Code Compare for Two Excel Files that contain Visual Basic Code [closed] - excel

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Do you know of a tool that allows you to code compare two excel files (file1.xlsm vs. file2.xlsm) to see the code difference in the Visual Basic code?
I know that there is a tool called Beyond Compare. This lets you compare the contents of the sheets inside the two excel files, but I can't find a tool that compares the contents of the visual basic code.

Ok I figured it out. Beyond Compare actually has downloadable plug-ins to let you compare VBA between 2 excel files. :)

If you don't have a copy of Beyond Compare handy, try VbaDiff. I built it for the purpose of comparing VBA code as you describe.


Pulling data from a web page into excel [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Assume a site like (our working example). Each page of it has data on a wood species. Assuming we need to sort the woods by a ratio of its data, for example hardness/weight, the site's tools aren't very useful.
What would be useful, though, is passing that data into an excel, which could trivially calculate the ratio and sort.
What ways are there to automatically fill that sheet out? What other tools besides excel could do it?
You should have a look at python, it's perfectly fit for the job. You could use the request library together with beatifulsoup to begin with, then load all data into a Pandas Dataframe and simply export it to excel (standard funtionality of Pandas).
If you really want to scrape the site thoroughly, you could consider using Scrapy (

Linux commandline convert pdf to excel [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking for a tool where I can reliable convert a pdf to an excel spreadsheet from the commandline (as I would like to use a script to automate this).
I need something that will properly convert the pdf, as you would using Acrobat Pro or similar programs.
pdftotext This command will help you to convert pdf to text. Excel has the capability to import text data. If you prefer to convert text data to csv please refer the answer given here

Looking for a node module that can write excel files with multiple sheets [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to write Excel files which will contain multiple sheets. I am using node module excel-export but it does not seem to support writing multiple sheets in one single file.
Ok I found the library I was looking for. xlsx module does support workbook with multiple sheets. With this module it is possible to read and write workbooks having multiple sheets.
Here is the link to the package

Is there any library in Linux which allow document conversion? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a large amount of document in different format, e.g. doc, xls, ppt, docx, odf, etc. I am looking for a Linux library, which allow me to convert different kinds of document to PDF with a command.
Is this library exist? Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks everyone. :)
A good place to start would probably be the source code of LibreOffice.
It's not a "library" as such, but you can use OpenOffice conversions from the command line:

What is the largest open source project written in Visual C++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What is the largest open source project written in Visual C++ ?
I can see that eMule project is pretty big, but what is largest?
I think some of the largest pieces of software that you will find are some of the open Source Game engine, such as
These are a couple of quite large open source projects if you want to get your teeth in to something.
Panda3d is another one wrote in c++ ( altho its better used with there nice python based API )
Google Chrome is build with Visual C++. According to Ohloh it has 2-3M lines of code, but I have no idea if that's an accurate number.
