curl post issues: input password became empty - linux

I'm using "curl" to get a webpage which needs username and password.
For some webpages, I can get the page I want with expression like
curl -u myusername:mypassword url -o output.html.
But for some other webpages, I can't get the page I want.
I've tried expressions mentioned above, it seemes the username and the password is not sent with the request.
I also tried expressions like
curl -d"login_username=myusername&login_password=mypassword&action=login&submit=Login" url -o output.html.
The username is sent, but the password is still empty.
By the way, there is a "realm: LDAP" under username & password inputbox.
Does anybody know what is happening? Thanks in advance.

Assuming that a website uses HTTP basic authentication, a verbose mode, with -v option, makes you confirm whether the authentication request is sent or not. If the authentication request is sent, you can see Authorization header as the below.
$ curl -v -u user:password -o output.html
* About to connect() to x.x.x.x port 3128
* Trying x.x.x.x... connected
* Connected to (x.x.x.x) port 3128
* Server auth using Basic with user 'user'
> GET HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic cm9vdDpSaW5nMjAXMA==

The syntax for cURL username & password is :
and not
So finally :
curl -s -v -u myusername,mypassword url


How can I get userId after call create user api in keycloak?

I implemented keycloak in my node.js project and call following API for add user in keycloak:
This API works and I can add user in keycloak but I need userId in response to this API how can I get this, any alternative way for this
Thanks in advance
I believe there is another way to do this which will save you an extra request. If you take a look at the reponse headers when you create a user, you should find a field named "Location". It looks like this:
Location: http://keycloak_address/auth/admin/realms/realm/users/3a11cc77-9871-4f6e-805b-bf17ea79fa3a
In this case the value "3a11cc77-9871-4f6e-805b-bf17ea79fa3a" would be the new user's id.
Update: The /auth path was removed starting with Keycloak 17 Quarkus distribution. So you might need to remove the /auth from the endpoint calls presented on this answer.
You use the Keycloak Admin REST API endpoint GET /{realm}/users with the query parameter username. For instance:
GET "{{keycloak_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{realm}}/users/?username={{username}}"
NOTE: In some Keycloak version it will return all the users with a username that matches {{username*}}. Therefore, additional filtering of the list might be necessary. For those using bash script I have uploaded to my repo one example on how to do filter currently. From the response you just need to extract the field id.
The approach pointed out first by #Sillas Reis allows to create the user and get its ID in a single call, which is more performant. However, I am not a fan of relying on non documented behavior. Nonetheless, for those using bash and curl that solution could look like the following:
Call the Keycloak Admin REST API with an access token from a user with the proper permissions. For now, I will be using the admin user from the master realm:
curl “https://${KEYCLOAK_HOST}/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token” \
-d "client_id=admin-cli" \
-d "username=${ADMIN_NAME}” \
-d "password=${ADMIN_PASSWORD}" \
-d "grant_type=password"
You get a JSON response with the admin's token. Extract the value of property access_token from that response. Let us save it in the variable $ACCESS_TOKEN for later reference.
To create the user in your realm $REALM_NAME and get back its id execute:
curl --include -X -s POST "${URL}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-d "$USER_JSON" | grep "Location: ${URL}" | grep -o '[^/]\+$'
the flag --include will make curl include the headers, and the command grep "Location: ${URL}" will extract the location and the command grep -o '[^/]\+$' the user ID from that location.

Encrypting credentials

I am using curl - u user:password -X post method in shell script to trigger my Jenkins jobs externally. While using this method I am providing my credentials to access Jenkins.
Is there any way to hide or encrypt credentials.?
Curl with -u does not support encrypt username and password but you can do it in different way to hide username and password
Create an environment variable Use that on your curl command like below :
export USERNAME=""
export PASSWORD=""
after that
Make use of .netrc file with curl command.
curl command option for .netrc file
-n, --netrc Must read .netrc for user name and password
--netrc-file <filename> Specify FILE for netrc
Steps to use .netrc
Create a .netrc file on your home directory (~) with content
machine jenkins.url
login username
password jenkinsTokenOrPassword
invoke curl command
curl -n -X POST ....
Note. If you don't want to keep your .netrc file on your home directory ~ , than place it somewhere else but make sure let curl know about the location like curl --netrc-file /path/to/.netrc -X POST ...

How to wget/curl past a redirect to download content?

I would like to use wget, curl or even use Perl to download a copy of my projects each night from ShareLatex, but when I look at Network in Chrome, I see it redirects from /login to /projects in a successful login.
Because of the redirect I it flushes the Chrome network debug log, but if I do a wrong login attempt I can see what it sends. See below screenshot.
Can anyone explain how I can figure out which string I should post in order to login?
Is the _csrf header string important?
I have no luck with
curl -s --cookie-jar cookie
curl -s --cookie cookie -H 'email:' -H 'password: mypw'
as it just gives me a failed login screen.
Use -L option in curl:
curl -s -L -H 'email:' -H 'password: mypw'

curl: provide user and password for apache .htaccess file

I am using cURL to test some RESTful APIs. Some of these APIs are served from an Apache machine, and protected with user/password combination using simple .httaccess files.
Is there a way to provide cURL with a username / password combination as arguments?
Use this curl option for the commandline
-u "User:Password"
More details about this parameter can be found from here.
You can use this curl command for example:
curl -A "Mozilla" -L 'http://user:password#localhost/api/someapi.php'

curl post request failing

I am sending a post request to my site as so :
curl --data "param1=value1&param2=value2"
But the result is the entire html page (independently of the username and the password, whether they are right or wrong)
`curl -u username:password`
to get logged on, or try this
