Function to convert column number to letter? - excel

Does anyone have an Excel VBA function which can return the column letter(s) from a number?
For example, entering 100 should return CV.

This function returns the column letter for a given column number.
Function Col_Letter(lngCol As Long) As String
Dim vArr
vArr = Split(Cells(1, lngCol).Address(True, False), "$")
Col_Letter = vArr(0)
End Function
testing code for column 100
Sub Test()
MsgBox Col_Letter(100)
End Sub

If you'd rather not use a range object:
Function ColumnLetter(ColumnNumber As Long) As String
Dim n As Long
Dim c As Byte
Dim s As String
n = ColumnNumber
c = ((n - 1) Mod 26)
s = Chr(c + 65) & s
n = (n - c) \ 26
Loop While n > 0
ColumnLetter = s
End Function

Something that works for me is:
This will return the $AE$1 format reference for you.

For example: MsgBox Columns( 9347 ).Address returns .
To return ONLY the column letter(s): Split((Columns(Column Index).Address(,0)),":")(0)
For example: MsgBox Split((Columns( 2734 ).Address(,0)),":")(0) returns .

And a solution using recursion:
Function ColumnNumberToLetter(iCol As Long) As String
Dim lAlpha As Long
Dim lRemainder As Long
If iCol <= 26 Then
ColumnNumberToLetter = Chr(iCol + 64)
lRemainder = iCol Mod 26
lAlpha = Int(iCol / 26)
If lRemainder = 0 Then
lRemainder = 26
lAlpha = lAlpha - 1
End If
ColumnNumberToLetter = ColumnNumberToLetter(lAlpha) & Chr(lRemainder + 64)
End If
End Function

Just one more way to do this. Brettdj's answer made me think of this, but if you use this method you don't have to use a variant array, you can go directly to a string.
ColLtr = Cells(1, ColNum).Address(True, False)
ColLtr = Replace(ColLtr, "$1", "")
or can make it a little more compact with this
ColLtr = Replace(Cells(1, ColNum).Address(True, False), "$1", "")
Notice this does depend on you referencing row 1 in the cells object.

This is a version of robartsd's answer (with the flavor of Jan Wijninckx's one line solution), using recursion instead of a loop.
Public Function ColumnLetter(Column As Integer) As String
If Column < 1 Then Exit Function
ColumnLetter = ColumnLetter(Int((Column - 1) / 26)) & Chr(((Column - 1) Mod 26) + Asc("A"))
End Function
I've tested this with the following inputs:
1 => "A"
26 => "Z"
27 => "AA"
51 => "AY"
702 => "ZZ"
703 => "AAA"
-1 => ""
-234=> ""

This is available through using a formula:
and so also can be written as a VBA function as requested:
Function ColName(colNum As Integer) As String
ColName = Split(Worksheets(1).Cells(1, colNum).Address, "$")(1)
End Function

robertsd's code is elegant, yet to make it future-proof, change the declaration of n to type long
In case you want a formula to avoid macro's, here is something that works up to column 702 inclusive
where A1 is the cell containing the column number to be converted to letters.

LATEST UPDATE: Please ignore the function below, #SurasinTancharoen managed to alert me that it is broken at n = 53.
For those who are interested, here are other broken values just below n = 200:
Please use #brettdj function for all your needs. It even works for Microsoft Excel latest maximum number of columns limit: 16384 should gives XFD
The function below is provided by Microsoft:
Function ConvertToLetter(iCol As Integer) As String
Dim iAlpha As Integer
Dim iRemainder As Integer
iAlpha = Int(iCol / 27)
iRemainder = iCol - (iAlpha * 26)
If iAlpha > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(iAlpha + 64)
End If
If iRemainder > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = ConvertToLetter & Chr(iRemainder + 64)
End If
End Function
Source: How to convert Excel column numbers into alphabetical characters
Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Microsoft Excel 2002 Standard Edition
Microsoft Excel 2000 Standard Edition
Microsoft Excel 97 Standard Edition

This is a function based on #DamienFennelly's answer above. If you give me a thumbs up, give him a thumbs up too! :P
Function outColLetterFromNumber(iCol as Integer) as String
sAddr = Cells(1, iCol).Address
aSplit = Split(sAddr, "$")
outColLetterFromNumber = aSplit(1)
End Function

There is a very simple way using Excel power: Use Range.Cells.Address property, this way:
strCol = Cells(1, lngRow).Address(xlRowRelative, xlColRelative)
This will return the address of the desired column on row 1. Take it of the 1:
strCol = Left(strCol, len(strCol) - 1)
Note that it so fast and powerful that you can return column addresses that even exists!
Substitute lngRow for the desired column number using Selection.Column property!

Here is a simple one liner that can be used.
ColumnLetter = Mid(Cells(Row, LastColA).Address, 2, 1)
It will only work for a 1 letter column designation, but it is nice for simple cases. If you need it to work for exclusively 2 letter designations, then you could use the following:
ColumnLetter = Mid(Cells(Row, LastColA).Address, 2, 2)

This will work regardless of what column inside your one code line for cell thats located in row X, in column Y:
Mid(Cells(X,Y).Address, 2, instr(2,Cells(X,Y).Address,"$")-2)
If you have a cell with unique defined name "Cellname":
Mid(Cells(1,val(range("Cellname").Column)).Address, 2, instr(2,Cells(1,val(range("Cellname").Column)).Address,"$")-2)

So I'm late to the party here, but I want to contribute another answer that no one else has addressed yet that doesn't involve arrays. You can do it with simple string manipulation.
Function ColLetter(Col_Index As Long) As String
Dim ColumnLetter As String
'Prevent errors; if you get back a number when expecting a letter,
' you know you did something wrong.
If Col_Index <= 0 Or Col_Index >= 16384 Then
ColLetter = 0
Exit Function
End If
ColumnLetter = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, Col_Index).Address 'Address in $A$1 format
ColumnLetter = Mid(ColumnLetter, 2, InStr(2, ColumnLetter, "$") - 2) 'Extracts just the letter
ColLetter = ColumnLetter
End Sub
After you have the input in the format $A$1, use the Mid function, start at position 2 to account for the first $, then you find where the second $ appears in the string using InStr, and then subtract 2 off to account for that starting position.
This gives you the benefit of being adaptable for the whole range of possible columns. Therefore, ColLetter(1) gives back "A", and ColLetter(16384) gives back "XFD", which is the last possible column for my Excel version.

Easy way to get the column name
Sub column()
column = Replace(cell.Address(False, False), cell.Row, "")
msgbox column
End Sub
I hope it helps =)

The solution from brettdj works fantastically, but if you are coming across this as a potential solution for the same reason I was, I thought that I would offer my alternative solution.
The problem I was having was scrolling to a specific column based on the output of a MATCH() function. Instead of converting the column number to its column letter parallel, I chose to temporarily toggle the reference style from A1 to R1C1. This way I could just scroll to the column number without having to muck with a VBA function. To easily toggle between the two reference styles, you can use this VBA code:
Sub toggle_reference_style()
If Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1 Then
Application.ReferenceStyle = xlA1
Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1
End If
End Sub

Furthering on brettdj answer, here is to make the input of column number optional. If the column number input is omitted, the function returns the column letter of the cell that calls to the function. I know this can also be achieved using merely ColumnLetter(COLUMN()), but i thought it'd be nice if it can cleverly understand so.
Public Function ColumnLetter(Optional ColumnNumber As Long = 0) As String
If ColumnNumber = 0 Then
ColumnLetter = Split(Application.Caller.Address(True, False, xlA1), "$")(0)
ColumnLetter = Split(Cells(1, ColumnNumber).Address(True, False, xlA1), "$")(0)
End If
End Function
The trade off of this function is that it would be very very slightly slower than brettdj's answer because of the IF test. But this could be felt if the function is repeatedly used for very large amount of times.

Here is a late answer, just for simplistic approach using Int() and If in case of 1-3 character columns:
Function outColLetterFromNumber(i As Integer) As String
If i < 27 Then 'one-letter
col = Chr(64 + i)
ElseIf i < 677 Then 'two-letter
col = Chr(64 + Int(i / 26)) & Chr(64 + i - (Int(i / 26) * 26))
Else 'three-letter
col = Chr(64 + Int(i / 676)) & Chr(64 + Int(i - Int(i / 676) * 676) / 26)) & Chr(64 + i - (Int(i - Int(i / 676) * 676) / 26) * 26))
End If
outColLetterFromNumber = col
End Function

Function fColLetter(iCol As Integer) As String
On Error GoTo errLabel
fColLetter = Split(Columns(lngCol).Address(, False), ":")(1)
Exit Function
fColLetter = "%ERR%"
End Function

Here, a simple function in Pascal (Delphi).
function GetColLetterFromNum(Sheet : Variant; Col : Integer) : String;
Result := Sheet.Columns[Col].Address; // from Col=100 --> '$CV:$CV'
Result := Copy(Result, 2, Pos(':', Result) - 2);

This formula will give the column based on a range (i.e., A1), where range is a single cell. If a multi-cell range is given it will return the top-left cell. Note, both cell references must be the same:
How it works:
CELL("property","range") returns a specific value of the range depending on the property used. In this case the cell address.
The address property returns a value $[col]$[row], i.e. A1 -> $A$1.
The MID function parses out the column value between the $ symbols.

Sub GiveAddress()
Dim Chara As String
Chara = ""
Dim Num As Integer
Dim ColNum As Long
ColNum = InputBox("Input the column number")
If ColNum < 27 Then
Chara = Chr(ColNum + 64) & Chara
Exit Do
Num = ColNum / 26
If (Num * 26) > ColNum Then Num = Num - 1
If (Num * 26) = ColNum Then Num = ((ColNum - 1) / 26) - 1
Chara = Chr((ColNum - (26 * Num)) + 64) & Chara
ColNum = Num
End If
MsgBox "Address is '" & Chara & "'."
End Sub

Column letter from column number can be extracted using formula by following steps
1. Calculate the column address using ADDRESS formula
2. Extract the column letter using MID and FIND function
1. ADDRESS(1000,1000,1)
results $ALL$1000
2. =MID(F15,2,FIND("$",F15,2)-2)
results ALL asuming F15 contains result of step 1
In one go we can write

this is only for REFEDIT ... generaly use uphere code
shortly version... easy to be read and understood /
it use poz of $
Private Sub RefEdit1_Change()
Me.Label1.Caption = NOtoLETTER(RefEdit1.Value) ' you may assign to a variable var=....'
End Sub
Function NOtoLETTER(REFedit)
Dim First As Long, Second As Long
First = InStr(REFedit, "$") 'first poz of $
Second = InStr(First + 1, REFedit, "$") 'second poz of $
NOtoLETTER = Mid(REFedit, First + 1, Second - First - 1) 'extract COLUMN LETTER
End Function

Cap A is 65 so:
MsgBox Chr(ActiveCell.Column + 64)
Found in:

what about just converting to the ascii number and using Chr() to convert back to a letter?
col_letter = Chr(Selection.Column + 96)

Here's another way:
Sub find_test2()
alpha_col = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,W,Z"
MsgBox Split(alpha_col, ",")(ActiveCell.Column - 1)
End Sub


VBA -Excel - How to replace a column letter to a column index in a Range function [duplicate]

How is it possible to create a range in vba using the column number, rather than letter?
To reference range of cells you can use Range(Cell1,Cell2), sample:
Sub RangeTest()
Dim testRange As Range
Dim targetWorksheet As Worksheet
Set targetWorksheet = Worksheets("MySheetName")
With targetWorksheet
.Cells(5, 10).Select 'selects cell J5 on targetWorksheet
Set testRange = .Range(.Cells(5, 5), .Cells(10, 10))
End With
testRange.Select 'selects range of cells E5:J10 on targetWorksheet
End Sub
Below are two solutions to select the range A1.
Cells(1,1).Select '(row 1, column 1)
Also check out this link;
We strongly recommend that you use Range instead of Cells to work with
cells and groups of cells. It makes your sentences much clearer and
you are not forced to remember that column AE is column 31.
The only time that you will use Cells is when you want to select all
the cells of a worksheet. For example: Cells.Select To select all
cells and then empty all cells of values or formulas you will use:
"Cells" is particularly useful when setting ranges dynamically and
looping through ranges by using counters. Defining ranges using
letters as column numbers may be more transparent on the short run,
but it will also make your application more rigid since they are "hard
coded" representations - not dynamic.
Thanks to Kim Gysen
Yes! You can use Range.EntireColumn MSDN
dim column : column = 4
dim column_range : set column_range = Sheets(1).Cells(column).EntireColumn
If you were after a specific column, you could create a hard coded column range with the syntax e.g. Range("D:D").
However, I'd use entire column as it provides more flexibility to change that column at a later time.
Worksheet.Columns provides Range access to a column within a worksheet. MSDN
If you would like access to the first column of the first sheet. You would
call the Columns function on the worksheet.
dim column_range: set column_range = Sheets(1).Columns(1)
The Columns property is also available on any Range MSDN
EntireRow can also be useful if you have a range for a single cell but would like to reach other cells on the row, akin to a LOOKUP
dim id : id = 12345
dim found : set found = Range("A:A").Find(id)
if not found is Nothing then
'Get the fourth cell from the match
MsgBox found.EntireRow.Cells(4)
end if
Here is a condensed replacement for the ConvertToLetter function that in theory should work for all possible positive integers. For example, 1412 produces "BBH" as the result.
Public Function ColumnNumToStr(ColNum As Integer) As String
Dim Value As Integer
Dim Rtn As String
Rtn = ""
Value = ColNum - 1
While Value > 25
Rtn = Chr(65 + (Value Mod 26)) & Rtn
Value = Fix(Value / 26) - 1
Rtn = Chr(65 + Value) & Rtn
ColumnNumToStr = Rtn
End Function
In case you were looking to transform your column number into a letter:
Function ConvertToLetter(iCol As Integer) As String
Dim iAlpha As Integer
Dim iRemainder As Integer
iAlpha = Int(iCol / 27)
iRemainder = iCol - (iAlpha * 26)
If iAlpha > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(iAlpha + 64)
End If
If iRemainder > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = ConvertToLetter & Chr(iRemainder + 64)
End If
End Function
This way you could do something like this:
Function selectColumnRange(colNum As Integer, targetWorksheet As Worksheet)
Dim colLetter As String
Dim testRange As Range
colLetter = ConvertToLetter(colNum)
testRange = targetWorksheet.Range(colLetter & ":" & colLetter).Select
End Function
That example function would select the entire column ( i.e. Range("A:A").Select)
I really like stackPusher's ConvertToLetter function as a solution. However, in working with it I noticed several errors occurring at very specific inputs due to some flaws in the math. For example, inputting 392 returns 'N\', 418 returns 'O\', 444 returns 'P\', etc.
I reworked the function and the result produces the correct output for all input up to 703 (which is the first triple-letter column index, AAA).
Function ConvertToLetter2(iCol As Integer) As String
Dim First As Integer
Dim Second As Integer
Dim FirstChar As String
Dim SecondChar As String
First = Int(iCol / 26)
If First = iCol / 26 Then
First = First - 1
End If
If First = 0 Then
FirstChar = ""
FirstChar = Chr(First + 64)
End If
Second = iCol Mod 26
If Second = 0 Then
SecondChar = Chr(26 + 64)
SecondChar = Chr(Second + 64)
End If
ConvertToLetter2 = FirstChar & SecondChar
End Function
These answers seem strangely convoluted. Unless I'm missing something...if you want to convert numbers to letters, you can just stock them all in an array using a for loop then call on the number associated with that column letter. Like so
For intloop = 1 To 26
colcheck(intloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop)
For lenloop = 1 To 26
colcheck((intloop * 26) + lenloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop)
For terloop = 1 To 26
colcheck((intloop * 676) + (lenloop * 26) + terloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop) & Chr$(64 + terloop)
For qualoop = 1 To 26
colcheck((intloop * 17576) + (lenloop * 676) + (terloop * 26) + qualoop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop) & Chr$(64 + terloop) & Chr$(64 + qualoop)
Next qualoop
Next terloop
Next lenloop
Next intloop
Then just use colcheck(yourcolumnnumberhere) and you will get the column heading associated with that letter (i.e. colcheck(703) = AAA
Haha, Lovely - let me also include my version of stackPusher's code :). We are using this functionality in C#. Works fine for all Excel ranges.:
public static String ConvertToLiteral(int number)
int firstLetter = (((number - 27) / (26 * 26))) % 26;
int middleLetter = ((((number - 1) / 26)) % 26);
int lastLetter = (number % 26);
firstLetter = firstLetter == 0 ? 26 : firstLetter;
middleLetter = middleLetter == 0 ? 26 : middleLetter;
lastLetter = lastLetter == 0 ? 26 : lastLetter;
String returnedString = "";
returnedString = number > 27 * 26 ? (Convert.ToChar(firstLetter + 64).ToString()) : returnedString;
returnedString += number > 26 ? (Convert.ToChar(middleLetter + 64).ToString()) : returnedString;
returnedString += lastLetter >= 0 ? (Convert.ToChar(lastLetter + 64).ToString()) : returnedString;
return returnedString;
Function fncToLetters(vintCol As Integer) As String
Dim mstrDigits As String
' Convert a positive number n to its digit representation in base 26.
mstrDigits = ""
Do While vintCol > 0
mstrDigits = Chr(((vintCol - 1) Mod 26) + 65) & mstrDigits
vintCol = Int((vintCol - 1) / 26)
fncToLetters = mstrDigits
End Function
If you don't have a clue of what is the last row or column and still wanna get the Range use
LastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
LastColumn = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, ActiveSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
'Column Transform number in Letter
Col_Letter = Split(Cells(1, LastColumn).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
x_range = "A1:"
y_range = Col_Letter & Trim(Str(LastRow))
'Set the range
rng_populated = x_range & "" & y_range
'Select the range
The easiest way to use a column range by column number is:
Range(Columns(initial_column), Columns(final_column))
Range(Columns(1), Columns(3)).Select

Nesting ParamArrays when declaring Excel VBA functions like SUMIFS?

Consider the following example: Lets say you want to make a function "JoinIfs" that works just like SUMIFS except instead of adding the values in the SumRange, it concatenates the values in "JoinRange". Is there a way to nest the ParamArray as it seems to be done in SUMIFS?
SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)
I imagine the declaration should look something like this:
Function JoinIfs(JoinRange As Variant, _
Delim As String, _
IncludeNull As Boolean, _
ParamArray CritArray(CriteriaRange As Variant, Criteria As Variant)) As String
But nothing I try seems to compile and there might not be a way to nest ParamArrays. But the existence of functions like SUMIFS and COUNTIFS seems to suggest there might be a way to nest the ParamArrays.
This question duplicates AlexR's question Excel UDF with ParamArray constraint like SUMIFS. But that was posted a few years ago with no response so either the question didn't get enough attention or it was misunderstood.
Edit for clarification: This question is specifically about nesting ParamArrays. I'm not trying to find alternative methods of achieving the outcome of the example above. Imagine nesting ParamArrays on a completely different fictional function like "AverageIfs"
As per the documentation for the Function statement and Sub statement, a Function or Sub can only contain 1 ParamArray, and it must be the last argument.
However, you can pass an Array as an Argument to a ParamArray. Furthermore, you can then check how many elements are in the ParamArray, and throw an error if it isn't an even number. For example, this demonstration takes a list of Arrays, and which element in that array to take, and outputs another array with the results:
Sub DemonstrateParamArray()
Dim TestArray As Variant
TestArray = HasParamArray(Array("First", "Second"), 0)
MsgBox TestArray(0)
Dim AnotherArray As Variant
AnotherArray = Array("Hello", "World")
TestArray = HasParamArray(AnotherArray, 0, AnotherArray, 1)
MsgBox Join(TestArray, " ")
End Sub
Function HasParamArray(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Variant
Dim ArgumentCount As Long, WhichPair As Long, Output() As Variant, WhatElement As Long
ArgumentCount = 1 + UBound(ArgList) - LBound(ArgList)
'Only allow Even Numbers!
If ArgumentCount Mod 2 = 1 Then
Err.Raise 450 '"Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"
Exit Function
End If
ReDim Output(0 To Int(ArgumentCount / 1) - 1)
For WhichPair = LBound(ArgList) To ArgumentCount + LBound(ArgList) - 1 Step 2
WhatElement = ArgumentCount(WhichPair + 1)
Output(Int(WhichPair / 2)) = ArgumentCount(WhichPair)(WhatElement)
Next WhichPair
HasParameterArray = Output
End Function
(A list of built-in error codes for Err.Raise can be found here)
It seems like nesting a ParamArray is not possible.
I was hoping to get a function that looks like Excel's built in functions.
SUMIFS, for example seems to group pairs of parameters in a very neat way.
Based on the inputs of some users I made the following Function which seems to work quite well.
Function SJoinIfs(JoinRange As Variant, Sep As String, IncludeNull As Boolean, ParamArray CritArray() As Variant) As Variant
'Concatenates text based on multple criteria similar to SUMIFS.
'Sizes of ranges CritArray (0, 2, 4 ...) must match size of range JoinRange. CritArray must have an even amount of elements
'Elements of CritArray (1, 3, 5 ...) must be single values
Set JoinList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
'Set FinalList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For Each DataPoint In JoinRange
JoinList.Add (CStr(DataPoint))
JoinArray = JoinList.ToArray
CriteriaCount = UBound(CritArray) + 1
If CriteriaCount Mod 2 = 0 Then
CriteriaSetCount = Int(CriteriaCount / 2)
Set CriteriaLists = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
Set CriteriaList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
Set MatchList = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For a = 0 To CriteriaSetCount - 1
For Each CriteriaTest In CritArray(2 * a)
CriteriaList.Add (CStr(CriteriaTest))
If CriteriaList.count <> JoinList.count Then 'Ranges are different sizes
SJoinIfs = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
MatchList.Add (CStr(CritArray((2 * a) + 1)))
CriteriaLists.Add (CriteriaList.ToArray)
For a = 0 To UBound(JoinArray)
AllMatch = True
For b = 0 To MatchList.count - 1
AllMatch = (MatchList(b) = CriteriaLists(b)(a)) And AllMatch
If AllMatch Then JoinList.Add (JoinArray(a))
SJoinIfs = SJoin(Sep, IncludeNull, JoinList)
Else 'Criteria Array Size is not even
SJoinIfs = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
This function makes use of another function SJoin() which I adapted some time ago based on the answer provided by Lun in his answer to How to replicate Excel's TEXTJOIN function in VBA UDF that allows array inputs.
I have adapted this Function to include the use of Numericals, VBA Arrays and Arraylists as well.
On Error Resume Next
'Sep is the separator, set to "" if you don't want any separator. Separator must be string or single cell, not cell range
'TxtRng is the content you want to join. TxtRng can be string, single cell, cell range or array returned from an array function. Empty content will be ignored
Dim OutStr As String 'the output string
Dim i, j, k, l As Integer 'counters
Dim FinArr(), element As Variant 'the final array and a temporary element when transfering between the two arrays
'Go through each item of TxtRng(), depending on the item type, transform and put it into FinArray()
i = 0 'the counter for TxtRng
j = 0 'the counter for FinArr
k = 0: l = 0 'the counters for the case of array from Excel array formula
Do While i < UBound(TxtRng) + 1
If TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "String" Then 'specified string like "t"
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = "blah"
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(i)
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Range" Then 'single cell or range of cell like A1, A1:A2
For Each element In TxtRng(i)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = element
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Variant()" Then 'array returned from an Excel array formula
For k = LBound(TxtRng(0), 1) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 1)
For l = LBound(TxtRng(0), 2) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 2)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(0)(k, l)
j = j + 1
TJoin = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 1
'Put each element of the new array into the join string
For i = LBound(FinArr) To UBound(FinArr)
If FinArr(i) <> "" Then 'Remove this line if you want to include empty strings
OutStr = OutStr & FinArr(i) & Sep
End If
TJoin = Left(OutStr, Len(OutStr) - Len(Sep)) 'remove the ending separator
End Function
Thanks to all who contributed to this question.

How to split number formula in Excel cells to individual columns?

I need help in solving the problem:
Formula in Excel cell is like this-> =20000-17000+1000 , I need to split the figures in different columns like this-> 20000 | 17000 | 1000 , no problem with removing + / -, I can live without them. Unable to find any help hence posted here.
Thanking in advance.example given
CTR+H and change sign - into whatever unique like # then replace + the same way into #.
After having 20000#17000#1000use:
Data/Text to columns/Delimited/Other and type #
You may record a macro to have it automated.
This Sub can do it:
Public Sub SplitSum(rngInput As Range, rngOutputStart As Range)
Dim varParts As Variant: varParts = Split(Replace(Replace(Mid(rngInput.Formula, 2), "-", "|"), "+", "|"), "|")
Dim c As Long: For c = LBound(varParts) To UBound(varParts)
rngOutputStart.offset(0, c - LBound(varParts)).Value = CDbl(varParts(c))
Next c
End Sub
You can use it like this:
SplitSum ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
This function will preserve the sign before your numbers and has been written simply so as to permit you easy access for further tweaking if necessary.
Sub SumsToColumns(Rng As Range)
Dim RngVal As String
Dim Vals() As String
Dim n As Integer
RngVal = Trim(Rng.Cells(1).Formula)
If Len(RngVal) Then
RngVal = Mid(Replace(RngVal, "+ ", "+"), 2)
RngVal = Replace(RngVal, " +", " +")
RngVal = Replace(RngVal, "- ", "-")
RngVal = Replace(RngVal, "-", " -")
n = Len(RngVal)
RngVal = Replace(RngVal, " ", " ")
Loop While Len(RngVal) < n
Vals = Split(RngVal)
For n = 0 To UBound(Vals)
With Rng
.Worksheet.Cells(.Row, .Column + n + 2).Value = Vals(n)
End With
Next n
End If
End Sub
You can call this function with a line like this:-
where "G13" is a range you might extract from a simple procedure that loops through all cells in a column. Please take note of the following line in the code.
.Worksheet.Cells(.Row, .Column + n + 2).Value
It specifies that the result should be written in the same worksheet as where the Range("G13") was taken from, in the same row (13 in this case) and starting 2 columns to the right, in this case "G" + 2 columns = "I". You can modify the "2" to any offset you might require. The result will be split over as many columns as there are separate numbers in G13.

Put symbols in between a string in Excel

I have a columns of strings as follows. How can I put the symbol '<' in between the characters ?
The expected output should be:
Will do what you want for values up to 5 letters, and as few as 3 letters. Otherwise you can change it.
Basically it adds a "<" between the first 3 letters and then checks whether the string is longer than 3 letters and if so, adds more "<" characters. If this needs to be more dynamic it's far easier in vba.
A manual, one-off, no-VBA approach would be:
use the Text to Columns tool with Fixed Width and place the markers after each character.
then use a formula like this to append values and separator
The formula could look like this if your values are in row 1
Adjust formula to suit the maximum number of characters in a cell.
Such things are not for formulas...
As you tag question as Excel-VBA too, so:
Private Sub sb_Test_fp_AddSym()
Debug.Print fp_AddSym("abncd", "<")
End Sub
Public Function fp_AddSym(pStr$, pSym$) As String
Dim i&, j&, iLB&, iUBs&, iUBt&
Dim tSrc() As Byte, tTgt() As Byte, tSym As Byte
tSrc = pStr
tSym = Asc(pSym)
iLB = LBound(tSrc)
iUBs = UBound(tSrc)
iUBt = iUBs * 2 + 3
ReDim tTgt(iLB To iUBt)
For i = iLB To iUBs Step 2
j = i * 2
tTgt(j) = tSrc(i)
tTgt(j + 1) = tSrc(i + 1)
tTgt(j + 2) = tSym
tTgt(j + 3) = 0
ReDim Preserve tTgt(iLB To (iUBt - 4))
Debug.Print tTgt
fp_AddSym = tTgt
End Function
This worked for me:
Sub SymbolInsert()
Dim cl As Range, temp As String
For Each cl In Range("A1:A3") '~~~> Define your range here
For i = 1 To Len(cl)
temp = temp & Mid(cl, i, 1) & "<"
Next i
cl = IIf(VBA.Right$(temp, 1) = "<", VBA.Left$(temp, Len(temp) - 1), temp)
temp = vbNullString
Next cl
End Sub
It can probably be done with Excel formula for any length, but here is the shortest VBA solution
For Each c In Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
c.Value2 = Replace( Left$( StrConv( c, vbUnicode), Len(c) * 2 - 1), vbNullChar, "<")

Create excel ranges using column numbers in vba?

How is it possible to create a range in vba using the column number, rather than letter?
To reference range of cells you can use Range(Cell1,Cell2), sample:
Sub RangeTest()
Dim testRange As Range
Dim targetWorksheet As Worksheet
Set targetWorksheet = Worksheets("MySheetName")
With targetWorksheet
.Cells(5, 10).Select 'selects cell J5 on targetWorksheet
Set testRange = .Range(.Cells(5, 5), .Cells(10, 10))
End With
testRange.Select 'selects range of cells E5:J10 on targetWorksheet
End Sub
Below are two solutions to select the range A1.
Cells(1,1).Select '(row 1, column 1)
Also check out this link;
We strongly recommend that you use Range instead of Cells to work with
cells and groups of cells. It makes your sentences much clearer and
you are not forced to remember that column AE is column 31.
The only time that you will use Cells is when you want to select all
the cells of a worksheet. For example: Cells.Select To select all
cells and then empty all cells of values or formulas you will use:
"Cells" is particularly useful when setting ranges dynamically and
looping through ranges by using counters. Defining ranges using
letters as column numbers may be more transparent on the short run,
but it will also make your application more rigid since they are "hard
coded" representations - not dynamic.
Thanks to Kim Gysen
Yes! You can use Range.EntireColumn MSDN
dim column : column = 4
dim column_range : set column_range = Sheets(1).Cells(column).EntireColumn
If you were after a specific column, you could create a hard coded column range with the syntax e.g. Range("D:D").
However, I'd use entire column as it provides more flexibility to change that column at a later time.
Worksheet.Columns provides Range access to a column within a worksheet. MSDN
If you would like access to the first column of the first sheet. You would
call the Columns function on the worksheet.
dim column_range: set column_range = Sheets(1).Columns(1)
The Columns property is also available on any Range MSDN
EntireRow can also be useful if you have a range for a single cell but would like to reach other cells on the row, akin to a LOOKUP
dim id : id = 12345
dim found : set found = Range("A:A").Find(id)
if not found is Nothing then
'Get the fourth cell from the match
MsgBox found.EntireRow.Cells(4)
end if
Here is a condensed replacement for the ConvertToLetter function that in theory should work for all possible positive integers. For example, 1412 produces "BBH" as the result.
Public Function ColumnNumToStr(ColNum As Integer) As String
Dim Value As Integer
Dim Rtn As String
Rtn = ""
Value = ColNum - 1
While Value > 25
Rtn = Chr(65 + (Value Mod 26)) & Rtn
Value = Fix(Value / 26) - 1
Rtn = Chr(65 + Value) & Rtn
ColumnNumToStr = Rtn
End Function
In case you were looking to transform your column number into a letter:
Function ConvertToLetter(iCol As Integer) As String
Dim iAlpha As Integer
Dim iRemainder As Integer
iAlpha = Int(iCol / 27)
iRemainder = iCol - (iAlpha * 26)
If iAlpha > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(iAlpha + 64)
End If
If iRemainder > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = ConvertToLetter & Chr(iRemainder + 64)
End If
End Function
This way you could do something like this:
Function selectColumnRange(colNum As Integer, targetWorksheet As Worksheet)
Dim colLetter As String
Dim testRange As Range
colLetter = ConvertToLetter(colNum)
testRange = targetWorksheet.Range(colLetter & ":" & colLetter).Select
End Function
That example function would select the entire column ( i.e. Range("A:A").Select)
I really like stackPusher's ConvertToLetter function as a solution. However, in working with it I noticed several errors occurring at very specific inputs due to some flaws in the math. For example, inputting 392 returns 'N\', 418 returns 'O\', 444 returns 'P\', etc.
I reworked the function and the result produces the correct output for all input up to 703 (which is the first triple-letter column index, AAA).
Function ConvertToLetter2(iCol As Integer) As String
Dim First As Integer
Dim Second As Integer
Dim FirstChar As String
Dim SecondChar As String
First = Int(iCol / 26)
If First = iCol / 26 Then
First = First - 1
End If
If First = 0 Then
FirstChar = ""
FirstChar = Chr(First + 64)
End If
Second = iCol Mod 26
If Second = 0 Then
SecondChar = Chr(26 + 64)
SecondChar = Chr(Second + 64)
End If
ConvertToLetter2 = FirstChar & SecondChar
End Function
These answers seem strangely convoluted. Unless I'm missing something...if you want to convert numbers to letters, you can just stock them all in an array using a for loop then call on the number associated with that column letter. Like so
For intloop = 1 To 26
colcheck(intloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop)
For lenloop = 1 To 26
colcheck((intloop * 26) + lenloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop)
For terloop = 1 To 26
colcheck((intloop * 676) + (lenloop * 26) + terloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop) & Chr$(64 + terloop)
For qualoop = 1 To 26
colcheck((intloop * 17576) + (lenloop * 676) + (terloop * 26) + qualoop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop) & Chr$(64 + terloop) & Chr$(64 + qualoop)
Next qualoop
Next terloop
Next lenloop
Next intloop
Then just use colcheck(yourcolumnnumberhere) and you will get the column heading associated with that letter (i.e. colcheck(703) = AAA
Haha, Lovely - let me also include my version of stackPusher's code :). We are using this functionality in C#. Works fine for all Excel ranges.:
public static String ConvertToLiteral(int number)
int firstLetter = (((number - 27) / (26 * 26))) % 26;
int middleLetter = ((((number - 1) / 26)) % 26);
int lastLetter = (number % 26);
firstLetter = firstLetter == 0 ? 26 : firstLetter;
middleLetter = middleLetter == 0 ? 26 : middleLetter;
lastLetter = lastLetter == 0 ? 26 : lastLetter;
String returnedString = "";
returnedString = number > 27 * 26 ? (Convert.ToChar(firstLetter + 64).ToString()) : returnedString;
returnedString += number > 26 ? (Convert.ToChar(middleLetter + 64).ToString()) : returnedString;
returnedString += lastLetter >= 0 ? (Convert.ToChar(lastLetter + 64).ToString()) : returnedString;
return returnedString;
Function fncToLetters(vintCol As Integer) As String
Dim mstrDigits As String
' Convert a positive number n to its digit representation in base 26.
mstrDigits = ""
Do While vintCol > 0
mstrDigits = Chr(((vintCol - 1) Mod 26) + 65) & mstrDigits
vintCol = Int((vintCol - 1) / 26)
fncToLetters = mstrDigits
End Function
If you don't have a clue of what is the last row or column and still wanna get the Range use
LastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
LastColumn = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, ActiveSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
'Column Transform number in Letter
Col_Letter = Split(Cells(1, LastColumn).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
x_range = "A1:"
y_range = Col_Letter & Trim(Str(LastRow))
'Set the range
rng_populated = x_range & "" & y_range
'Select the range
The easiest way to use a column range by column number is:
Range(Columns(initial_column), Columns(final_column))
Range(Columns(1), Columns(3)).Select
