Custom STS and expired password via WS-Trust scenario - security

Are there any guidelines or best practices for handling expired passwords for scenario with active clients via WS-Trust?
For now I have couple of ideas, but can't find any info about it:
1. Issue special token, so client can determine, that is should show change password notification.
2. Throw specific exception.
Maybe I am missing something in WS-Trust standard?
Im using WIF built-in implementation, so it is 1.3 version of standard with parts of 1.4.
Thanks a lot in advance.

WS-Trust 1.3 and 1.4 uses SOAP Fault mechanism. There are a handfull of faultcodes specified in the standard.
WS-Trust Error Handling
You can use wst:FailedAuthentication SOAP Fault code and provide second-level detail fields to explain password expired situation, but you should be careful not to introduce security vulnerabilities when doing so (e.g., by providing too detailed information).


Last login date with a federated authentication application

We have a web-app which uses federated authentication to authenticate users. Data for the Fed Auth are obtained from the Active Directory service.
One of the system's requirements is to have a "Last log in date" saved in the web-app, but the application is not performing any log in operation. It just checks if the incoming request if allowed to perform requested operation, based on the AD credentials.
Have you ever encountered such a requirement in a similar scenario? What was your approach to the problem? We thought about creating user session on the first request and treat the session creation point as the log in date. This seemed as a bad idea, as we don't want to use user-session at all, and it would be the only scenario utilizing it.
Another approach we were thinking about was to use client to tell us if he is logging in or not, for example by making a special "mock" request, which on the web-app would be treated as the log in. This also seems bad, because in that case we have to trust the client to be telling the truth, which basically looks like a major vulnerability.
I am aware that this requirement makes little sense in such environment, but that is something I can't argue with right now, that's why I am trying to find most reasonable solution to that situation.
Thanks for all the suggestions in advance.

Can SagePay's callback be validated to prevent hacking?

SagePay's form callback can be hacked by re-using the success URL that the user is directed to upon a successful transaction. This can create all sorts of problems with duplicate transactions, fake transactions etc.
You can check for a duplicate VPSTxId, but these can be generated anew by hacking around the crypt parameter of the callback URL.
The crypt parameter can also be manipulated to generate a different "Amount" field.
I have not tested what other field values can be changed by hacking the callback URL crypt parameter.
Is there any way (as per PayPal's IPN validation) of doing a double-check callback to SagePay to ensure that the transaction is new and unique?
Thanks for your post. In general we encourage clients to use Server integration where they can. We also constantly monitor transactions for suspicious behaviour and proactively contact our customers if we suspect any malicious activity.
We recommend customers make sure that they’re using the latest version of our integration protocol which is currently v3. Get the latest integration documents.
As Dan suggests you could use the Reporting and Admin API to validate that a transaction does indeed exist on the Sage Pay side but having an additional validation mechanism (like PayPal's IPN) is something we will actively explore.
If you'd like us to update you on this, then please get in contact with our customer services team at or 0845 111 44 55.
Sage Pay Support
You should always redirect a user from a success URL.
I personally use a fulfil page (success url), and a thank you page. On the fulfil page, you should obviously only ever process a transaction once (based on the transaction id), and you can store crypt sent with a transaction. The crypt will have to be valid and is only possible to encrypt if you have the encryption key.
So hacking would be extremely difficult unless you are being very security lax, and the hacker would have to know your encryption key to even begin trying to hack it.
Alternatively, you should use the server integration, so that the communications are server-server, not client-server. There is little difference between form and server.
10 immutable laws of security

Secure OpenID user authentication

My goal is a secure login in system such as stackoverflow uses. I am a newbie but as you have probably seen I have spent all day looking up stackoverflow articles on security. As a result of this research I have now worked out a plan of attack. In particular this page was a great help Using OpenID for website Authentication. Can you please tell me if the following system would be a secure system and if not how should I improve the system.
Use OpenID to validate users.
Once a user has been validated by OpenID get user's email address from OpenID.
Hash the email address and store in session variable.
Compare Hashed email address to list of hashed email addresses in databases
Return content appropriate to that user based on the hashed email address.
In particular I am nervous about using the email address instead of the ProviderOpenID.
Please assume that I have (as I have found answers to these questions on other stackoverflow pages):
Properly destroyed sessions after use.
Setup my server to store session data in an inaccessible location.
Setup my database in a secure manner.
I am using SSL to ensure traffic cannot be intercepted.
Thanks in advance.
In general, your way better of using some authentication architecture for the language you are using that supports OpenID. Not only is it more secure, its just easier, you write less code, and you don't have to maintain that code or test it. There are ones for PHP,python,c#/, rails. A lot of frameworks also have support.
First, why not use the provided ID ?
I think you have two problems:
Its possible that an openID provider could return a email address for a different domain than the provider's.
For example, gmail could authenticate me correctly but I could specify that my email address was Then you would read my identity as me being Bill Gates despite the fact that it is not. There are of course ways to prevent this, but the standard system probably has safeguards included and even if it doesn't, it is someone else's responsibility to fix them and other people will be looking at those issues.
If I am reading the wikipedia article correctly, openID id's are not necessarily email addresses
This is not a security problem , but it does break expected behavior.

How To Become a SAML Service Provider

My company currently develops a Java web application. A couple of our clients have internal SAML servers (identity providers?) and have requested that we integrate with them. So recently I've been reading up on it and playing around with OpenAM. After about 3 days of this, I have a general understanding of it, but there are still some gaps in my knowledge. My hope is that someone can clear this up for me.
So here's how I imagine the workflow of a user logging in.
Let's define our customers SAML server as So a user comes to our web application for a resource that's protected. Let's say that URL is
So if I'm correct, is what SAML defines as a Service Provider. Our application realizes that this user needs to log in. We then present a page like this to the user...
<script>JQuery Script to auto submit this form on ready</script>
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="SAMLRequest" value="someBase64Data" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
And that someBase64Data should be base64 encoded version of this...
So my first couple questions.
What is the ID value suppose to be?
And why can I declare myself as an Issuer?
Does the Identity Provider know about me? Maybe this is that Circle of trust I've been seeing on OpenAM. And if it does know about me, how does it know about me and what does it need to know?
So after the user is forwarded that page, they are taken to a page provided by the IDP They authenticate on that page and the IDP does it's magic to validate the authentication and look up the user. After the authentication is successful, the IDP sends back a <samlp:Response> defined here.
A few more questions.
First, how does the <samlp:Response> get back to my web application so I can check it?
And what should I be looking for in that response to validate that it was successful? What does a failure look like?
We currently use the email address (LDAP) to identify users, so we'll probably grab that from the response and use that in the same way we do now. Anything else I should be mindful of in that response?
So now that we've checked that response for validity, we can grant the user a session like we do currently. But when they want to log out, is there a workflow for that? Do I have to notify the IDP that the user has left?
And finally, there are a couple of topics that have been thrown around in my reading and I'm not sure how they fit into this workflow. They are Circle of trust, Tokens, and Artifacts.
Thanks for any help everyone. I've found a lot of information in the last couple days, and it's possible that I could piece them together after a bit more playing. But I have yet to find a straightforward "Here's the Post" workflow article yet. Maybe that's because I'm wrong on how this works. Maybe it's because this isn't that popular. But I really wanted to make sure that I got the workflow so I didn't miss a crucial step in something as important as user authentication.
In response to your specific questions:
1.) What is the "ID" value supposed to be?
This should be a unique identifier for the SAML request. The SAML 2.0 specification states that it's really implementation specific how this is done, but makes the following recommendations:
The mechanism by which a SAML system entity ensures that the
identifier is unique is left to the implementation. In the case that a
random or pseudorandom technique is employed, the probability of two
randomly chosen identifiers being identical MUST be less than or equal
to 2 ^ -128 and SHOULD be less than or equal to 2 ^-160 in length.
This requirement MAY be met by encoding a randomly chosen value
between 128 and 160 bits in length.
2.) How does the IdP know about you?
Your SP needs to be registered with the IdP. To accomplish this, the SAML specification defines a format for "SAML Metadata" which tells the IdP where your SAML receivers are, what your certificates are, attributes you exchange, etc. OpenAM likely dictates some minimum requirements for configuring a trusted SP. This varies in each product.
3.) Where's the Response go, and what to check?
The Response will go to your Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL usually defined in the SAML Metadata you exchange from your SP with the IdP for initial setup. When you receive a SAML Response, you need to check many things - but most importantly, the SAML Status code should be "success", the inResponseTo ID's should match the request's sent ones and you must validate the digital signature on the Assertion. For that, you'll need to trust the IdP's public verification certificate, and you'll probably also want to do revocation checking.
4.) What about Logout?
SAML 2.0 also defines a profile for Single LogOut (SLO). This will not only log you out of the SP, but also the IdP and potentially any other SP's you've established a session with. It has a similar request/response flow as Single Sign-On (SSO), and thus similar things to set up and check (status codes, signatures, etc.).
So in short - this can be quite complex to implement from scratch. It's best to use tried & true libraries and/or products like Ian suggests. Companies like his have invested hundreds of hours of developer time to implement according to the spec and test interoperability with other vendors.
If you're just trying to set a single Java application up as a Service Provider, you should consider using a Fedlet from either Oracle (as a standalone ) or ForgeRock ( bundled with OpenAM ). The ForgeRock Fedlet has some issues interacting with Shibboleth 2.2.1 as an Identity Provider, but I find it to be somewhat simpler to configure and more informative.
Each has explicit instructions contained in the README to help you deploy. Once the Fedlet is configured and communicating with the IDP, the success page shows you all the code you need to integrate federated SSO into your application. It does the background work of sending and receiving AuthnRequests and Responses.
Scott's answer responds quite well to the questions you had, but I think that trying to write code on your own that generates the SAML is reinventing the wheel. The Fedlet was designed with precisely this use case in mind.

CouchApps and user authentication

I posted a variation of this question to the CouchDB user list and haven't received a response yet.
I'm curious to know if anyone else has built a so-called "CouchApp"; a pure HTML/JavaScript application hosted directly within CouchDB. If so, how did you handle user authentication? I'd like to be able to create a typical login form (username, password) and then use those credentials either against a view or some other mechanism before passing the user along to the application (while storing their (encrypted) user ID in a cookie, presumably).
I'm used to simply proxying through something like couchdb-python and a normal web server, but would like to know any best practices with respect to authenticating users in these kinds of CouchApps.
Edit: A year later, and this is now built into CouchDB. This video is a great demonstration. (Thanks Daniel!)
CouchDB has released a simple authentication api but has no in built authentication mechanisms as of yet. The simplest and easiest way to do this is to use an http proxy for authentication. However this has limitations on how much you can restrict access on a per document basis. When CouchDB gets some more support for built-in authentication modules then it should be easier.
If you want to try your hand at coding an authentication module then you can check out the source for the javascript security_validation tests in this file:
and the default_authentication_handler in this file here:
that would get you started anyway.
This question has been around for a while (1.5 years!) and things have matured quite a bit since it was answered. Watch the video above, but it doesn't explain how to build it into your app. It looks like most of the answers are now found here: Security Features Overview and at the end of this document: CouchDB Security.
