Xcode 4.5 // import CoreLocation shows: Expected ';' after method prototype - core-location

After download the latest version of the Xcode 4.5 I receive the next trouble.
We use the CoreLocation library, but the when we try to build the project it fails because found the next error:
Parse Issue: "Expected ';' after method prototype" at CLLocationManager.h
In this method:
- (void)allowDeferredLocationUpdatesUntilTraveled:(CLLocationDistance)distance
timeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_6_0);
Any suggestions?

I have found a solution for me:
I installed iOS SDK 5.1 on Xcode 4.5.
Check it here: How can I add older version of iOS SDK in Xcode 4.5
And it worked for me..

I evaluated the configuration of the project, with a new Xcode 4.5 project ... without success ... trying to apply the same compiler conditions and so on ...
The next step was trying to make the code compliant with the iOS 6 specs (solving deprecated code) and converting the code to the ARC requirements
And, after a couple of hours of frustrating work ... I decided to unblock the file CoreLocation.h on the library directory and comment the method.
I now that is not the solution, but I didn't found any other solution. If anybody has been found any other possibility please ... let me know


Rustpkg fails to build a package

I tried to build the example package from here but sadly I get following error:
error: Couldn't find package std in any of the workspaces in the RUST_PATH (C:\U
Now it's kinda obvious that there is some issue with RUST_PATH but I am somewhat unable to find documentation concerning it.
note: I'm using Windows 8 64 bit and Rust 0.8
Rustpkg has been removed from basic library and moved into librustpkg.
There are alternatives like Makefile or CMake, but I assume the preferred version it's using cargo-lite.
My advice is just look at Rust-CI for a project that uses package manager you like most and copy it's build shamelessly.
UPDATE: A new package manager for rust has been announced. It's called Cargo. We'll see how it works out, but that is possible future default.
Rustpkg has been removed from Rust. Hopefully we will get something to replace it.

Cannot Compile OpenCV 2.4.5 with VS 2013 RTM

Has anyone had any luck compiling openCV with VS 2013 RTM? I have tried and get a bunch of "min doesn't belong to namespace std" "max doesn't belong to namespace std" in the IlmImf module, and opencv_features2d doesn't compile with the following error:
opencv\modules\core\include\opencv2/core/core.hpp(4512): fatal error C1075: end of file found before the left brace '{' at '......\modules\features2d\src\features2d_init.cpp(187)' was matched
Since the latest CMake UI doesn't yet support building with 2013 (at least from the UI and I'm a noob), my process was configuring CMake for 2012, and then opening the generated solution with 2013 and upgrading the compiler to vc12.
I was able to get past the min/max errors by adding header includes for in the 'offending' files, but I am stumped by the full error I posted above.
The accepted answer provides what is necessary to compile OpenCV in 32-bit debug and release, and 64-bit debug, but now the compiler fails to compile 64-bit release due to an internal compiler error. This is likely the compiler's fault at this point, but the answer is still solves many problems.
Update 2:
So the 64-bit issue turned out to be a bug in the auto-vectorizer. Here is the corresponding workaround.
Hi, thanks for the great bug report. I confirm this is a bug in the compiler optimizer. We will fix it in a future release.
If you need a source code workaround, please turn the vectorizer off on the loop inside computeOrbDescriptor:
#pragma loop(no_vector)
for (int i = 0; i < dsize; ++i)
That lets me build orb.cpp & stardetector.cpp.
If this issue is severe, causing critical business situations or blocking your product development or deployment, please go to http://support.microsoft.com or call 1-800-MICROSOFT for assistance. For Microsoft premier customers, please contact your administrator, your Technical Account Manager, or your Microsoft premier account representative.
I am closing this MSConnect item. Feel free to respond if you need anything else.
Eric Brumer - Microsoft Visual C++ Team
The connect bug can be found here. Unfortunately the real fix for this is postponed until a later date.
I've managed to compile OpenCV 2.4.6 on VS2013 RC, but initially it had the same errors as in question.
I've opened VS solution and fixed all error in two steps:
1) Replaced (Ctrl+H)
#include \<string\>
#include <algorithm>\n#include <string>
in entire solution (be sure to enable RegExp in replace dialog)
2) In "modules/opencv_features2d/Src/features2d_init.cpp" changed line 184 to:
obj.info()->addParam(obj, "detector", (Ptr<Algorithm>&) obj.detector);
(search for "GridAdaptedFeatureDetector" in this file for other OpenCV versions)
For the first issue:
It is explicitly called out:
You must #include <algorithm> when calling std::min() or std::max().
Before due to the internal implementation of the VC++ libraries <string> would pull in these functions.
Please see http://code.opencv.org/issues/3273 for more information on the internal compiler error issue.

Xcode 4.6 Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 associate with static library

I currently run into a problem after I updated my xcode to 4.6.
At the beginning, I got lots of linking errors. With the help from other posts, I am be able to solve them. However, new problems always come whenever I solved the previous one.
Right now, I am stuck at "Undefined symbols for architecture armv7" when I try to build the game on devices with release mode (release and debug modes work for simulator, and debug mode works for devices). I have already researched this problem online, but none of the solutions could solve my situation. That's why I want to start a new post.
Let me explain the situation in details:
All the errors are happened at calling methods in libraries.
my libraries works fine with architecture armv7 before (xcode 4.5)
The current value for Architectures in project file is "Standard (armv7, armv7s)
The current value for Current Architecture is "armv7 armv7s armv6"
This is a sample error:
Even though I only showed errors related to libReceiptVerification.multi.a, errors actually happen at other libraries.
//************* From this line **************
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_NSMutableOrderedSet", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libarclite_iphoneos.a(arclite.o)
"_CFStringCreateWithBytes", referenced from:
-[JKSerializer serializeObject:options:encodeOption:block:delegate:selector:error:] in libReceiptVerification.multi.a(JSONKit.o)
_jk_cachedObjects in libReceiptVerification.multi.a(JSONKit.o)
"_CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy", referenced from:
-[JKSerializer serializeObject:options:encodeOption:block:delegate:selector:error:] in libReceiptVerification.multi.a(JSONKit.o)
"_CFDataSetLength", referenced from:
__NSStringObjectFromJSONString in libReceiptVerification.multi.a(JSONKit.o)
// *************** Ending Here ***********
So, does anyone has any clue on this problem?
Thanks for your help in advance.
I am having the same problem Solved by setting
Implicitly link Objective-C Runtime Support to NO
You can find it under Project->Build Settings->Apple LLVM Compiler 4.2-Language.
Or search for Implicitly link Objective-C Runtime Support in project->Build Settings
Check out the library targets for libarclite, JSONKit and everything else and make sure they also have the identical architecture values set for their Release builds.
Also that "Build Active Architecture Only" is checked to NO for Release targets.

Clang scan-build is not picking up -fno-objc-arc flag on non-ARC'd files

Hi I have an XCode project which is ARCd but uses some 3rd party (AFNetworking) classes which are not ARCd. I have specified the -fno-objc-arc flag against these files however when I run scan-build I get a number of errors such as:-
error: 'autorelease' is unavailable: not available in automatic reference counting mode
I can see that scan-build is using -fobjc-arc when compiling / checking these classes which is incorrect.
Please could someone advise how I can get scan-build to pick up the correct settings?
FYI I am using checker-267 version downloaded from http://clang-analyzer.llvm.org/
Many thanks
Raised this with the clang team at Apple and they swiftly came back to say that this is a known bug, see:
A new version of the checker should be released soon to fix this.

monodevelop insists on using a reference that doesn't work

I am using MonoDevelop 2.2 from the Debian testing repository. I have installed the addins for GTK support, for version 2.8 and 2.10.
When I compile my solution, I get warnings saying Warning: Assembly 'glade-sharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=35e10195dab3c99f' not found. Make sure that the assembly exists in disk. If the reference is required to build the project you may get compilation errors. (ProCos)
The warning is perfectly alright, because the installed libraries do not offer V2.10 of glade-sharp. So I open the reference dialog, remove the reference and insert a reference to V2.8 of glade-sharp (which does exist). Close the reference dialog and recompile. And bang, same warning and the reference has been changed back to V2.10.
Anybody have any ideas how to fix this? Or is this a known bug in that version of MonoDevelop?
If you're using the GTK version support, all the GTK-related assemblies should have the same version. I suspect that if gtk-sharp.dll is 2.10, then MD will "fix" glade-sharp to 2.10 too. In project options is a dropdown for picking the GTK version; using this will update all GTK assemblies to a specific version.
Note also that you can use the project pad to set a reference to not require a specific version.
I suggest trying MD 2.4, and if it's still an issue, please file a bug report.
