How can I make emails stack in Gmail? [closed] - gmail

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Closed 10 years ago.
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So I am developing an app that sends email notifications when people post and reply to a group. Example interaction might be:
I make a post. Everyone in my group receives a notification.
Barry replies to my post. Everyone receives another notification.
Steve replies to my post too. Everyone receives another notification.
The notification email is sent as though it was sent by whoever made the post/reply (this is important and can't be changed). So the from name is me/Barry/Steve, and the from email is that person's email. The subject line for each email is the subject of the initial post, and so is the same for each notification for a given post.
I would like these notifications to stack in Gmail and other clients. However, Gmail (and presumably other clients) doesn't deal with stacking them very well. It stacks all of the emails from the same person with the same subject, but not the whole conversation. So I end up with a thread that contains all the replies Barry made to a post, and another thread that contains all the replies that Steve made to a post. I would obviously like these to weave together sensibly.
I think that the in-reply-to email header is key, but I am not sure how. Many thanks!


Invoice was sent to the user but I can't get any mail of stripe invoice with node.js [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm developing an invoicing system using stripe.
I'm going to send invoice using stripe invoice API.
When I create an invoice, it is shown in stripe dashboard, but there is no email for the invoice. I used a function called 'sendInvoice'.
const stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDrjtT1zdp7dc');
const invoice = await stripe.invoices.sendInvoice(
If I send manually in the dashboard, it works well.
Please help me, stripe experts.
enter image description here
enter image description here
No emails are automatically sent in test mode, this is expected. Using the Dashboard, you can manually send invoice/receipt emails to your own email address only. In live mode these would be sent automatically.

How can I send my dialogflow chat history to my admin panel ?( As it an ordering app , sorted data should be sent to admin panel) [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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As it my ordering app , orders should be sorted and sent to admin panel or just I shall be able to retrieve order from bots chat history . How to retrieve chat or an order list and Name ,address, etc from google dialogflow and send to admin panel or a database
I dont think it is possible to download the History, you can enable 'Log interactions to Google Cloud' in the Settings, then you can acces (also download) the events that occur during the conversation.
The best option is however to build a Webhook, so all user interactions are sent to your backend where you can store data into DB or apply some custom logic.

Fetching questions with a tag from Stack Overflow

I have a small group of developers under my Discord server and I want to help people find solutions for their problem in Stack Overflow.
How can I make a bot collect the last question with a specific tag and send it in a message on Discord?
Stackoverflow has everything described in the docs:
Example call here would be:
if you want to fetch questions from stackoverflow and tagged with python
Everything you need to do is make simple REST call to this URL

Node JS : send asynchronously produced data [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am Creating WebSite Crawling App, which will take site url and then starts crawling entire site asynchronously.
Now here i will send response of given url with its status code as in 200, 404 etc.
But then all the other url on that particular page will be going through the same process but as response is already sent so how the other urls response code will be sent.
please suggest how to send updated value in response again after sending it once ?
You pretty much can't modify a response after its sent. I think there are exceptions to this, but you probably don't want to use them. I think you have a couple of options
Catch all your callbacks and send one response
Open up some kind of tcp connection ( and stream the data.
Can you provide a code sample?

How to not get blacklisted, trash/spam moved for sending emails? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How to find my limitations and methods to not get blacklisted, trash/spam moved for sending emails?
I have growing number of like 10000 e-mail adressess and e-mails that I have to send on daily basis regarding:
user registration
I want to send mailing to my community but am afraid of beeing blacklisted. It happend few times when years back then was sending mailings from virtual server.
Now I own my dedicated server and want come back to sending lare ammount of e-mails (all sort of reasons listed above).
Don't send junk and you should be fine. If your server is configured to let them go out, then the rest is out of your control. The best you can do is to ensure you have "good looking" email content.
Spam filters are usually set up to flag certain words too, like: $%&^, %£!$ and or course $*%^. So you need to avoid the obvious ones, if your email sounds unprofessional, or looks like you are trying to market a Sex Toy Scam (for example) then you are more likely to be spam flagged.
Also, I have found providing both a HTML and Plain Text version of each email body can make a big difference in your spam scores at the other end.
Here is something that might provide some other ideas for you.
Other than ensuring that the people you are sending email to actually want to receive those emails by specifically opting-in for reminders/news/anything non-essential like registrations, you could try using a mass mailer like constant contact who has a RestAPI.
The email itself should be well formed. It shouldn't have any missing required headers (like Date: or To:) and the body should conform to the Content-Type header, either being all text if it's content is text, or if there is HTML, to use multipart-mime and include a text version in one part, and html in the other. Also, don't include links to shady places that could be blacklisted.
Make sure your mailing list is opt-in or provide an easy way for your community members to opt-out.
Provide the opt-in/out link directly in every email message.
Make it highly visible!
Send only to your community members.
Don't annoy them everyday with meaningless crap.
Even being careful and providing opt-in/out for your members you can't force them to use it.
Realize that email clients make it easier to just flag it as spam.
