Upload a photo to facebook album - node.js

I have a nodejs (+express + mongodb,gridstore) backend, and want to upload a photo to a facebook album.
I came across 2 methods. the first ( https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/526/ ) needs to get the full url resource of my picture, which I don't have as it is data that I pull from gridstore,
and the second ( https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/album/ ) is very poorly documented, via the Graph API, where I can't figure out what my request should look like. (the form-data, what fields should it have, how to convert my data blob\stream from gridstore to it)
Here is what I currently have, and doesn't work:
facebook.uploadPhoto = function (token, albumId, photo, callback) {
var fb = fermata.json('https://graph.facebook.com/' + albumId);
fb.photos({access_token:token}).post({'Content-Type':"multipart/form-data"}, {source:{data:photo}}, callback);
Any help would be much appreciated

There is a good chance the file is not properly serialized. Fermata will take a node File buffer via data. Have you tried passing that instead?
fs.readFile("/path/to/photo.jpg", function (err, data) {
fermata.json("https://graph.facebook.com/graph/api").post({"Content-Type":"multipart/form-data"}, {fileField: {data:data, name:"", type:""} }, callback);
Adding your access token etc..

I solved this problem by using a simple POST to the facebook graph API using the poster module.
var options = {
uploadUrl: 'https://graph.facebook.com/'+user+'/photos?access_token='+accessToken,
method: 'POST',
fileId: 'source',
fields: {'message':''} // Additional fields according to graph API
var fileName = ''; // Local or remote url where to find the image
poster.post(fileName, options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
//Something went wrong
} else {
// Everything ok

Honestly, I've got limited experience working with the Facebook graph API and mostly using PHP and Java.
Here is some streams that you might find helpful:
Upload Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API
Facebook Graph API - upload photo using JavaScript
Basically, I recommend you punt a little in your implementation and code it in the following way:
Create a REST web service function call in Node.js to output a single image from gridstore using an internal UID.
Code your uploadToFacebook function to use an image URL that calls the REST web service function.
Basically, this would allow you to validate the image output by pointing your browser to the REST web service and avoid any blob\stream conversions inside your uploadToFacebook function. I'm assuming you store the image in gridstore vs. mongodb.
hope that helps...


How to access json response data using Axios, node/express backend

I have this project I’m working on and I am using node/express + Axios to retrieve data from a third-party API.
I am attaching an image of the response I am getting from my postman but,
I am having an issue figuring out a way to access and manipulate a specific set of data.
If there are any resources anyone could share that would help I would appreciate it.
as of now I just have:
.then((response) => {
const cardData = response.data;
This is the response I get:
for example, I’d like to access the “abilities” property.
Since that property is within the “0" object within the response object, I’m a bit confused as to how to navigate this in the code.
I’ve tried response.data.0 but that doesn’t seem to work.
function retrieve(callback){
//I don't get why you are using request.send here. Are you routing the response elsewhere?
//If you are just consuming a service, use Axios with a callback instead.
//If you're not routing it you won't need Express.
axios.get('apiUrl').then(response => callback(response));
function clbk(response){
let obj = JSON.parse(response); //In case you are receiving a stringified JSON
//Do whatever you want with the data
//If you have a number as a key, access it by using []. So, considering your example:

nodejs - Getting 401 error trying to download docs revisions with Google Drive API export links

I need to download all the revisions of a google doc with the Drive API using nodejs but I don't understand how to authorize the request for the export links. Once I get the export link for each revision I call:
var options = {
url: 'https://docs.google.com/feeds/download/documents/export/Export?id=1DRl6rbcVuuLVyb_WlhBLiYiCByWcS2bKGlLIsn7E8_8&revision=1&exportFormat=txt', //example link
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${jwToken}`,
where the "jwToken" is the token I use to get the revisions list so I guess it should be still valid. However, with this I get the 401-Unauthorized page. What am I doing wrong?
According to the Drive API v3 documentation:
Revisions for Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides can't be downloaded.
So essentially, if the actual revision you want to retrieve is the file itself, then the method above is the correct one.
As for the authorization part, you will need to perform the Node.js Quickstart from here and follow the steps explained there.
Since you want to export the file, you will just need to modify the code and add this part:
function downloadDoc() {
var fileId = 'ID_OF_THE_DOC';
var dest = fs.createWriteStream('DESTINATION_OF_THE_OUTPUT_STREAM');
fileId: fileId,
mimeType: 'application/vnd.google-apps.document'
.on('end', function () {
.on('error', function (err) {
console.log('Error during download', err);
Drive API v3 - Manage Revisions;
Drive API v3 - Files:export;
Drive API v3 - Quickstart;
Drive API v3 - Download a document.
I am facing this same problem. The solution is to use
OAUTH2 authorization for a user that has Edit or Owner permissions for a file
Get an access token that expires quickly
call the V2 URI (V3 does not work) for the file/rev to get "export links" 3) Call the correct export link for your format type
then you will get a randomized temporary redirect link from Google that you can then call to get the binary stream.
This is a great starting point for C# .NET -- windows oauth console app, if you want working code to do steps 1 and 2. I posted a working v2 code function here that you can put into the console app example.

NodeJS showing google books content on my own app

I'm developing a google books manager app for myself. I want to reach the whole book content in my own application but the google books search api gives me preview and info links in json format. Is it possible that I read the book in my own app and if it is, how do I do that with those links? Thanks
You need to consume the API in your application. It gives you a JSON file, so you need to parse that JSON file into a variable and then you have a standard javascript object which you can access.
Take this link for example:
Gives us a JSON file. If I wanted to get access to the first object's contents, I would do something like this:
var request = require('request');
request('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=horror', function(error, response, body) {
var library = JSON.parse(body);
var firstBook = library[0].volumeInfo
var title = firstBook.title;
var authors = firstBook.authors;
// etc...

Google Maps Javascript API on Node.JS

I'm working on a NodeJS project that requires me to obtain driving directions on the server.
It seems like an obvious choice to use the Google Javascript API Version 3. But it seems like it was made only to be used on HTML pages, and not on server-only scripts. Even loading the API requires a script-tag or document.write.
Then I turned to node-googlemaps which is based on the Google Maps API. Sadly, this also does not work for two reasons:
the returned travel steps do not contain the path field
the license does not allow to use that API without displaying a map to a user
What can I do? Are there any workarounds or other APIs I could use?
Best, Boris
Actually you can do it on the backend or frontend, and the approach is basically the same.
All you gotta do is a request to the endpoint passing the right parameters, then the API will return you everything you need.
So, roughly it would be something like this:
var http = require('http');
var options = {
host: 'maps.googleapis.com',
path: '/maps/api/directions/json?origin=Toronto&destination=Montreal&avoid=highways&mode=bicycling'
callback = function(response) {
// variable that will save the result
var result = '';
// every time you have a new piece of the result
response.on('data', function(chunk) {
result += chunk;
// when you get everything back
response.on('end', function() {
http.request(options, callback).end();
And here's the documentation's link if you want to dig deeper on this: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/?hl=nl

Google Spreadsheet Creation - Node.js

I am trying to create new google spreadsheet using the google spreadsheet api using node.js
I have managed to get the Google OAuth 2.0 working, where I am getting the access tokens for the clients.
Now on searching the Google API docs there are example using the gData client library but nothing giving me pointers to node.js
Here are my findings for creating a new google spreadhseet
Upload a spreadsheet manually OR
Use a resumable upload link
There is not much information on the resumable upload link.
I can see the HTTP Post Request and Response but I do not understand how to construct the post request in node.js
I am reading Google Apps Platform
Here is how to do it with the create method of the Google Sheets API (currently v4).
This code examples does not use any 3rd party libraries, it uses googleapis: Google API's official Node.js client
const google = require('googleapis');
const sheets = google.sheets('v4');
// authenticate, and store that authentication, in this example
// it is stored in a variable called `auth`. I am using JWT
// authentication, but you can use the any form of authentication
const auth = new google.auth.JWT(
['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets'], // make sure that your auth scope includes `spreadsheets`, `drive` or `drive.file`
auth: auth,
resource: {
properties: {
title: 'Title of your new spreadsheet'
}, (err, response) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`The API returned an error: ${err}`);
console.log('Created a new spreadsheet:')
If all you want to know is how to construct post request, then check this example
EastCloud has written a friendly-ish wrapper around the Google Docs/Drive API
If you are new and want to get and add data to Google spreadsheets, please refer below link to get step-by-step guide.
I was tested same in recent nodejs project
