IDWriteTextFormat::SetTextAlignment does not work for DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFIED - directwrite

IDWriteTextFormat::SetTextAlignment was used to alignment text in DirectWrite, it takes a parameter of DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT type
the first 3 type all work well, but the last one DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFIED does not work, when I try to set it, I got an invalid argument error
MessageBox(NULL, L"Center text failed!", L"Error", 0);
It seems this is not a valid argument, why? does anyone encountered the same issue?

Got the answer from Microsoft DirectX forum, it is because, this flag does not support Win7, but the SDK document does not point it out.


Why does GetModuleHandleA return NULL?

I am trying to load a custom resource (.rc) from a .dll but the FindResource() function always ends up returning NULL
This is my code trying to load the resource:
FragDll = GetModuleHandleA((LPCSTR)"FragmentShaders.dll");
HRSRC FragResource = FindResource(FragDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(StartMenu_frag), L"FRAGMENTSHADER");
if (FragResource)
HGLOBAL FragLoadedResource = LoadResource(FragDll, FragResource);
if (FragLoadedResource)
LPVOID FragLockedResource = LockResource(FragLoadedResource);
if (FragLockedResource)
DWORD FragdwResourceSize = SizeofResource(FragDll, FragResource);
if (0 != FragdwResourceSize)
// Use pLockedResource and dwResourceSize however you want
FragResource for some reason always returns NULL. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I have done a breakpoint in visual studios to get more information:
Values during runtime
If this method of loading resources from a .dll doesnt work, please then give another method of reading a resource (.rc) from a .dll.
as others pointed out in the commentaries, the problem here is not that FragRessource is Null, it is null because FragDLL is null in the first place.
So we come to why is FragDLL null ?
As stated in the documentation ( of GetModuleHandleA : "The module must have been loaded by the calling process." Which means you have to load the module before retrieving his handle. You can do so using LoadLibraryExA (
Hopes this helps

Qt: Why does my custom qgraphicsview widget create error during compiling on Linux?

My Qt project compiled successfully on Windows, but when I was trying to compile it on Linux it gives me all kinds of errors including the one I'm asking here:
I have a custom QGraphicsView class in my project, and it's prompted from the Qt designer. When I compiled my codes on a Linux machine, it gives me errors:
/usr/mvl1/hy2vf/metaData/bin/ui_gtvalidation.h:55: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘myGraphicsView’ with no type
/usr/mvl1/hy2vf/metaData/bin/ui_gtvalidation.h:55: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
/usr/mvl1/hy2vf/metaData/bin/ui_gtvalidation.h: In member function ‘void Ui_GTvalidation::setupUi(QDialog*)’:
/usr/mvl1/hy2vf/metaData/bin/ui_gtvalidation.h:173: error: ‘graphicsView’ was not declared in this scope
/usr/mvl1/hy2vf/metaData/bin/ui_gtvalidation.h:173: error: expected type-specifier before ‘myGraphicsView’
/usr/mvl1/hy2vf/metaData/bin/ui_gtvalidation.h:173: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘myGraphicsView’
Does anyone have had same issues? What's the solution?
Here is the part in ui_gtvalidation.h where it says the problems are. I'm actually not sure what part of my codes I should post to help, so let me know what you want to look at.
55:myGraphicsView *graphicsView;
173:graphicsView = new myGraphicsView(GTvalidation);
#include <QtGui>
class myGraphicsView : public QGraphicsView{
myGraphicsView(QWidget* parent = 0);
//Take over the interaction
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event);
#include "myGraphicsView.h"
myGraphicsView::myGraphicsView(QWidget *parent) : QGraphicsView(parent){
void myGraphicsView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) {
// Scale the view / do the zoom
double scaleFactor = 1.15;
if(event->delta() > 0) {
// Zoom in
scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
} else {
// Zooming out
scale(1.0 / scaleFactor, 1.0 / scaleFactor);
// Don't call superclass handler here
// as wheel is normally used for moving scrollbars
Your problem is actually in your gtvalidation.ui file. When you promote a widget to custom class, you need to specify include header correctly. For some reason compiler cannot find specified header in Linux. The most simple reason of this could be capitalization mismatch (as Linux filesystems are case sensitive and Windows ones are not). Check header files specified in promotion settings of your form in Designer.

CustomDraw remains in PrePaint drawstage

I am facing some troubles when processing the NM_CUSTOMDRAW message on 64 bit machines. We have an CListCtrl derived class with a CHeaderCtrl derived header (linked via PreSubclassWindow).
In the CHeader derived class we do some custom painting. This works for a 32bit build. But when I build a 64bit variant the drawstage remains CDDS_PREPAINT.
So I am posting here to get some help on this issue. I tried a lot of combinations of result values, drawstage handling in the OnCustomDraw ... but all of them still receive only the CDDS_PREPAINT drawstage.
Here you have my current testcode for OnCustomDraw:
void CListViewCtrlExHeader::OnCustomDraw(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
if (lpnmcd)
switch (lpnmcd->dwDrawStage)
The only purpose of this header ctrl is painting above the default painting, so there is not much code in there. The painting of the CListCtrl derived class does not not do anything special, it lets CListCtrl handle the OnPaint message. The CListCtrl derived class does contain an OnCustomDraw section. But since it works on 32 bit, I doubt the problems should be searched there, on the other hand I mention it since I am out of options...
I found some posts with similar issues (only64 bit or drawstage remains) but none of them worked for me. One of these solutions was an incorrect definition of NMCUSTOMDRAW struct, but mine is the MFC version and no complaints found for 64bit for it. Another was that result did not get processed because of where the component was placed, but then it should not work on 32 bit too. Other solutions are specific for handling the OnCustomDraw messages and results, but that seems to be fine for my testcode...
Kind Regards,

Problem with UICustomSwitch,

I am using UICsutomSwitch for my application. When I try to create it, I am getting an exception like,
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '* -[NSArray objectAtIndex:]: index 2 beyond bounds for empty array'
My code is as follows,
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface UICustomSwitch : UISwitch
-(void)setLeftLabelText:(NSString *)labelText;
-(void)setRightLabelText:(NSString *)labelText;
#import "UICustomSwitch.h"
#implementation UICustomSwitch
-(UIView *)slider
return [[self subviews ] lastObject];
-(UIView *)textHolder
return [[[self slider] subviews]objectAtIndex:2];
-(UILabel *)leftLabel
return [[[self textHolder] subviews]objectAtIndex:0];
-(UILabel *)rightLabel
return [[[self textHolder] subviews]objectAtIndex:1];
-(void)setLeftLabelText:(NSString *)labelText;
[[self leftLabel] setText:labelText];
-(void)setRightLabelText:(NSString *)labelText
[[self rightLabel]setText:labelText];
View Controller:
UICustomSwitch* switchView=[[[UICustomSwitch alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(200,5,90,30)]autorelease];
[switchView setLeftLabelText:#"F"];
[switchView setRightLabelText:#"M"];
[switchView addTarget:self action:#selector(genderAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
[elementView addSubview:switchView];
I am getting exception at " return [[[self slider] subviews]objectAtIndex:2];" call. I don't know what is the wrong, Can you guys please suggest me on this.
Thanks in advance,
I ran across this issue and found the answer here:Custom UISwitch Text
Basically in iOS 4, there were UILabel's in the UISwitch's subviews that represented the "On/Off" labels. In iOS 5, there are no UILabels in the subviews array (hence the array error you're getting). The above link offers an external class you can download and customize. In my opinion, it seems like Apple is discouraging customization of UISwitch. The functionality you're after could be accomplished another way (segmented control, simulated checkbox, etc).
Also, in the given link above, the author proposes that the issue might be with not including armv6. I tried this and it does not fix the problem.
The exception indicates you are attempting to access an element of the array that is out of bounds (in a place that is larger than the actual size of the array).
You can use breakpoints and/or NSLog() calls carefully placed in your code to determine if this array ever is not-empty, and if that is so, you can continue to use these calls to find out just where the array becomes empty.
Clearly if the array is empty then the switch is setup differently than you expect it to be.

RBuf8 to char* in Symbian C++

I am downloading a text string from a web service into an RBuf8 using this kind of code (it works..)
void CMyApp::BodyReceivedL( const TDesC8& data ) {
int newLength = iTextBuffer.Length() + data.Length();
if (iTextBuffer.MaxLength() < newLength)
I want to then convert the RBuf8 into a char* string I can display in a label or whatever.. or for the purposes of debug, display in
RDebug::Printf("downloading text %S", charstring);
edit for clarity..
My conversion function looks like this..
void CMyApp::DownloadCompleteL() {
RBuf16 buf;
RDebug::Printf("downloaded text %S", buf);
But this still causes a crash. I am using S60 3rd Edition FP2 v1.1
What you may need is something to the effect of:
RDebug::Print( _L( "downloaded text %S" ), &buf );
This tutorial may help you.
void RBuf16::Copy(const TDesC8&) will take an 8bit descriptor and convert it into a 16bit descriptor.
You should be able to display any 16bit descriptor on the screen. If it doesn't seem to work, post the specific API you're using.
When an API can be used with an undefined number of parameters (like void RDebug::Printf(const char*, ...) ), %S is used for "pointer to 16bit descriptor". Note the uppercase %S.
Thanks, the %S is a helpful reminder.
However, this doesn't seem to work.. my conversion function looks like this..
void CMyApp::DownloadCompleteL() {
RBuf16 buf;
RDebug::Printf("downloaded text %S", buf);
But this still causes a crash. I am using S60 3rd Edition FP2 v1.1
You have to supply a pointer to the descriptor in RDebuf::Printf so it should be
RDebug::Print(_L("downloaded text %S"), &buf);
Although use of _L is discouraged. _LIT macro is preferred.
As stated by quickrecipesonsymbainosblogspotcom, you need to pass a pointer to the descriptor.
RDebug::Printf("downloaded text %S", &buf); //note the address-of operator
This works because RBuf8 is derived from TDes8 (and the same with the 16-bit versions).
