Proofs of Applicative laws for haskell instances - haskell

Have all the Haskell instances of Applicative typeclass that we get with the Haskell platform been proved to satisfy all the Applicative laws?
If yes, where do we find those proofs?
The source code of Control.Applicative does not seem to contain any proof that the applicative laws for various instances do hold.
It just mentions that
-- | A functor with application.
--Instances should satisfy the following laws:
It then just states the laws in the comments.
I found a similar case for the instances of other typeclasses (Alternative and Monad) too.
Are the users of these libraries supposed to verify these laws by themselves?
But I was wondering whether the rigorous proofs of these laws have been given elsewhere by the developers?
Again, I am aware that a rigorous proof of Applicate (or Monad) laws for IO Monad, which involves talking with outside world, in general, may well be very much complex.

Yes, the burden of proof is entirely on the library writers. There are some examples of implementations that violate these laws. The canonical example of a law violation is ListT, which doesn't obey the monad laws for most base monads (see examples). This gives very buggy behavior and nobody really uses ListT as a result.
I'm pretty sure most of these kinds of proofs haven't been etched in stone in a standard place. Most of the proofs have simply been repeated and checked to death by various curious members of the community so after a while we know which implementations do and do not satisfy their laws.
To give a concrete example, when I write my pipes library, I have to prove that my pipes satisfy the Category laws, but I just keep these proofs in a text file or an hpaste for future record if somebody requests them. Including them in the source is not really feasible because they can get very long, especially for associativity laws.
However, I think a good practice might be to include, when possible, machine-checked proofs in the original repositories so that users can refer to them as necessary.

There is excellent library checkers which provides QuickCheck properties to check laws.

The experimental library ghc-proofs allows you to use the compiler to verify such laws for you:
app_law_2 a b (c :: Succs a) = pure (.) <*> a <*> b <*> c
=== a <*> (b <*> c)
It only works in a few cases, such as the one described in my blog post, and is best seen as an experiment, not a ready tool.


Must mplus always be associative? Haskell wiki vs. Oleg Kiselyov

The Haskell wikibook asserts that
Instances of MonadPlus are required to fulfill several rules, just as instances of Monad are required to fulfill the three monad laws. ... The most essential are that mzero and mplus form a monoid.
A consequence of which is that mplus must be associative. The Haskell wiki agrees.
However, Oleg, in one of his many backtracking search implementations, writes that
-- Generally speaking, mplus is not associative. It better not be,
-- since associative and non-commutative mplus makes the search
-- strategy incomplete.
Is it kosher to define a non-associative mplus? The first two links pretty clearly suggest you don't have a real MonadPlus instance if mplus isn't associative. But if Oleg does it ... (On the other hand, in that file he's just defining a function called mplus, and doesn't claim that that mplus is the mplus of MonadPlus. He chose a pretty confusing name, if that's the right interpretation.)
Below is the opinion of Oleg Himself, with my comment and his clarification.
O.K. First I would like to register my disagreement with Gabriel
Gonzalez. Not everyone agrees that MonadPlus should be monoid with
respect to mplus and mzero. The Report says nothing about it. There
are many compelling cases when this is not so (see below). Generally,
the algebraic structure should fit the task. That's why we have
groups, and also weaker semi-groups or groupoids (magmas). It seems
MonadPlus is often regarded as a search/non-determinism monad. If so,
then the properties of MonadPlus should be those that facilitate
search and reasoning about search — rather than some ideal ad hoc
properties someone likes for whatever reason. Let me give an example:
it is tempting to posit the law
m >> mzero === mzero
However, monads that support search and can do other effects (think of
NonDeT m) cannot satisfy that law. For example,
print "OK" >> mzero =/== mzero
because the left-hand side prints something but the right-hand
doesn't. By the same token, mplus cannot be symmetric: mplus m1 m2
generally differs from mplus m2 m1, in the same model.
Let us come to mplus. There are two main reason NOT to require mplus
be associative. First is the completeness of the search. Consider
ones = return 1 `mplus` ones
foo = ones `mplus` return 2
=== {- inlining ones -}
(return 1 `mplus` ones) `mplus` return 2
=== {- associativity -}
return 1 `mplus` (ones `mplus` return 2)
return 1 `mplus` foo
It would seem therefore, coinductively ones and foo are the same. That
means, we will never get the answer 2 from foo.
That results holds for ANY search that can be represented by MonadPlus, so
long as mplus is associative and non-commutative. Therefore, if MonadPlus is a
monad for search, then associativity of mplus is an unreasonable requirement.
Here is the second reason: sometimes we wish for a probabilistic
search — or, in general, weighted search, when some alternatives are
weighted. It is obvious that the probabilistic choice operator is not
associative. For that reason, our JFP paper specifically avoids
imposing monoid (mplus, mzero) structure on MonadPlus.
(see the discussion around Figure 1 of the paper).
I think Gabriel and you agree on the fact that search monads do not
exhibit the monoid structure. The argument boils down to whether
MonadPlus should be used for search monads or should there be another
class, let's call it MonadPlus', which is just like MonadPlus but with
more lax laws. As you say, the report doesn't say anything on this
topic, and there's no authority to decide.
For the purpose of reasoning, I don't see any problem with that — one
just has to state clearly her assumptions about the MonadPlus instances.
As for the rewrite rule that re-associates mplus'es, the mere existence
and widespread use of MonadPlus instances that are not associative,
regardless of whether they are "broken", means that one should probably
abstain from defining it.
I guess I disagree with Gabriel's statement
The monoid laws are the minimum requirement because
without them the other laws are meaningless. For example, when you say
mzero >>= f = mzero, you first need some sensible definition of
mzero is, but without the identity laws you don't have that. The
monoid laws are what keep the other proposed laws "honest". If you don't
have the monoid laws then you have no sensible laws and what's the point
of a theoretical type class that has no laws?
For example, LogicT paper and especially the JFP paper has lots of
examples of equational reasoning about non-determinism, without
associativity of mplus. The JFP paper omits all monoid laws for mplus
and mzero (but uses mzero >>= f === mzero). It seems one can have
"honest" and "sensible laws" for non-determinism and search without
the monoid laws for mplus and mzero.
I'm also not sure I agree with the claim
The two laws that everybody agrees that MonadPlus should obey are
the identity and associativity laws (a.k.a. the monoid laws):
I'm not sure a poll has been taken on this. The Report states no laws
for mplus (perhaps the authors were still debating them). So, I
would say the issue is open — and this is the main message to get
The two laws that everybody agrees that MonadPlus should obey are the identity and associativity laws (a.k.a. the monoid laws):
mplus mempty a = a
mplus a mempty = a
mplus (mplus a b) c = mplus a (mplus b c)
I always assume they hold in all MonadPlus instances that I use and consider instances that violate those laws to be "broken", whether or not they were written by Oleg.
Oleg is right that associativity does not play nicely with breadth-first search, but that just means that MonadPlus is not the abstraction he is looking for.
To answer the point you made in a comment, I would always consider that rewrite rule of yours sound.
It's rare that MonadPlus instances violate associativity, but clearly not impossible. Typeclasses can only be counted to satisfy the "obvious" laws up to a certain amount. For instance, four further sets of possible laws for MonadPlus are discussed here without any conclusion and with libraries following various conventions without specifying which.
Clearly, Oleg has a reason to dismiss associativity. Is it "truly a MonadPlus instance"? Who knows, it's not well enough defined to say.

Why do all Haskell typeclasses have laws?

All the typeclasses in Typeclassopedia have associated laws, such as associativity or commutativity for certain operators. The definition of a "law" seems to be a constraint that cannot be expressed in the type system. I certainly understand why you want to have, say, monad laws, but is there a fundamental reason why a typeclass that can be expressed fully within the type system is pointless?
You will notice that almost always the laws are algebraic laws. They could be expressed by the type system by using some extensions, but the proofs would be cumbersome to express. So you have unchecked laws and potentially implementations might break them. Why is this good?
The reason is that the design patterns used in Haskell are motivated (and in most cases mirrored) by mathematical structures, usually from abstract algebra. While most other languages have an intuitive notion of certain features like safety, performance and semantics, we Haskell programmers prefer to establish a formal notion. The advantage of doing this is: Once your types and functions obey the safety laws, they are safe in the sense of the underlying algebraic structure. They are provably safe.
Take functors as an example. A Haskell functor has the following two laws:
fmap f . fmap g = fmap (f . g)
fmap id = id
Firstly this is very important: Functions in Haskell are opaque. You cannot examine, compare or whatever them. While this sounds like a bad thing in Haskell it is actually a very good thing. The fmap function cannot examine the function you've passed it. Particularly it can't check that you've passed the identity function or that you've passed a composition. In short: it can't cheat! The only way for it to obey these two laws is actually not to introduce any effects of its own. That means, in a proper functor fmap will never do anything unexpected. In fact it cannot do anything else than to map the given function. This is a very simple example and I haven't explained all the subtleties why fmap can't cheat, but it demonstrates the point.
Now extend this all over the language, the base libraries and most sensible third party libraries. This gives you a language that is as predictable as a language can get. When you write code, you know what it's going to do. That's one of the main reasons why Haskell code often works out of the box. I often write pages of Haskell code before compiling. Once my type errors are fixed, my program usually works.
The other reason why this is desirable is that it allows a more compositional style of programming. This is particularly useful when working as a team. First you map your application to algebraic structures and establish the necessary laws. For example: You express what it means for something to be a Valid Web Server. In particular you establish a formal notion of web server composition. If you compose two Valid Web Servers, the result is a Valid Web Server. Do you see where this is going? After establishing these laws the teammates go to work, and they work in isolation. Little to no communication is necessary to get their job done. When they meet again, everybody presents their Valid Web Servers and they just compose them to make the final product, a web site. Since the individual components were all Valid Web Servers, the final result must be a Valid Web Server. Provably.
Yes and no. For instance the Show class does not have any laws associated with it, and it is certainly useful.
However, typeclasses express interfaces. An interface needs to satisfy more than being just a bunch of functions - you want these functions to fulfill a specification. The specification is normally more complicated than what can be expressed in Haskell's type system. For example, take the Eq class. It only needs to provide us with a function, the type of which has to be a -> a -> Bool. That's the most that Haskell's type system will allow us to require from an instance of an Eq type. However, we would normally expect more from this function - you would probably want it to be an equivalence relation (reflexive, symmetric and transitive). So then you state these requirements as separate "laws".
A typeclass doesn't need to have laws, but it often will be more useful if it has them. Many typeclasses are expected to function in a certain way, the laws codify user expectations. The laws let users make assumptions about the way that an instance of a typeclass will work. If you break the typeclass laws, you don't get arrested by the Haskell police, you just end up with confused users.

What functionality do you get for free with Functors or other type-classes?

I read an article which said:
Providing instances for the many standard type-classes [Functors] will immediately give you a lot of functionality for practically free
My question is: what is this functionality that you get for free (for functors or other type-classes)? I know what the definition of a functor is, but what do I get for free by defining something as a functor/other type-class. Something other than a prettier syntax. Ideally this would be general and useful functions that operate on functors/other type-classes.
My imagination (could be wrong) of what free means is functions of this sort: TypeClass x => useful x y = ..
== Edit/Additition ==
I guess I'm mainly asking about the more abstract (and brain boggling) type-classes, like the ones in this image. For less abstract classes like Ord, my object oriented intuition understands.
Functors are simple and probably not the best example. Let's look at Monads instead:
liftM - if something is a Monad, it is also a Functor where liftM is fmap.
>=>, <=<: you can compose a -> m b functions for free where m is your monad.
foldM, mapM, filterM... you get a bunch of utility functions that generalize existing functions to use your monad.
when, guard* and unless -- you also get some control functions for free.
join -- this is actually fairly fundamental to the definition of a monad, but you don't need to define it in Haskell since you've defined >>=.
transformers -- ErrorT and stuff. You can bolt error handling onto your new type, for free (give or take)!
Basically, you get a wide variety of standard functions "lifted" to use your new type as soon as you make it a Monad instance. It also becomes trivial (but alas not automatic) to make it a Functor and Applicative as well.
However, these are all "symptoms" of a more general idea. You can write interesting, nontrivial code that applies to all monads. You might find some of the functions you wrote for your type--which are useful in your particular case, for whatever reason--can be generalized to all monads. Now you can suddenly take your function and use it on parsers, and lists, and maybes and...
* As Daniel Fischer helpfully pointed out, guard requires MonadPlus rather than Monad.
Functors are not very interesting by themselves, but they are a necessary stepping stone to get into applicative functors and Traversables.
The main property which makes applicative functors useful is that you can use fmap with the applicative operator <*> to "lift" any function of any arity to work with applicative values. I.e. you can turn any a -> b -> c -> d into Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f c -> f d. You can also take a look at Data.Traversable and Data.Foldable which contain several general purpose functions that involve applicative functors.
Alternative is a specialized applicative functor which supports choice between alternatives that can "fail" (the exact meaning of "empty" depends in the applicative instance). Applicative parsers are one practical example where the definitions of some and many are very intuitive (e.g. match some pattern zero-or-more times or one-or-more times).
Monads are one of the most interesting and useful type-classes, but they are already well covered by the other answers.
Monoid is another type-class that is both simple and immediately useful. It basically defines a way to add two pieces of data together, which then gives you a generic concat as well as functionality in the aforementioned Foldable module and it also enables you to use the Writer monad with the data type.
There are many of the standard functions in haskell that require that their arguments implement one or more type-classes. Doing so in your code allows other developers (or yourself) to use your data in ways they are already familiar with, without having to write additional functions.
As an example, implementing the Ord type-class will allow you to use things like sort, min, max, etc. Where otherwise, you would need sortBy and the like.
Yes, it means that implementing the type class Foo gives you all the other functions that have a Foo constraint "for free".
The Functor type class isn't too interesting in that regard, as it doesn't give you a lot.
A better example is monads and the functions in the Control.Monad module. Once you've defined the two Monad functions (>>=) and return for your type, you get another thirty or so functions that can then be used on your type.
Some of the more useful ones include: mapM, sequence, forever, join, foldM, filterM, replicateM, when, unless and liftM. These show up all the time in Haskell code.
As others have said, Functor itself doesn't actually get you much for free. Basically, the more high-level or general a typeclass is (meaning the more things fit that description), then the less "free" functionality you are going to get. So for example, Functor, and Monoid don't provide you with much, but Monad and Arrow provide you with a lot of useful functions for free.
In Haskell, it's still a good idea to write an instance for Functor and Monoid though (if your data type is indeed a functor or a monoid), because we almost always try to use the most general interface possible when writing functions. If you are writing a new function that can get away with only using fmap to operate on your data type, then there is no reason to artificially restrict that function to to Monads or Applicatives, since it might be useful later for other things.
Your object-oriented intuition carries across, if you read "interface and implementation" for "typeclass and instance". If you make your new type C an instance of a standard typeclass B, then you get for free that your type will work with all existing code A that depends on B.
As others have said, when the typeclass is something like Monad, then the freebies are the many library functions like foldM and when.

Why should I use applicative functors in functional programming?

I'm new to Haskell, and I'm reading about functors and applicative functors. Ok, I understand functors and how I can use them, but I don't understand why applicative functors are useful and how I can use them in Haskell. Can you explain to me with a simple example why I need applicative functors?
Applicative functors are a construction that provides the midpoint between functors and monads, and are therefore more widespread than monads, while more useful than functors. Normally you can just map a function over a functor. Applicative functors allow you to take a "normal" function (taking non-functorial arguments) use it to operate on several values that are in functor contexts. As a corollary, this gives you effectful programming without monads.
A nice, self-contained explanation fraught with examples can be found here. You can also read a practical parsing example developed by Bryan O'Sullivan, which requires no prior knowledge.
Applicative functors are useful when you need sequencing of actions, but don't need to name any intermediate results. They are thus weaker than monads, but stronger than functors (they do not have an explicit bind operator, but they do allow running arbitrary functions inside the functor).
When are they useful? A common example is parsing, where you need to run a number of actions that read parts of a data structure in order, then glue all the results together. This is like a general form of function composition:
f a b c d
where you can think of a, b and so on as the arbitrary actions to run, and f as the functor to apply to the result.
f <$> a <*> b <*> c <*> d
I like to think of them as overloaded 'whitespace'. Or, that regular Haskell functions are in the identity applicative functor.
See "Applicative Programming with Effects"
Conor McBride and Ross Paterson's Functional Pearl on the style has several good examples. It's also responsible for popularizing the style in the first place. They use the term "idiom" for "applicative functor", but other than that it's pretty understandable.
It is hard to come up with examples where you need applicative functors. I can understand why an intermediate Haskell programmer would ask them self that question since most introductory texts present instances derived from Monads using Applicative Functors only as a convenient interface.
The key insight, as mentioned both here and in most introductions to the subject, is that Applicative Functors are between Functors and Monads (even between Functors and Arrows). All Monads are Applicative Functors but not all Functors are Applicative.
So necessarily, sometimes we can use applicative combinators for something that we can't use monadic combinators for. One such thing is ZipList (see also this SO question for some details), which is just a wrapper around lists in order to have a different Applicative instance than the one derived from the Monad instance of list. The Applicative documentation uses the following line to give an intuitive notion of what ZipList is for:
f <$> ZipList xs1 <*> ... <*> ZipList xsn = ZipList (zipWithn f xs1 ... xsn)
As pointed out here, it is possible to make quirky Monad instances that almost work for ZipList.
There are other Applicative Functors that are not Monads (see this SO question) and they are easy to come up with. Having an alternative Interface for Monads is nice and all, but sometimes making a Monad is inefficient, complicated, or even impossible, and that is when you need Applicative Functors.
disclaimer: Making Applicative Functors might also be inefficient, complicated, and impossible, when in doubt, consult your local category theorist for correct usage of Applicative Functors.
In my experience, Applicative functors are great for the following reasons:
Certain kinds of data structures admit powerful types of compositions, but cannot really be made monads. In fact, most of the abstractions in functional reactive programming fall into this category. While we might technically be able to make e.g. Behavior (aka Signal) a monad, it typically cannot be done efficiently. Applicative functors allow us to still have powerful compositions without sacrificing efficiency (admittedly, it is a bit trickier to use an applicative than a monad sometimes, just because you don't have quite as much structure to work with).
The lack of data-dependence in an applicative functor allows you to e.g. traverse an action looking for all the effects it might produce without having the data available. So you could imagine a "web form" applicative, used like so:
userData = User <$> field "Name" <*> field "Address"
and you could write an engine which would traverse to find all the fields used and display them in a form, then when you get the data back run it again to get the constructed User. This cannot be done with a plain functor (because it combines two forms into one), nor a monad, because with a monad you could express:
userData = do
name <- field "Name"
address <- field $ name ++ "'s address"
return (User name address)
which cannot be rendered, because the name of the second field cannot be known without already having the response from the first. I'm pretty sure there's a library that implements this forms idea -- I've rolled my own a few times for this and that project.
The other nice thing about applicative functors is that they compose. More precisely, the composition functor:
newtype Compose f g x = Compose (f (g x))
is applicative whenever f and g are. The same cannot be said for monads, which has creates the whole monad transformer story which is complicated in some unpleasant ways. Applicatives are super clean this way, and it means you can build up the structure of a type you need by focusing on small composable components.
Recently the ApplicativeDo extension has appeared in GHC, which allows you to use do notation with applicatives, easing some of the notational complexity, as long as you don't do any monady things.
One good example: applicative parsing.
See [real world haskell] ch16
This is the parser code with do-notation:
-- file: ch16/FormApp.hs
p_hex :: CharParser () Char
p_hex = do
char '%'
a <- hexDigit
b <- hexDigit
let ((d, _):_) = readHex [a,b]
return . toEnum $ d
Using functor make it much shorter:
-- file: ch16/FormApp.hs
a_hex = hexify <$> (char '%' *> hexDigit) <*> hexDigit
where hexify a b = toEnum . fst . head . readHex $ [a,b]
'lifting' can hide the underlying details of some repeating code. then you can just use fewer words to tell the exact & precise story.
I would also suggest to take a look at this
In the end of the article there's an example
import Control.Applicative
hasCommentA blogComments =
BlogComment <$> lookup "title" blogComments
<*> lookup "user" blogComments
<*> lookup "comment" blogComments
Which illustrates several features of applicative programming style.

What's a suitable data type?

In the question, Seeking constructive criticism on monad implementation, abesto asked people to criticize his "Monad" which kept count of the number of bind operations. It turned out that this was not actually a monad because it did not satisfy the first two monadic laws, but I found the example interesting. Is there any data type that would be suitable for such kinds of structures?
That's an interesting question, and has to do with the mathematical lineage of monads.
We could certainly create a typeclass called something like Monadish, which would look exactly like the Monad typeclass:
class Monadish m where
returnish :: a -> m a
bindish :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
So the monad laws have nothing to do with the actual signature of the typeclass; they're extra information that an implementor has to enforce by themselves. So, in one sense, the answer is "of course"; just make another typeclass and say it doesn't have to satisfy any laws.
But is such a typeclass interesting? For a mathematician, the answer would be no: the lack of any laws means that there is no interesting structure by which to reason with. When we define a mathematical structure, we usually define some objects (check), some operations (check) and then some properties of the operations (...nope). We need all three of these to prove theorems about this class of objects, and, to take one example, abstract algebra is all about taking the same operations and adding more or fewer laws.
For a software engineer, the answer is a little more complex. Reasoning is not required: you can always just use a typeclass to overload syntax for your own nefarious purposes. We can use a typeclass to group things together that "feel" the same, even though we don't have any formal reasons for believing so. There are some benefits to doing this, but I personally feel this throws out a lot of the benefits of having laws, and leads to architecture astronauts who invent abstract structures without a whole lot of thought of their applicability. Maths is a safer bet: the monad laws correspond to left identity, right identity, and associativity, reasonably fundamental assumptions that even a non-mathematical person would be familiar with.
