Google Docs Folder Not Found - google-docs

We are using Document List API version 3. We use two-legged OAuth and get access using permission obtained through Google Apps Marketplace. We retrieve a list of folders contained in a folder as follows:[folder doc id]/contents/-/folder?xoauth_requestor_id=[user name]
We get 9 results. We retain the document ids of these folders. Later on we retrieve each folder using their document id as follows where [user name] is the same as what we used previously:[folder doc id]?xoauth_requestor_id=[user name]
We are able to get the document (folder) for 8 of the 9 but for one of them we get ResourceNotFoundException no matter when we try and no matter if we retry. We know that the folder still exists and the specified user has access to it.
This is similar in nature to the issue that someone else reported recently in:
Document not found
Is this likely to be a google bug? Any suggestions of how to resolve it other than moving to Google Drive API?

How long are you holding onto those document IDs (or really, the contentSrc URL)? I've found that those things can expire after a few hours so you should not cache them for any length of time.


Email Attachments to SharePoint Document Library - Error

I have this weird problem when I try to use a simple default flow template to save email attachments to the company main SharePoint site: (not subsite).
So I get started, by taking all the defaults of this flow, however, once i get to the point of providing the site address and document library path I get the error highlighted in red.
Where I get confused is that when I create a subsite like I enter the subsite address and the folder path automatically populates the folder structure for me to pick where I want to save such attachment.
I have given full owner permission to this test account with same results. So permission is not the problem.
My question is, could it be I'm using the wrong flow to save to a main SharePoint site? or this is something not allowed?
You could check the connector and recreate a new connection to SharePoint.
In many cases, an error code of 403 appears in a flow fail because of an authentication error. If you have this type of error, you can usually fix an authentication error by updating the connection, please make sure you have update the connection.
You could refer to this article.
Just in case anyone has a similar problem, the account to which you are creating a power automate flow must be a site collector to the root SharePoint site.

Control the Activity of a shared folder in Drive

I would like to control the activity of a shared folder that I have in Google Drive.
I am using the Google Drive Activity API to see the real-time information of the files but I came across two problems:
I can only see the modifications in the folder made by me and not by the others. (I suppose there's something about the 2AuthClient token)
I can't get to know if a file was renamed or not (which is not that important at the moment)
I was thinking that maybe a solution would be to ask that each account that has access to the folder to create an Auth2Client token and send it to me. After that run a function for each person who sends their token, the problem I see with that is the simple act of sharing a token which is personal and private but also the fact of doing multiple functions with the same code inside is not very logical.
Has anyone faced the same problem and found a solution?
My code is from the Developpers Google platform: here
And even if in the code it's supposed to get the ActorInfo, it only gives me as the actor because it only sees my modifications and not the other modifications.
Or even if someone knows another way to achieve this task (maybe without google drive activity API) it will be very helpfull. Thanks in advance!
To show the activities to determined resources you have to add one of the following parameters as a union field key: itemName or ancestorName. The default is ancestorName : items/root if no key is specified
As stated in the documentation:
Return activities for this Drive item. The format is items/ITEM_ID.
Return activities for this Drive folder and all children and descendants. The format is items/ITEM_ID.
In your case, as you want to query for a determined shared folder, you should add this inside the Request Body:
const param = {"ancestorName" : "items/<folder_id>"}
Node.js driveactivity library
Activity query

Access files of Document Library site through Microsoft Graph API

I was wondering if the two following queries are actually the same or supposed to be the same:
I would like to access a Document Library Item in a sharepoint site through the relative path.
Please mind that both endpoints below are the same for getting all doc libraries or drive in a site according to the current beta microsoft graph documentation. The latter becomes handy when you dont know the site id yet but the relative site url.[]:/[relative-url]:/drives[site-id]/drives
(e.g. site id: ",4af352a7-a53b-43d9-b0a3-da372b392ea0,52c490f3-3354-40b9-a3c9-fefb08cb5c88" )
Now to get the document library item
Get Document library id from list of drives[site-id]/drives
Get item id from list of items[site-id]/drives/[drive-id]/items
Final API call[site-id]/drives/[drive-id]/items/[item-id]
you could try experimenting the Graph API from here

Outlook REST API - getFolders not returning all folders

I'm just getting started with the Outlook REST API. My baseline is the tutorial that uses node-outlook.
First order of business is to retrieve all of the folders in my mail account.
So I issue this REST request:
Instead of returning all of my folders, it only returns the "well known" folders:
Deleted Items
Junk Email
Sent Items
Am I missing a query parameter or something that says, "no, really, all of them please"?
I tried a different email account, and I also don't get all of my actual folders, but I get a different subset (some of which are well-known, others aren't).
I am implementing the paging protocol (using the #nextLink parameter) so it's not a matter of page sizes. I am getting these 8 folders on one account, and 18 folders on another.
So there must be something that decides what folders will be returned.
I changed to doing a folder sync instead using the "beta" API. In this case, I also get an unnamed folder in the list, which is the parent of the other folders. It comes along with a ChildFolderCount which is accurate. However, when I do a child folder request on that folder id I get the same list.
Here's the request url I'm using when I attempt to read the child folders of the one folder that comes back with a non-zero ChildFolderCount.
Here's what appears to define what folders are returned by this API and what are not:
If I create a folder in office365 directly on outlook webmail, it shows up in this query.
If I create a folder in Mac Mail, it does not.
Mac Mail accesses the service using EWS, so I would expect a folder created by it would be like any other folder.
So there is something about folders created on Mac Mail that prevents them from being returned by this API.
Folders created in Mac Mail DO show up in web mail and vice versa.
Folders created on an iPhone DO show up, so in my limited testing it looks like Mac Mail may be the only app suffering from this problem. The problem I have is most of my folders were created in Mac Mail and I have no easy way of rebuilding them.
I'm thinking this is just a BUG in the API. At any rate, this answers my original question and should help anyone out there trying to use the new API.
If I find a workaround I'll post it here.

Api to access Conversation History and In Place Hold for Office 365

We are trying to access the Conversation History in Office 365 for accessing the chat history.We are using the Rest Apis provided in . However , we are unable to get the folder id of the folder Conversation History . As a result , we are not able to fetch the mails under Conversation History. Is there a way to get access to the chat history under the folder "Conversation History ?
We are also , interested to get the data for chats which might be deleted by mistake by the users from Conversation History. Hence , we are looking for getting the data for in place hold users as well.
Please use to get the messages in ConversationHistory folder. For well known folder names (Inbox, DeletedItems, ConversationHistory etc.), we allow you to specify the folder ID or the well known name. The response always refers to the folder using the folder ID. We will look into why is failing.
