Getting xml for a playlist - custom spotify playlist - spotify

I am looking to create a custom spotify playlist rather than use the generator via the website. I need a way of grabbing this xml, rather like the lookup and search facilities that the webAPI provide. I have tried to use a playlist spotifyURI with the lookup functionality but it doesnt seem to work.
However, using this just gives me the following error :
"You hit the rate limit, wait 10 seconds and try again"
I don't think I have really hit the hitrate, I only tried it a few times.
If this isnt the way to go, what other options are there ? libSpotify ? This seems like rather a bigger solution for just getting some xml for a playlist.
Any help appreciated.

The web API doesn't support playlist lookup at all. If you want to find playlist data, you'd have to use libspotify.


Python - make a search and retrieve a set amount of images from a search engine

I would like to get images from a search engine, to run some automated tests without the need to go online and pick them by hand.
I found an old example from 5 years ago (, which sadly does not work anymore. What is the current method to do so in Python3? Ideally I would like to be able to pass a string with the search name, and retrieve a set amount of images, at full size.
I don't really mind which search engine is used; I just want to be sure that it is supported for the time being. Also I would like to avoid Selenium; I am planning to run this without any UI nor using the browser, all from terminal.
Have you heard of pixabay? There is a nice python wrapper for working with it as well.
Found a pretty good solution using BeautifulSoup.
It does not work on Google, since I get 403, but when faking the header in the request, is possible to get sometimes, data. I will have to experiment with different other sites.
So far the workflow is to search in the browser so I can get the url to pass to beautifulsoup. Once I get the url in code, I replaced the query part with a variable, so I can pass it programmatically.
Then I parse the output of beautifulsoup to extract the links to the images, and retrieve them using requests.
I wish there was a public API to get also parameters like picture size and such, but I found nothing that works currently.

Parsing youtube from one category

I have a task to parse links and titles from YouTube videos from one category (e.g. music).
I know that there's a huge amount of videos so that's my question. How to do it using for example nodeJS?
I have only one idea simply to use phantomJS and scroll scroll scroll down page to get as many videos as I can, but this solution is dumb.
Are there any other solutions, using YouTube API for example or other tools and methods? Key Here
try using this. First find out which category video id you need

Searching for Old YouTube Videos

I'm trying to find all of the YouTube videos created by IGN's channel during the month of February 2014. IGN currently has 118,000+ videos uploaded, so going back through all of them is not possible. I previously used the following Google search string and a custom date range to find them: ignentertainment
This doesn't work anymore for some reason. I'd be much obliged if anyone has any ideas of how to do this. I have no idea what an API is, but if there's a VERY simple way of using that to do what I want that can be explained briefly, I'm willing to go that route.
You can use google to limit the period that it fetches search hits from.
Start by searching using " ignentertainment" or simply "ignentertainment" and then click on the tools button, you now got a new bar between your search bar and the results that can limit time among other things.
Open the time related options and choose to input a specified period and your all done.
Edit: oh and the command ignentertainment sure worked for me.

XPath Data Scraping From Online Community

I recently read this article on how to scrape the community members profile using Excel. And you can watch the video here if you prefer it that way.
Since the release of this tutorial, the Inbound website structure has changed a bit, as you can see at minute 11:00 in the video, if you attempt to copy the XPath of the social media icons it appears slightly different and because of this I haven't been able to extract that information.
Here's what I get now:
This is how I wrote the syntax in Excel:
And then like this:
Although I tried in many different ways, none of them showed me the link to the member's social media profile.
I even tried changing the xpath in multiple ways to get different data from the page, but none of it was the social media information:
I honestly don't know what to try anymore, something's wrong and I can't figure it out. Anybody have enough experience with this or can pinpoint the problem here with my syntax?
Thanks a lot
The first formula you tried looks fine, but this is the one that works for me (SEO Tools version 4.3.4) :

youtube api v3 search returns different results from youtube site

I'm trying to do a search on the v3 api using this url:,snippet&channelId=UCtVd0c0tGXuTSbU5d8cSBUg&maxResults=10&order=date&q=game&key=[API_KEY]
but this returns me only one playlist.
When I do this search on youtube site directly it returns more results to me:
Why this happens, is there something wrong that I'm doing?
We ran into a similar issue when we tried to search for large amounts of content. This is especially evident if you set the time range you're looking for using publishedAfter and publishedBefore to a very small range (say for example 1 hour). Even when we get to very small result sets (you can only paginate around 20 times on the API using pageToken back when we tried it, so it was when our totalResults were less than 1,000), we were finding actually only as little as 540 items.
We reached out to YouTube and our contacts there confirmed that the totalResults are just an estimate, and are not actually accurate. You may get up to the amount of items specified, but there is no guarantee that you will get exactly that. Your best bet is to capture as much as you can, and scan for data using a different time range.
Source: Reddit
In the first one you are using search->list method. Which is searching for channels?
In the second one you are doing a playlist search inside the channel.
You can do the same on API via playlists->list.
(Or if you want the videos inside the channel straight, use videos->list)
Might be a bug. If so and not yet filed, you can file it here:
The problem seems to be caused by the parameter order=date.
Adding order to the "YouTube query" (using channel): ,is not different. However omitting order from the "api request" gives the same result (6 items):,snippet&channelId=UCtVd0c0tGXuTSbU5d8cSBUg&maxResults=10&q=game&key=YOUR-API-KEY-HERE
Note, that with using order=date in the api request only 1 item is shown, while the same response shows totalResults": 6 (which seems to be right). I did not try all, but using order=relevance does not give this problem.
