team foundation server sharepoint web site access permissions - sharepoint

Please help.
Am newbie and have hit a snag with TFS and Sharepoint combo. Come from old school where in IIS you right click and set permissions of Web Site, and now I can't find the sharepoint sites in IIS 7 to actually give myself permissions.
When opening the localhost/ sites/ project in IE, i get an Error: Access Denied.
This is the sharepoint site that was set up by TFS when I added a project in Visual Studio 2010 to my TFS ProjectCollection.
How do I get access to the web site?

Permission is not give to the SP sites directly from IIS.
If you are or you know the SP Site collection administrator, ask them to give you the appropriate access to the SP site you are requesting. Otherwise, if there are no site collection administrators then go a level higher to the SP farm administrator, ask the farm admin to grant make you the site collection administrator for the SP Site collection you are trying to access. The team project site is located under a site collection.
From there you can give other users access to the appropriate SP resources using Site Actions > Site Permissions.

You should be given the permissions inside SharePoint by site collection administrator.
Site collection admin should navigate to localhost/sites/{tfscollection}/{tfsproject}, click Site settings and then People and groups link.
From there, you need to be added to the site and given the appropriate permissions.

There's a really nice utility that makes it easy to view/edit permissions on TFS, SharePoint and Report Server at the same time.


What privileges need to create applications in SharePoint 2013?

I'm going to do a project with SharePoint for an organization. This organization has a full account of Office365 and SharePoint 2013. My current user has insufficient privileges for creating and maintaining Web sites on that server. What level of user privileges should supply me to make applications and have total control over them?
Inform the organization that you need a Developer Site so that you have a location for your "work in progress". The developer site is one for which you would have Admin rights.
If you’re not an admin, contact an admin in your company and have
them do one of the following:
Grant you admin rights, so you can create the Developer Site yourself.
Create the Developer Site for you, and specify you as an admin for the site collection.

SharePoint Designer cannot be disable for Administrator Account

The problem is that when I disable the "SharePoint Designer" from the "SharePoint Designer Settings" (Site Collection Level), I can still edit this with my Administrator account. It works fine for another users who is not the Administrator. Do this behavior is know in SharePoint? Can someone explain me why this happen? If not, how can I disable the "Edit with SharePoint designer" for the Admin. Thanks
To disable SharePoint Designer for even Site Collection admins, you need to do so at the web application level via SharePoint Central Admin.
The setting you're changing at the Site Collection level only affects Site Owners & Designers; it does not, as you've seen, have any affect on Site Collection admins.
For instructions on disabling SharePoint Designer for an entire web app via SP Central Admin, see this guide here:

User Permissions - SharePoint 2013 Central Administration page and Sub-Site page

I have installed SharePoint 2013 Foundation in a 2 server farm topography. I am trying to create a sub-site for normal authenticated users and keep the Central Administration root site for only the SP admins. When I create a sub-site I think I am adding a user group and users to that site, for access to only that site, but users in that group can still see the Central Administration site. I need to assign separate permissions on each site. Is there a tutorial or something out there that can help a beginner do this?
Sort out Central Administration permission
Go to your user permissions in Central Administration site, should be something like
Make sure that only you Farm admin groups are listed here. I manually add only the Farm admin accounts to make sure nobody who should not be there find there way in.
If you have a Farm Administrators account, expand it and see what other groups might have permission.
You might find something like "BUILTIN\Administrators".. and there might be a global user group that is included in that account.
A good start is to delete all the accounts you are unsure about, then re-add them while checking each one.
And of course you can use the magic button that will show you permissions get granted to the site.

Allow visitors to add or remove web parts in SharePoint

Outside of the "My Site" page in SharePoint, is there any way to allow my sites visitors/users to add or remove web parts on pages without giving them contributor writes? I'm working on a corporate intranet that is being built with SharePoint and they want the home page of the site to be highly personalizable. But besides the "My Site" page, I don't know of any way to allow all of the visitors to add or remove web parts. Can anyone provide any guidance? Thanks.
I tested this with a publishing site on sp2010, and the permissions you need are:
Site Permissions
Add and Customize Pages
Browse Directories
Personal Permissions
Add/Remove Personal Web Parts
Update Personal Web Parts
The personal web part permissions dont work on their own
You could create your own permission set, where you should set "Add/Remove Private Web Parts" permission and "Update Personal Web Parts" permission, but remove those permissions which you don't like in "Contributor" permission set. Then assign this new permission set to users or groups you need.

Deleted everything but members from a SharePoint site

I created a SharePoint sub-site, and accidently deleted all permissions groups except for the Members (which included me) and now I'm stuck looking at the site I've created but I'm not able to edit or delete it and create a new one.
Any idea of what I could do to get myself out of this situation?
Normally you can still sign-in with the system account.
If not try adding the system account to the Site Collection Administrators. (In the settings of the root site of the site collection. )
You'll need to use an account that's in the Site Collection Administrators.
If you're not able to view the Site Collection Administrators (in Site Settings), you'll need to contact the admins of the site and ask them to re-assign you Full Control permissions to your site so you can begin rebuilding your site permissions.
