Add the Umbraco "siteName" textstring to my .net usercontrol - user-controls

I have a text string property type that I use to display the "siteName" in the page title:
<title><umbraco:Item runat="server" field="siteName" recursive="true" /></title>
What code do I need in my .net usercontrol to add the "siteName"?
<asp:Label ID="siteName" runat="server" Text="siteName should go here!"></asp:Label>
Can anyone help?
I've added this to the Umbraco forum and was suggested the following, but not sure how to included it in my .ascx file:
dynamic node = new umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNode(umbraco.NodeFactory.Node.GetCurrent()); siteName.Text = node._siteName;

You can use this in a usercontrol
//var node = new Node(123); // Get node by Id, good if you have information on a certain page
var node = Node.GetCurrent(); // Get the current node
var nodeProperty = node.GetProperty("siteName").Value;
siteName.Text = nodeProperty;

You want to have a public property in your usercontrol, and then when you expose the usercontrol to umbraco via a macro, that property will become a parameter of the macro as well.
When you reference the macro in your template, you can pas through the page property.
You might want to check out Umbraco tv:
And an old (but mostly accurate) pdf:


Dynamic Menu Navigation In Umbraco Using .Net User Control

I am .Net developer and am looking for example related to creation of dynamic navigation menu in umbraco 7 using .Net user control without using MVC technique and XSLT. I have searched it on google but got not much response on it, examples which i got were using either XSLT or Razor. I have not any experience in MVC and XSLT and looking for technique related to using classic ASP.Net, i.e. without using XSLT and MVC. It will a great help if any one could please provide some useful videos or links with examples which i could refer to.
Tarunjit Singh
You should really look into the Razor thing. It just TOO simple not to try!
It looks like c# mixed with some HTML. If you really want to stick to .Net UserControls you might miss out on future versions.
Creating navigation in a usercontrol is very difficult because you have 2 options
you need to write out HTML yourself
create some custom model to some 3th party control
Both of these options will never return the exact html as you wanted. Razor (and xslt) on the other hand will.
If you still want try something in a .Net User control anyway, get an instance of the Umbraco Nodes you want. Let's give an example:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Umbraco.Web;
public partial class UserControls_TestUserControl : UmbracoUserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var cache = this.UmbracoContext.ContentCache;
var rootNodes = cache.GetAtRoot().First().Children;
foreach (var node in rootNodes)
Response.Write("<li>" + node.Name + "</li>");
If you want to call this code, don't forget to add a macro, and insert the macro in your template.
Just in case you would like to explore razor, here is an equivalent:
#inherits UmbracoTemplatePage
var homePage = CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(1);
var menuItems = homePage.Children;
#foreach (var item in menuItems)
This example can be used as a partial view. And can be put in your (Razor) template using: #Html.Partial("NameOfThePartial")
You have to admit, it's not too hard.

Exception trying to load tab from ajax request using Ext.NET

I'm using mvc with and I'm trying to create a set of tabs that load information only when they are selected by the user.
I can manage to load a partial view into a tab/panel using the ContentFromAction functions:
But I can't figure out how to populate a tab/panel only when a tab is selected.
I've based my project on the Ext.NET MVC Examples Explorer version 2.5 code base and this code on the TabPanel > Basic > Ajax Load example found here
I've cut down the example as far as I can to reproduce the problem:
In my view I create the tab and configure the loader (exactly the same as the example project):
.Title("Ajax Tab")
.LoadMask(m => m.ShowMask = true)
.Params(new Parameter("containerId", "Tab3"))
It correctly calls into my controller (exactly the same as the example project):
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace Ext.Net.MVC.Examples.Areas.TabPanel_Basic.Controllers
public class Ajax_LoadController : Controller
public ActionResult Ajax(string containerId)
return View("Ajax");
Which in turn displays the appropriate view in the tab after it's been clicked on:
Ajax.cshtml (this works)
#using Ext.Net.MVC
<p>I am content loaded via Ajax when the tab is selected</p>
The problem begins if I try to add controls in my view, as follows:
#using Ext.Net.MVC
#{ var X = Html.X(); }
<p>I am content loaded via Ajax when the tab is selected</p>
#X.TextField().Text("I am a text field")
This fails with the exception:
ItemTag validation (_tkn_1): Reference token (init_script) was not found.
If I modify the file Ext call to return Html as follows:
#using Ext.Net.MVC
#{ var X = Html.X(); }
<p>I am content loaded via Ajax when the tab is selected</p>
#X.TextField().Text("I am a text field").ToHtmlString()
It correctly renders the following text in my selected tab:
I am content loaded via Ajax when the tab is selected
<#:item ref="init_script" index="0">Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Text",{renderTo:"App.id534c5fe0f159f3fb_Container",value:"I am a text field"});</#:item><div id="App.id534c5fe0f159f3fb_Container"></div>
I believe that the code is written by #geoffrey.mcgill on stack overflow so I'm hoping he can help rescue me.
You need to use a PartialViewResult. Please look at these examples.
Partial Content
Partial Items
Personally, I would recommend to follow the Partial Items example. You always can wrap any non-Ext.NET content in an Ext.NET Container. The benefit of this approach is the fact that you don't need to worry about destroying Ext.NET components if you reload the content. Though, anyway, I would recommend to set up explicit IDs for Ext.NET components in a partial view. At least, for top level components.

How to change teamsite text layout programmatically?

I have a code that creates a teamsite. After that I add some web parts to wiki web part zone(rich content area). In SharePoint 2010 user can change a text layout of the rich content in page edit mode.
Is there any way to programmatically change the text layout of the rich text area? I would want to set "two columns with header"-layout after site creation has completed.
My site is created like this.
site = elevatedSite.SelfServiceCreateSite(params.....);
rootWeb = site.RootWeb;
SPListItem currentItem = rootWeb.Item;
var xhtml = currentItem[SPBuiltInFieldId.WikiField] as string;
Now I can modify the xhtml string and save it back to the page. I have tried to change it so that it contains exatly the same html structure which have created by sharepoint itself, when changing the text layout. After that change, actually it is not recognized as "two columns with header"-layout in sharepoint. It is still default one-column layout. Is there anybody who knows is it possible to change the text layout of the rich text area programmatically?
I found answer from here SharePoint stores the information about used layout to the hidden span-element in wiki page.
For example, this presents two column layout without the header or footer.
<span id="layoutsData" style="display: none">false,false,2</span>
first false = no header
second false = no footer
2 = two columns
I have been looking for some information on doing the same thing. I found this blog post that checks out the page, edits the content then publish and approves it.
SharePoint 2010 change page content data through Object Model / API – Console Application
If you need to modify pure HTML content, its better to use cutom IHttpHandler (wrapped in dll) and connect it to SharePoint via web.config. Is is also allowing to modify dynamic content like AJAX responses.

Disable source parameter on links

Brief description of the default behavior i want to override:
Creating a SharePoint list and using the "Title (linked to Item)" in a view provides a link to the DispForm for that list. By default, this link appends a Source parameter to the URL query string.
I would like to disable this behavior in some way while still retaining the default list view web part that is created by SharePoint when the view is defined.
To be clear, I know how to convert the list-view webpart to XSLT and then control this behavior. If at all possible, I'd like to keep from doing that so that the list view can still be easily supported by Help Desk and also keep the benefits of the standard list view (such as exporting to excel and so forth).
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your help.
SharePoint (2007) dynamically appends the source parameter in a javascript method named GoToLink. That method is defined in SharePoint's core.js file, and it can be easily customized without editing the original file. In fact, you never want to edit that file directly; it will put SharePoint into an "unsupported" state.
We'll create a solution for our customization, so it can easily be deployed or retracted in a consistent manner. Create a new Empty SharePoint solution in Visual Studio, targeted for GAC deployment. Within your project, create the following folder structure:
("1033" is for the English localization; if you're using a different language, your id will be different).
Within "1033", create a new Javascript file (we call our ours "CustomCore.js"). This will contain JUST the code we want to override from Core.js. Since GoToLink is the only thing we're interested in, let's focus on that. Here's the original from Core.js:
function GoToLink(elm) {
if (elm.href==null)
var ch=elm.href.indexOf("?") >=0 ? "&" : "?";
var srcUrl=GetSource();
if (srcUrl !=null && srcUrl !="")
var targetUrl=elm.href+srcUrl;
if (isPortalTemplatePage(targetUrl));
Not much to it. For our override, we just need to omit the bits that add the source parameter. From my reckoning, the modified method looks like this:
function GoToLink(elm) {
if (elm.href==null)
if (isPortalTemplatePage(elm.href));
That should be it. Package up the solution and Visual Studio should interpret the "Templates" folder structure correctly when it builds the WSP (look in the generated manifest file for the TemplateFile element and that it's deploying to "Layouts\1033\CustomCore.js").
Once your WSP solution is deployed to SharePoint, we have the final step of referencing it in your Master page. In the HEAD section of your master page, you should see Core.js being referenced like this:
<SharePoint:ScriptLink Language="javascript" runat="server" Defer="True" Name="core.js"/>
We simply add a reference to the new JS file directly beneath this line:
<SharePoint:ScriptLink Language="javascript" runat="server" Defer="True" Name="core.js"/>
<SharePoint:ScriptLink Language="javascript" runat="server" Defer="True" Name="customcore.js"/>
Test it out and make sure it works. Note that this will affect ALL lists on the server to which you've deployed "CustomCore.js" and which use the master page.

Can I read the search scope selected in SharePoint from code behind

I have a search box web part. In that web part I have created an instance of SearchBoxEx like
SearchBoxEx par=new SearchBoxEx
par.DropDownMode= DropDownModes.DisplayScopeDD;
Button sear= new Button();
sear.Click += new EventHnadler(sear_Click);
I have added a button to that search Box web part.Now I have to read the scope selected in the SearchBoxEx in the sear_Click event.Can anyone please guide me in the right direction
Any help would be really appreciated.
You could read the Request.QueryString["s"] parameter, even when it is a post, the SearchBoxEx adds it.
Based on the comments and new info, are you using 'pure' javascript? This would be a jquery example:Search
WARNING: You should change the site masterpage INSIDE your site with SharePoint designer, not the one in the C:\Program Files\etc... folder. You could also navigate to the http://yourportal/_catalogs/masterpage library and download a copy of the default.master to change it then upload it back to the library, do all this carefully, you can break your sharepoint very easily.
Insert above the </HEAD> tag in your masterpage:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function newSearchResultsPageWithScope()
var scope = $(".ms-sbscopes select").val();
location.href = "/CustomResultsPage.aspx?s=" + scope;
The jquery portion is pretty straightforward, it gets the <td> with the class="ms-sbscopes", and the <select> element under it, then it sets the 'scope' variable to the selected value of the scopes dropdown.
Also, customizing the masterpage in a sharepoint site is fine, do not worry with that.
