xPages making continues requests to the server after rebuild - xpages

I have a problem with xPages after rebuild, if a user tries to access a page after a rebuild the webpage starts to make continues requests to server, The application uses extlib and the dyamic content control.
The big problem here is that if you are making interval ajax request in the webpage, the same problem will happend without user actions. So all users having the webpage open after a new design is added will automatically get this problem which could probably kill the server.
I am not sure, but I think this might be a Extension Library problem
There is a youtube video of the problem here:


Meteor error message client-side

I'm using the framework Meteor (Node.js).
I get this error message in my web browser when my project page is loaded:
The connection to ws://localhost:3000/sockjs/622/u2zaukpp/websocket was interrupted while the page was loading.
Why is it occuring?
It happens every single time you reload the page or it gets reloaded by the server.
Basically the page is constantly receiving data from the server (collections data, methods, or simply a ping). Since it is constantly open and Meteor forces a reload on code change (or you did force one by reloading the page), your browser freaks out and shows you this error.
It can also happen if the Meteor process is killed.
Thus, expect to see this error a lot during development, you don't have to worry about it.

Scraping adf faces oracle rich client

I am trying to scrape a oracle adf faces rich client webpage but I am not getting the best of luck, I login automatically using node.js request module but after that I can't get to any other page with request. I get stuck on redirects, the loop script or simply don't get information I expect to.
I am using Wireshark to view every page and the way it handles, I recreate the page to match headers and even size but everytime the framework denies me access.
Before you ask, it's legal and I am not breaking any terms of service. Just trying to make a web api to speed up a process. I have used phantomjs with casperjs but get stuck on ajax calls that don't show on page and php curl but it's much easier with java.
Any suggestions are really really appreciated.
My bad on this one, wireshark was displaying fields as truncated, if you want to see the full field you need to right click the packet and click follow TCP stream, rich clients have very long posts generated by the framework behind the rich client and it appears I was missing about half of them when I did the calls.

Web design/development - alternative to manually refreshing the page?

I wonder if there is a better way to write my PHP sites without always having to manually refresh the page I'm working on. Could there be a program that monitors a folder and automatically refresh my browser whenever a change occurs. I'm developing on a local machine with a local amp stack by the way.
You can achieve this by ajax. In ajax you can check the changes in database if any new record added you can call
in ajax success
Use Ajax poll (checking for status change on server with time intervals) and when the change occurs, either refresh the page with Javascript or replace the part of it to reflect the change.

node-webkit http.Server and page change

I write an application using node-webkit. I want to use HTTP for network communication between computers, running my app. Can I change current page without server restart if server was started from the page?
I thought about child process, but I want to shutdown the server with my application. I don't want to use special network request to the server to close it.
Can I change current page without server restart?
Can I save child process object while page changing?
Do you know other way to do this?
P.S. Sorry for my english.
I found the answer in the node-webkit documentation.
In node-webkit, you can basically do the same thing by using
window.location, you can install it in the onclick event of a link and
node-webkit will navigate to a new page when user clicks it. But by
doing this you would lose everything in window context, you can save
everything in cookies like old web pages, or you can save things in
the global variable, which resides in Node.js's context and will live
through your app.

how to perform a post through chrome extention?

How can I perform a post through the chrome extention, lets say I want to send the current tab page title to a webpage
You can do POST XHRs from chrome extensions to any URL, as long as you have host permissions defined in your manifest. See these docs.
In a chrome extension the best way to try and do what i think you want is via a content script see documentation a word of warning however pinging your server with a POST request every time someone with your extension installed opens a web page is going to be extremely heavy going on your servers especially if you have a lot of installs. A possible solution is to use the content script to keep tally of the sites a user visits and save this data in a HTML5 database (wich chrome supports) then using background.html sending the data at given intervals in bulk with an AJAX request, this will significantly cut down the number of times your server is pinged.
