Camel JAX-RS and Cross Domain Request - cross-domain

I'd like to be able to do HTTP requests on my localhost Camel instance (just for development purpose, I know this is bad practice). For now, I'm stuck with :
Origin http://localhost:8000 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I've search how can I tell Camel to allow such requests, but didn't find an answer. I'm using camel-cxf and the rsServer to create my endpoint.
I've got an endpoint looking like that :
public class LoginEndpoint {
public Customer login(#QueryParam("email") String email, #QueryParam("password") String password) {
return null;
Than a standard route is doing the job.
How can I tell Camel (or JAX-RS, or the CXFRS component, I don't know...) to allow Cross Domain Requests ?

You need to add an annotation on your endpoint
#CrossOriginResourceSharing(allowAllOrigins = true, allowAnyHeaders = true)
public class LoginEndpoint {
public Customer login(#QueryParam("email") String email, #QueryParam("password") String password) {
return null;
I don't think you need a new dependency, as the annotation is in camel-cxf. But you need to tell Camel to look for this annotation, using the providers tag.
<cxf:rsServer id="login" address="your adress"
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.cors.CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter" />
Then you should be fine (but remember that is just for local testing).

If you are using CXF 3.1.9, it is found in cxf-rt-rs-security-cors jar.
<jaxrs:server id="apiRS" address="/api">
<bean class="com.ak.util.APIRSController"></bean>
<bean class="" />
#CrossOriginResourceSharing(allowAllOrigins = true)
public class APIController {
public String status() {
return "{\"Result\":\"OK\"}";
For more security see allowOrigins and other parameters at above annotation.


Why does ServiceStack burden the DTOs with routing concerns?

I'm learning ServiceStack, and from reading this page, a couple of things aren't clear to me.
So, considering this DTO pair:
public class Hello : IReturn<HelloResponse>
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
And this service:
public class MyService : Service
public object Any(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" };
Why is it the responsibility of Hello to specify the return-type using the marker interface IReturn<HelloResponse>?
It seems like this could be inferred from the return-type of MyService - except that it's conventional to use a return-type of object, which also requires type-casts in tests and client-code. Why?
And why are the Route attributes applied to the model Hello, rather than to the service MyService, where the request is actually handled?
It seems like both of these facts are more relevant to the service than to the model.
For one, a person reading the service declaration would more readily find the information pertaining to the service, instead of having to find it in the model.
For another, accepted HTTP methods are implicitly declared by the service via method-naming conventions - so it seems like the facts about service routing/dispatch are sort of scattered between two layers.
From that point of view, I was probably expecting something more along the lines of this:
public class Hello
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
public class MyService : Service
public HelloResponse Any(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" };
What is the reason or the design thinking behind the conventions?
(Please don't take this as merely an attempt at critique - there's a lot of things I enjoy about this framework, and I am genuinely trying to understand the thinking behind these conventions.)
Why does ServiceStack burden the DTOs with routing concerns?
Note no routing concern burden is required at all in ServiceStack and all user-defined Routes are optional where all clients are able to call Services utilizing their automatic pre-defined routes.
Why is it the responsibility of Hello to specify the return-type using the marker interface IReturn?
It provides better typed access for client libraries like the generic C#/.NET Service Clients who are able to re-use the existing SericeModel DTOs to enable its optimal typed API without any code-gen, e.g:
var client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl);
var response = client.Get(new Hello { Name = "World" });
Or if you're not sharing DTOs it's also useful for Add ServiceStack Reference generated clients as well.
The return type on your Service implementation is meaningless in ServiceStack, i.e. has no behavioral difference, and would prevent the same Service implementation from returning the same Response DTO, or decorated with a custom HTTP Response, e.g:
public object Any(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" };
return new HttpResult(new HelloResponse { Result = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" }) {
//... custom
both return types adhere to the API's IReturn<HelloResponse> contract
It's only useful for calling inter-process Services using the older ResolveService method, but for inter-prcess requests it's recommended to use the Service Gateway instead which also utilizes the type IReturn<T> interface markers for its Typed APIs.
The routes are not an implementation detail, they're apart of your public Service Contract and should be annotated on your DTOs which are used to define your Service Contract.
public class Hello : IReturn<HelloResponse>
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
Where they're used by the .NET ServiceStack Clients to send Service Client Requests.
var response = client.Get(new Hello { Name = "World" });
For another, accepted HTTP methods are implicitly declared by the service via method-naming conventions - so it seems like the facts about service routing/dispatch are sort of scattered between two layers.
Please see docs on Routing, the Route definition defines which methods the specific route is active on whilst the most appropriate Service implementation is invoked depending on the Request, e.g:
public object GetJson(Customers request) => ... // ONLY GET JSON Requests
public object Get(Customers request) => ... // All other GET Requests
public object Post(Customers request) => ... // ONLY POST Requests
public object Any(Customers request) => ... // ALL other Requests
What is the reason or the design thinking behind the conventions?
A lot of these issues is trying to blur the explicit typed Service Contract of your APIs and its concrete implementation, in ServiceStack these are distinct explicit concepts where all the information about your public Service Contract should be maintained in your implementation-free ServiceModel project.
Please read the Background Concepts docs to familiarize yourself with ServiceStack's purpose and goals.

Return simple raw string in ServiceStack (.NET)

For our internal monitoring, our dev ops team asked us to provide a simple endpoint for the bot to hit. Something like:
If everything is fine, it should return a raw string, something like "GoodToGo"
We have an app currently using ServiceStack and it works fine, but I'm having trouble adding this simple endpoint. Any help would be appreciated. This is what I have, and it's having trouble finding the route for my "service."
public class InternalService : Service
public class EmptyRequest {}
[Route("/monitor/check", "")]
public object Get(EmptyRequest request)
return "GoodToGo";
The [Route] attribute should be on the Request DTO, i.e:
public class EmptyRequest : IReturn<string> {}
public class InternalService : Service
public object Get(EmptyRequest request)
return "GoodToGo";

spring: share value between annotated beans like jsf applicationscope

I am working on a project with jsf 2.2 on the web side and spring 4 on the business side. I have a web filter which receives a parameter from the request url. From this parameter I have to connect to a database. There are cases where there are different databases possible, so depending on the parameter I have to initiate a different database connection. The web filter looks like this:
public final class SecurityFilter implements Filter
private CommonEao commonEao;
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)request;
String instance = req.getParameter("instance");
//I would like to have something here like:
// springContext.addParameter("instance", instance);
String company = req.getParameter("company");
... Do stuff
How does it works? The commonEao contains methods to make queries to the database (JPA/Eclipselink...). At initialization, no entityManager is present in commonEao since it is injected in SecurityFilter before the doFilter is executed when an url is requested. After the url is requested, the instance of the database to use is known through the 'instance' request parameter.
When the method commonEao.getConfiguration(company) is invoked, the first thing that should happen is to create an entity Manager:
public final class CommonEao extends AbstractEao
public final void getConfiguration(final String company)
if (entityManager == null)
//I would like to have something here like:
// String instance = springContext.getParameter("instance");
else ...
As you can see, when the first time the url is requested, no entityManager exists and it needs to be created based on the instance name provided by the request. Based on the instance name the properties files containing database connection parameters will be used the call the Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory functionality... etc etc... :)
What is the idea? The idea that I had, as you can see in my comments, is to put a parameter in some global context/container that is available for all Spring beans. This idea comes from the JSF world, where you can create a managed bean, annotate it with applicationscope, define a variable in it, and access this variable from any jsf managed bean through injecting the application scoped bean with the managedproperty annotation:
public final class SomeJsfBean
#ManagedProperty(value = "#{applicationBean}")
private ApplicationBean applicationBean;
private void method()
public final class AnotherJsfBean
#ManagedProperty(value = "#{applicationBean}")
private ApplicationBean applicationBean;
private void method()
String instance = applicationBean.getInstanceName();
I have some restrictions though. I want to use a global object of Spring. I don't have any XML config in my project. Spring is configured like this and nothing more:
#ComponentScan(value = { "", "" })
public class SpringConfiguration
I have looked in many places, something I found was fetching a property from PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and stuff like that, but I didn't understand how it works and mainly it looks way too complex for what i need: just sharing one variable.
There must be an easy solution like in the JSF world, but i suspect i am looking for the wrong name in the Spring world! :)
Any help is greatly appreciated, this is the last thing I need to fix in my project!

ServiceStack Access Ioc container within Custom CredentialsAuthProvider

I've extended the CredentialsAuthProvider provided by service-stack to allow me to authenticate against a Active-Directory instance. The AD access logic is encapsulated within a custom class called AdManager (see below)
public class AdCredentialsAuthProvider : CredentialsAuthProvider
public override bool TryAuthenticate(IServiceBase authService,
string userName,
string password)
IAdManager manager = new AdManager();
return manager.Authenticate(userName, password);
I was hoping I could register the AdManager using service-stacks built-in IoC "Funq.Container" within my extended "AppHostBase" and access it from within my custom CredentialsAuthProvider? I tried registering it but have not found a way of accessing the IoC (or my registered AdManager object) via the service-stack built in framework.
Am I missing something?
You can access the IOC from within the AuthProvider with the supplied IServiceBase, e.g:
var addManager = authService.TryResolve<IAdManager>();
Anywhere else you can always resolve dependencies using the Singleton:
var addManager = HostContext.TryResolve<IAdManager>();
Otherwise if you know it's in an ASP.NET Web Host you also access it via your AppHost singleton:
var addManager = AppHostBase.Instance.Resolve<IAdManager>();
Service Stack uses property injection as well. I have used property injection when extending the Service class provided by Service stack.
public class MyService : Service
public MyService(IDb db)
//db constructor inject
public IValidator<MyData> MyDataValidator { get; set; }
public object Get(MyData request)
//MyDataValidator is property injected
I believe the same logic can be applied to the AuthProvider. But I havent tested it.

ServiceStack - Empty Request Classes?

I have a question regarding ServiceStack. Why are there empty Request Classes, why do we have to have a Request Class? For example:
[Route("/test", "GET")]
public class Test
public class TestResponse
public string Date { get; set; }
public class TestService : Service
public object Get(Test test)
return new TestResponse { Date = DateTime.Now.ToString() };
If I don't pass an object with my request, my service fails?
Then I'm my Global.asax file, I have:
public class AxDataAppHost : AppHostBase
public AxDataAppHost() :
base("AxData", typeof(TestService).Assembly)
What if I have more than 1 service, in the example above I'm using TestService but what if I have one for Customers, Orders and Products? How do I handle multiple services?
why do we have to have a Request Class?
ServiceStack is a message-based framework that embraces Martin Fowler's Remote Service Best Practices (i.e. Remote Facade, DTOs and Gateway) which utilizes a ServiceGateway to send coarse-grained Request DTOs which commonly returns a typed Response DTO (though services can return anything). Using a message-based design has many advantages and is what enables ServiceStack's typed end-to-end API.
E.g. you can re-use these types you defined your services with:
public class Test : IReturn<TestResponse> {}
public class TestResponse
public string Date { get; set; }
On the client, which is what gives you a typed API without code-gen, e.g:
var client = new JsonServiceClient(BaseUri);
TestResponse response = client.Get(new Test());
Note: you don't even need custom routes as by default ServiceStack's C# clients will fallback to use the pre-defined routes (enabled by default).
What if I have more than 1 service, in the example above I'm using TestService but what if I have one for Customers, Orders and Products? How do I handle multiple services?
In your AppHost base constructor you're passing in an assembly (i.e. NOT a single service):
public AxDataAppHost() : base("AxData", typeof(TestService).Assembly) {}
This tells ServiceStack where to look for and wire-up all your services. You only need to do this once for each dll/assembly that your services are in.
ServiceStack's AppHosts also allows specifying multiple assemblies which you can use to wire-up services located in multiple assemblies, e.g:
public AxDataAppHost()
: base("AxData", typeof(TestService).Assembly, typeof(ServiceInNewDll).Assembly) {}
