a way - a dumber way in comparison to all the things you wrote - and I solved with a for statement.
I did like this:
totRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For i = 1 To totRow
name = Cells(i, 1)
surname = Cells(i, 2)
address = Cells(i, 3)
area = Cells(i, 4)
Example = Example & "(" & name & ", " & surname & ", " & address & ", " & area & "); "
Next i
Range("E1").Value = Example
It works (it does what I wanted to do), but I noticed a little limit: if the rows are a lot I can't keep the whole text in the variable.

Is there built-in excel functions that can check for: "10" (or any number) in "1,3,5-9,13,16-20,23"?

As mentioned in the title, I wonder if there is any way to use built-in functions in excel to see whether a cell contains a specific number and count the total numbers in the cell. The cell can contain a list of numbers seperated by comas, for instance, "1,4,7" or ranges "10-25" or a combination of both. See the print screen.
No, there is not, but you could write a VBA function to do that, something like:
Function NumberInValues(number As String, values As String) As Boolean
Dim n As Integer
n = CInt(number)
Dim parts() As String
parts = Split(values, ",")
For i = LBound(parts) To UBound(parts)
parts(i) = Replace(parts(i), " ", "")
Dim p() As String
Dim first As Integer
Dim last As Integer
Dim tmp As Integer
For i = LBound(parts) To UBound(parts)
p = Split(parts(i), "-")
' If there is only one entry, check for equality:
If UBound(p) - LBound(p) = 0 Then
If n = CInt(p(LBound(p))) Then
NumberInValues = True
Exit Function
End If
' Check against the range of values: assumes the entry is first-last, does not
' check for last > first.
first = CInt(p(LBound(p)))
last = CInt(p(UBound(p)))
If n >= first And n <= last Then
NumberInValues = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
NumberInValues = False
End Function
and then your cell C2 would be
Calculating how many numbers there are in the ranges would be more complicated as numbers and ranges could overlap.
The key part of implementing this is to create a List or Array of individual numbers that includes all the Numbers represented in the first column.
Once that is done, it is trivial to check for an included, or do a count.
This VBA routine returns a list of the numbers
Option Explicit
Function createNumberList(s)
Dim AL As Object
Dim v, w, x, y, I As Long
Set AL = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
v = Split(s, ",")
For Each w In v
'If you need to avoid duplicate entries in the array
'uncomment the If Not lines below and remove the terminal double-quote
If IsNumeric(w) Then
'If Not AL.contains(w) Then _"
AL.Add CLng(w)
x = Split(w, "-")
For I = x(0) To x(1)
'If Not AL.contains(I) Then _"
AL.Add I
Next I
End If
Next w
createNumberList = AL.toarray
End Function
IF your numeric ranges might be overlapping, you will need to create a Unique array. You can do that by changing the AL.Add function to first check if the number is contained in the list. In the code above, you can see instructions for that modification.
You can then use this UDF in your table:
C2: =OR($B2=createNumberList($A2))
D2: =COUNT(createNumberList($A2))
Here is a possible formula solution using filterxml as suggested in the comment:
The columns from F onwards show the steps for the string in A2. I had to put plus signs in because Excel converted a substring like "10-15" etc. into a date as usual.
Then to find if a number (in C2 say) is present:
As noted by #Ron Rosenfeld, it's possible that there may be duplication within the list: the Count formula would be susceptible to double counting in this case, but the Check (to see if a number was in the list) would give the correct result. So the assumptions are:
(1) No duplication (I think it would be fairly straightforward to check for duplication, but less easy to correct it)
(2) No range in wrong order like 15-10 (although this could easily be fixed by putting ABS around the subtraction in the first formula).
Here is a little cheeky piece of code for a VBA solution:
Function pageCount(s As String)
s = Replace(s, ",", ",A")
s = Replace(s, "-", ":A")
s = "A" & s
' s now looks like a list of ranges e.g. "1,2-3" would give "A1,A2:A3"
pageCount = Union(Range(s), Range(s)).Count
End Function
because after all the ranges in the question behave exactly like Excel ranges don't they?
and for inclusion (of a single page)
Function includes(s As String, m As String) As Boolean
Dim isect As Range
s = Replace(s, ",", ",A")
s = Replace(s, "-", ":A")
s = "A" & s
Set isect = Application.Intersect(Range(s), Range("A" & m))
includes = Not (isect Is Nothing)
End Function

Returning a numeric value on either side of a dash in a string?

Does anyone know how to return only the numeric value immediately on either side of a dash in a string?
For example, let's say we have the following string "Text, 2-78, 88-100, 101". I'm looking for a way to identify a dash and then return one of the numbers (left or right).
Ultimately I would like to check to see if a given number, let's say 75, falls within any of the ranges noted in the string. Ideally it would see that 75 falls within "2-78".
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Go to Tools->References and check "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5." Then you can do something like this. (I know this isn't good code, but it's the idea...) Also, this finds all the #-# patterns and prints either the left or right number for all of them (based on whether the boolean "left" is true or false).
Dim str, res As String
str = "Text, 2-78, 88-100, 101"
Dim left As Boolean
left = False
Dim re1 As New RegExp
re1.Pattern = "\d+-\d+"
re1.Global = True
Dim m, n As Match
For Each m In re1.Execute(str)
Dim re2 As New RegExp
re2.Global = False
If left Then
re2.Pattern = "\d+"
re2.Pattern = "-\d+"
End If
For Each n In re2.Execute(m.Value)
res = n.Value
If Not left Then
res = Mid(res, 2, Len(str))
End If
MsgBox res
You can do this many different ways with VBA. Using the Split() function to convert into an array, first using the commas as a delimiter and then using the dash would probably be a way to go.
That said, if you want a quick and dirty way to do this with excel ( from which you could record a macro ) here is what you can do.
Paste your target string into a cell.
Run Text to Columns on it, using the comma as your deliminator.
Copy the row your now have and Paste-Transpose onto a new sheet.
Run Text to Columns again on your transposed column, this time with the dash as your deliminator.
You now have side by side columns of your numbers, which you can compare to your target values as needed.
You may need to use the Trim() functions in there somewhere to remove whitespace, but hopefully the text to columns would leave you with numbers instead of text numbers.
Ultimately I think there are lots of ways you could approach this sort of problem. It looks like a good way to try and use RegExp. RegExp is not my speciality but I do like to try and use it to answer some Q's here on SO. This code has been tested for your example data and is working properly.
Something like this, assuming your text is in cell A1, and you're testing a value like 75, this also captures single digits in your string in the match collection:
Sub TestRegExp
Dim m As Match
Dim testValue As Long
Dim rangeArray As Variant
testValue = 75 'or whatever value you're trying to find
pattern = "[\d]+[-][\d]+\b|[\d]+"
Set re = New RegExp
re.pattern = pattern
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True 'doesn't really matter since you're looking for numbers
Set allMatches = re.Execute([A1])
For Each m In allMatches
rangeArray = Split(m, "-")
Select Case UBound(rangeArray)
Case 0
If testValue = rangeArray(0) Then
msg = testValue & " = " & m
msg = testValue & " NOT " & m
End If
Case 1
If testValue >= CLng(rangeArray(0)) And testValue <= CLng(rangeArray(1)) Then
msg = testValue & " is within range: " & m
msg = testValue & " is not within range: " & m
End If
Case Else
End Select
MsgBox msg, vbInformation
End Sub

Reference part of a cell in excel vba

I wanted to know a way to reference part of a value in a cell in Excel in VBA. For instance if in cell A32 I have stored 4200 cc. I would like to reference only the 4200 for calculations in a macro in VBA. So like one can reference strings or lists in python with indices, I'd like to be able to do the same. Thank you!
Something like this(?):
Dim tmpArr
tmpArr = Split(Range("A32"), " ")
'any calculation in vba in this way:
Range("B32") = tmpArr(0) / 100
'results with 42 in cell B32
EDIT If there is any doubt about recognition of number for first part of the split results you could make additional conversion in this way:
'conversion to Double type
Range("B32") = CDbl(tmpArr(0))/100
You may create a function to split the content of the cell and then handle the parts you want separately.
Dim content As Variant
content = Split(Range("A32").Value, " ")
Get the cell value as a string s and return the numeric part?
Function GetNumber(s As String)
Dim j As Long
While Not IsNumeric(Left(s, 1))
If Len(s) <= 1 Then
Exit Function
s = Mid(s, 2)
End If
GetNumber = Val(s)
End Function

Copying a String Array into a Range of cells (in MS Excel using VBA)

I can use a For construct to loop through the string array elements and copy their contents into the individual cells of the range; but is there a simpler way to directly copy the string array items into the Range?
The question Range to string array solves the exact opposite of what I am trying to do.
Like this
Sub StringArrayToRange()
Dim strArr(3) As String
strArr(0) = "one"
strArr(1) = "two"
strArr(2) = "three"
Range("A1:A" & UBound(strArr) + 1) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(strArr)
End Sub
also, this for more examples and tutorial
this documentation explains why the WorksheetFunction.Transpose was used
Do you really need the array in a cell? Remember, you can define a variable equal to an array value: var1 = {v11, v12, v13;v21, v22, v23}
then put "=INDEX( var1, 2, 2)" in any to cell to get value v22.
i had an other way doing this:
Dim Arr()
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MassHeals")
Arr = Array("1", "2", "3", "4")
.Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, 4).value2 = Arr
End With
The array is set in one line, and i do not use transpose.
