YUI2 setStyle opacity not working in IE10 - yui

I have some YUI2 code (v2.8.1) that looks like this:
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle('foo', 'opacity', 0.5);
var t = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this._splashSlide.shutter, {opacity: {from: 1.0, to: 0}}, 1, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeBoth);
It has been working fine for a number of years and it automatically decides whether it can use style.opacity or whether (for IE) it has to use the IE style.filter to achieve opacity. For a variety of reasons, it is not worth porting this code to YUI3.
Along comes IE 10, which (in standards mode) no longer has the style.filter property and only supports the standard style.opacity property. That's all good, but the YUI2 version I'm running against doesn't know about IE 10 and is apparently still using the style.filter property which no longer works.
So, my question is whether there is an update to YUI2 that is IE10 compatible and uses the opacity property for IE versions where that property exists?
If it was just a simple style setting, I could work around it, but I have a number of YUI animations and I can't find an easy way to work around those (nor do I want to spend the time doing so).
Has Yahoo fixed this for YUI2? Anyone aware of a work-around, particularly for the animation functions that call YD.setStyle() internally?

I guess I found an answer to my own question. YUI2 v2.9.0 changes their setStyle() function to use feature detection so they now properly use style.opacity on browsers that support it and only use IE's style.filter when style.opacity is not supported.
If ever one wanted a poster child for why browser detection is bad and feature detection is good, this is a perfect example. Because YUI2 originally used browser detection, it is now broken on IE10. If they had used feature detection in the first place, the older versions of YUI2 would work on IE10 without requiring an update.
Now, to see if I can get the site where my code runs to upgrade to YUI v2.9.0. If not, I'll have to code a messy workaround.


Can I use an SVG image as an button icon?

Is this possible at all? I call Image.createSVG(...) and receive an Image object without any errors. I then call Button.setIcon(). But there's no icon on the button.
You need to check Image.isSVGSupported() which currently will always return false.
Back in the day J2ME supported SVG thru one of the JSR's. No platform since has supported SVG natively with the exception of the web so this doesn't work on any of the modern platforms and we didn't bother implementing this even for the JavaScript port.
In the future we'd like to have a more efficient/portable way of supporting SVG e.g.: https://github.com/codenameone/CodenameOne/issues/1890

YUI Loader for YUI 3 does not load tabview

I have spent hours with this issue. I'm about ready to tear my project apart, line by line to get this figured out. But I was wondering if anyone else had this issue:
My project works great in Firefox. My customers use IE (classic - alot of people do...). My boss wants me to get this done yesterday.
I can't get IE 8 or 9 (with my document in IE 7 emulation mode) to run the following, and load the TabView. I get an error in the debugger console that telling me that it doesn't load it. I have all the required modules for tabview loaded via tags, so there is no dependence on an Internet connection - offline operation (again.. works great in Firefox).
YUI({bootstrap:false,insertBefore: 'yui3-style-overrides', filter: ''}).use('tabview','tabview-base','event-synthetic','event','event-custom','event-mouseenter','oop','yui','dom','dom-base','node','io','datasource','resize','anim','anim-easing','event-base-ie','dom-style-ie','node-focusmanager','node-event-simulate','plugin','classnamemanager','pluginhost','event-base','tabview-plugin','attribute','base','widget','widget-base-ie','arraylist','widget-parent','widget-child','event-simulate',function(Y) {
/* sand boxed code here */
Recently yui (3.2 or 3.3) factored out their ie fixes into separate files in the build. This caused a nightmare for me as well. You could test it with 3.1.1 if you want to isolate your variables.
What contributed more to my insanity was that I was stupid enough to use the YUI PHP Loader, which gets worse with every YUI release because YUI is getting so many dependencies even hacked up crap like the PHP Loader cannot account for all situations.
I worked around this by manually loading all the -ie- files using
<!--[if IE 7]><script type="text/javascript" src=myfile.js></script><![endif]-->
for a month or two before I was able to come up with a smarter but larger version of PHP Loader (Which, alas, I cannot share).
To see if this is your problem, use that if ie script above for every IE specific file in the build folder. Here is a list:
If I were you, I'd manually load all of those except for maybe history, which you might not need - just so you can minimize your variables.
TBH, when I had this problem and troubleshot it, I loaded every yui JS file. It took a while, but the bug disappeared and I was hot on the trail of finding the -ie- files issue.

PNG Transparency in IE6 problem

I know this is a bit of a silly question, but I can't work out how to make a transparent PNG work in IE6. I've tried several things, but they haven't worked. I was wondering if anyone could let me know of a suitable hack?
Thanks in advance,
Hey use jQueries pngFix. Works like a charm! http://jquery.andreaseberhard.de/pngFix/
have you tried this method? link text
i have tried a number of png hacks fore IE6 and this is the best one that resolves all of the problems that ie has with pngs. good luck
Here's the code we use that seems to work fine.
// from http://labs.unitinteractive.com/unitpngfix.php
var clear="/images/template/clear.gif" //path to clear.gif
pngfix=function(){var els=document.getElementsByTagName('*');var ip=/\.png/i;var i=els.length;while(i-- >0){var el=els[i];var es=el.style;if(el.src&&el.src.match(ip)&&!es.filter){es.height=el.height;es.width=el.width;es.filter="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='"+el.src+"',sizingMethod='crop')";el.src=clear;}else{var elb=el.currentStyle.backgroundImage;if(elb.match(ip)){var path=elb.split('"');var rep=(el.currentStyle.backgroundRepeat=='no-repeat')?'crop':'scale';es.filter="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='"+path[1]+"',sizingMethod='"+rep+"')";es.height=el.clientHeight+'px';es.backgroundImage='none';var elkids=el.getElementsByTagName('*');if (elkids){var j=elkids.length;if(el.currentStyle.position!="absolute")es.position='static';while (j-- >0)if(!elkids[j].style.position)elkids[j].style.position="relative";}}}}}
Ive used the one from TwinHelix or the jquery one mentioned above.
The PNG form of image is Post Notational Graphic and is primarily described in a law in the era of Queen Victoria of England and therefore is primarily for use in Great Britain. The software for creating and displaying a PNG image is sourced from and protected by England and the different display software versions required for all browsers and different and new browser versions and content environments may not have been commissioned to be done and the incompatibilities could persist for some time. Originally the agreement was with MS and the IE browser only for displaying PNG and it is possible a number of unofficial hacks and decodes have been developed for other browsers with varying success. PNG is officially and completely renderable only when used in a defined list of nations and provinces.

Best web technology for building dynamic charts

I need to build a custom designed bar chart that displays some simple data. Below are my requirements. Can anyone suggest the best web technology for my requirements.
high browser compatibility
ability to draw shapes
ability to fill shapes with gradients
ability to have onclick and onmouseover events for the different shapes (bars in the chart).
Thanks guys. I was thinking of using svg but looking for suggestions.
How about Raphaël - it's SVG/VML.
It says:
Browser compatibility:
Raphaël currently supports Firefox
3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+.
Ability to draw shapes
circle, rect, ellipse, image, text, path
Ability to fill shapes with gradients
Ability to have onclick and onmouseover events
... every graphical object you
create is also a DOM object, so you
can attach JavaScript event handlers
or modify them later.
Everything in the reference
On top of that, there's a plugin called gRaphael which makes the creation of charts easier.
Simple data - Google Charts API or Google Visualization API may suit you.
Details for all features of image charts can be found on the Chart feature list
You may also take a look at the comparison of the Charts API and the Visualization API.
Another candidate of course is JQuery SVG - if you're already familiar with jquery you may prefer this one.
There's a comparison of JQuery SVG and Raphaël on SO:
jQuery SVG vs. Raphael
I recommend using Adobe Flex. Below is an example of how easy pie chart creation can be in Flex:
<mx:Panel title="Pie Chart">
<mx:PieChart id="myChart"
<mx:Legend dataProvider="{myChart}"/>
Based on your criteria:
high browser compatibility: Flex is used on more than 95% of all browsers and behaves the same in all browsers. No more need to check if your web app is running in ie, firefox, chrome, etc... because any browser that has a flash player is compatible.
ability to draw shapes: Flash's greatest strength is the ability to draw. Charts are completely customizable and skinnable to achieve the look you need.
Ability to fill shapes with gradients - done easily by setting style attributes or a custom skin.
ability to have onclick and onmouseover events for the different shapes - see this link for some easy ways to create user interactions with charts.
Hi i hope this link may help you i found it while searching for a solution similar to what you're looking for:
i'm trying gRaphael, i'm having difficulties on finding documentation though. you have to read the code and use the exploded instead of the min.js
I would like to share jquery.jqplot.js. It has lots of jQuery options, but depends on other plugins such as syntaxhighliter etc.

Is there any way of moving to HTML 5 and still promise multi browser compatibility?

I am a designer whose main marketing strategy is multi browser compatibility. I assure my clients that the site will work even in IE6 (!).
Of late i have been pondering over the question of moving to HTML 5. The reason behind my apprehension is that IE6 is still a major player in terms of market share and i don't want to lose it.
Is there any way of moving to HTML 5 and still promise multi browser compatibility?
Thank you.
Yes, by taking baby steps.
To start with, you can switch to the HTML5 doctype: <!DOCTYPE html>. This switches just about every browser out there into "standards" mode, the same as an HTML 4 strict doctype.
Then there's the new elements. Internet Explorer can't natively style them, but a handy little bit of javascript fixes that up: http://code.google.com/p/html5shiv/
If you or your tools aren't ready for that (e.g. some CMSs strip out HTML tags they don't understand), then in the interim you could use classes, e.g. instead of <article>, use <div class="article">.
As for the new form controls, they're backwards compatible too. So <input type="email"> will work exactly the same way as <input type="text"> in browsers that don't support it. If necessary you can use javascript to fill in the gaps. See http://diveintohtml5.ep.io/forms.html for more on that.
As for <video> and <audio>, you can fall back to <object> for older browsers - e.g. http://camendesign.com/code/video_for_everybody. Meanwhile <canvas> can be emulated in javascript, e.g. http://code.google.com/p/explorercanvas/.
"To HTML5" is a fairly broad statement. Even if you have the new HTML5 doctype set (the simple <!DOCTYPE html>) you don't have to go all out and use every aspect of HTML5, only what is appropriate to your project.
If you are keen to get on board with HTML5, I recommend reading "How to use HTML5 in your client work right now" for examples of how you can use certain aspects of HTML5 with few (if any) drawbacks.
Disclaimer: I am one of the curators of HTML5 Doctor.
From there it boils down to whether or not your project will benefit from the features of HTML5 and if you can afford to implement these features. For example, if all of your IE users also have JavaScript enabled you can use html5shiv to get IE to recognise the new elements, enabling you to use them and style them.
As for the new JS APIs and CSS properties that people often group with the term "HTML5", unless your site absolutely requires that you use the technology (perhaps something like geolocation), then it could simply be a matter of progressive enhancement. If webkit/firefox users get rounded corners from CSS3 and IE users don't, is that really such a big deal?
As a rule of thumb I would not develop a site purely in HTML 5 but would consider using it for certain, richer, parts of the site. Remember that it is still not recommended by W3C and IE barely supports it at all.
This blog has a good discussion on it: http://blogs.forrester.com/ronald_rogowski/10-05-10-what_should_customer_experience_professionals_do_about_html5
yes there are several ways.
but if you DONT need html5 elements like video tags, or html5 api's like browser databases, stay at XHTML,because it is still not recommended by W3C. There you can use simple fallbacks for ie6.
do you need html5 elements and apis?
As a last resort you could use Chrome Frame: http://code.google.com/chrome/chromeframe/
As for "a major player in terms of market share", that really depends on your audience. Even Microsoft is marketing its new IE versions rather aggressively. And I don't think there's shame in charging your IE 6 users an extra plugin installation fee. After all, their browser is 10 years old, which is about 100 Internet years, isn't it?
