Inno Setup Shortcut Issue - inno-setup

I have one small, but frustrating issue.
I create installer with possibility for shortcut for the executable, but if the executable is not in the main folder in lets say MyProgram\bin\myprogram.exe the installer makes copy of the .exe in the main program folder and shortcut path is not MyProgram\bin\myprogram.exe like it supposed to be, but its MyProgram\myprogram.exe and of course it won't run until i make manual shortcut from bin folder.
Hope you guys understand my problem and tell me where i can fix this in the script.

You may have an error with your [Icon] entry, try something like:


Change directory where is saved the AutoHotkey .exe file on Sublimetext3

I need to make my Autohotkey scripts run at startup, so I think the best way is to save the file .exe in the startup folder, but the .exe file is saved automatically in the same folder of the source, so save the source in the startup folder could be a solution too, but it also opens the source at startup.
Now I'm using the syntax highlight plugin for autohotkey in SublimeText3, but I don't know if there are some way to save the .exe file to a different folder than the one where the source (I'm a noob in informatic).
I'd tried using SetWorkingDir in the Autohotkey script and costumizing the AutoHotkey.sublime-build file using working_dir, but I don't know how they work, so I didn't achieve the goal.
I need a way to edit .ahk with Sublimetext3, keeping my scripts in "documents" and, when I build, save the exe in another folder.
If you're just looking to have your AHK files load when you start up Windows, then the Startup folder is indeed the right location. An elegant solution would be to call the other scripts from this main script.
Since the default AutoHotkey.ahk script is contained in your Documents folder, you can include or run various other AHK scripts, depending on whether you want them to run under one AutoHotkey instance, as one per script, or some combination of the two.
Documentation on Include is fairly solid. The example from the linked page:
#Include C:\My Documents\Scripts\Utility Subroutines.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir% ; Changes the working directory for subsequent #Includes and FileInstalls.
#Include C:\My Scripts ; Same as above but for an explicitly named directory.
Similarly, you can Run like below:
Run, C:\My Documents\Scripts\Utility Subroutines.ahk
I am not sure I understood well your question. (Maybe you could make it clearer)
To run an .ahk at startup you can save it in your startup folder and you need simply to associate .ahk with the AutoHotkey.exe. (Always open with AutoHotkey.exe). You don't have to have the 2 files in the same location.
You could also add a shortcut to your .ahk file to your startup folder.
If you have many scripts copy each shortcuts to the startup folder.

Installed .desktop file to have user's home directory path inserted

Wording the title was a little tricky, but here's the situation. I am making a file for my game which is written in Python. I am trying to create a game folder with all assets instead of making this a module for Python. I may be doing things the hard way, but this method seems to work well.
The copies the game's directory to the HOME folder and moves a .desktop file and game's icon to the appropriate places (ie. desktop, applications folder). The issue is, this .desktop file uses Icon=~/.local/share/icons/game.png and Exec=~/Game/ which causes the icon not to show up in the .desktop file or menu nor does the game shortcut execute. I replaced the ~ with $HOME and I get the same issue. However, if I change it to /home/(my account) instead of ~ or $HOME it will work perfectly and show the icon.
Is there a way to make the install bash file create this .desktop file dynamically if a user installs the game? Or is there some way of getting this to work that I am unaware of?
EDIT: Better explanation... ish.
Alternatively, put ~/.local/share/applications in the premade .desktop file, and then sed 's/~/$HOME/g' appname.desktop > $HOME/.local/share/applications/appname.desktop in the installer script, or invoke that from your language interpreter as a shell exec.
It's a real shame that more projects with GUIs don't do this. These desktop files also need a 'wmClass' element in them in order to allow for the launcher to also be a window tab. I've manually fixed several applications for my convenience this way.
Seems the easiest way was to include the files system-wide. While not my intention, it made it far easier to install all the proper files and get things works.
Putting the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications and icon file in /usr/share/icons/

Corflags.exe cf001 Could not open file for wiriting

I am trying to edit the corflags file so that I can run 32bit applications on a 64 bit pc but everytime I try to edit the file using something like corflags.exe assembly /32bit+ it comes up with the error message cf001 could not open file for writing.
Now I have tried a lot of different options such as:
Running in administrator mode;
Finding the file using a search and checking read only is not ticked
Checking that user full control is ticked
Tried to set the whole folder to non read only
When trying the whole folder, it goes through looking like it has set read-only, but then I click OK and re-right click on the whole folder, the box is filled in (not ticked) does this mean that part of the folder is read only and why does it reset to read only?
I just faced the same problem and have tried the same things.
Run cornflags from an elevated ("Run as administrator") Visual Studio Command Prompt. I did the same for a copy of the original .exe just to make sure no other process was using the program.
Create a copy of the file you intend to target with CorFlags.
(e.g. "WcfServiceHost.exe" --creates--> "WcfServiceHost - Copy.exe")
Rename the original file to something else:
(e.g. "WcfServiceHost.exe" --> "WcfServiceHose_Original.exe")
Rename to copy to the original file name
(e.g. "WcfServiceHose - Copy.exe" --> "WcfServiceHost.exe"
For my purposes, I created copies and named them describing their configuration:
Now I can destroy the WCFServiceHost.exe files and create them from these pre-modified copies. No more CorFlags operations necessary.
Note: this is basically a more verbose version of #RMalke answer and that answer should be marked as the answer.
I realise this is years later, but for anyone else looking, I found that the quickest way was to copy cmd and corflags.exe into the same folder as the one you want to edit. Then run cmd as admin from there.

How to set the working directory of WinGHCi

I just installed WinGHCi. When I try to load an .hs file with Ctrl+L, it opens the file browser in C:\Program Files (x86)\Haskell Platform\2012.2.0.0\winghci which is where I installed this. I don't want it to go there by default, I keep my code files in a different directory on a different drive and I don't want to have to navigate to D:\MyPath\Haskell every time I load a file.
I tried to set the "Start in" field of the shortcut I use to launch WinGHCi but it changed nothing.
How can I make WinGHCi look in my own directory by default?
It opens in the last directory you opened a .hs or .lhs from.
Try opening something from the folder you want, exit, restart.
Did it restart where you were?
Try working like that for a while, and if you like it (I do) then you're fine.
If you really do want to go to the same place every time, perhaps there's a way.
I can't find any setting to control this, but the information is stored in the registy.
Mine is at
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Haskell\WinGHCi 1.0.6]
You can save your version of that as resetghci.reg:
To make your own, open regedit and first try the same location. If not, search for WinGHCi.
You can export that subtree but you get the whole lot including recent expressions etc, which I don't think you should reset. Save that as ghcioriginal.reg just in case. Edit away all the lines except WorkingDir and save as resetghci.reg
When you double-click it it will ask you if you're sure you want to add that info to the registry. Yes you are.
What follows works on older versions, but Microsoft seem to be going off .pif files and the start command, and I'm not able to test this in Windows 7.
Make a text file called ghci.bat in the same folder as the .reg you made. In it put
#echo off
regedit resetghci.reg
start WinGHCi
You might need to specify the full path to WinGHCi.
The start command is the windows equivalent of making a background process from a shell prompt, so this should terminate immediately.
Make a shortcut to ghci.bat (it will be called ghci.pif) and set it to open minimised and put a nice lambda icon on it (nick it from the winghci executable).
Pop that on your desktop, start menu or shortcut bar, and when you use it, you'll be popped back to your standard location.

Tutorial/Guide to create a classic, small Linux application in a package (Debian)

I've made a small script in my machine, and an alias in .bashrc that calls it. It's a bash script with 3 lines, but it can grow.
Now, some people in my team found it useful, and want to use it.
Instead of saying "copy this alias, do this, do that, install that lib" I was thinking about creating a simple package to be a little more professional. Fact is, I've never done something like this before. And the problem to me is not creating a package, is trying to decide what usually do you put in a package.
Suppose I want to take my script, and create myapplication. I want to create a .deb file that my team would install and:
Have a /usr/bin/myapplication or /usr/sbin/myapplication (what's the difference between them?), so they would just call myapplication at their terminal and it would work;
Have a man page; (Where are usually located man pages in a debian system?);
Have a possibility to read a .myapplicationrc in home folder with some configurations;
Have an entry for shortcuts in a gnome installation (is it possible to have an universal shortcut "format" that's is available to KDE and Gnome as well?);
Install dependencies.
I'm new to all that stuff. I usually code simple scripts and create an alias in my bashrc. I've never done a package before. Which guides do you know of that can help me accomplish what I thinking of above?
Here is a place to start, though I welcome a more succinct answer.
I couldn't find a complete guide. I think the best thing to do is download a package that does exactly what I'm thinking of and do some reading, like taskwarrior.
